While child abduction is nothing new, the perpetrators are becoming bolder and more brazen. |
Had I known my ample posterior would have caused such a stir I would gladly have done anything to be less brazen. |
A spate of brazen jailbreaks in recent years underlined how poor security is. |
It's more brazen, more shot through with the raw ache of relationships and the nakedness of emotional experience. |
From the first page on, there's a blunt, blatant, even brazen certainty in this work. |
The couple is accused of killing a corrections officer in last week's brazen courthouse escape. |
How can such brazen defiance of health and safety regulations be tolerated? |
Here you cannot ignore, barefaced and brazen, the meaning of a ruinous global orthodoxy. |
In the circuit of the wall are 100 gates, all of brass with brazen lintels. |
David asked, hoping to make himself sound brazen as he returned the phone to his ear. |
The first movement is full of blistering winds and brazen sounds, as from an ancient, pagan army. |
It was clear that she was trying to brazen it out, but it wasn't entirely working. |
Stubbornly self-righteous and willful, Higgins demonstrates his ideals in his brazen disregard for the Victorian rules of conduct. |
His performance combines brazen ruthlessness with charm, wit, and clear human frailties. |
Check out their unique collection of brazen ballads, raw country blues and saucy serenades this Saturday from 7 pm. |
Is anyone in this Government prepared to take political responsibility for what has occurred or are they simply going to brazen it out as normal? |
Cleon is worsted not by an upright and dignified man but by an illiterate and brazen cynic who beats him at his own game. |
If he's prepared to brazen it out with the handbag, why not with the geek pie? |
They are surprised into open-mouthed silence at suddenly finding the brazen interloper trespassing within their domestic domain. |
A brazen fanfare erupted from the royal minstrels, and whole ranks of armor-clad young noblemen stepped forward. |
As things get worse, we all know his instinct will be to brazen it out and hang tough. |
As far as I can see the American doctors aren't as brazen as their Australian cousins in calling for a statute of limitations on tort claims. |
But the shift from lampooning celebrities to flattering them was another thing entirely, a brazen case of poacher turning gamekeeper. |
Then we hit the road from Strensall for exactly four brazen minutes along a dead-straight drag strip length, with wide verges for refuge. |
They could be doing more, especially to stop brazen looting and rampant lawlessness that has added terror to the tragedy in the city. |
And it proved that if you are prepared to put in a bit of legwork and be brazen enough to ask, you really can get some reasonable bargains. |
I can only assume from the brazen behavior of these phoebes that they were protecting a nest. |
This was a reaction to the growing diffusion of wigs which attracted attention, and were considered immodest or brazen in both communities. |
A lot of it's just effrontery, sheer brazen nerve, and a sort of monstrous cockiness. |
Everything appears brazen and hard and mighty, suggestive of Angelo's own throbbing spirit and maddened soul. |
A lot of it is just effrontery, sheer brazen nerve, and a sort of monstrous cockiness. |
I did not know that the governor and his cronies were attempting to use the process to extort money and favors in a brazen pay-to-play scheme. |
With brazen effrontery, however, they painted themselves as martyrs for freedom. |
But that pack of bald-faced lies and brazen Orwellisms was a mere amateur's work compared to the Memorial Day speech. |
The brazen birds are becoming bolder by the year, encouraged by litter from takeaway meals and thoughtless people who throw them food. |
Depending on your age, morals and various points of view, she was either the sexiest piece of work around or a brazen hussy or both. |
Where better to locate a grandiose businessman with small-town pretensions, brazen ambition and borderline criminality? |
The interesting thing is that beneath this brazen and rather crude exterior he is a quite a sensitive soul isn't he? |
It's a shabby sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West. |
One especially brazen blag at an art exhibition somehow resulted in a catalogue signed and personally dedicated by the artist. |
She wanted to preserve the brazen fighting spirit the students had exhibited in their sit-in protests. |
It's pathetic that a man of this century should be talking in such an offensively brazen manner about his son's future partner. |
However, sometimes a brazen BFF is so bold, brash and fearless that her naughty behavior threatens to get you both in deep trouble. |
It was a decade when copious talk of universal human rights mingled abhorrently with the most brazen crimes against humanity. |
Peaches makes no apologies for her brazen, in-your-face lyrics. |
