I'm afraid that I still break out in a cold sweat when Patricia's being masterful. |
English has a daunting inventory of phrasal verbs, such as break in, break out, break away, break into, break through, break up and break down. |
The re-release of Suspicious Minds has caused something of a war of words to break out between Elvis and Beatles fans in Scotland. |
Unless works were initiated on a war footing, epidemic might break out in waterlogged areas, he warned. |
If you have to break out of the bottom, most of the time the knot to the boom will go before the superglued join. |
The Turks are rampaging across Asia, the first Crusaders are at the Empire's gates, and warfare is about to break out. |
It amazes me that people actually break out in rapturous applause when somebody successfully hits the ball. |
And price wars typically break out during recessions as vendors battle for consumers. |
I began the session by launching into a familiar tirade regarding a series of patterns that I just can't seem to break out of. |
He would break out in a sweat and become so light-headed he would practically faint. |
Of course they have to break out of jail, and the posse who is hot on their tail gets turned back by a sniper in the rocks above. |
It's a place where all the cabbies are loquacious, every stranger is a character, and people frequently break out into song on the street. |
To this day I'd rather walk around in a tatty shirt than break out the needle and thread to fix it myself. |
At any moment he's liable to surprise you with a riff on his trumpet or break out into spontaneous scatting, tapping his foot to a mental rhythm. |
I tensed up, pleading silently that no one was going to break out in a fight again. |
Suzie knows from experience that being a martyr to the workplace is an addiction, and she helps people break out of it. |
Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard a deep throaty laugh, making her skin break out in gooseflesh. |
This angular beastie uses its heat-ray vision to break out of its corral, and then accompanies the heroes on their quest. |
Simply drop down into dense trees, gather some tindery branches, break out your lighter, ignite the wrapper, and start a bonfire. |
As their former host gets digested, the tongue worm larvae break out of their cysts and burrow over to their new host's lungs to mature. |
We're at the stage now where there's a basis to break out of this vicious cycle and actually bring into being something radically new. |
Today the US maintains 37,000 soldiers as a tripwire to ensure involvement should war again break out between the two countries. |
I wouldn't want to see a situation where the the withdrawal of troops meant that a civil war would break out. |
Curtis was very interested, partly because he saw it as opportunity to break out of the dead-end, pretty-boy roles he was becoming typecast in. |
Some spices come as seeds, so that's when you get to break out your mortar and pestle and grind those seeds up to really bring the flavour out. |
If you're extremely sensitive, you might break out in hives and your eyes or lips may swell severely. |
The second CRNA cannot wear a stethoscope around her neck because its rubber tubing causes her skin to break out in hives. |
I'm very tempted to rifle through my wardrobe and break out my denim jacket to wear with my black skinnies and black tee. |
Skirmishes continue to break out in the US over science education in public schools. |
He removed his leather gloves, replacing them with brass knuckles in case a fight was looking to break out. |
While on remand at Winchester Prison in January he had tried to break out of his cell. |
Yes, and once you're in the prison system it's very hard to break out of it. |
It was too narrow, executives decided, and would do little to help the company break out of the event marketing niche. |
Everyone I know has a new four wheel drive and suddenly the sight of my ageing Ford Focus makes me break out in a terrible rash. |
Just the thought of rearranging my nicely planned out routine is enough to make me break out in hives. |
Inman had insisted that his wife deposit the diaries in a vault, for he was terrified of losing them should fire break out in the apartment. |
It's time to break out of that shell and deal with the nitty-gritty details of your relationships. |
While you're at it, open a vintage claret to wash it all down and break out the chocolate-covered ants for afters. |
Their research can help head off not only the Nipah but also other virulent diseases that break out suddenly to plague man and beast. |
Whenever a certain person comes within spitting distance, I still break out in cold sweats. |
The whole thing makes me break out in a rash not seen since the last time I went to a free tequila party at a non-selective fraternity house. |
Do either of you have the urge to break out and be the centre of attention now and then? |
He looked for a moment as if he was going to break out with a torrent of objurgation. |
Open price competition may be limited, although price wars do break out periodically in some oligopolistic markets. |
The stock could very well make a head fake down through the trend line and then immediately reverse and break out to the upside. |
The author is so keen to break out of the straitjacket of conventional narrative that he forgets to include a plot. |
In an attempt to break out of my recent hermit-like state, I've decided to try going out and being vaguely sociable a bit more often. |
They seem to be trying to outact each other, and sometimes they act so hard that they break out in sweat. |
Not many of us can break out the checkbook and write a check to cover such business expenses. |
This is one of those moments where publicists really have to break out the creativity and sing for their supper. |
It is pretty normal for me to break out into a sweat within about 5 seconds of being in an uncomfortable situation. |
