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How to use berthed in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word berthed? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Having originally left the harbour on Sunday, February 16, the ship berthed in Florida at the Maritime Museum's dock.
A ship inside the backlot is a near full-sized model of the Manuia berthed at nearby Miramar wharf.
The sloop was later trailered to Ossining, N.Y., and berthed immediately south of Sing Sing Prison.
When it became known that both ships had berthed in Brest, Bomber Command made them a primary target following an order from Winston Churchill.
On 12 January 2003, the MV Dorine, a Polish bulk carrier flying the flag of Cyprus, berthed in Bell Bay, Launceston.
Over 100 three and four-masted sailing ships will be berthed on the quayside here for over a week.
At the peak of the surge, four large, medium-speed, roll-on-roll-off vessels and one fast sealift ship were berthed at the same time.
Harbour Master Cpt Phillip Cowman said it will be all hands on deck over the next 24 hours to ensure everyone gets berthed safely and on time.
Other ships berthed there included HMA Ships Success, Manoora, Sydney Newcastle, Tobruk and the submarine Farncomb.
Joe had obtained work there so when the ship berthed at Auckland he asked for directions to the little settlement.
The crew flurried up like a torrent of snowflakes, cast about in attempts to fulfill commands as the ship berthed.
The 21,000-ton ship berthed at Greenwich to commemorate the new affiliation between Illustrious and the City of London.
The ship was met by a warm welcome from the Brazilian Navy, being berthed in a prominent position astern of the sail training ship Cisne Branco.
Well-tended houseboats line the towpath, berthed at permanent moorings complete with mini-gardens and bankside electricity supply.
There were also a number of smaller pleasure boats and tugs berthed on the outside of the floating jetties.
More and more cruisers and pleasure boats have been berthed along the banks of the canal in the village and the effect has resulted in a boost for local businesses.
Methods employed to avoid the berthed vessels, such as using an unsecured tug pushing forward and the release of both anchors, were ineffective.
Cruise vessels are at present berthed on a multipurpose terminal, not really suited for this activity.
I had a magnificent ketch sailboat berthed in a privileged stretch of coastline, and a great desire to sail.
Later that morning, the ship berthed alongside in Darwin which allowed the ship's company to participate in a number of local commemoration events.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Captain Oxnard gave Lily a state-room, and the two boys were berthed in the steerage.
How could this man have left my cabin as he had done, and yet now be berthed in his own?
Jim, who had to work his passage, slept in the fore-peak, but I was berthed aft.
When this had been done the Will Arding was berthed as near as possible to the boiler.
The officers and crew are berthed forward, and the servants' quarters are aft.
And where are you berthed, and what cargo of this worlds goods have you got in your lockers?
Thus we were able quickly to get back again to the wharf where the Haytien was berthed.
Evidently it was here that the officers and the engineers were berthed.
The pilot's voice jarred him to reality as the copter berthed.
It started luring memories, and I berthed at once for Saint Pierre.
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