And yet brazen bandits prove time and again they are willing to try to return anything. |
The brazen land grab of Crimea was planned while Putin was enjoying the limelight of the Sochi Winter Olympics. |
As the brazen crime leads to the discovery of several bodies, media coverage feeds a sense of security imperiled. |
It is the first time that Iranian TV has publicized this type of report in such a brazen manner. |
Police are warning residents not to confront a gang of brazen and aggressive thieves who have struck more than 50 times in Wiltshire, stealing power tools from vans. |
Hence its brazen efforts to reassert control, by any means necessary. |
Step by step, the penal and custodial apparatus of the United States has become larger, more belligerent, and more brazen. |
But his remarkable combination of grandiosity, self-delusion, and brazen, utter, shameless chutzpah keeps him coming back. |
I stretch out my finger and a brazen parakeet sidles onto it, inclining its head so I can gently stroke its chalk blue ruff, so downy tender that it feels almost moist. |
Some sound concrete clarion calls, some are like string quartets, some trumpet brazen marches, and some squeal in sheer discord. |
We were all thunderstruck by that brazen manipulation of the truth. |
I do not know that, but I know a brazen hussy when I see one. |
The brazen hussy then strolls off in search of a stiff drink. |
No one at Wentworth was brazen enough to make a bold prediction. |
I mean, my standards weren't set too high as I knew her acting ability was probably limited to playing a brazen hussy with a deep voice, but still. |
But the only man she was concerned about stood bold and brazen in front. |
He was forced into an admission, including the use of 2,000 prepaid envelopes to send out the forgery, and hoped to brazen things out with an apology. |
The government is short of cash and will likely brazen it out. |
They just decide to brazen it out and here am I left out in the cold. |
The alternative is to brazen it out and relish the impact you make. |
But anyone with a friend or relative in the US, and an inclination to do so, will blithely continue to brazen it out with the traffic law enforcers. |
Black-cab drivers should beware after a serial fare-dodger escaped a prison sentence last week, despite the brazen cons he pulled on trusting cabbies. |
Here, you can find traces of human residences, including a neglected paddy field, collapsed stone walls, broken nickel silverware, and brazen kitchenware. |
Even after the nation listened to his poisonous weasel words, the little gurrier was still trying to brazen it out to keep his job. |
But the fact is, large parts of Pakistan are embroiled in tribal and religions conflict and off-limits to all but the most brazen journalists. |
Where Romney is careful and cautious, Gingrich is joyfully brazen. |
But he had counted without Sean Mobey who had videoed the brazen 3pm raid on a neighbour. |
The Tennessean out of Nashville, Tennessee, reported on November 5 about a masked intruder who was fatally shot during a brazen home invasion. |
As his two accomplices look on, the brazen bootboy shatters the glass at a family newsagents in the Aberdeenshire fishing port of Fraserburgh. |
If one had to lie at all, the brazen lie was better because brazen lies were so outrageous many people failed to question them. |
Through the brazen hours that followed high noon, we crept onwards through a tunnel of glittering verdure. |
These are sordid customs of dying Western culture which we are embracing and drowning in howls and shouts brazen facedly. |
Coming down heavily on the Bluelines, the court said their very presence on the road give a baleful look because of their brazen behaviour. |
Freshman third baseman Breanne Lookabill scored the game's first run in the third on a brazen baserunning play. |
He exhibited a brazen disregard for other people's feelings. |
The world has been conditioned to expect such brazen sabotage. |
It is storied of the brazen colossus in Rhodes, that it was seventy cubits high. |
The brazen altar that was before the Lord was too little to receive the burnt offerings. |
Of these legends, one of the most prominent was that he created a talking brazen head which could answer any question. |
In the early modern era, he was regarded as a wizard and particularly famed for the story of his mechanical or necromantic brazen head. |
The brazen reorganization of German territory by the French risked threatening Prussian influence in the region, if not eliminating it outright. |
New Jersey police are searching for the man responsible for a brutal and brazen home invasion in Millburn that was disturbingly captured on a baby monitor. |
A BUSINESSWOMAN who called her firm Brazen Hussies had to register it in Scotland after English fusspots said it was demeaning to females. |
In 1898, he won the Slade Prize with Moses and the Brazen Serpent. |