Shixini Administrative Area, in Willowvale district, was one of the areas that escaped betterment. |
Starting in the 1930s the betterment schemes forced families into villages and turned their farmland to grazing or left it to lie fallow. |
There would be issues relating to the failure to mitigate, issues relating to the replacement computer system and betterment. |
These are obviously self-centred and cold-hearted individuals who care only for their well-being and betterment. |
I see the issue as to the discount for betterment applied to lost rent differently. |
The government has finally agreed to process claims from thousands of homeland families arising out of betterment removals. |
This arose from government policy position that betterment dispossession did not fulfil the criteria of the Restitution of Land rights Act. |
The public now has the opportunity to give public recognition to those people who give untiringly of their time for the betterment of society. |
Any system that improves people's ability to freely trade for their betterment is great capitalism. |
Most of the educated youth go outside for work and spend their productive years for betterment of other's societies. |
They show how huge projects worked for the betterment of society, both in a physical and psychological sense. |
On it, the smiling inscriber pledges to work closely with him for the betterment of all Californians. |
Now in all fairness, there are some decent, dedicated people who go into politics with a view to contributing to the betterment of society. |
I'll be running this planet for the betterment and equality of all, and the first order of business will be to get rid of the likes of you! |
Studies have long shown that women's development is absolutely key to betterment of society as a whole. |
She sincerely believed they were all united on these projects for the betterment of Ballina. |
When you look at all the archives you soon see the disgusting situation of non-success for the betterment of farmers. |
Yet we somehow find a way to compete fairly and still get along for the betterment of the team. |
Since commercialization was the order of the day, they decide to make use of those values for the betterment of all concerned. |
Both patrifocal and matrifocal households come about because of the need for economic betterment. |
Thus, there would be an issue of betterment if replacement value were awarded. |
In his view, both calculations must be done in order to determine the factor of betterment to the building. |
David, political parties have always been vehicles for career advancement as well as containing people who sought the betterment of society. |
It is a necessary fact that animals will die and suffer in the pursuit of human betterment. |
We are part of the rich diversity of British life, and we strive with people of other faiths for the betterment of our society. |
I've never seen anyone work as hard as Lucy for the betterment of the people on the backstretch and the sport of racing. |
And not many realise the kind of sacrifices they make, while on duty, for the betterment of society. |
He positions the party as a vehicle for career advancement, and not one for the betterment of our society. |
The outcome of better science should be the betterment of society, on the whole, and an improvement in every individual's life. |
We tend to pay our taxes in the expectation that it will be utilized for the betterment of the world we live in. |
The mission of the center is to seek the betterment of society through sports, according to the organization. |
It may be appropriate at this point to emphasise that uncaptured betterment tends to contribute to urban sprawl in three ways. |
Targeted pharmaceuticals and biologics do work for the betterment of healthcare by reducing the cost and time of development and time to market. |
Such increases in land value are immune from recoupment by way of betterment levies or development contributions. |
It was another aspect of the Government's decentralisation programme that was working for the betterment of local areas. |
Some say they have paid betterment charges, so it can be considered as BDA approval. |
That, in my judgement, involves betterment, since the defendants had given some warning about the lead. |
As the premier body in the town it was incumbent that they recognise the efforts of both for the betterment of the local community. |
This is meaningless though because the two are sufficiently dissimilar as to be incomparable, the results of traffic is generally for the betterment of society as a whole. |
Little of it is spent in the betterment of human living or for the inculcation of those values which lead to right human relations. |
We all are to use our gifts for the betterment of our community, because we are knit together in love. |
I can see why in the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans we work in a collegial manner for the betterment of those we defend. |
F u r t h e r m o re, S ap uto co nt r i b ute s to t h e betterment of communities through partnerships and sponsorships. |
We support helping poor nations as part of our commitment to the betterment of the global village. |
Similarly, non-governmental organizations should be working for the betterment of the country instead of meddling in its internal affairs. |
The fact is that we have been able to reduce disease and pestilence in our food supplies to the betterment of the consumer. |
Stark motifs of injustice, redemption, and the question of whether religion works for the betterment or detriment of mankind captivate theatergoers every step of the way. |
The GSU is going to be very busy and needs all of us to pitch in and work together for the betterment of the membership. |
My party, the Liberal Party, approached the government and asked if we could work for the betterment of the dockyard workers. |
States and individual citizens need to take responsibility themselves for the betterment of their neighbour, community, state and country. |
They do not hold out much hope for a betterment of their plight from the new government. |
Does it ignore opportunities for the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of humankind? |
What we need is a plan of how we would use that product for the betterment of the people in the country and the world. |
We strongly endorse ethical business practices and embrace interaction with all parties for the betterment of the Seaway and its users. |
