This was a delicious dish, not blackened so much as to give it a charred taste, but cooked to perfection. |
Its thick, gummy oil has blackened hundreds of miles of coastline in Spain. |
The buildings are made from a sandy beige stone, doorways are partially blocked with sandbags, windows are ragged blackened holes. |
Eyes closed, he felt merely the cold presumable sting against the side of his head through his blackened hair. |
The formerly bright brickwork of nearby buildings was charred and blackened. |
The blackened walls from a fire that happened some four years ago reeked of cigarette smoke and mustiness. |
In the spring I saw some old blackened pods and thought they were insect galls. |
He wondered how I cooked them through without charring the outsides to a blackened crust. |
My wife was positively gruesome with a witch outfit, long knobby nose, cackling laugh, a fright wig and blackened teeth. |
Her stomach grumbled as she hungrily eyed the sausages sputtering on the blackened grill. |
Another team were being lashed by bracken fronds and splashed with water as they tried to cross the beck while blinded by blackened goggles. |
Two professional cleaners had been sent to the property to clean the blackened cream carpet, soiled by wild parties, but with little success. |
It was just a sort of blackened, charred wreckage, smoke rising and emergency services all over the place. |
The punching bag lay in a thousand blackened pieces on the floor, material and stuffing scattered everywhere. |
Next to the mishmash of blackened dahlias, nicotiana rose staunchly and the roses that had been buds the day before were unfurling. |
Twelve Vandemonians with blackened faces pushed off from shore in two whale boats. |
The 33-year-old, stationed in Harlem, ran his hand through his hair, his face blackened and stubbly. |
Chunks of moist chicken, bursting with taste and tenderness, are grilled on a brochette with slices of blackened onion. |
Once the peppers have blackened, remove from the grill and, while still hot, place in a freezer bag and seal. |
To this day, he has supporters who believe vested interests and disgruntled enemies blackened his name. |
Bloodstained snow, heavy cloaks, blackened eyes, Indian rites, puritanical fire and brimstone and the ominous howl of vicious wolf beasts. |
The entire ceiling was like blackened ash, though through some miracle the spiderweb had survived. |
The large marble fireplace, which was engraved with the images of climbing vines, still retained its blackened cinders. |
Her hair was blackened and sodden, and her skin was yellowing, like parchment or old bread. |
All that was left of the aircraft was a burned-out wreck, with blackened pieces scattered across the sands. |
Cathy hangs out of one of the car's blackened windows and waves graciously. |
Already the hissing had quieted, and the hanging veils of blackened smoke and steam had begun to disperse. |
Beads of murky water dripped down stone walls blackened by grime, and the floor was cold gray stone. |
The elf cast a jaundiced eye over the blackened mountain, which was still oozing lava. |
My oven mitts bear characteristic blackened circles in the exact shape of my stovetop burners. |
Evidence of the war was clear in Nick's arrival in the burned town and in the blackened hoppers. |
Even the light of the Guggenheim is transformed, its walls blackened and its radiance dimmed to churchy darkness. |
I look past them, at the blackened edges of a curb, the smooth marble of a ledge, the angle of a rail. |
A blackened heap of rust and iron, the old stove sat in the corner of the living room. |
It was covered with a slab of original limestone, still blackened from fire and inscribed with the date. |
The week-long break will allow builders into the school to repair the blackened classrooms and attempt to make the main school building liveable. |
They live off begged and stolen food, in a room blackened by the smoke of the struggling stove. |
It was draped loathsomely in ragged finery, now soiled with blood and gore that blackened slowly in the heat that enfolded it. |
The sauce is chunky and has a sweetness from the lightly blackened tomato skins. |
The one lowlight came in the form of the lasagna, which although it tasted fine on top, was blackened on the bottom. |
We also munched our way through the blackened salmon tandoori, a succulent Balbir staple. |
The Boschian art direction here is impressive, with awe-inspiring architecture and angry, blackened skies. |
This canopy is patched together of blackened corrugated steel, curved in a low arch against its structural inclination. |
These iris diaphragms are made from tempered and blackened steel leaves mounted in a metal ring. |
The roadside was dotted with Iraqi tanks blackened by direct hits on their dug-in dirt bunkers. |
Madame had ordered a Queen size New York strip steak, medium rare, while I went for the Tex-Mex dish of blackened chicken fajita. |
The green fields were blackened and the trees had been stripped bare by locusts. |
You know, I remember when meat loaf came back as some comfort food and blackened everything was in vogue. |
This kind of photograph is a unique positive picture produced on a thin sheet of iron blackened by tar. |
The weapon never hit its mark, bouncing off of a barrier made from blackened shadows. |
He wore the same blackened ring-shirt and dark clothing as when he had left, but now they and he were begrimed and streaked with dirt. |
Production lines were left blackened and charred, hundreds of tonnes of ingredients were ruined. |
