Hello beloveds this is Christ Michael and its time for a bit more of an update. |
Unusual romantic travels and amazing gifts for beloveds do a life more brightly and give wings. |
Yes beloveds you too are my children and I have offered you the hand of mercy and forgiveness but you have shunned my love. |
The ones that you work with so often, to bring healing upon the Earth, and this my beloveds is greatly appreciated. |
And for your learning, really beloveds, you do want to stay with this planet in its present form and participate in its healing. |
Wedding season is upon us, and it is time to start polishing those golden apples, beloveds. |
One of her beloveds was Susan Gilbert, the lovely, combative orphan who married Austin and was Emily's most trusted reader for some thirty years. |
Only this way can we be children of the Son, beloveds of Love, and be holy and blameless for Love. |
You have so much to learn yet, beloveds, so much to learn. |
Soon, we tired of something as ephemeral as mere dreams, and we started making blueprints for the houses we were sure to live in one day with our beloveds. |
That is the only thing that matters for a marriage to be valid-that the beloveds truly love each other and take responsibility to nurture their relationship. |
But it is a thing, beloveds, whom you should not ignore, it is that, in front of the Lord, one day is like thousand years, and thousand years are like one day. |
Beloveds there are now 32 leaking wells, and the big blowout is a massive hole in the ground and can never be capped. |