But when he combined his drive-time radio spots with the billboard and specifically targeted consumers in the car, it all came together. |
In the billboard ad, yoga class attendees adopted meditative positions suited up in the spa's yellow gym suits. |
The young newsboy has purchased a bunch of violets, signifying fidelity, and has placed them on the newspaper billboard. |
The stripy Breton top has become as ubiquitous as a Game of Thrones billboard this summer. |
You were not startled to see a gigantic piece of toast used as a billboard hyping up a new show on The Discovery Channel. |
It went out with a blitz of billboard and press advertising last week to create a sense of nostalgia for a lost form of popular culture. |
Some campaigners created billboard sized pictures and messages, which were pasted onto empty billboards. |
The foreshore and seabed being owned by a subset of New Zealanders instead of all New Zealanders is what the billboard is about. |
The smooth, hard-shell exterior makes a great billboard for sponsors' stickers. |
At twilight, when neon store signs and traffic lights begin to glow, wet asphalt becomes a luminous billboard of color. |
Graffiti artists use the same tactics as billboard advertisers, but no one really connects the two. |
For the second week in a row now, Duff's greatest-hits collection is number-one album on the billboard chart, which is just out today. |
The incredibly convoluted response would need a billboard, not a placard, for presentation. |
The one crane I saw in the streets of Baghdad was hoisting an advertising billboard. |
Suddenly every indebted student or well-endowed young woman seems to be available as a human billboard. |
We pass a billboard that usually advertises clothes in packs of three or lean Sunday hams or children's bicycles. |
Stickers have also been printed with the same content as the billboard advertisements. |
While stopped at a red light, the Mrs. noticed a few strange whirligigs perched atop a billboard. |
From the distance of the other side of the road it looks just like a regular advertisement on a billboard. |
The cartoon featured a confused looking gent looking at a billboard advertising a horror film. |
National wants to take advantage of their billboard campaign and good recent poll results. |
The cartoon featured a confused looking gentleman looking at a billboard advertising a horror film. |
The first man held a billboard and was running up and down, continuously shouting his incomprehensible sales pitch. |
When I was in Kerala I photographed a scene of dark-skinned Indians in line in front of a movie billboard depicting all light-skinned actors. |
The police have even condemned certain billboard adverts for distracting drivers resulting in more crashes. |
And yet that billboard vouchsafes to one of the novel's minor characters, J. Edgar's ghostly Sister, a vision of beatitude. |
While billboard vandalism had not been a huge problem in Tukituki this election, Mr Smith confirmed police would be talking to staff at the Kura. |
Expensive market research and costly billboard advertising were crucial factors in its success. |
The picture used in that billboard was actually the photo of Ibrahim on the cover of his solo album. |
In promotional spots for the show, the contestants' initial undertaking involved designing a billboard on Times Square in New York. |
Yet another method, which the companies think venturesome, is the display of their materials on the billboard. |
And he did so in some of the most powerful images ever to grace a billboard. |
Her cherry-red lips were bright in her face, like something sparkly on a billboard that was otherwise weatherworn. |
Nearby stands a billboard with gruesome photos of babies allegedly asphyxiated by tear gas. |
In a cheeky bit of ambush marketing, a billboard for Dooney's show was erected opposite the Melbourne Art Fair at the Melbourne Exhibition Building. |
He was caught by officers after spray painting the date of the event on a billboard in East London. |
Next week will see the launch of a major television and billboard advertising campaign that aims to tap into the same vein of gently anarchic humour that made the Wonka name. |
Moreover, when a male mounts her, he raises his wings and flashes a billboard of yellow flight feathers accompanied by ecstatic squawking from both birds. |
A billboard in Como, Italy, illustrates the spectrum of a pulse of light as it leaves a crystal where the speed of a light wave depends on its intensity. |
You won't see a single soda billboard, you won't see a single fast-food outlet, and I don't think you could buy a soda. |
When I was in London, I went past an electronic billboard depicting a baby seal with someone putting a hand-pick into its forehead. |
The billboard showed Communist Party leaders raising their hands at a plenary meeting of the Central Committee that month. |
A man smiles down from a floodlit billboard – well insured, invested, sound – which leaves me feeling heartsore, undefended. |
In essence, Milchan has commandeered a billboard to give us back the openhearted sensation of endless light. |
We can see the same thing that is reproduced on billboard advertisements reduced to the size of a matchbook. |
No election poster or billboard may be placed on a monument, sculpture, tree, fire hydrant, bridge, viaduct or electrical tower. |