Do these people ever wake in the middle of the night and break out in a sweat thinking about what they have done? |
His hours-long meditation was so intense he'd break out in a sweat and would be exhausted by the end of it. |
It was mid summer by now and the weather could be unbearable at times, the sweltering heat making you break out in a sweat. |
In many cases work is a passport to regular food, a decent education and a chance to break out of the poverty trap. |
I was pretty surprised he didn't break out a wah-wah pedal before it ended. |
Well, some of the men actually prefer to break out of the penguin suit mold and dress in their own signature style for performances. |
Heated fire gases and flame in a concealed space can travel upwards several floors and break out in a cockloft. |
As of this week, if I think something's wrong with my home internet connection, I actually break out in a cold sweat. |
Some fights did break out among drunken youths, but security quickly brought these under control and disbursed the combatants. |
It involved putting incompatible prisoners together in a cell, then betting on when a fight would break out. |
Molly gets to break out of character a bit, even dropping the F-bomb at one point. |
But it has not yet been able to break out of the confines of documents and seminar halls. |
He's certainly funnier than James Woods, but the left still needs some better humor to break out of its little pity party. |
This had continued at intervals ever since the 1740s, and even in 1815 there remained fears that war would break out afresh. |
As they sit at the openings of their tents in the cool of the summer evening, on the completion of a long journey, they break out into song. |
Train trips are a good time to fold up your mobile and break out the cribbage board. |
Songs occasionally break out into well-placed free jazz trances, which offer welcome relief from the sometimes cloying vocals. |
So, break out the dice, the tarot cards and the crystal ball, and let's see what Madame Fate has in store for us, what? |
If an Indian war were to break out, Georgians would be pleading for the presence, not the absence, of Redcoats. |
I hate it when I break out in goose pimples and my palms sweat and my throat goes all parched. |
This one was built straight as a die and it doesn't take a royal funeral to break out the bells. |
We tried to estimate 2,000 feet but couldn't break out any distinguishing arresting-gear markers. |
I'd just go and cool out in a corner, I won't jump, because sometimes you could be jumping, enjoying yourself and accidentally touch somebody, then a fight will break out. |
As a swarm of new dot-com brands try to buy their way to brand recognition, clutter makes it difficult to break out, and it's easy to fritter away advertising dollars. |
We watched a group of airborne insects break out of cocoons two stories above the street, crawl down the side of the building, then back up again as butterflies. |
Turning 16 caused our parents to break out in a rash of vehicular insipidity. |
So, we decided to break out an additional index to account for affordability. |
Progressive-minded Afghans want to break out of this circle of warlordism once and for all. |
He finally cajoles her into quiet with promises of a new coach and attendants, only to have a fresh quarrel break out over an expensive rebato she has bought for herself. |
Unless you are testing the job queue itself, break out the logic that would be executed when calling the run method, and test that logic separately. |
There's a tale in which those who choose to go about armed wear a brassard signifying the fact, and legal gunfights may break out at any time over matters large or trivial. |
So break out the mixing bowls and give these recipes a whirl. |
In spite of the numbing silence of intellectuals of recent years, there are signs that the Arab world is beginning to break out of the vicious dead-end cycle. |
Another said just the act of spending money on self-improvement made him determined to break out of his shell. |
They still went about armed even in peacetime, unlike Roman aristocrats in times of empire, and drunken brawls or even complicated feuds might break out at any time. |
Fish shooting is a sport in Vermont and every spring, hunters break out their artillery and head to the marshes to exercise their right to shoot fish. |
There are indications that a new civil unrest may break out. |
You may suddenly break out into a sweat with cold, clammy skin. |
The comedy begins with two friends attempting to break out of jail. |
I had intended to break out the bright colours and make it liveable before the winter of '02, but it became clear that the vendor didn't actually intend to sell. |
Before you hit your sales reps with a lot of questions or break out the hammer and nails to begin building displays, do an assessment of your shop. |
Should they manage to escape, they are to be pursued as dangerous fugitives and charged in the same way as convicts who break out of high security jails. |
Since medieval times their annual fair was famous not only for its heights of bacchanalian revelry but also for the ferocious brawls that would inevitably break out. |
Inside every mobo there's a plasma TV just itching to break out. |
But it's a scattershot effort, abandoned as soon as big fires break out. |
I don't want to wear anything too oily or pore-clogging because I have oily skin in the T-zone area, and break out occasionally. |
By now everyone was aware of their impending doom and chaos was starting to break out, but through it all many people came to terms with their fate and accepted it. |
He invites us to break out of the confinements of academic art and art history in order to open our eyes a little wider and take a glimpse at what is a far greater vision. |
I also have moments when my heart races and then I break out in a sweat. |
