The only thing I'd want a hand blender so I can mutilate vegetables at high speed. |
Place the coriander, cumin, peppercorns, and fenugreek seeds in a coffee grinder or blender and grind coarsely. |
Use immersion blender or cappuccino machine steam attachment to froth carrot foam mixture. |
Roughly chop the tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, onion and garlic and combine in a blender. |
Blend together the coarsely crushed biscuit crumbs and melted butter in a food blender. |
Place all the ingredients in a blender and whizz for approximately one minute until smooth. |
If soup is too thick, heat more apple juice and chicken stock, add to soup and return to blender. |
Peel and then puree the cloves in a blender or food processor using 2 parts vegetable or olive oil to 1 part garlic. |
In a blender, combine the passion fruit pulp, passion fruit juice, coconut milk, lemon juice, and lime juice. |
Pat the tomatoes dry on kitchen paper and then place in a blender with the rest of the vegetables, the herbs, the vinegar, Tabasco and passata. |
Throw a couple overripe bananas in the blender along with some milk, plain yogurt and a couple of ice cubes. |
Before the extraction of RNA and flavour compounds, samples were deseeded and powdered under liquid nitrogen using a blender. |
In a food processor or blender, combine tomatoes, pepper, salt, coriander powder, ginger and jalapeno peppers. |
Marina now hovered over me with a complete set of dental instruments, a blender, and what looked like a microwave wired into a lawnmower. |
However, the reason it is truly grim is because it is badly sung, poorly produced, and mixed in a food blender. |
Whizz the avocado, yoghurt, milk, lemon juice and vinegar in a blender until smooth. |
You need quite a few to make the juice for this jelly, and it is much easier to do if you have a blender or food processor. |
The pectin didn't blend well into the liquid, so to get rid of any lumps, I used a hand blender. |
If you can only find whole chipotles, puree 2-3 peppers along with some adobo in a blender to proceed with this recipe. |
The recipe she gives us involves whipping the pudding in a blender as the last step. |
In a food processor or blender, whirl 4 cups rinsed fresh or thawed frozen raspberries until smooth. |
Use either a hand mixer, blender or whisk to beat the hot chocolate until it's frothy. |
Make the dressing by mixing the yoghurt, tahini paste and olive oil in a blender or with a small whisk. |
Froth sauce using a hand-held immersion blender and drizzle foam atop ravioli. |
Remove the muslin bag then whiz the vegetables and liquid in a food processor or blender until smooth. |
Roughly chop the beetroot and whiz it in a food processor or blender with the garlic, pine nuts, grated Parmesan and sea salt. |
To make the pancakes, whiz the flour, salt, eggs and milk until smooth in a food blender or liquidiser. |
In a blender or food processor, combine garlic, garbanzo beans, olive oil, tofu and lemon juice. |
Using hand-held blender or whisk, mix together potatoes, flour, milk, eggs, egg yolks, pepper and daikon. |
To finish the sauce, using an immersion blender, froth the sauce until foamy, add the crayfish meat, and set aside keeping warm. |
Use immersion blender or cappuccino machine steam attachment to froth the carrot foam mixture. |
This chilled yoghurt and cucumber soup is light, immensely refreshing and incredibly pretty, frothing up in the blender to a pale, minty green. |
Puree mangoes in a food processor or blender and drizzle over rice pudding, angel food cake, sherbet or lowfat frozen yogurt. |
You can also put pudding in a blender with your shake to make a thicker drinkable version. |
Crack the three or four eggs into a kitchen blender, whisk for thirty seconds and you get instant consistent pure egg emulsion every time! |
Remove the cheese rind, and transfer the soup to a blender or food processor. |
In addition, the blender has a 100-pound insulated ice bin, refrigeration unit for six products, hot water dispenser and built-in jar rinser. |
For a smooth sauce, run the applesauce through a food mill or buzz it in a blender. |
In a blender, mix shiso leaves, grapeseed oil, olive oil and scallop juice until combined. |
Combine the yoghurt, iced water or stock, sea salt and pepper in a liquidiser or blender. |
Froth reserved soup with immersion blender and top each serving with froth. |
Tear the bread into pieces and add to the blender with the vinegar, olive oil, Tabasco, sea salt and pepper. |
Place the pumpkin, ice cream, milk and cinnamon, nutmeg and mace into a blender. |
Abalone ovaries were homogenized in a Waring blender in solution D as previously described. |
Holly and I came over with several cases of cream soda, a blender, and a book on Feng Shui. |
A professional tea taster, he was Typhoo's chief blender before joining Mumbo. |
In a blender or food processor, combine the roasted red peppers, garlic, ginger, jalapeno, scallion, soy sauce, vinegar, and honey or sugar. |
