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How to use brilliancy in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word brilliancy? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
I tried to scan some of the slides and they lost quite a bit of their stunning colours and brilliancy.
Using natural or MCD-equipped brilliancy lathing or brilliancy milling diamonds, you can achieve an unequalled surface quality.
With the volume and brilliancy hair spray the hair is brought in perfect shape.
Customers are impressed by the brilliancy and excellent quality of this high-grade product.
That paragon of intellect and industry, whose productions astonish by their number, dazzle by their brilliancy, enamor by their feeling, and instruct by the erudition they contain.
All arwa surface finishes are resistant against external influences and keep their beauty and brilliancy over many years.
She was flattered and courted, till the simple, but keen-witted and ambitious peasant girl had her head turned by the brilliancy of this new world.
The true colour is a real lavender-blue, of such softness and brilliancy that it shines like silver in a strong light.
In the capillary products, these properties facilitate the disentangling and restore brilliancy and sweetness with hair.
This high-tech boat fabric meets the highest demands and its special finish adds to the brilliancy of its colours and long service life.
Never touch the transparent body with your fingers or it will blacken resulting in reduced bulb brilliancy.
The colours which give brilliancy to the sketch are part of the charm.
The high refractive index and dispersion of zircon cause it to approach diamond in fire and brilliancy.
The Ellerhold Group has made it its business to captivate not only with size, but rather with colour brilliancy and outstanding service.
Their colours gain more in brilliancy with lower temperatures.
It owes its brilliancy largely to the protection accorded by Henry II of England to the men of letters of his day.
Devoted to much pleasure and luxury and greatly desirous of giving her court the brilliancy of a European court, Elizabeth prepared the way for Catherine.
Valuable olives and peach extracts give brilliancy, Jojoba oil humidity.
If you could see it, it would appear to you to vary from a dull grey to the brilliancy of the ruby, according to the degree of the spirit's purity.
What do the transparency, the brilliancy and the color of a wine mean?
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Examples from Classical Literature
Was there another meaning in Saradine's blend of brilliancy and abruptness?
The supreme beauty of glass is still in the purity, the brilliancy, the translucency of its colour.
The character of Turenne was more remarkable for solidity than for brilliancy.
There came a day when the metallic brilliancy went out of the sky, and it became softly, mistily blue.
There was something of the opera bouffe about his methods which abstracted from the brilliancy of his success.
The radiance of sunlight might well have been less than the blaze of a rush candle before the staggering brilliancy.
The 'aurora australis' is sometimes seen, but is not distinguished by superior brilliancy.
Pipestems and beads of Bakelite have the clear brilliancy of amber and greater strength.
There was a bon mot, which blazed with all the soft brilliancy of sheet lightning.
Nothing could exceed the delicacy of its features, or the brilliancy of its tints.
Turner himself is inferior in brilliancy to nature.resemblance of what you saw.
I say there can be no doubt that the brilliancy of your merit will secure you a favourable reception.
The gradations and brilliancy of these feather pictures are said to have been marvelous.
What vigor would it have imparted to my imagination, what brilliancy to my fancy!
Like the rose cut, the cabochon cut does not give much brilliancy as compared to the brilliant cut.
For copiousness, sustained wit, and verbal brilliancy the man had few equals.
It seems to me that the deflagration, by the intense brilliancy of the substances in combustion, is produced in pure oxygen.
In imagery, there is that floridity that goes dazzling to the sublime with a brilliancy that is captivating.
How long the young swells have envied Edgar the unusual and fulgurating brilliancy of his headgear!
Nothing in all history has approached the high-wrought intensity and brilliancy of the political life of Athens.
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