As a sustained address to God, liturgical language is silent between the human beings who speak it. |
Dragons eat any animals they can catch, up to the size of wild pigs, goats, deer, and water buffaloes and occasionally including human beings. |
The Semitic mind speaks in terms of beings, beings that embody good and evil. |
If you are a human being who lives on Earth, you have probably been exposed to other humans beings who are not your exact clones. |
She picked the notebook up and flipped through it, finding various pictures of nature scenes and mythical beings and such. |
Human beings are very much alike, and every culture is rooted in a universal human mentality. |
The motif of alien beings peopling our planet is a very common one in science fiction. |
Second, the integration of living beings into the new natural philosophy of mechanistic naturalism was left unresolved. |
Her voice sounded too hollow to be the melodic voice of those pleasant beings. |
He gives orders for other human beings to be blown away and he is a serial adulterer, but his power has unexpected limits. |
Until recently, this mechanistic view of nature and human beings has held sway. |
Actually talk to them, treat them like human beings, it's the bedside manner it comes down to at the end of the day. |
According to him, the second category of people, which did not contribute to science and knowledge, are more like beasts than human beings. |
Our latter evolution as human beings has been driven by our capacity for conceptual thought. |
This seems reasonable but I just don't think that it works in a world of human beings who are not perfectly rational value maximisers. |
No sentient beings lived on the planet, so it would not be terrible if they colonized it. |
Social Services inspectors were monitoring how the money was beings spent, she said. |
In short, I was observing that human beings are never more in danger of the sin of pride than when they are really and truly right. |
Ending a corporation's right to exist if it is destructive to human beings sounds like self-preservation to me. |
The mind of human beings is too complex and too unpredictable, especially in the matter of love, of relationships and of love. |
Economics deals with real man, weak and subject to error as he is, not with ideal beings omniscient and perfect as only gods could be. |
Its new policies start with the recognition these animals are sentient beings. |
We human beings are fallible creatures, and we have a habit of seeing only the survivors of a set of experiences. |
Human beings require iodine for the production of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. |
They cannot accept that they are just beings the same as pets, farm beasts, flowers, insects et al. |
Human beings have needs that make living meaningful, create favorable self-images and enhance close relations with other people. |
Most of the speakers felt that men had always treated women as secondary beings. |
As with the prints in the palm of human beings, which varies from person to person, no cobra is identical to another, he said. |
The world yet again faces another mind-boggling issue which threatens the existence of human beings on planet earth. |
Women went from being autonomous individuals to subservient beings living in seclusion. |
Turning children at the threshold of their teens into rational thinking beings is clearly not their credo. |
Human beings suffered terribly, as did songbird populations, old-growth forests, fur seal colonies, and fragile watersheds. |
Without conscious direction there are only chance meetings that create situations between separated beings. |
The subject matter of the social sciences is conscious sentient beings who act out of choice. |
My family raised me to believe that not only humans but all living beings and natural things deserve respect. |
Allowing people to be self-determining is, they say, the only way to respect them as fully moral beings. |
Most human beings are conflicted creatures and, to paraphrase George Orwell, some are more conflicted than others. |
Yes, human beings are allowed for a season in this world to accomplish His greater purpose. |
Despite our attachment to the ideal of the free, self-determining individual, we humans are dependent social beings. |
Have some of us lost our inherent sensitivity as human beings just to achieve our own ends? |
Rational beings exist not only as self-conscious centres of knowledge, but also as agents. |
Human beings are worthy of the highest respect, but not all opinions and beliefs are worthy of respect and tolerance. |
Since they are abject human beings, he implies, he does not have to engage them at that level. |
The glows appeared at varied heights, as the beings seemed to have a choice of being bipeds or quadrupeds. |
After too long a period of time, we as human beings will begin to seek ways to meet our needs, wants and desires much closer to home. |
Adolescence is the exciting phase of transition when human beings start developing the cognitive ability to form abstract thoughts. |
She lived her life kvelling at the potential human beings had to make the world a better place. |
As a result they accumulate in the tissues of living beings such as fish, meat and in turn to the dairy products. |
We are individuals as well as social beings, and open to accusations of selfishness and hypocrisy. |
On the other hand, cooling makes acoustic noise, which human beings don't tolerate well. |
The earth's miraculously complex environment has remained in balance for thousands of years, allowing human beings to thrive. |
Some of these places include uninhabited sites, places where an array of spirit beings including jinn and ghosts are believed to reside. |
Absent a critical cultural adaptation, human beings could never have thrived in the face of this constraint. |