He wore a blood red bandana across his forehead, keeping back his blackened hair that lay mostly in a keep-back. |
Over the hours bruises had formed along the side of her face and her left eye was blackened. |
Inside the blackened wall of the cottage something fell over and sent a shower of sparks into the sky. |
Safia appeared at the doorway clutching three plates of blackened fish in a pair of huge flowery oven gloves. |
Walking along the wet roads, empty apart from small gaggles of students, past big buildings of dark grey stone blackened by rain. |
Thousands of doves took to a sky already blackened by a massive cloud pluming over the cityscape. |
There were a lot missing words, where the paper had been blackened and burned away. |
By the time help arrived, most of the parents had fished their children out of the blackened water. |
Meanwhile place the peppers under a grill and cook, turning until blistered and blackened all over. |
The leather of the binding was badly scuffed in places and the edges of the pages were blackened with ingrained dust. |
The material became dark, paint blackened, as I rubbed harder, more and more vigorously. |
If I was in fact standing, the ground beneath me was blackened by the perpetual darkness of this now empty dream. |
Vale watched helplessly as a series of explosions reduced the once-proud cruiser to a blackened derelict. |
The ground itself was blackened and burned, and was several feet lower than it should have been. |
Flames leapt up around them, black smoke stained the sky, blackened out the moon. |
Also at this time they blackened their women's teeth to make them more beautiful. |
Their faces were blackened, and pointed sheepskin or paper caps were clapped on their heads. |
It is believed that ancient Hawaiians blackened their faces and limbs when in mourning. |
She delved inside the bag and felt the miniscule amount of produce, now blackened by the heat. |
Jack grinned then, his teeth flashing white through the charcoal that blackened his face. |
Young girls blackened their faces and hobbled like cripples to avoid molestation but it made no difference. |
They had blackened each other's faces and then hers, pocketed their watches, reversed their caps. |
What is a well known is that Romans blackened the reputation of their enemies so their own ruthless barbarism might appear in a better light. |
I deliberated over the crayfish and lobster bisque or spiced blackened tuna with Moroccan couscous, coriander oil and sweet chilli sauce. |
After they were dead, their reputations were deliberately blackened by lawyers defending their killer. |
The brothers believed that, while the inquiry seemed to clear Ministers of wrongdoing, it blackened their own reputation. |
But a lot of innocent people had their names blackened and their careers damaged during the hunt. |
Although their faces were pixillated the family believe their names have been blackened by the arrests. |
Fairly or not, the reputation of the world champion has forever been blackened by his association with drugs. |
Ash was now falling on to the ships, darker and denser the closer they went, together with pieces of pumice and rocks that were blackened and shattered by fire. |
The rear ramp dropped open, and Lance Cpl. Williams saw a blackened hull spouting flames 30 feet high. |
But inside the destroyed entrance, down the blackened hallways, through the blown-out doors, there is a room with a light on. |
Which may be why we so want to see his blackened head, pulverized by taxpayer bullets. |
Death and its hideous aftermath can come at the hands and blackened teeth of reanimated corpses or the deranged, power hungry gun muzzle of a fellow survivor. |
The impact caused a fire in the rear of the vehicle which then spread inside and raged through the entire bus, leaving nothing but a blackened skeleton. |
At the far left side of the main wall is a blackened recess. |
An instant of heat and he was suddenly standing at the edge of a great expanse of grassland, the grass withered and blackened in places but generally a dry yellow. |
During his initial work-up he admitted he had a 45-year history of chewing two packages of tobacco daily and that his right little toe was blackened. |
With a determined step she marched purposely toward the blackened doorway. |
The skin is blackened to form a crisp casing that seals in the meat's moisture, and slathered in a distinctive sauce made with allspice, potent Scotch bonnets and thyme. |
On closer inspection, he found a friction wound, blackened with scabs, on the back of Patch's neck and a chain tether, with a blue nylon rope, nearby. |
He smiled slowly at her expression, revealing blackened teeth. |
Kels asked him, smiling to reveal a row of soot blackened teeth. |
The structure was badly damaged and blackened but remained standing. |
The gang of older boys, eighth graders, had found him out there, and when Jinx found him, he had bruises across his face and one of his eyes was blackened. |
The once snow-white stones were now blackened by a combination of being burnt out and years of built-up dirt and dust, casting a midnight shadow over the landscape. |
I blackened my teeth, coloured them against the advice of my dentist. |
Not only that, your personal credit rating is not blackened in Ireland by a business failure, providing you wrap up with Companies Office procedures. |
A Yorkshire historian is calling on the Queen to help to clear Richard III of the double child murder which has blackened his reputation for more than 500 years. |
As his skin blackened, a sickly aroma exploded throughout the alley. |
