A survey of 2,200 drivers showed that one in three suffered mood changes blaming the weather, tiredness or even poor road surfaces. |
In a satirical perspective, it may be blaming us for disregarding funerary rituals, for keeping death in an undomesticated, barbaric status. |
The 25-year-old watched from the sidelines during his team's 1-0 victory, blaming the accident for his absence. |
Traders stop blaming losses on so-called Black Swans and instead accept that their own models are wrong. |
It was one of the rare cases in which blaming the messengers is totally justified. |
The annual shopping gala looked set to be cut to three days this year with the organisers blaming a lack of cash and interest. |
So is blaming the fact that women bear children for lack of professional progress simply a convenient excuse? |
Once you start, it is essential that you don't just blurt it all out as this may sound like you are blaming him. |
The community must look at itself critically rather than blaming the rest of the world for its problems. |
Many people are now asking why he would do such a thing, blaming his famous ego for getting the better of him, as it has before. |
There will be no point blaming the employer, it is ourselves we will have to blame. |
From his tone I wondered if he was partially blaming me for this inconvenience. |
It now makes multi-billion profits while blaming the government for high petrol prices. |
What should we be doing now, so that in another 50 years they will not be blaming us for our lack of foresight? |
Whining, complaining, blaming and making excuses are detriments to good communication. |
The council has now promised to withdraw the advert, blaming an administrative error for the blunder. |
This study and the other one in the magazine blaming fast food and its advertising is wrong. |
I can recall blaming a sibling for all sorts of naughtiness when I was younger. |
So let's see change and stop forever blaming motor vehicles for environmental and climatic change. |
Yesterday, the commission played down the figures, blaming a harsh winter for the increases. |
They must put their houses in order, however painful it is, and stop blaming the west for all their ills. |
Oh, and if you think you will get away with blaming it all on him, forget it. |
I feel somehow justified in blaming this utter lack of sporting ability on my upbringing. |
Some people are blaming the trend on a violent youth culture, now exported worldwide through animation, comic strips and video games. |
I still did not like the tone of the meeting, during which I felt like the principal was somehow blaming the situation on me. |
In other words, it's a way of blaming the victim even though the victim has not done anything blameworthy. |
And then everyone begins blaming and moralizing, and there's a lot of talk and writing about the return to '50s morality. |
Change yourselves, you morons, and stop blaming your inadequacies on others. |
No good blaming the shortcomings of the single mother without considering the abandoned responsibilities of the father. |
Just because a bad workman always blames his tools doesn't mean blaming one's tools is a sign of being a bad workman. |
There has been a letter from the warden of Morley College blaming Moloko's for distress to their residents. |
American psychiatry is said to have changed from blaming the mother to blaming the brain. |
There can be no sulks, no horrendous body language on the court, no blaming other people for defeat. |
His outburst blaming the vandals on the estate for frightening his wife to death, was a jarring moment of realism. |
We've gotten used to blaming parents for the waywardness of their children, when we don't blame the children themselves. |
Don't go blaming a dead archbishop for this, and don't blame global warming either, just blame an unusually southerly jet stream. |
Instead of packing a sad and blaming your problems on me, how about you get a backbone and defend your assertions? |
That's all I'm saying, is we have to start blaming the barrel and not simply saying there are a few bad apples who corrupted the barrel. |
Even with your defense of the article, it seems to me that she is blaming women for the glass ceiling that limits their advancement. |
He didn't want to embarrass Ashley by blaming anything on her, so he just figured he'd charm his way out of it. |
From his initial statements, we see Antony bewailing his outcast state and blaming it on Cleopatra. |
The effect on her character development if she gets away with blaming him will actually be much worse. |
At the moment, with the scandal freshly broken, everyone seems to be blaming everyone else. |
Critics of free enterprise have set their sights on business schools, blaming them for recent corporate scandals. |