She was jostled with every step she took and was sure she was bruised from the larger and faster beings traveling down the walkways. |
If human beings are capable of deciding the truth value of every well-formed mathematical statement, then classical logic will prevail after all. |
One finds here myriads of beings and creatures with distinct characteristics. |
We're quite adept at picking out what it is we don't like about other human beings. |
In front of the paintings, there are 340 little white Buddhas representing the innumerable beings in all places in all world systems. |
The notion of action signs in semasiological theory, for example, presupposes a view of human beings as meaning-making agents. |
If they are thus verified, such states may be taken to be universal, at any rate for human beings. |
Attachment theory emphasizes the propensity for human beings to make and maintain powerful affectional bonds. |
No rationalization that human beings give for their cruelty or neglect is ever meaningful to him. |
Doctors are no longer remote gods of the white coat but increasingly hassled and fallible human beings. |
Sometimes we fail simply because we are poor, dumb, fallible, feckless human beings whose best-laid schemes gang aft agley. |
Human beings are the same through the ages, and having studied ancient music, I can vouch for that. |
But compassion begins in honesty, in the recognition that all human beings are of equal value and importance. |
Whatever it was, another one stepped into the clearing, which was by now aglow with the light of both ethereal beings. |
What sort of world is this that predisposes roughly 20 percent of human beings to suffer mental agonies? |
We recoil at the idea of growing human beings for spare body parts or creating life for our convenience. |
The idea that women are real human beings with thoughts and emotions is played down. |
Most imagine a wondrous city or a verdant garden where human beings come face to face with God. |
Human beings are not all motivated by wonkish intellectual policy discussion. |
We cannot know what is going on in the minds of our fellow human beings unless they manifest it by word or deed. |
We are asked and indeed expected to present ourselves to the world and each other as beings of value and worth. |
We are conscious beings who exercise some choice in our lives, giving direction and purpose to them. |
Not only do you have no empathy or understanding for your fellow human beings, you are a racist, homophobic, xenophobic bigot. |
Animals are often better at working out the lay of the land than are human beings, and Isobel's horse was no exception. |
But throughout the Old Testament we find human beings coming to God and finding fellowship with him at altars where sacrifices were made. |
Pheromones are widespread in the animal world, from the single-celled amoeba to human beings. |
I see about me living human beings, and the argument from analogy is supposed to allow me to infer that these are persons like myself. |
I think human beings in the 21st century are at the mercy of so many things. |
The Sakya tradition is closely bound up with the Khon ancestral lineage, which derived from celestial beings. |
One of the principal theses of Isaiah Berlin, the English philosopher, was that most of the cardinal values to which human beings aspire clash. |
In fact, we are told that God originally created animals and human beings to be herbivorous. |
No one believes that animals are in an equal position with human beings and animals are regarded as a source of food for humans. |
Mosquitoes transmit a number of diseases to human beings and domestic animals. |
I cannot defend the abuse of human rights or the animalisation of human beings. |
She had thought the timid beings would be fearful of undertaking such a journey. |
Even immobile beings that show no signs of animation or spirituality harbors within it the divine life-force that brought it into being. |
Democratic, interest-group politics offered the right combination of freedom and restraint for beings so demonstrably divided against themselves. |
Three types of anoplurans parasitize human beings, the head louse, the body louse and the pubic louse. |
Some social anthropologists still believe it is possible to explain how and why the creations of human beings become institutionalized. |
Under this name, Chih-i could speak of truth as a dynamic power in the world revealing the marvellous nature of things to all beings. |
The Indians were thought of as uncivilized, barbaric beings, but much to the immigrants' surprise, they were mostly wrong. |
Knowing that, we should include all living beings in our aspiration toward liberation, not just ourselves. |
So he owes us an explanation why only the lives of human beings are sacred. |
I think definitely it should be done if it involves the lives of human beings. |
We insist that the law protect the lives of human beings with special firmness and care. |
The early humanoids traditionally characterised as ape-like brutes were deeply emotional beings with high-pitched voices. |
With all the senseless violence human beings inflict on each other, we can all use a little more beauty in our lives. |
They are apsaras, celestial beings who live in the sky, while our dull, ant-like forms struggle below. |
Thirty-one years from now, in 2035, there is one robot for every five human beings. |
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders conflict with the first law. |
Neptune is also able to heal the injuries of living beings and transform beings into other shapes and forms. |
To wish it were otherwise is in essence to wish that we were not physical beings at all. |
Those who fall into this sin are still human beings made in the image of God and yet fallen. |
I can only hope that it may arouse interest, some sympathy and understanding for fellow human beings in wretched circumstances. |