His smoky shots of blasted earth and gnashing machinery, spraying explosions and blackened pits create an oppressively alien landscape hostile to man and woman alike. |
The furniture makers in and around the city of Trapani often used blackened pearwood instead of ebony, and much mother-of-pearl and coral, for which Trapani was famous. |
The tires are brown, there's pretty arcing streaks along the car, in fetching pale beige, and blackened handprints round the bonnet and door handle. |
His jaws champed spasmodically, froth appeared on his blackened lips. |
Beyond them was a flat snowy pasture, speckled with a few blackened shrubs, and even further away, a dark band between snow and sky, was the huge wall. |
The Wall cut a few feet behind the old parliament, still blackened and pockmarked from flying debris from the war. |
In a perfect world, she would then have directed a stream of blackened tobacco spit dead into the centre of a freshly-cleaned spittoon, making a brassy clanging noise. |
Streets are still littered with the blackened hulls of burned cars. |
How many pistols used grips made of walnut is not known, but at some point, the hardwood used was light in color, and the grips were blackened using a paint-like stain. |
They are almost in darkness watching their blackened cooking pans. |
But with his clean-cut image blackened overnight, there had to be a question whether his career would be permanently over-shadowed by his inexcusable actions. |
For the main course, platters of beef satay and chilled monkfish, stir-fried vegetables, jasmine rice, crispy roast duck and blackened cod will be served. |
The first Monday after the twelve days of Christmas is Plough Monday, a day when ploughmen traditionally blackened their faces and wore white shirts. |
He got as close as he could before plunging his gloved hand quickly into the center of the smoking embers, and drawing out a long blackened object. |
The iris leaves of Melles Griot iris diaphragms, constructed of corrosion-resistant, blackened spring-steel, are mounted on a low-friction bearing pins. |
Yesterday the scene was cordoned off with police tape as fire investigators picked through the wreckage of the fire which left windows shattered and blackened. |
A field reporter was decked out in a lavender pressure suit giving an account in a desolate-looking field of scorched and blackened rock with a glassy texture. |
The grass was blackened with soot, and her face smudged with dirt. |
It had low, sloping ceilings, 3ft-wide stone walls, blackened beams and the original metal meat hooks. |
The new collection is a mixture of blackened silver, raw crystals, labradorite, black spinel, pearl chalcedony and pyrite. |
Door frames crafted in blackened steel plate mark the two openings into the gallery. |
In the past, I have cut back blackened pittosporums and been delightfully surprised to see a full recovery over the next seasons. |
The first window cracked and the second piece of glass was blackened but the double glazing saved the school. |
When Joe's deciduous teeth erupted, they were blackened and eventually crumbling with severe dental fluorosis. |
I've already seen the yellow birch-snag blackened by fire, and I've spotted the small striped maple scarred by a moose's antler. |
Seaweed were left on the blackened marble, while the salt ooze defaced the matchless works of art. |
Rutilated quartz, moonstone, spinel, agate, amber and onyx are subtle choices when set into a blackened precious metal setting. |
Both cleaning systems feature anti-IR reflective coating and have antiglare blackened components. |
Her worn hands, folded over the safety belt in her lap, are dappled with age spots, one swollen and blackened by dozens of IV needle punctures. |
An accidental fire in 1840 left the nave, south west tower and south aisle roofless and blackened shells. |
Blood and blackened remnants are caked on the bathroom floor. |
A mass of charred and mangled metal was surrounded by hundreds of large blackened wax gourds that had been piled on the cargo truck. |
Electricity had paid no attention, and a colony of eye-flies had come instead and blackened the coils with their bodies. |
You blackened, filthy sleeveen liar. I curse the living day I ever let you near me. |
Her cheeks were a hideous blotchwork of flush and pallor, and there were great blackened hollows under her grit-sealed eyes. |
A close network of tramways and railways covers the face of a singularly dreary stretch of country, where the pastures are scanty and blackened. |
In front of him were great piles of blackened eugarie shells, relics of past aboriginal feasts. |
In a shadow boxing bout, Schmidt accidentally blackened salter's eye. |
It continues until the entire tuber is oxidized and blackened within two to three days after harvest, rendering it unpalatable and useless. |
After chicken tikka wraps and lamb and mint kofta with blackened sesame seeds the meal will finish with apple and cinnamon samosa with almond kulfi. |
Later that month, the Crown Fire in Acton blackened nearly 12,000 acres. |
After the fire, they carpeted over the blackened hardwood flooring. |
Bleached stones and blackened gorse stems can still be seen and the vegetation has not recovered sufficiently to equal the waved heath elsewhere on Scilly. |
Some of the children also are blackened, and none are overclad. |
This space, with walls blackened with smoke from steam trains, is accessible from Railway Avenue, and functions at times as a concert venue and occasional bar. |
The blackened salmon burger had the right proportion of char vs flakiness. |