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How to use braid in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word braid? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
And when I've run out of sweetgrass, someone always shows up with a braid of sweetgrass and gives it to me.
She is coming apart, the way a braid does when one has been swimming a long time.
She then proceeded to braid her long red hair into a plait and wrap it around her head like a crown.
I wrung out a cold washrag, let it soak in the hot water as I brushed my hair, then braided it into a tight braid in the back of my head.
Finally ready she slipped on some simple slippers and did her hair up in a loose braid, opting to skip any head pieces for now.
Use the back of your fingernail on your index finger to part and lift a new section of hair to the left of the braid.
Her hair was plaited into one long heavy braid hanging down her back, presumably for ease when travelling.
The dashboard is decorated in purple velour and gold braid, protected from dust by a fitted polythene cover.
If you want to braid your softneck crop, allow the tops to wilt for 2 to 3 days and then braid them tightly and allow to finish curing.
I was surprised, by actually liking the way linen print and cotton braid looks when knitted up.
And sometimes, when I'm in the right mood, I'll braid my hair, tie on a pinafore and whip up a batch of cornpone!
The multistrand material, which glistened almost liquidly, turned out to be grounding braid, more commonly used by electricians than by artists.
The earth wire was then sleeved in Techflex braid and aquarium hose with some heatshrink added to secure the end.
Gold and silver was also beaten and drawn out to be used to make thread for embroidery and braid weaving, often of an ecclesiastical in nature.
A set of cheap white hand towels can be made unique by the addition of colored ribbon or braid sewn approximately 3 inches from each end.
Standing atop one of them, with his back to her, was a man wearing a dress blue Navy uniform with yards of gold braid banded around the sleeves.
He was around 12 years old, a mop of blond hair and dressed like a Harrods bellboy in red outfit and gold braid.
An embroidered cotton upper garment, the valanka, is embellished with tufted fringes and braid along the seams.
Slipping into leather clogs, I looked into the mirror, checking to see if a French braid still neatly held my hair.
I plaited my hair into a thick braid and secured it with a stray thread from the hem of my skirt.
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Examples from Classical Literature
There are several kinds of braid, but the easiest to use is soutache, whether it is cotton or silk.
In braid work and applique, only one stitch must be taken at a time, or else the work will appear puckered.
Two men in knee-length scarlet tunics stiff with gold braid held poles between which swung a huge banner.
There sat his nibs, the captain, togged out with enough 278 gold braid to scare a horse.
She had dark brown eyes and thick auburn hair, hanging down in a ropelike braid.
He liked to braid and unbraid it, to lay his face against it, to plunge his hands through the coolness into the warmth of it.
She had put her own hair down into a braid to be like the girl Dinney had told of.
Her hair was tumbled about her rosy cheeks, unconfined by any braid or comb.
As suggested in the title, the set may be made of point or Battenburg braid.
He took the braid and stared at it unseeingly, as if it had been in truth some such marvel as a mermaid's hair.
Most of the stevedores were hatless, and Chris snickered at the sight of the short braid of hair at the napes of their necks.
Call her a Harvest Hamper, and braid her lovely locks with strings of onions!
They attire themselves with care, they braid the garland, and they tune the pipe.
You braid it just like we braid the daisy stems and the dandelion stems in the fields.
Then her hat got askew, and down came a long braid over his shoulder.
Over this is placed one braid of tussah silk and an outer braid of cotton.
Mary looked up from the serpentine braid she was crocheting.
He wore a short undervest of red velvet edged with several rows of gold braid, and over that a green cloth jacket.
I think, on the whole, I shan't be obliged to learn to braid straw.
The girl let the braid drop back with a sigh that seemed to come from her very toes and to exhale forth all the sorrows of the ages.
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