And when I've run out of sweetgrass, someone always shows up with a braid of sweetgrass and gives it to me. |
She is coming apart, the way a braid does when one has been swimming a long time. |
She then proceeded to braid her long red hair into a plait and wrap it around her head like a crown. |
I wrung out a cold washrag, let it soak in the hot water as I brushed my hair, then braided it into a tight braid in the back of my head. |
Finally ready she slipped on some simple slippers and did her hair up in a loose braid, opting to skip any head pieces for now. |
Use the back of your fingernail on your index finger to part and lift a new section of hair to the left of the braid. |
Her hair was plaited into one long heavy braid hanging down her back, presumably for ease when travelling. |
The dashboard is decorated in purple velour and gold braid, protected from dust by a fitted polythene cover. |
If you want to braid your softneck crop, allow the tops to wilt for 2 to 3 days and then braid them tightly and allow to finish curing. |
I was surprised, by actually liking the way linen print and cotton braid looks when knitted up. |
And sometimes, when I'm in the right mood, I'll braid my hair, tie on a pinafore and whip up a batch of cornpone! |
The multistrand material, which glistened almost liquidly, turned out to be grounding braid, more commonly used by electricians than by artists. |
The earth wire was then sleeved in Techflex braid and aquarium hose with some heatshrink added to secure the end. |
Gold and silver was also beaten and drawn out to be used to make thread for embroidery and braid weaving, often of an ecclesiastical in nature. |
A set of cheap white hand towels can be made unique by the addition of colored ribbon or braid sewn approximately 3 inches from each end. |
Standing atop one of them, with his back to her, was a man wearing a dress blue Navy uniform with yards of gold braid banded around the sleeves. |
He was around 12 years old, a mop of blond hair and dressed like a Harrods bellboy in red outfit and gold braid. |
An embroidered cotton upper garment, the valanka, is embellished with tufted fringes and braid along the seams. |
Slipping into leather clogs, I looked into the mirror, checking to see if a French braid still neatly held my hair. |
I plaited my hair into a thick braid and secured it with a stray thread from the hem of my skirt. |
The woman who swept the stone courtyard wore a traditional Tibetan gown, trim and dark, and had plaited her raven hair into a thick braid. |
Kienan Ademetria brushed his long chestnut braid off of his shoulder as he continued to work on the circuit relay. |
The end of the braid is then passed through the eye of the needle so that about 7cm is pulled through the end. |
But in 1914, the notions of shoulders braid and aiguillettes confound themselves. |
When Margaret tried to braid her own hair, loose strands always refused to be captured, and made a halo around her pale face. |
Turquoise creeks braid through the landscape, feeding immense lakes full of brown trout the size of my leg. |
The long black hair bound back in a single braid secured with a strip of cloth. |
She changed into her bikini, pulled on shorts and a shirt over it, and fixed her hair into a loose French braid. |
Tenderly, Kirby untied the lace from around the rose and retied it around the top of her braid. |
On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, they will learn specialist Japanese braid, cord and tassel making, under Waldman's trained instruction. |
Rosalie had her hair was in a long single messy braid, and her eyes were red and bloodshot. |
Your red hair which you tied into a French braid that morning was still perfectly fine, your knee was skinned. |
The ability to tie a good knot in monofilament and braid lines is an ability to be cultivated and practised. |
Given the tangled circumstances, heavy monofilament or no-stretch super braid is a wise choice. |
Use strips of ribbon or braid to make a family monogram, or embroider it by hand or machine. |
The strands are the sections of the hair that are twined together to form a braid. |
This braid is a lot more difficult to accomplish if your hair has tangles or knots. |
She tucked a strand of mahogany brown hair that had come loose from her braid behind her ear and smiled at Royce. |
This woman's hair was cropped short in haphazard spikes on the top, a braid hanging over her shoulder. |
One great suggestion is using metallic braid ribbon with scalloped edges to spruce up plain metal votives. |
Her long hair hung haphazardly in a sloppy braid and her tunic and leggings were dirty and torn. |
Her hair was pulled into a French braid and she was still wearing her street clothes but had her concert uniform in its bag draped over her arm. |
With braid, crimps are replaced by telephone wire wrapped tightly around the braid. |
Unloop the button and use matching floss or thread to wrap around the braid at the mark. |
