Looking for sentences and phrases with the word bellyband? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
As soon as he had finished eating, he told me to go out and get the bellyband off the harness.
The martingale is that piece of leather going from the chinstrap of the bridle to either the chest strap or the bellyband.
There is no medical reason to use tape or a bellyband, but one must decide if you can withstand the family pressure.
A broad leather bellyband prevented the cart from tipping backwards.
For dress-up events, she wears a subcompact, eight-shot Kahr 9mm in a bellyband.
Other bellyband options from Can Can Concealment are a bit more whimsical.
The Hiphugger bellyband models hold up to four small firearms and three magazines, while the Big Shebang model accommodates up to three large firearms and three magazines.
Examples from Classical Literature
She was well primed with a good load of Delahunt's port under her bellyband.
There before him sat a dear little widow knitting a bellyband for someone else's baby.