I don't want politicians blaming each other and pointing the finger at each other on the international stage. |
This encourages invalidators to look at their own feelings rather than blaming others for things that go wrong. |
So blaming itself is a very satisfying emotion, but there is no remedial benefit from it. |
Instead of feeling sorry for yourselves and blaming everybody else, ask what you as a business community can do to help the area. |
I hear much about how my sort of gabbling amounts to nothing but blaming the victim. |
Start by accepting this responsibility and stop blaming others for your failures. |
According to them, the people blaming them are actually responsible for the stream's present condition. |
Growling softly at the guard, pretending to be my usual, ornery self and blaming him for the shortness of chain. |
Bolton health visitors are blaming it on the sugary snacks and convenience food they eat. |
The finger-pointing and the blaming, perhaps that's a defense mechanism on Gary's part. |
The discussion about everything else we should be blaming and banning is just ridiculous. |
My only new reservation stems from her blaming her band for playing the wrong song. |
The network host tweeted her disgust at the open victim blaming and concern trolling by her male colleague. |
The parties were blaming each other and the Unionists sensed a stitch-up as he entered discussions with the South. |
I am in no way blaming the current carers or family day care who are doing the best they can. |
But we cannot just resort to blaming the present incumbents for our circumstances. |
Dr Pugh said he had not been informed he needed to register with the commission, blaming officials for failing to notify him. |
When you have to confront your child, avoid blaming, criticizing, or fault-finding, which undermine self-esteem and can lead to resentment. |
We must not look to blaming the referee to cover up our own inadequacies, but he had a poor game. |
No use blaming only one partner because it takes two hands to clap just as it takes two to tango! |
Imagine a country where instead of rooting out discrimination, many policy makers are busily blaming women for their disproportionate poverty. |
Experts have been speaking against the importing of grown trees for some time, blaming the practice for the exploitation rural natural resources. |
A fourth was to attack the social problem not directly but indirectly, by blaming a particular scapegoat for its emergence. |
What will it take before people stop blaming everyone but the doers of evil? |
Officials are blaming delays on the newness of the centre and improvements to the quality of assistance being offered. |
Bravo, too, for the general misogynist stereotyping, victim blaming and general mansplaining. |
There are prisoners from Louisiana excusing their crimes by blaming boredom. |
Why are we blaming that bar person, bar owner, or whoever it might be, for the problems we face in our society? |
Such a statement can only lend support to those who would accuse her of blaming victims and excusing batterers. |
He accused the top officials of blaming each other with no one willing to bear the responsibility. |
Some of us just refuse to react, blaming the messengers for their message and accusing the scientists of scaremongering. |
He was already bitter toward his creator, blaming God for the death of his beloved wife and unborn child. |
I am definitely more about making people aware, that you had better do something for yourself instead of sitting around blaming everyone else. |
He is blaming his failure to secure the country and win the support of the population on the smallness of our military presence. |
The pair, who tied the knot in Las Vagas in 2001, have apparently begun a trial separation, blaming work commitments for their growing apart. |
She had not agreed to it, although in a statement she admitted partly blaming herself. |
And would the pope issue edicts blaming the United States for bringing the whole tragedy upon itself? |
The US military spent most of that day denying that it was their mistake, instead blaming the Iraqis, claiming that Iraqi artillery had misfired. |
He has to stop blaming others and recognise that local councillors badly mishandled this situation. |
Predictably, the farmers and the press are blaming the government for mishandling the crisis. |
So you think, even though they agreed today for this dignified statement, they still continue to pursue a concept of blaming the dead? |
Mr Tout accuses me of blaming children from Westbury Junior School for all misbehaviour during ' trick or treating ' at Halloween. |
It's time that politicians stopped blaming their shortcomings on the population. |
He was in fine sook form last year, blaming Brisbane for being better. |
Now, she says, her coworkers are actively pranking each other and blaming it on the ghost. |