She grabbed her hairbrush and vigorously combed through her now messy hair, before pulling it back into a single straight braid. |
The Chancellor's cap shall be a black velvet trencher cap with gold tassel and button and trimmed with three centimetres gold braid. |
When serging decorative thread chains, cording or braid, dab seam sealant on the ends to prevent the chain from raveling. |
It's essential when fishing braid, to add about 30-ft of monofilament to the end of the braid. |
He gently combed the tangles out of her hair and deftly plaited a long simple braid. |
It also means that the hair in the braid remains virgin and when you eventually have the extensions off your own hair is in brilliant condition. |
Her eyes were ice blue and her hair fell in thick blonde strands with a small braid on the side. |
You know, the kind of guy so ungroomed that he has actually found a way to braid his sideburns. |
She felt them braid her hair very tightly and then heard them take the scissors to it. |
She felt it remove the short ribbon binding her hair, felt the braid loosen and her blue tresses whip free. |
The normal solution is to use an over dimensioned webbing or, better in my opinion, a braid bridle. |
She wore her long blonde hair in a thick braid and her white dress swayed about her ankles as she walked to the other side of the porch. |
She'd some slate colors in her possession, and I had worn one of the gowns, trimmed with gold braid. |
It involves a 3-strand French braid and a normal English braid wrapped around the head. |
Names that fit us like oversized coats, trimmed in seed pearls, gold braid, and the hides of baby seals. |
Although the origin of the word is unknown, an inkle is a coloured tape or braid similar to the braids produced in tablet weaving. |
He was a leader, represented by his standard and his throne-like stool, and perhaps the item worn around his neck decorated with gold braid. |
A thick braid of hair hung just above the bench's surface, looking more like a wig than real hair. |
Kat got up and walked over, the black military uniform fitting her like a glove as her brown braid bumped against her back. |
She has black curly hair pulled back into a braid with loose strands pinned back with those bobby pin things. |
He carefully unwinds the fuse from the braid, takes it outside, lights it with his Winston and tosses it in the gutter. |
Her long black hair was tied back in a thick braid, and her blue-gray eyes gazed into mine with a mixture of wisdom, kindness, and nobility. |
Drew entered their bedroom to see Marietta still in bed, wearing a light, cotton nightgown and her dark hair in a long braid down her back. |
The dress went down midway past her knees, and her hair was done up in a complex braid. |
Drenched pants slipping down his hips, his braid unraveled, he watched Ikeda approach alluringly, thick black lashes lowered beneath Shanza's half-lidded eyes. |
No one but Michael Jackson wears knee breeches and gold braid anymore. |
It is an outstanding spin reel for kingies or salmon when used with braid. |
The one that spoke wore his strawberry blond hair in a braid and was tapping a wickedly curved sword against his shoulder, looking none too impressed with the man below him. |
Elegant satin and silk coverings with braid and lace can cost quite a bit. |
Boys let me know they liked me, too, and I realized that I looked good, tall and slim, my long hair in a braid down my back. |
This course will teach you the basics of pinch braiding for braid fusion, bonding, hairweaving, as well as advanced techniques including interlocking and tree braids. |
Lauren has regularly used band collars, epaulets, braid, pea coats, aviators' jumpsuits, and military tailoring as signs of crisp, effective women's attire. |
He wore a tall black hat trimmed with gold braid, a black swallow tail coat with a white silk lining, white knee breeches and black, silver buckled shoes. |
The trappings of male finery included plumed helmets, heavy epaulettes, long swords, tassels, braid, knee-high boots, gleaming escutcheons, white gloves, white trousers. |
She stole a quick look at her wardrobe and picked a long flowing skirt that ended a little below her ankles, she wore an off-shoulder and she wore her hair in a French braid. |
The costume was a very nice military top, green material with a frog or braid across the front, black wool tights with a red decoration on the side, and nice character shoes. |
Jan grabs her braid and tugs it, ignoring her startled outcry. |
She had very long sandy brown hair that she wore in a French braid. |
That neck trailed into a pair of shoulders nearly as broad as he was tall, the massively corded braid of his muscles straining against his red skin. |
Bind the edge with double-fold bias tape, foldover braid or ribbing. |
Her dark hair should have been twined in a missish braid to keep it from tangling as she slept, and instead it spilled in dark silken handfuls over her shoulders. |