Biotechnology can be defined as the manipulation of biological organisms to make products that benefit human beings. |
Research on Arrernte society has been preoccupied with the mythology and traditions dealing with the ancestral beings and associated ceremonies. |
Carrying around a picture of a loved one can help us to remain more content, more rounded human beings. |
And Divided We Fall is so artful that by the time it ends we have recognized all of them as human beings and have recognized ourselves in them. |
The Net is turning people into loners who prefer a computer interface rather than the warmth of a smile from fellow human beings. |
Property and even human beings were randomly set on fire and shops looted during the violence. |
Rousseau taught that human beings are naturally asocial, and in that case to live in society is to be terribly oppressed. |
This gathering is the largest periodic assemblage of human beings on the planet. |
The Buddha taught that one should practice loving kindness to all sentient beings. |
Unfortunately, because of the threat from human beings and domestic cattle, the barasingha migrated from Kanha. |
Of all of the astronomical objects, the Sun is the most important to human beings. |
In human beings, the testis is located outside the body in the scrotal sac. |
God's creation of all persons in the divine image bestows sacredness upon human beings and thus makes them the children of God. |
It is possible to have a religious attitude to life without belief in supernatural beings and occurrences. |
Creatures and beings of every nature and species come to live in that lush and green country. |
This tells us that human beings are exquisitely attuned to interpreting and responding to social signals. |
Another example we might take is the fact that human beings have hearts on the left of their bodies. |
They have to be understood as human beings and separated out from the machine-like business systems. |
However, on his creative path around the north of the island he discovered several autochthonous beings already in residence. |
God is an unexplainable thought introduced into religious texts so that people would be good human beings as an exchange for salvation. |
Others believe that God inspired human beings to write it, thereby allowing errors to creep in. |
It seems to escape most people that we docs are actually human beings too, not automatons. |
For one thing, human beings do not experience themselves as being clockwork automata. |
It created highly efficient industry, with human beings turned into automata. |
They are only the third mammal type, after human beings and tamarin monkeys, to have been shown to possess this ability. |
Knowing the names of these beings gave the magician power to act against them. |
When I have shown you great rage, it is because you forced me to relinquish the last human beings with whom I could speak without Tartuffery. |
There is no morality in the mechanistic world, and no freedom, as human beings cannot act otherwise to their nature. |
There must've been a point when the Aztecs realized the Spanish weren't supernatural beings and could be killed. |
The last thing it needs is for people to be fully developed and functional human beings. |
This is the maledictory circle within which Dick's beings move and from which they have to escape. |
Feature recognizers check the headers or the body of the e-mail looking for patterns that human beings have identified as markers of spam or non-spam mail. |
They lived in what we called satya yuga which is the age when beings were in exalted state, by virtue of their exaltation they had spiritual powers. |
The disaster helped prove the pro-life contention that nothing is more vital and basic to human beings than loving and being loved by one's kith and kin. |
We privately see ourselves as queenly beings who get to decide which of our subjects to anoint with a knighthood. |
As we open ourselves to God through prayer, Scripture, and the sacramental life of the church, God's life is able to penetrate our beings more fully. |
And, as noted with victim blaming, this undermines men as thinking, rational, conscious beings. |
Christ's oblation, his total gift by the sacrifice on the cross, is the act of initiation for himself definitively, and it is valid with regard to all human beings. |
Ships carried weapons and gunpowder to Africa, then loaded on human beings. |
Countries are just human beings writ large, and human beings, by and large, are a law-abiding bunch, because most of the time obeying those laws is convenient. |
South Mountain was a name for nearby Mt. Lu, a landmark site in northern Jiangxi Province known as an abode of hermits, religious communities, and spirit beings. |
In a similar manner if there be some truth which has no sensuous or rational relation to human mind, it will ever remain as nothing so long as we remain human beings. |
As human beings we cannot deny our attraction to anything sexual. |
The editors, writers, and cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo were human beings with families, friends, and loved ones. |
So the disease remains a reminder that human beings remain vulnerable. |
The taboo lies with them, certainly not we quiveringly sexual beings. |
Designing choreography that could never be actualized by human beings. |
This family of doctrines held that human beings had the potential to attain immortality through their own agency. |
It included not only human beings but also everything else in the universe, through the reciprocal relationship of the human microcosm with the macrocosm of the created order. |
Therefore, they belong in the second class with other female beings. |
How ironic that we train our children first to be good, social human beings, only to later demand that they act like acquisitive, productivist, hardhearted machines. |
