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How to use blue jay in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "blue jay"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
We here in the East are limited to the common crow, blue jay and, in the western part of our state, to the raven.
We here in the East are limited to the common crow, blue jay and in the western part of our state to the raven.
Presently its chatter attracted a beautiful crested blue jay that flew close and uttered high-pitched notes, wild and fierce in their intensity.
The Royal Crown worn by the blue jay indicates the Province's co-sovereign status within Confederation.
Representative birds include boreal owl, great horned owl, blue jay, evening grosbeak and brown-headed cowbird.
Colloidal silver can cause argyria, in which a patient's skin permanently turns the color of a blue jay.
Still, I saw a family of deer, a blue jay, a New Forest pony suckling, and a buzzard wheeling so low I could count the individual pinions extended at its wingtips.
Found in P. E. I. year round, the blue jay prepares for winter by gathering and storing grains, seeds and suet.
The blue jay symbolizes his Canadian nationality, and their number represents his children.
The blue jay is the official avian emblem of the Island.
The crest combines the blue jay and the red oak leaf, two provincial emblems, with the Royal Crown, all placed on the gold helmet of sovereignty signifying Prince Edward Island's co-sovereign status in Confederation.
A blue jay landed on the white chaise lounge and surveyed it for crumbs.
The rabbit cries when the blue jay makes fun of her buckteeth.
Other bird species that can be found in the watershed are: the blue jay, chickadee, turkey vulture, heron, ducks, Canada geese, owl, robin, crow, swallow, and the woodpecker.
The blue jay was having a fit, and the sapsucker perked his bright-eyed little head at him not more than a dozen feet away.
In contrast, the Steller's jay and blue jay appear to have, diverged more than 5 million years ago.
The Prince Edward Island tartan, the red oak and the blue jay.
Toronto has a Blue Jay Caravan that in the off-season goes across Canada putting on baseball clinics.
We mostly saw the usual sparrows, doves, crows, chickadees, and titmice. Tons of Blue Jay are in flight right now as they are involved in a migration of their own.
Papageno's costume incorporates the bright blue and black of the mischievous Steller's Jay, while Papagena's is based on the Eastern Blue Jay, a related species.
Examples from Classical Literature
Then they went seaward to the place where blue jay and the men were boiling.
I will also exchange a chimney-swallow's egg for the egg of any bird except a robin, blue jay, or chipping sparrow.
The fox squirrel, white-footed mouse, and blue jay are important consumers of the acorns of red oak.
Overhead we often heard the squeal of the red-shouldered hawk, sounding almost like the cry of the blue jay.
About this time the hawk and the blue jay came to see what had made all the noise.
The scissor-tailed flycatcher and the blue jay are aggressive species and interspecific interactions are not unknown.
The boy tried to board, but blue jay threw him into the water.
The parents had nothing like the work of the robin, oriole, or blue jay.
One day it was a goose, another a woodpecker, and another a blue jay.
This was agreed to, and blue jay was selected to dive for the Chinooks.
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