It therefore begs the question and doesn't prove a thing about real-life biological evolution. |
The steady improvement in records of all sporting events may, at first glance, look like biological evolution at work, but that is far-fetched. |
Mimicking biological evolution, the computer added, subtracted and changed pieces in the designs. |
Some evolutionists have been known to commit a logical fallacy by conflating biological evolution and the general theory of evolution. |
There are, however, also other religiously motivated theories that have no problem with the idea of biological evolution. |
They teach that the rejection of God's Word did not begin with Darwin's theory of biological evolution or even with Hutton and Lyell's geological uniformitarianism. |
That development enabled the persistence of the accelerating pace that started with biological evolution. |
How does non-biological evolution differ from biological evolution? |
It is the modification of genes in the descendence of living beings that defines biological evolution. |
Elohim deliberately and quickly created all of the created kinds on Earth, fully intact, with the capacity for biological evolution. |
Many of the students, Mr. Campbell sensed, were not grasping the basic principles of biological evolution. |
Human evolution is the part of biological evolution concerning the emergence of anatomically modern humans as a distinct species. |
Are cosmogenesis, biological evolution, historical process basically cognate to us as moral beings or are they indifferent and so alien to us? |
Warfield, a biblical inerrantist at the Princeton Theological Seminary, who shared Wright's openness to biological evolution. |
Perhaps it isn't biological evolution to be blamed here, but the injustices of the social order within which human biological evolution is occurring. |
The theory of evolution proposes that biological evolution acting over long periods of time has given rise to all organisms on Earth from a single ancestral organism. |
However, the belief that biological evolution supports that these felines share ancestors with horses, dogs, and bats is point where the evolution and most creationists part ways. |
By conflating biological evolution with the general theory of evolution, these evolutionists make arguments that sound meaningful, but are actually meaningless. |
From this observable and very minor example of biological evolution, he created a general theory of evolution, that all species diversity is a result of biological evolution. |
We consider evolution as a biological progress, and we might be surprised by the possibility that the path of physical or biological evolution might follow a rhythm. |
As with biological evolution, social systems complement existing institutions by adding new structures to them at times of crisis when the viability of the system is at stake. |
Also, biological changes in an individual organism such as metamorphosis or embryonic development are not considered biological evolution, because biological evolution transcends the lifetime of a single individual. |
For the first time in history, we might be able to rearrange the genetic make-up of the human species and change the future course of our biological evolution. |
Based on his microscopic observations of fossils, Hooke was an early proponent of biological evolution. |
This principle became one of Darwin's chief pieces of evidence that biological evolution was real. |
Biological evolution created a human mind that enabled cultural evolution, which now outpaces and outclasses the force that birthed it. |