You wouldn't expect this to be a bell-shaped distribution, because there is a lower limit to what people can guess. |
There were little bud vases filled with flowers, wrapped with ribbon, there were rose petals everywhere, and bell-shaped confetti. |
The flowers are clusters of bell-shaped blossoms on stems that rise above the foliage, leaves being deep green and either oval or lance shaped. |
Depending on the bulb size, three to five bell-shaped flowers dangle from each long, fairly sturdy flower stem. |
The bell-shaped, chalk-white flowers appear in late spring and exude a wonderful honey scent. |
Its large, bell-shaped blooms produce a fragrance that squirrels find offensive. |
He was waiting for the workmen to get ready for the photograph when he saw this strange bell-shaped flying object in the sky. |
The shrubs' flowers are bell-shaped and hang like so many Chinese lanterns on a single stem. |
Cordelia smoothed down the bell-shaped skirt of her costume, smiling secretively to herself. |
Shoots grow up and over this wire and fall under their own weight to form a bell-shaped canopy. |
Place live stems of white lilies cut to slightly different heights in a bell-shaped glass container. |
The 20-30 light lavender, bell-shaped flowers are fertile and funnel shaped. |
All around us, the massive, bell-shaped trunks of the cypress trees spread into a lacework canopy trailing veils of Spanish moss. |
Its tiny, bell-shaped, cobalt-blue flowers, each with a very delicate white border, form a compact cluster. |
By contrast, the pH dependence of the MjNhaP1 transport activity is indeed bell-shaped. |
By the law of large numbers, the fitness distribution then becomes bell-shaped. |
The building was constructed along those lines and the open, bell-shaped mounts further enhance this style. |
If activated, a small bell-shaped icon appears in the top left-hand corner of the screen. |
To measure the density of a liquid, the plummet with the bell-shaped chamber is closed and filled with the test liquid. |
Centrally mounted, powerful can motor with a bell-shaped armature and a flywheel. 4 axles powered. 4 traction tires. |
Beneath its bell-shaped glass cabinet, the brass dial clearly proclaims its Art Deco heritage. |
Its branches contain alternating, elliptical, bright green leaves, and its flowers, which appear from April to June, are reddish or pink, and bell-shaped. |
Sandersonia aurantiaca is a liliaceous monocotyledon with a bell-shaped corolla formed from fused petals and sepals. |
The garlands are all bell-shaped, wooden-framed and covered in paper rosettes sewn into place. |
Most of us lie between two extreme ends of a bell-shaped curve of sleep length and efficiency. |
These columbines have bell-shaped flowers, spurred petals, and self-coloured tepals. |
The zone lengths were reflected in the corresponding state occupancies, which were all bell-shaped distributions. |
The average likelihood shows a bell-shaped curve with the peak at the QTL position. |
In the greenhouses, we installed closed bell-shaped mounts. |
Each candlestick has a round base, a bell-shaped body, a cylindrical neck with a ring, and a wide candleholder. |
The Harebell is a violet-blue flowered plant with bell-shaped flowers. |
More descriptively, platykurtic curves tend to be elongated and flat, leptokurtic appear taller and narrow, and mesokurtic curves tend to be bell-shaped like the normal curve. |
It was determined that the circle of imprints on the surface of the drum resulted from contact with the bell-shaped forward pitch gear wheel teeth. |
The histogram should be approximately symmetric and bell-shaped. |
On the other hand, distortions in the bell-shaped curve are a clear indication that there are disturbances that are more than just random, small deviations. |
The Spanish skirt, called a verdugado, was bell-shaped, however. |
Our classic bell-shaped snuffer provides a truly elegant method for extinguishing candles when the evening has come to an end. |
Jellyfish: A jelly-like, free-swimming sea animal with a bell-shaped body, and generally with long stinging threads on the surface. |
The genus Pulsatilla includes about 30 species, many of which are valued for their finely-dissected leaves, solitary bell-shaped flowers, and plumed seed heads. |
The stems of the flowered bellworts rise to your knees, bend, and droop low under their heavy ovate leaves and lemon-colored, bell-shaped flowers. |
Among them are the bell-shaped protozoans called vorticellas that live in fresh or salt water, often in colonies that may contain between five and several hundred organisms. |
Bellbottoms are big, wide, bell-shaped legged pants worn by many a hippy. |
Some of these wind mobiles are in the shape of little pots and bell-shaped containers, with a bead or two that will strike against the rim and create those musical notes. |
Scilla, or squill, is a naturalizing bulb that produces clusters of 1-inch, bell-shaped blooms in blue, purple, pink and white on 6-to 10-inch stems. |
These reductions can lead to a bell-shaped relationship between tax rates and government revenue known as the Laffer curve. |
Skeps — bell-shaped straw hives of the sort still popular in cartoons — were widely used in seventeenth-century Europe and were brought to the New World by some of the earliest colonists. |
Most Minneola tangelos are characterized by a stem-end neck, which tends to make the fruit appear bell-shaped. |
The results show several distinct models that support the presence of bell-shaped, lumplike structures which may live in a compact space. |
To unscrew the bell-shaped cover of a conventional tap, pad the jaws of a spanner or pipe wrench with a cloth to avoid damaging the surface of the tap. |
The graph of the probability density function of the Student's t distribution is a symmetric and bell-shaped curve, differing for different sample sizes. |
The leaves of this wildflower are pinnately compound and do look somewhat like a ladder It has clusters of nodding, pale blue bell-shaped flowers. |