A mix of malts like the new Cardhu usually takes the name of the brand-owner or blender, not the distillery. |
Put the chocolate into a blender and pour on the hot milk and cream and leave to stand for one minute. |
You can make a watermelon smoothie by running some chilled, seeded melon cubes through a blender with a little water or lime juice. |
In a blender, blitz together the balsamic vinegar, thyme leaves and garlic. |
But behind the hockey pads and blender parts, there ticks a mind obsessed with ticking people off. |
Put the zest into a food processor or blender with the sugar and process until the sugar looks damp and the zest almost disappears. |
You can do this in a small food processor or blender, or by firmly whisking. |
For example, the VHF radio, engine sync and trim tabs are optional but the blender, six-disk changer and cooler are standard! |
Put away knives, the blender, mixer, toaster, food processor, and hot appliances when not in use. |
Chop up the cores of five or six stalks of lemon grass and put them in a blender with a tumblerful of spirits, blend thoroughly. |
Lubricate a large stockpot with grapeseed oil and using a hand held blender with whisk attachment, spin the hot mixture. |
Barrie had to nose more than upward of around 60,000 casks before becoming Glenmorangie's master blender. |
It is the complex task of a master blender to combine both malt and grain whisky to create a whisky with a more sophisticated taste. |
The oil and fuel blending system consists of a drain pan for collecting the waste oil and a pump and blender with hoses. |
Put the natural yoghurt into a small blender with the garlic, ginger, salt, oil, leaves from three of the coriander sprigs and the gram flour. |
But that's what happens when you throw two wars into the same economic blender as two tax cuts. |
In 1997, Joy Spence became the first female master blender in the spirits industry. |
His talent, diligence and passion for whisky make him an exceptional master blender. |
Take your plastic containers, blender and paintbrush to your target location. |
Sherwin Williams chemical coatings is looking for a part-time paint blender. |
For fussy children who don't like veggies floating in their pasta sauces or soups, puree the ingredients in the blender first. |
It's like comparing the sound of a broken blender to the sound of harp strings blown by the wind. |
Fristam, for its part, will soon introduce a new shear blender with a rotor-stator system that eliminates any unblended product. |
Remove from the oven, skin the tomatoes then place everything, including any juices, in the blender. |
It was like being inside a blender as the bogie rattled and bounced around. |
Remove onion and potato, using a slotted spoon, and place in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. |
Maybe the cold coffee had heightened my senses, or possibly because it was a nice day more people were requesting drinks involving the blender. |
Once the chickpeas are tender, remove the herb sprigs, and put four ladlefuls of the soup into a blender with two ladlefuls of very hot water. |
If you like a smooth soup, place a third of the mixture in a blender with cream cheese and sour cream. |
Anyone who has ever cleaned a blender should understand that the base easily unscrews and the tines come out. |
Put chillies, spring onions and coriander in a blender and blitz until finely chopped. |
Combine all the ingredients in a large measuring jug, then use a hand blender to make it into a froth. |
Blend spinach and ricotta or cottage cheese in a blender or work together through a sieve. |
In a blender or food processor, puree the cilantro, mint, Parmesan cheese, and 3 Tbsp. of oil. |
I swear I need a mini-fridge, a toaster, a coffee maker, a blender and a microwave under my desk! |
In a blender, combine honeycomb ice cream and half-and-half, and blend to desired consistency. |
I watched in amazement as it made light work of blending a whole assortment of foods, which, from experience, I knew my cheap high street blender would never have handled. |
In this hilarious spoof, Schwarzenegger joins fake QVC host Jimmy Fallon to promote two items, a blender and a Slap Chop. |
In Japan, the master blender is the most important person in the production process and is as revered as a chef. |
I always rewashed the filmy blender when I arrived the next morning. |
A blender also can be used to prepare both triturations and successions. |
Chop the beetroot and place in a liquidiser or blender with the juice. |
Pulp raspberries in a blender, sieve the sauce then add sugar to taste. |
Glenmorangie's new master blender says she was born to the job. |
The problem was that our tea blender made the entire building vibrate. |
Puree using a stick blender and stir in 25g unsalted butter. |
When the vegetables are soft, cool briefly, then puree them, along with the stock, in a blender or food processor in two batches. |
