Was there another meaning in Saradine's blend of brilliancy and abruptness? |
The supreme beauty of glass is still in the purity, the brilliancy, the translucency of its colour. |
The character of Turenne was more remarkable for solidity than for brilliancy. |
There came a day when the metallic brilliancy went out of the sky, and it became softly, mistily blue. |
There was something of the opera bouffe about his methods which abstracted from the brilliancy of his success. |
The radiance of sunlight might well have been less than the blaze of a rush candle before the staggering brilliancy. |
The 'aurora australis' is sometimes seen, but is not distinguished by superior brilliancy. |
Pipestems and beads of Bakelite have the clear brilliancy of amber and greater strength. |
There was a bon mot, which blazed with all the soft brilliancy of sheet lightning. |
Nothing could exceed the delicacy of its features, or the brilliancy of its tints. |
Turner himself is inferior in brilliancy to nature.resemblance of what you saw. |
I say there can be no doubt that the brilliancy of your merit will secure you a favourable reception. |
The gradations and brilliancy of these feather pictures are said to have been marvelous. |
What vigor would it have imparted to my imagination, what brilliancy to my fancy! |
Like the rose cut, the cabochon cut does not give much brilliancy as compared to the brilliant cut. |
For copiousness, sustained wit, and verbal brilliancy the man had few equals. |
It seems to me that the deflagration, by the intense brilliancy of the substances in combustion, is produced in pure oxygen. |
In imagery, there is that floridity that goes dazzling to the sublime with a brilliancy that is captivating. |
How long the young swells have envied Edgar the unusual and fulgurating brilliancy of his headgear! |
Nothing in all history has approached the high-wrought intensity and brilliancy of the political life of Athens. |
What is the faculty which gives relief, brilliancy, and incisiveness to thought? |
Probably this work lost something in incisiveness and brilliancy by being postponed till the writer's old age. |
If, on the other hand, a direct blue is topped with methylene blue, its brilliancy may be enhanced. |
The value of the pearl is based on the brilliancy of the nacre, the size, and the form. |
Napoleon made an effort to dazzle Goethe and Wieland with the brilliancy of his culture. |
The vireos, the cardinal and the tanager add to the brilliancy and the ovenbird and veery to the melody. |
Cheap oxygen would greatly increase the light derivable from oil and gas, as proved in the brilliancy of an oxyhydrogen jet. |
That phosphoric brilliancy is by no means the exclusive privilege of Death. |
It was felt that his brilliancy had a solidity back of it, a quality of flintiness that would endure. |
It may be protected to some extent by lacquering with pale lacquer, but it loses some of its brilliancy and purity in the process. |
Another cause for its brilliancy was that its translucence was not obscured by paint. |
The actual colors are variable but the brilliancy is invariable. |
Long lines of dull brick houses were only relieved by the coarse glare and tawdry brilliancy of public houses at the corner. |
In the early sixties we believed in velocity and clearness and brilliancy. |
But this high-wrought brilliancy, this unceasing point, soon fatigue. |
He looked at her, and the brilliancy of her eyes set his heart on fire. |
She had wished him to observe the brilliancy of Mr. quarrier's game. |
But the brilliancy is here not only penetrating, but also exalting. |
On exposure to light much of the translucency and brilliancy is lost. |
It was produced by myriads of luminous animalculae, whose brilliancy was increased as they glided over the metallic hull of the vessel. |
I can see better there than in the dazzling brilliancy of honours. |
Our wives sum us up according to a standard of their own, in which brilliancy of intellect obtains no marks. |
The kalmia and the alder gave undergrowth and brilliancy to the foliage. |
By contrast with the brilliancy outside, it seemed at first impenetrably dark to me. |
The arc-flame is large and the titanium gives it a high brilliancy. |
The air had all the brilliancy which is so marked at this high latitude. |
John Ring used to handle it adoringly, and kept it polished to brilliancy. |
There was no forgetting the flamboyant brilliancy of her apparel. |
The brilliancy might have be fitted Aladdin's palace rather than the mansion of a grave old Puritan ruler. |
That his understanding has no brilliancy, his feelings no ardour, and his voice no expression. |
In the brilliancy of his gifts he was at least the equal of Bolingbroke. |
The carnations of the painting had withered, but the eyes were still wonderful in their depth and brilliancy of colour. |
The black curtain of the firmament in reality heightened the moon's brilliancy, which in this void of ether unfavorable to diffusion did not eclipse the neighboring stars. |
Her complexion, a little yellow by day, like that of most brunettes, was dazzling at night under the wax candles, which brought out the brilliancy of her black hair and eyes. |
The former was divided between admiration of the brilliancy which exercise had given to her complexion, and doubt as to the occasion's justifying her coming so far alone. |
The last day of the old year was one of those bright, cold, dazzling winter days, which bombard us with their brilliancy, and command our admiration but never our love. |
This moon is nothing more than a thin carcase of fireworks, whose squibs, rockets, serpents, and suns, after a superb brilliancy, have left but sadly broken cases. |
Every expectation held out in the handbills is realised to the utmost, and the whole forms an effect of imposing brilliancy hitherto unrivalled in this kingdom. |