Alongside her on the top deck of the Antarctic survey ship HMS Endurance, stood the Duke of Edinburgh in the uniform of Admiral of the Fleet, encrusted with gold braid. |
An army officer's ultimate posing outfit is, of course, his dress uniform, made to measure while at Sandhurst and decorated with lots of shiny brass buttons and gold braid. |
For festive occasions, unmarried women wear small red felt caps adorned with gold braid, and married women don large white hats with starched wings. |
She shook her head to physically remove the thoughts from her mind, and she set about plaiting her hair into a braid, tying the end with a pale purple ribbon. |
He had long coarse grey hair that was plaited in a braid down his back. |
As charming as he is savvy, Abu Hattem cuts a dashing figure, invariably dressed in immaculate robes covered by a thin brown cloak edged with gold braid. |
There was a vivid contrast between the splendour of the gold braid and decoration of the uniform and the jagged holes from the bullet which took Nelson's life. |
Her veil off, Shouket wore her hennaed hair in a long braid. |
A pleasant breeze came in blew strands of hair our of my braid. |
Join the monofilament to the braid with back to back uni or grinner knots. |
The image is freshened by a sky blue ground framing the darker silhouette and accenting the yellow-gold braid of the uniform and Roulin's upthrust bearded face. |
Her hair had come loose from its braid and red marks dappled her chest. |
Often the inner braid fibre is chosen for strength while the outer braid fibre is chosen for abrasion resistance. |
Plaited rope is made by braiding twisted strands, and is also called square braid. |
Sometimes, wealthy men and women would braid their hair and fasten hollow golden balls to the braids. |
Chains of these linked pyridine twins spontaneously braid into double helices around copper ions. |
The uniform jacket with several rows of buttons and a horizontal braid across the front originally worn by the Hussars was also called a dolman. |
Make sure you secure your braid with a firm-hold hair spray to tame any flyaway hairs and leave your style secure. |
Silver chinstraps with black braid design along with a Fiji wordmark adorns the pilot hat. |
We loved the gorge braid stylist Daven Mayeda did on Hayley and asked him to dish the deets. |
The halo braid is a classic French plait that starts at the nape of the neck and continues from ear to ear and loops around the head. |
A thin, small, ageless bellboy, in blue uniform and silver braid, appeared mechanically. |
Well, I can see a bowline on the top and there's a clove hitch over on the side, but I'm surprised you're giving up a good piece of Dacron braid. |
Blood relies hysterically on old school ties while our enlacements all have been made thread by thread, braid upon braid. |
Double braid, also called braid on braid, consists of an inner braid filling the central void in an outer braid, that may be of the same or different material. |
Messily braid remaining hair together, secure with an elastic. |
A petite woman who wears her long honey-colored hair pulled back in a braid, Poncher previously worked as a registered nurse doing discharge planning and quality control. |
Alongside her, on board the Antarctic survey ship HMS Endurance, stood the Duke of Edinburgh, in the uniform of Admiral of the Fleet, encrusted with faded gold braid. |
In solid braid the strands all travel the same direction, clockwise or anticlockwise, and alternate between forming the outside of the rope and the interior of the rope. |
Static kernmantle ropes are made with untwisted core fibres and tighter braid, which causes them to be stiffer in addition to limiting the stretch. |
While this is the very quality that caused a lot of us to switch to braid or fluoro originally, for some types of fishing a bit of give is very helpful. |
During the Thames Jubilee pageant he was aboard the Royal Barge dressed in what looked like an Admiral of the Fleet uniform, weighed down with braid and medals. |
On New Year's Day Mama bakes a cozonac. She hasn't baked one since my birthday in April, ages ago. I follow her into the kitchen to watch her knead and braid the dough. |
Mechanic Steve fished luncheon meat hook bait into a deep hole during a short evening session, fished on a Drennan Specimen hook and 12-inch braid hooklength. |
The unsettling Self-Portrait with Braid was painted the year after Frida had shorn her hair following the divorce. |
James Braid, surgeon and pioneer of hypnotism and hypnotherapy, practised in Dumfries from 1825 to 1828 in partnership with William Maxwell. |
What separates Braid from the dozens of generic side-scrolling platformers on the market is the ability to rewind time. |
The Braid Hills and Blackford Hill are a series of small summits to the city's south west that command expansive views looking northwards over the urban area to the Forth. |
The Braid Taylor Memorial Medal and the Tooting Bec Cup are restricted to members born in, or with a parent or parents born in, the UK or Republic of Ireland. |