Afterward they were instructed to act out a Simon Says ritual in which they were led into ocean waters, still blindfolded. |
One day they woke him up early at prison, beat him severely, blindfolded him and took him away in a car. |
At the same time, he broke the world motorcycle record for a blind or blindfolded person. |
The inmate is blindfolded and taken to the execution room, where the noose is secured and the inmate's knees are tied. |
The novitiate, blindfolded and noosed, was brought before them and a gun fired into the air. |
The documents are just part of a huge cache of terror tools shown to blindfolded Western reporters. |
The cops took sheets, ripped them up and blindfolded us, threw us into a van, and took us to a holding cell. |
In the synoptics, he is spat upon, blindfolded, struck on the face, and slapped. |
But if she's blindfolded, how does she know which pan of the scale is heavier than the other? |
When they tried to walk toward the targets after being blindfolded or threw beanbags at them, they nearly always missed. |
In Jeff's defense, he can do backside bigspins every time, even while blindfolded. |
After being blindfolded, she waited only a few seconds before a French swordsman severed her head from her delicate neck. |
The invite came with a dart, which each blindfolded guest was required to throw at a giant map of the world. |
Even though he was blindfolded all the time, they kept him alright and they did not mistreat or beat him in any way. |
She suspects she could do something similar by finger-painting while blindfolded. |
He told how he was blindfolded, taken to an interrogation centre and tortured for seven weeks. |
He was kneeling on the floor, blindfolded and gagged and wearing handcuffs. |
Society was looking at itself too much already, was caught in recursive loops, and could more or less do this blindfolded. |
I imagine, though I didn't see it because I was blindfolded, that they were doing it with a razor blade or a scalpel. |
In the recent past, there have been protests wherein agitators had either blindfolded themselves or gagged their mouths to express their ire. |
They all pay their money and are immediately blindfolded, whereupon they are asked to make polite conversation with the person next to them. |
After 15 days several of the prisoners were blindfolded, manacled, and asked to walk holding the person in front. |
Some paragliding pilots liken their sport to paddling a Class V river while blindfolded. |
They ordered the Pueblo sailors to the well deck, where they were tied up, blindfolded, and told to keep quiet. |
Inside a guardhouse in the compound, soldiers found more prisoners bound and blindfolded and showing evidence of abuse. |
She said the two men broke into the house, blindfolded and gagged her before tying up her arms and legs. |
After attracting a crowd in the school hall, the promposal was revealed to a blindfolded and stunned Tina. |
I was handcuffed, shackled and blindfolded and held in solitary confinement for three months. |
He claimed she was blindfolded and sent into the ocean at Dockweiler Beach dressed in a heavy sweatsuit, socks and tennis shoes. |
A lone cadaverous figure standing near a nervous blindfolded donkey was seen centered in the destroyed fields. |
You can always count on this one for some comedy capers as blindfolded people crash into things. |
The new member was blindfolded, tied to a tree and shot with paint pellets. |
We were blindfolded before we travelled some distance to reach his hideout. |
The association asked local dignitaries to discover what life was like for a blind person by spending some time blindfolded. |
She is still blindfolded when a military policeman takes the child away from her and bashes him against the wall. |
Alexander's photomontages also feature masked or blindfolded youths. |
I watched, gobsmacked, as he was blindfolded and went on to identify random objects from the crowd by passing his hands over them but not touching them. |
My hands were tied and I was blindfolded and placed in a terrible prison where they tortured me day and night with electric shocks all over my body. |
The decoration depicts the giant sun mask worn by the blindfolded competitors who attempt to decapitate a dead goose hung up in the town square. |
In the second, about sixty Arab immigrants were herded together in the center of a church, their hands tied and their eyes blindfolded. |
He also took pictures of her in the nude, chained, blindfolded as well as in other positions. |
Some 100 Los Mineros members were blindfolded and forced to kneel while being terrorized by the PFP with live firearms and death threats. |