For a moment, the joes seem to have gained the upper hand and they attempt a break out. |
Although it can kill if it enters the lungs, blister gas is used mainly to weaken infantry by making the skin break out in excruciatingly painful blisters. |
Any form of independent resistance by workers, any attempt to break out of the straitjacket and control of the trade unions, is to be prevented under all circumstances. |
To tile around pipes and wall mounted faucets, use a pencil to mark the tile where it needs to be cut and break out the marked piece with tile nippers. |
You were thrilled to see this magnificent woman break out of this one horse town. |
She's going to break out of her shell to figure out who she really is. |
To reduce the severity and extent of war if it does break out, for example by limiting possession and use of nuclear and chemical and biological weapons. |
And then two or five years from now, it will break out toward a nuclear bomb. |
During soccer matches, fights often break out between rival supporters. |
I break out in hives when I'm in the sun for more than 10 minutes. |
For once Babbitt did not break out in blustering efforts to keep the party going. |
Dyshidrosis eczema is characterised by tiny blisters that break out in crops on the fingers, palms and feet. |
Entrants can break out their violins, harps and contrabassoons for a symphony seat until the Jan. |
A NEW cod war is about to break out in Scotland, with a battle between champion chip shops. |
Memmius, assassinated during the magisterial elections for 99 BC, prompting widespread violence to break out. |
Should a flood occur, the river may break out of the levees into the surrounding lower flood plain and take a new channel. |
A quick call to my Coral mate Pompey Dave saw me accommodated at 2-1 and I was feeling it was time to break out the Weissbier. |
Now you have to either buy two, or break out the calculator. |
Stephen Burgen was working in the yard at JH Laidler and Son on Double Row when he saw the fire break out. |
Just thinking ahead to the midsummer madness makes us break out in a sweat. |
The good news is that a single dissenter can help the group break out of groupthink and make more rational decisions. |
It is certainly good news that our economy is back motoring, but let's not break out the party poppers just yet. |
There are also reinfections in war-torn Somalia and Syria that threaten to break out into areas once free of the scourge. |
The pain was severe, so I asked the sailor holding my head to break out the morphine syrettes I carried in my left sleeve pocket. |
The work includes the installation of a roller blind which will be automatically activated to seal off any fire which may break out in future. |
A supervisor who views you as his ace will stand up for you if intracompany squabbles break out and you are at the epicenter. |
Jeans break out with a sexy dark rinse bootcut and an on-trend light stonewash bootcut that join the best-selling medium wash bootcut. |
You can curse them as bothersome on your large surf casting rigs or break out your ultralight spinning rods and have some fun. |
When she was alone with you, she could be a bundle of laughs. But if we were going to a large party, Sunny would break out in welts from nerves. |
There were occasions on which fights would break out on the marshes in dispute of the teams that were allowed to use the best pitches. |
Cornwallis, still expecting to receive support, failed to break out while he had the chance. |
With the sizeable Argentine force at Goose Green out of the way, British forces were now able to break out of the San Carlos beachhead. |
A British attempt to break out of the siege across the river at Gloucester Point failed when a storm hit. |
During the night, about 100 French soldiers tried to break out towards Dunkirk but failed. |
Although X Corps had failed in its attempt to break out, it had succeeded in its objective of finding and destroying enemy tanks. |
However, the surrender was a ploy, and the Atuatuci, armed with weapons they had hidden, tried to break out during the night. |
Only thereafter did a brief, inconclusive war break out between the two Germanic leaders. |
Hold a limbo contest or break out the hula hoops and hula the night away. |
Diagnosed with Darier's Disease at the age of 21, the condition causes painful hard blisters to break out all over her body and also causes her nails to split. |
Newsweek can also make you want to break out the party favors. |
To reproduce in mosquitoes, the parasites have to break out of their hiding compartment, called a vacuole, and then bust through the red blood cell's outer membrane. |
A lot of these rappers that come in here could break out in a major way if they wasn't so busy slanging and bangin' and acting like a bunch of fooligans. |
After some minor engagements that culminated in the Battle of Ulm, Mack finally surrendered after realizing that there was no way to break out of the French encirclement. |
Villeneuve managed to break out a second time in April, and this time succeeded in passing through the Strait of Gibraltar and into the Atlantic, bound for the West Indies. |
Pages are filled with inspiring verses, tested strategies, soul-searching questions, and other thought-provoking inducements to break out of closed-minded habits. |
This evermore undisguised adventurous saber-rattling is creating such tense situation on the Korean Peninsula that a war may break out anytime,'' it said. |
Shortland, suspected them of a design to break out of the gaol. |
Inadvertently, then, this translation may help Americans in their struggle to break out of an anachronistic self image and to construct a new and viable one. |
Nobody is saying that disappointing earnings, or aborted IPOs, or catastrophic mergers, or senior management doing the perp walk are cause to break out the Veuve Clicquot. |