Add the herbs and fold half of the fraise des bois into the sabayon while reserving the remaining half for garnish. |
Another tree species on Saint Lucia is bois canon, or cecropia, whose large, palm-like leaves decay very slowly when they fall to the ground. |
Some two hundred coureurs de bois were living in Indian country by the end of the century. |
The coureurs de bois suggested instead that Frenchmen were becoming Indianized, a worrying development for empire builders. |
Under the control of the fermiers were the coureurs de bois, who ordinarily acted as middlemen by trading directly with the Indians. |
What a shock it must have been when they first glimpsed the coureurs de bois, muddy trails, and crude houses. |
The French coureurs de bois, were hunters and traders who depended on the Indians to keep them alive. |
The exploits of the early travellers by canoe, especially the French coureurs de bois, stand among the great adventure stories of all time. |
Late in the 1690s, a bunch of coureurs de bois paddled to New Orleans along with a bunch of Jesuits. |
Both are easily confused with rosewood, particularly as tulipwood is also known as bois de rose in France. |
We do not have to walk too far down the banks of the Ottawa River to see a plaque acknowledging in the mid-1800s the coureurs de bois and others. |
Top with sabayon and sprinkle with the remaining fraise des bois. |
Apparently, they are new fraises des bois crossed with steroids. |
Grapevine bois noir phytoplasma was observed in summer 1998 in some vineyards of Chardonnay planted in 1991, in 2 areas of Molise region, Italy. |
There were the adventurous coureurs de bois who led a roving life in the bush, and the stolid habitants who built homes and cultivated the soil. |
The first European likely to have seen Mackinac Island is Jean Nicolet, a French-Canadian coureur de bois, during his 1634 explorations. |
After travelling several kilometers, we stop for lunch in a genuine coureur de bois cabin. |
The coureur de bois was a nomad who traveled throughout this area, bringing news, stories and a vast knowledge of the land and its people. |
The coureurs des bois of yesteryears had tremendous knowledge of the resources nature had to offer. |
He was followed by other explorers, coureurs de bois, and the fur traders from the Hudson Bay and North West companies. |
Among them were coureurs de bois, guides, interpreters, fishermen and explorers. |
My own recollection of the program, which I watched as a child, was of coureurs de bois wearing anachronistic wristwatches. |
Often the French coureurs de bois married Aboriginal women and had families. |
Jesuits preached to the Hurons, and coureurs de bois roamed inland in search of furs. |
Students researched and acted out the stories of important local figures, past and present, such as voyageurs, coureurs de bois, and the mayor. |
In most cases, bois noir phytoplasma is the causal agent, and flavescence dorée only occurs in the province of Piacenza. |
Were they marketed as crevettes du bois, they might almost find a future among local slow-food connoisseurs. |
Formidable agents of cross-cultural interactions, the coureurs de bois would continue to exert their influence over the course of American history. |
The lucrative fur trade promised a quick profit regardless of license and a flood of immigrants from France between 1650 and 1670 caused the ranks of coureurs de bois to swell. |
There is an appealing mythology surrounding the coureurs de bois, according to which they enjoyed great freedom and flourished in a harsh wilderness. |
He is a baby-hugging campaigner in the populist mould, but, after nearly ten years as president, has perfected la langue de bois, a form of bland political evasion. |
When Quebec City was established in 1608, the coureur de bois was the messenger throughout la Nouvelle France, which included the Maritime Provinces of Canada, Quebec and Maine. |
The few coureurs de bois who were already in the region had to accept the arrival of royal authority, and the Amerindian nations through whose territories the expedition passed were generally hospitable. |
French voyageurs and coureurs des bois explored and settled in Michigan in the 17th century. |
Living there were a few missionaries, some voyageurs, some coureurs de bois, and a few settlers who had gone there from the banks of the St. Lawrence. |
In early times, only the boldest or most dedicated white men would venture out on the Shield: coureurs de bois, missionaries, explorers, voyageurs and fur traders. |
A large number of coureurs de bois, voyageurs and explorers from the St. Lawrence valley continued to settle in the West during the 18th and 19th centuries. |
French coureurs de bois accelerated their penetration of the interior. |
Au milieu de la matinee, elle se dirige vers le garage d'ou elle sort une pancarte en bois. |
The bois d'arc seems to be the characteristic growth of the black prairies. |
The grade five and six students embarked on a year-long exploration of the history of their town, from its establishment by coureurs de bois to the present-day mayor. |
For more than 200 years, explorers, fur traders, missionaries and coureurs de bois travelled the route including: Samuel de Champlain, Jean de Brébeuf, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, Simon Fraser and David Thompson. |
The Ottawa River was gateway to Canada's most famous trade routes used during the coureurs de bois and voyageur era in Canada, and was critical to the development of commercial enterprise, mapping and settlement in Canada. |
However, the logs will first be transported to the École de foresterie et de technologie du bois de Duchesnay to be stripped, sawed and sorted by the students there. |
They may even find themselves accosted by a coureur des bois, a smuggler, a drunk, a dancer or a soldier, called upon to take part in an argument between peasants or to light a candle to guide some explorer's way. |
Among the choicest delicacies offered by my summer garden are the jewel-like fruits of alpine strawberries, also known by their romantic French name, fraises des bois. |
What is significant to notice here, is that Du Bois seems to borrow some of his descriptions of the excellency of art from classical references. |
He wonders if his blackness makes him what Du Bois described as a not-fully human being who occupies the space between human and animal. |
The next three weeks were testing ones for the 7th Battalion, holding a forward position near the Bois de Bavent. |
To paraphrase Bois, in this context it revealed the precariousness of the confidence in bodily and material solidity. |
The first post-war motor race took place in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris within weeks of the Liberation. |
To the same degree that Hughes defines manhood through compassion, Du Bois defines manhood through intellectual curiosity. |
Gilded youths ride in the Bois, wearing yellow, brown or scarlet frockcoats and tight-fitting white nankeens. |
And most importantly, Du Bois stressed the ways in which religious institutions can be recognized as social, communal centers which provide this-worldly rewards and comforts. |
Du Bois repeatedly defended liberal education against those who saw it as impractical. |
A passerby found her body last week, half hidden, half burned, in the Bois de Boulogne on the outskirts of Paris. |
Much of the communities swallowed by the expansion of the city and the construction of the Bois de Boulogne are squalid. |
In relation to the small patchy areas on Packhouse Field, I think you are thinking, are you not, mainly of the patterns in the Fraises de Bois crop? |
Du Bois and Lothrop Stoddard saw the victory as a challenge to white supremacy. |
The affluent style of her boudoir suggests Balzacian Plassy or even the Bois de Boulogne rather than the Faubourg Montmartre. |
The editors of these editions included John Bois and John Ward from the original translators. |
Du Bois, as to the proper emphasis between industrial and classical academic education at the college level. |
Du Bois was an American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author and editor. |
A rare population of melanistic, black fallow deer is also maintained at the Deer Sanctuary near Theydon Bois. |
City Cormeilles Parsis launched a public call for tenders on 2 August 2013 for the construction of a new school in the ZAC des Bois Rochefort with 16 lots. |
Bois dont on extrait un colorant utilise pour la teinture des textiles. |
Additionally, the Bois d'Arc sale to Stone Energy has streamlined Comstock's operations and positioned it to function as a pure-play onshore natural gas producer. |