On the way to these detention centres, the arrested were reportedly blindfolded so that they could not orient themselves. |
He was manacled, blindfolded, held on his knees for hours, beaten, and taken to the infamous Salem prison where he stayed for eleven days without charge or defence. |
The course of the steel prices are similar to a ride on a rollercoaster, blindfolded. |
It usually has a carved head instead of a scroll, the most common one being a blindfolded cupid, giving its name to the instrument. |
She was kept blindfolded and isolated from her father and sister-in-law throughout the period of detention. |
Obituary spent three months writing the album and practiced the songs until they could play them blindfolded. |
You forced them to strip naked and then you blindfolded them and tied their hands. |
Have some students blindfolded, some wearing oven mitts or heavy gloves on their hands and some having no restrictions. |
Ms. Anderson does not try to teach readers how to whip up creme brulee and pot au feu blindfolded. |
Mozart might not have been the spendthrift hellion portrayed in the 1984 film Amadeus, but he could play the piano blindfolded, loved wooing women and wrote bawdy letters. |
He then blindfolded her and led her to her chair at the table. |
It was like throwing a dart blindfolded across an ocean and hitting the bullseye. |
On the ceiling Cupid blindfolded drives a chariot among clouds: it is an allegory of the loving passion, that, blind, determines human behaviour. |
I was thrown in a vehicle, blindfolded and handcuffed, and taken to air force security branch to be interrogated from 6am to 7pm. |
The boat trip came at night, with Slahi blindfolded, and lasted three to four hours. |
This means that the negotiation of equity will be blindfolded and depend of political alliances. |
At a later stage, she was taken clothed but blindfolded to an interrogation room. |
In many cases these are already prepared by interrogators and detainees are forced to sign while blindfolded and without reading the contents. |
The committee was of the opinion that animals should only be blindfolded when this was necessary to calm them and only for short periods. |
He was held incommunicado for more than two weeks, subjected to humiliating treatment, and taken blindfolded and handcuffed to the courtroom. |
At this stage, the task is made increasingly difficult, with the runners blindfolded or made to hop. |
When his feet became swollen, he was forced to run in a long corridor, still blindfolded, after which he was again beaten. |
He was taken into a room, blindfolded and led to believe he was going to be hanged. |
But his planned attempt to walk over Chicago while blindfolded may be the craziest yet. |
But there was no way, as they stood there blindfolded in the darkened room, to know if they were being told the truth or not. |
The video showed a blindfolded man kneeling on the ground with his hands bound behind his back. |
Festivals almost always feature waterborne activities, ranging from athletic events like blindfolded canoe races to rituals that include offerings to water spirits. |
After giving him full instructions on how to lace me into it, I was blindfolded and I heard him unlock the door to one of our unused rooms into which he led me. |
I remember thinking that if I were blindfolded and forced to taste and identify this carbonated atrocity, I would have guessed it was antifreeze, aftershave or pond water. |
It gives them an excuse to treat the hostages badly, and God knows it's bad enough just to be taken hostage and to be confined in some filthy room and maybe blindfolded. |
The three were presented to the press on Sunday morning blindfolded, manacled to chairs and showing signs of severe beatings. |
He subdued the man and gagged and blindfolded the young woman. |
As the blizzard of redundancies and closures continued through the 1970s and 80s, finding investment for such ventures was about as easy as crossing a motorway blindfolded. |
For the benefit of those listening to a simulcast of this on the radio, Rosie's blindfolded and that's Alec Baldwin talking after breathing in a balloon. |
It's about one of the prisoners who did escape as they were marched out there, blindfolded and put before mass graves, and they mowed them down and they buried them. |
While a small band is playing and singing the traditional song of San Juan, blindfolded dancers from the audience try to hit the calabash with a stick. |
After producing the knife he subjected them to a terrifying experience during which he made them hand over their valuables, blindfolded them, tied them up and raped them. |
