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How to use blabbering in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word blabbering? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Joey was boredly twiddling his thumbs at the table, and Adie was blabbering on and on to herself in her booster seat.
He leaned her body against his own, rested her head on his shoulder and stroked her hair as she continued blabbering.
You call in the dead hours of the morning and start blabbering on about all this stuff?
Go for this drive and I guarantee you will be blabbering about it for at least five days.
How can you understand what he's blabbering about unless you remember the point from before?
He is 2 months from turning two, and he's already blabbering away like a toddler.
That's because once the balls stop bouncing, the mouths start blabbering, providing precious grist for the league's rumor mill.
Taylor gave up hope, realising that Simone wasn't going to give up until she was done blabbering about her date from last night.
Is the blabbering global village of the internet turning us into global citizens or into global village idiots?
But as you see I am blabbering on, so let me get back on track.
Sometimes my mouth just takes on a life of it's own and starts blabbering about something and by the time my brain's caught up I have no idea what I've gotten myself into.
So, remember the other day when I was blabbering about how I made a CD to help me sort of zone out when trying to achieve an out-of-body experience?
I wrote to wish him luck in the desert, and my meandering, blabbering message apparently made his day.
So the next time you hear some religious bigot blabbering about implicit backward masking, don't waste your time.
Kasper Thomsen writes all the lyrics in the band and once we have a good vocal hookline we change the words from blabbering to his lyrics.
All right, I will stop blabbering so you can read the story.
If I'm not careful, I might end up like many around me: puny, a bit ridiculous, blabbering away to hide my inability to stand up to the occupiers.
He rationalises his long tradition of blabbering endlessly to nobody in particular as a by-product of an on-the-road existence often devoid of friends and family.
I see Rick pointing to his watch which means I am blabbering way too much.
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