And, as noted with victim blaming, this undermines men as thinking, rational, conscious beings. |
Aznar jumped to conclusions, quickly blaming Basque separatist organization ETA for the al Qaeda attack. |
But blaming contemporary politics for the deep roots of inequality in Scotland is a misdirected, short-term fixation. |
It seems to me as if Carrie may be blaming the meds when actually the thing that was blinding her was her feelings for Brody. |
This time the captive was forced to make a speech blaming the British government for his death. |
The global warmists, of course, are blaming it on man-made global warming. |
These jokers are trying to make everyone cranky and blaming it all on us. |
A school shooting in north Moscow had politicians quickly blaming American culture as a corrupting influence on Russian youth. |
The theory is that Fraser recoiled from the idea of blaming a widely revered figure, and fellow Westminster alumni, especially one who cannot now defend himself. |
As is their wont, Melrose will no doubt withdraw into themselves and adopt a siege mentality, blaming referees and everybody else for problems which are of their own making. |
Some will undoubtedly start blaming the people and repeat the worn out excuse that the talk of freedom and democracy is futile for such a people as ours. |
Better roads in cities that receive heavier rains are testimony to the fact that blaming the rains is a lame excuse for poor quality of public works. |
In this process, we see the fallacy of blaming others for our emotional reactions and we are less likely to act out antagonistically or violently toward others. |
I stopped blaming myself for letting Tom treat me like that. |
I think the only way we will survive is if we live apart, the main reason is because he is constantly blaming the fact that I am a model, for the problems I am having. |
She lashed out at everyone, blaming them all for her rusty skills. |
Taking my Constitutionals indoors removes the option of taking the day off and blaming it all on the interaction between sun, earth, and atmosphere. |
Mr Woodhead ran Standard Fireworks in Huddersfield until a Hong Kong company took it over and moved production to China, blaming excessive factory controls in this country. |
Kremlin television began airing documentaries blaming sites like VK for all manner of societal ills. |
He rambles and manhandles the equipment, testily blaming newfangled technology when he has difficulty with basic tasks such as placing a compact disc in a player. |
I am offering an ethic of authenticity, removing all excuses that some philosophers attach to us like barnacles, blaming parents, climate, social class, whatever. |
The mother had told him a long story about the children being bewitched and the house haunted, blaming a neighbour for laying a curse upon her children. |
The second lesson must be that we need to understand that blaming the residents of Sighthill for the events of the past week is simply misguided and a travesty of the truth. |
However, Pat does not recognize how similar she is to her father and persists in blaming the failure of the relationship to sustain her on his coldness, and miserliness. |
I've been blaming the Internet for my inability to take the binky away. |
Second, he grossly misrepresents the views of the American people, blaming them for an increasingly unpopular policy pursued by the US ruling elite. |
It is no good blaming motorists for all the snarl ups in the town centre. |
Indeed, blaming bad local governance and the existence of corrupt middlemen is like concluding that our sleeveens and gombeen-men of the 1840s were responsible for the Famine. |
Government authorities who have been blaming red-muzzled mice for the mutilations now must explain how the mice carried the bovines into the tank. |
She tried to rationalize her grandson's strange behavior by blaming it on the boy's father. |
The Afghan government will issue a news release obliquely blaming Pakistan. |
More recently, Japanese politicians have been making capital out of blaming the nation's woes on outsiders, particularly those from other Asian countries. |
An interim report into a gas leak on a North Sea oil platform which killed two workers was condemned by a union yesterday for apparently blaming the men for the tragedy. |
That's worse than farting in an elevator and blaming the blind kid. |
I recently listened to one of those ubiquitous radio phone-ins where a caller was blaming the political parties for putting it on the agenda and pandering to public bigotry. |
Instead of blaming cricket they should admire the foresightedness and thinking of the cricket administrators and try to take a leaf out of their book. |
And while disclaiming responsibility and blaming others, many suffer unnecessarily because of wrong priorities, wrong choices, squandered opportunities. |