Other detainees separate from the 14 have told the Guardian that they were blindfolded, put on to army helicopters and thrown out of the aircraft almost at ground level but unaware of their altitude. |
There we also experienced some blindfolded exercises. |
Some of them began to spit on Jesus, and they blindfolded him and hit him. |
There are people in this House who would probably not notice that they had been illegally abducted if they had been confined to an aircraft, been blindfolded and taken away, but that is irrelevant. |
Yet that does not mean that I have been a blindfolded zealot applauder of everything our politicians do in foreign relations. |
Every move works blindfolded, everything must be perfect. |
We should not go into this blindfolded and not prepared to deal with the inevitable consequences of relaxed trading agreements with our trading partners. |
We must be the eyes for those who are blindfolded. |
The current pantomime of half-naked, blindfolded prisoners with their hands tied together owes nothing to chance in a country that, as we know, is in torment. |
My long suit used to be playing simultaneous games blindfolded. |
Upside down and blindfolded is no way to travel, but this tranquilized black rhinoceros and 18 others are now a lot better off. |
Using a combination of seeing and blindfolded activities, we will explore eight specific gazes and how each one changes our state of being and each can be a way to intensify awareness in our connections. |
They were blindfolded, their hands were tied, and they were shoeless. |
You are blindfolded by rubber eyecups so that you can tell what's around you only through your ears. |
That seems altogether much more likely than the fanciful story that Her Royal Majesty, blindfolded, simply struck a hatpin in a map of the colony. |
The wearer of a more old-fashioned hand would need to do this slowly and by eye, and even then might fail. Mr Sorensen, by contrast, could do it blindfolded and wearing ear mufflers. |
Another co worker's husband was also arrested, but he returned to tell of his being blindfolded and handcuffed for 13 hours in the cold and rain, while he was beaten and urinated on. |
For example, to investigate optical illusions prompted by light, a blindfolded person would be exposed to stroboscopic flashes of colored light in the otherwise dark and silent room. |
Alvara Pascual-Leone has recently shown that, in sighted adults, as little as five days of being blindfolded produces marked shifts to nonvisual forms of behavior and cognition. |
On a trip through a dangers quarter in the capital, I was stopped by a group of 10 to 15 year old ruffians with weapons and I was brought blindfolded to their leader. |
They have been stripped to their underpants, blindfolded, handcuffed, paraded before television cameras, insulted, kicked, beaten and detained in unhygienic conditions. |
He has been interrogated about alleged links to al-Qa'ida and reportedly forced to make a false confession following torture and while blindfolded. |
The newest member would be blindfolded and made to swear a secret oath of allegiance. |
His wrists had been manacled, his eyes blindfolded. |
Beyond the jarring spectacle of blindfolded men in orange suits and manacles, the whole idea of locking people up indefinitely without trial looked un-American, a perversion of the values of a nation ruled by law. |
As he opened his front door, they pushed him into his home, tied him up and blindfolded him, beat him over the head with a baseball bat, attempted to drown him in the toilet bowl, then vandalized his entire home. |
A HOUSEMAID allegedly gang-raped by 10 men has told authorities she was dragged into a car, blindfolded and taken to an apartment were the attack took place. |
During his disappearance Cpl Hassoun appeared in a videotape apparently being held by militants, blindfolded and with a sword poised over his head. |
The mountain peaks were seen as terrifying, the abode of dragons and demons, to the point that people blindfolded themselves to cross the Alpine passes. |
At his first rendezvous, De Marsay is blindfolded and driven endlessly through the streets, an estranging device which makes his native city a sexual labyrinth. |
The saga of Newt Gingrich's ethics suddenly resembles a brawl between blindfolded boxers who flail away so wildly that each lands a haymaker on his own jaw. |
A female funambulist, Maria Spelterini, on various occasions tightrope-walked across the Niagara Gorge with peach baskets on her feet, blindfolded, or manacled. |