No election poster or billboard may be placed on the right of way of a public road that is contiguous to a residential immovable. |
The same applies to many of Kelln's other products, including aviation and marine aids to navigation, highway flashers, and billboard lighting. |
Public money is senselessly spent on billboard posters showing the flat faces of those who do not know how to get out and meet the people. |
Agora is designed as a virtual billboard upon which contributors can post their comments. |
There is no need to affix a flashcode on the furniture or billboard concerned. |
The last straw was Heartland putting up a billboard with a picture of the Unabomber as emblematic of global-warming believers. |
To solve this, the artist drew posters and billboard signs for a car garage for four years in exchange for the necessary parts. |
You can imagine the wider display area along the back being like a billboard. |
Almost anything can be a canvas for the street artist, from a cigarette pack to a billboard or a train. |
In New York City, the announcement was shown on one of the large billboard screens in Times Square ahead of New Year's Eve. |
Chuck Guité was the one who broke every accounting rule imaginable and who rented every available billboard in Quebec. |
Description: You see the billboard showing the number of days worked without accident at the Edmundston mill. |
The overriding goal is to link the railway station study with the existing street billboard study. |
It was a peculiar sight to behold, looking more like a billboard advertisement, rather than an entryway into the Intercosmic Space Program's secret facility. |
Then just 8-years-old he saw writing on a deli billboard that was in Hebrew. |
I've been going by this billboard almost daily for the best part of a month, and it still makes me laugh, and groan. |
Utilizing branded vehicles, street-team schwag and a sprawling interactive billboard, it was able to capture attention multiple times and in various locations. |
Not only does it impact on our leading position on billposting large format in France, it also reinforces our position as the leader in customised billboard campaigns. |
On your journey, you pass a distractingly large billboard that features a 30-foot high poster of a man clasping the Premiership trophy in triumph. |
Souter's money has bought around half the billboard sites in Ayr, unconstrained by the tight rules on campaign expenditure because it is not representing any one candidate. |
You'll just erect a huge, ugly billboard that stares them in the face as they drive past it every day, forcing their parents to explain what the sign is about. |
It was truly amazing to the young man how clockwork Marcus was, each poster, every billboard, he spent a specific amount of time on it, no more, no less. |
If her likeness on the billboard makes waves, why stop there? |
A billboard advertises youth friendly clinics. |
Get them to create a tourism brochure or billboard for the location and a one-minute TV advertisement about why anyone going to Canada's capital should visit their location. |
No referendum poster or billboard may be placed on a bus shelter or on a public bench, unless space is provided for that purpose, in which case the applicable rules must be complied with. |
Steel legs on this billboard twisted and caused the sign to collapse. |
All the information is posted daily on a billboard. |
The Virgin Atlantic logo was also added in purple billboard titles to the underside of the aircraft. |
So Azur Design provides you with all your advertising solutions, be it an advert in a newsletter or glossy magazine, poster, billboard or banner design plus so much more. |
Some connected with our message on bus shelter ads while others caught a glimpse of a billboard along a busy highway in the core of downtown Toronto. |
You can delete a billboard image but you can't erase betrayal. |
In what was deemed to be the most expensive billboard, Skydive Dubai and Go Fast utilized a Jet Pack to create the interactive billboard. |
If the title of the bill is to become an open-ended billboard for political rhetoric and advertising, then I think the House should put a stop to it. |
To raise awareness about the large number of people involved in accidents related to skiing at excessive speeds, the agency took an elegant approach out of left field: it turned billboard space into a ward of hospital beds. |
Sometimes there's nothing wrong with putting up a billboard, dang it. |
The radio can be turned off, but not so the billboard or street car placard. |
The drive involves a mailshot to 650,000 homes across Wales, together with billboard posters in 150 sites. |
The young people as well as the adults have the message of the billboard thrust upon them by all the arts and devices that skill can produce. |
Still, earlier this year Glendale car dealers lost their battle to get a billboard advertising their dealerships put up on the Ventura Freeway. |
Midnight lake birds fly soap white in the city's freeway billboard klieg light showers. |
This billboard resulted in over 700 complaints but was cleared by advertisement watchdogs. |
Chancellor Gordon Brown has been singled out as the bogey man and is their target on a massive billboard during the forthcoming Assembly election campaign. |
As I crossed over the Virginia border into North Carolina, the first sign on 1-95 that greeted me was a huge billboard of a hooded Ku Klux Klansman, atop a white horse. |