Rushdie is a supporter of gun control, blaming a shooting at a Colorado cinema in July 2012 on the American right to keep and bear arms. |
On 8 September 2012 in defending the UK government spending cuts, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg accused Carwyn Jones of blaming London. |
The Apulians used tarantism as an excuse to hold orgies, blaming their behaviour on spider bites. |
Mercer gives simple and effective advice to help you rid your company of the complaining, blaming crybabies that drag down productivity. |
Das Taschentuch's combination of kaffeeklatsch, blaming, and mucus do not add up to redeeming literary value. |
However, Severus betrayed Albinus by blaming him for a plot against his life. |
I'm a socialist but feel blaming disgustingly rich footballers for all of society's ills has become the easiest of cop-outs. |
Vogts announced his resignation in 2004, blaming the hostile media for his departure. |
Each story gives true-life examples of blaming others, guilt trips, self-pity and lying. |
While partying and pulling all-nighters are obvious culprits, researchers are also blaming the use of phones, tablets and TVs before bed. |
In 2008 and 2009, Honda, BMW, and Toyota all withdrew from Formula One racing within the space of a year, blaming the economic recession. |
The Church and European society were not always so zealous in hunting witches or blaming them for misfortunes. |
The cross-examination of the plaintiff was just insult to injury, blaming the victim. |
She can't unabort, and trying to blame a previous abortion is rather like blaming illness on that old lady next door cursing you. |
Self-abasement is a process whereby through criticizing, blaming, or otherwise derogating the self, the individual seeks to allay anxiety. |
Elsewhere in Uruzgan, two sheperds were killed in a blast in Chora district, Himmat said, blaming the insurgents for planting the landmine. |
Can you really blame Windy City blowhards for blaming everything this morning on Rio? |
Republicans robo-called Americans during their dinner and evening hours, blaming the annoying calls on Democrats. |
In response, Belgium withdrew all of its peacekeepers, blaming UNAMIR for failing to rescue their men. |
Microprint, which produced the RTE Guide, announced last week it was closing blaming rising costs and increased competition from England. |
In May 1999, she gave a bizarre performance while standing in for Terry Wogan, blaming the incident on a lack of sleep the previous night. |
What could be more ouroboric than members of the media who specialize in blaming the media. |
Haig held out despite being lobbied by the King, until Lloyd George backed down in March 1919, blaming a recently sacked pensions minister. |
However, the author insists on blaming the Federal Government of Nigeria for the horrendous plight of Biafrans that resulted from this impasse. |
I covered the serious programmes too, and indeed, right from the start, I spent more time praising than blaming. |
But the police bluntly prepared its report blaming the CAB for the power trip, without even showing the report to the other members of the committee. |
Of all the lousy excuses for running scared, Cameron hiding behind a Green figleaf is up there with Adam blaming Eve for that incident with the apple. |
We argue that blaming low fruit set on the performance of a discrete lineage of anthophilous insects as poor pollinia vectors must be approached with caution for two reasons. |
A watersports club is blaming boy racers and vandals for its closure. |
Basically, instead of blaming the U.S. government or society or poor parenting for the way our children behave, we'll just blame Canada. Everything is Canada's fault. |
Alan Pardew finished by far the most frustrated man at the Emirates, blaming fatigue for the fact that Arsenal were able to kill his team off in the dying minutes. |
Mugabe has maintained the revolutionary socialist rhetoric from the Cold War era, blaming Zimbabwe's economic woes on conspiring North American capitalist countries. |
Both Clapton and the venue apologised the next day, blaming 'technical difficulties' for making sound conditions 'unbearable' for Clapton on stage. |
In March and April 1969, loyalists bombed water and electricity installations in Northern Ireland, blaming them on the dormant IRA and elements of the civil rights movement. |
The PDC released a statement blaming the incident on human error. |
Martin is blaming everyone but himself for the show going down the pan. |
If that was the understatement of the century, nobody in theIf we're with Lions' squad was blaming the Welshman for their dreams being ripped away. |
However, a teary-eyed Anna is adamant it's over for good and poor Faye is devastated, blaming herself for their split and all the tension she's caused. |