In an earlier programme she spent seven minutes making pea soup by liquidising frozen peas, water and stock cubes in a blender before heating it for ten minutes. |
Now put the chufas in a blender until they turn into a soft paste. |
It requires only a large pan, a variety of vegetables, good stock and perhaps a hand-held blender, if you prefer smooth and creamy to thick and chunky. |
Break the cloves off a garlic bulb and toss a handful into the blender. |
Other ingredients which find their way into the blender include a pinch of Salt, Black Pepper, some grated Onions, Coriander, grated Parsley and some Cream. |
For the basil emulsion, in a commercial blender, combine the piquillo peppers, basil leaves, and olive oil and puree until smooth, about one minute. |
In a blender, mix one tbsp of honey with one peeled and cored apple. |
Return to the blender and add the softened gelatin and blend again. |
With the blender running, slowly add both oils until emulsified. |
With the blender running, slowly add the oil and blend until emulsified. |
Sous-vide machine, vacuum sealer, stand mixer, Thermomix, toaster oven, and stick blender. |
Tell the toaster oven you love and appreciate it, then have at it with a nail bat while it sleeps lest it sway the eggbeater and blender its way. |
Place crayfish and fresh pepper in a blender, add small water, liquefy and cook for 20 minutes or until tender. |
Add them to the pan with the plum tomatoes then, using a hand blender, blend until the soup is smooth. |
In a blender, whirl until smooth and slushy the remaining cranberries, cranberry juice, sugar, lime juice, tequila, orange liqueur, and ice. |
Next, prepare mint sauce by combining ingredients for the sauce together in a blender until smooth. |
The ingredients were sun-dried and ground to coarse particles using a blender liquidizer. |
Allow to cool for 5 minutes before blending in a liquidizer or with a hand blender until smooth. |
Blitz with a hand blender or a liquidiser, check the seasoning, then stir in the chopped herbs and serve. |
But in the film directed by Doug Liman, the action-star persona of Cruise is put into a phantasmagorical blender. |
Break out the blender and try them in this blueberry Grape Smoothie. |
Take a head of red cabbage and put it in a blender with a some water. |
Add chocolate milk, vodka, whiskey, ice in blender and blend. |
Her fanciest cooking equipment included a large blender, a heavy-duty electric mixer and two waffle irons. |
Combine the remaining ingredients in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. |
Puree 2 to 3 cups of the bean-vegetable mixture in the blender with enough water to make a smooth purre. |
When the residents want to run a blender to make a smoothie or watch TV, they have to hop on an exercycle hooked up to an electric generator. |
In a blender, combine the tomatillos, garlic, cilantro, lime juice, poblanos and 1 teaspoon of salt. |
Individuals holding these views challenge the existing Western binary and categorical sex-gender system, increasingly identifying as bigender, gender blender, or gender-free. |
Put 280 g chopped ripe rockmelon, 125 ml orange juice, 1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger and 8 ice cubes in a blender. Blend until smooth and pour into tall glasses. |
In a blender or food processor, whirl to blend 2 large eggs or 6 large egg yoks, 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard, and 2 tablespoons lemon juice or white wine vinegar. |
In food processor or blender, pulse graham crackers and Twix until fine. |
Take the NFL and WWF, add a dash of Real World, and jam it into a blender. |
Bonsai masters, for example, start moss carpets under their miniature trees by grinding moss and mud in a blender and troweling the slurry onto the soil. |
But Ramsay's blender could only muster eighth place, one place lower than Worrall Thompson's pounds 50 model from Breville and four behind the Argos cheapie. |
I'll use a dehydrator to make some nutburgers or crackers or a quick flip of the blender switch or food processor for a salad dressing or nut pate. |
Maria Marte is delicately spooning a smooth parsley sauce from a blender into a bowl, in preparation for one of the most exclusive meals money can buy in the Spanish capital. |
Any old concrete mixer or plaster pugmill will do for a blender, and a square shovel or hoe on a concrete slab would be good enough for a government job. |
Jimmy Lah was pouring some soapy blender concoction for the bar's only customer besides himself, a fruitcake with a roosterish yellow Mohawk and oversized pink eyeglasses. |
Place the veg in a liquidiser or blender and puree until smooth. |
The mixture becomes homogenized before it exits the blender. |
A new gravimetric blender is designed to feed high levels of regrind in flake form, using a patented reverse-flight mixing auger in the feed throat instead of a paddle. |
Throw it all in a blender and zhoosh it until it's creamy smooth. |
Liquidise the liver with eggs, milk, oil and garlic in blender. |