I have also volunteered a lot of time for other causes and so have also contributed to the betterment of my fellow citizens. |
He places value not in death, but in the active pursuit of his way in life to the betterment of all. |
We should first listen to them and then take measures accordingly for the betterment of their lives. |
My optimism today is fuelled by the wise approach to development and community betterment long followed by the Labrador Inuit. |
Then perhaps we will see subsidiarity starting to work for the betterment of EU legislation in the future. |
Works for the economic and social betterment of its members and the economic development of the community. |
We also organize and fight the fight as unionists, working for the betterment of all. |
I believe politics and politicians are vital to the betterment of society. |
If financial gain and civic betterment are mutually exclusive, the shrinking capital worth of a diminished investment must be gloriously virtuous indeed. |
We are only trying to do something for the betterment of society. |
But it certainly appears to contain the germ of the principle of betterment, and it is clear that the principle is by no means a recent innovation. |
The accrington Public Library was a fully stocked library built out of stone on the values of an age of self-help and betterment. |
I think what we want and what we need is to be part of the system, and change it for the betterment of our people. |
The stress the statement placed, however, on education, evening classes, and a library provided considerable opportunities for self-advancement and occupational betterment. |
For those who are genuinely interested in politics as a means of service for betterment of society, it is still one of the best methods to opt for. |
If the Jalanidhi project is for the betterment of the people, then there is no question of the beneficiaries having to pay for the water supply system. |
The evidential burden of establishing betterment is on the defendant. |
When a man is dying, he doesn't give a hang about social betterment. |
He praised the sterling work of the Friends of St. Patrick's for their enormous contributions to the betterment of the life of patients and staff at the hospital. |
These agreements cannot be ignored for the sake of paternalist goals such as increased socio-economic equality or the moral betterment of the individual. |
The welfare state offered collective security, optimism and promises of betterment as a counter to the discontents which has fuelled imperialism, Stalinism and fascism. |
However, arable land, dwellings and residences were lost, access to commonage denied and development promised by the betterment never materialised. |
Never before has our common goal of advancing the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter for the betterment of all mankind been so tested. |
The goals of the programs were to contribute to the overall social and economic betterment of the community, create incremental jobs, and reduce the need for on-going income support. |
We encourage discussion that can result in improved understanding and collaboration in the economic, social and environmental betterment of the community. |
Every summer, we recruit up to 200 students to fill a variety of exciting positions, all contributing to the development and betterment of the National Capital Region. |
Saputo places great importance on contributing to the betterment of its communities in each country where it does business, while focusing on the generation of tomorrow. |
Civic betterment and community facility support services. |
The top scientists adopted a resolution which urged to protect National Agricultur Research Center for betterment of the country. |
Extropy refers to the transhumanist belief that order and concentration of knowledge is constantly increasing, to the betterment of all. |
I told her that perhaps that anonymous defacer was just frustrated and would find better ways to express his or her hope for societal betterment. |
Third, it is fallacy to suppose that more law necessarily causes a net gain in the advancement of social betterment, even law that is enacted for the most noble objectives. |
MacDonald cared deeply about civic responsibility and social betterment. |
The discerning reader can then evaluate for themselves what Scientology is doing in the world and perhaps get some insight into the challenges we undertake to help people and communities with our social betterment programs. |
Every member of our police forces must constitute himself an agent for the social betterment of his community and the friend and counselor of erring youth. |
If they want the bill changed then they should vote for the bill because it would then go to committee where we could all fight over it and change it for the betterment of the public. |
Most of us know that the life of a workman who does not apply his experience to betterment of his job can become unspeakably sad and barren or coarse and frivolous. |
Melissa, who is a quadriplegic, is too busy improving herself and working for the betterment of others in her position as the Saskatchewan Regional Manager for the Neil Squire Foundation. |
Example has two good effects: it inspires others to seek betterment and it shames them into avoiding errors of which the person in authority would disapprove. |
For this reason, betterment levies have fallen out of favor as a significant revenue source, often in the face of court judgments challenging the assessment process. |
The higher task is now ours of the regeneration of the race, or, if we wish to express that betterment less questionably, the aggeneration of the race. |
She said that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto started revolutionarily programmes for the welfare as well as social and economic betterment of poor people and labourers. |
Based on the idea that while a tzaddik lives in the future, his goal is the betterment of the present, Yonatan started thinking about how this genre affects the present-day. |
Nothing wrong with betterment JAMES Benton says that working class people who vote Conservative, and Labour Party people who accept knighthoods, are social climbers. |
Nisar Ali Khan said he had no ill wills and complaints against Nawaz Sharif and emphasized on focusing on betterment of the government and the party. |