I notice that the checkout girls in the supermarket look for eye contact with every customer, as they too need to be seen and accepted as human beings, not automatons. |
Any extended treatment of the subject of empire that does not give full weight to the fact that human beings do not want to be ruled by foreigners is worth very little. |
When you show people real human beings, most people don't want to be dismissive and bilious. |
They recognize a wide range of supernatural beings, including demons, ancestral spirits, and divinities such as the sun god Surya and the rice goddess Dewi Sri. |
For Hayek, the schemes of fallible human beings are more likely to end in disaster than to solve any problems. |
But by enlisting machines to do what once was the creative province of human beings alone, we deliberately narrow our conceptions of genius, creativity, and art. |
If two leggers are respectful and properly admiring of us for the exotic, superior beings that we are, then we will always be well behaved in return. |
There was no feeling of being second-class citizens or lesser beings. |
In the Treasury and Post Office Departments colored clerks have been herded to themselves as though they were not human beings. |
In the story, the flu appears in anthropomorphic form as a group of human beings who are heard discussing where they ought to go next to contaminate other people. |
It is to hero-worship players while considering them disposable as human beings. |
Perhaps the possibility should be considered that evolution selects for beings that imagine their own species exempt from natural selection and possible extinction. |
His aspect was as insubstantial as fog, dreams, or an expelled breath, and in this he resembled billions of human beings. |
Since human beings are created in the image of God, and possess powers of reason which are a reflection of God's, they may act in the world as delegates or lieutenants of God. |
As rational beings, then we are duty bound to be morally upright. |
It's like your heart pains and you wonder what's wrong with human beings. |
But human beings are mortal creatures and subject to the whims of nature. |
Some streams of Buddhism have the trappings of worship, rituals, and semi-divine beings, but others do not. |
Anthropologists have frequently problematised the exciting, fraught and profoundly liminal stage that human beings traverse between childhood and adulthood. |
Caleb makes clear that those plaguing him are honest-to-god metaphysical beings and not traumatic figments. |
Name some aspect of the horizontal polka and it has probably been discussed endlessly among human beings with two X chromosomes. |
This long satiric parable of a society where human beings find themselves transformed into monkeys recalls Swift in its ambition and scatological vigour. |
There is no greater sinner than that man who, though not worshipping the gods or the manes seeks to increase the bulk of his own flesh by the flesh of other beings. |
The Panglossian view of natural selection is an appealing idea to us as human beings, you argue, because brains have foresight. |
Trying to dictate specifics to the universal realms is, ultimately, tilting at windmills, since those energies work in ways few human beings have ever totally understood. |
The Orient was almost a European invention, and had been since antiquity a place of romance, exotic beings, haunting memories and landscapes, remarkable experiences. |
He was a theosophist and believed in the equality of all human beings. |
In the choice between free candy shops and human beings, candy is still coming first. |
But no spineless relativism is necessary to recognize that, for most human beings, realness comes in various flavors. |
To be one's own master and to control one's own destiny are the eternal desires of human beings, and democracy is the most significant system to help us realize this desire. |
A large manse stood proud in front of him, rising from the streets like a majestic oak from the forest floor, proclaiming to all its dominance over smaller beings. |
They experience boredom, sickness, early deaths and they aggress, attacking and even killing human beings. |
But self-doubt, while a healthy quality for human beings to have, is alas not a plus for politicians. |
Geniuses joined the realm of intermediate beings, alternately exalted and tormented by celestial visions. |
Do you think that Hume wanted a general theory of human nature to explain why human beings act, think, perceive and feel in all of the ways that we do? |
Being able to contact the conscious characteristic in everything, the Aryans saw all of nature as conscious and personal, and addressed everything as conscious beings. |
Malik seems to recognise this threat when he argues that the attempt to understand human beings in mechanistic terms is motivated by an anti-humanism. |
Human beings are creatures of peace, and we shouldn't resist our natures, but when everyone else around you seem to be resisting their natures it's difficult for me not to. |
A central tenet of Shintoism is the concept of kami, spirits that abide in and are worshipped at shrines, representing human beings and things found in nature. |
Human beings are attracted to things they can associate themselves with. |
Many theologians hold that these attributes are metaphorical rather than real, since comparison of God to human beings is strictly forbidden due to fears of associationism. |
As my marriage to Mark ends, I believe him to be one of the kindest, most generous and loyal human beings on earth. |
If you are practicing compassion and loving kindness toward beings, there is no need for you to aspire to be born in a noble or influential family. |
Not only did they get slimmer, fitter and become more attractive human beings, but also they cheered up and blossomed into radiant self-confidence. |
Of all the tractable, equal-tempered, attached, and faithful beings that ever lived, I believe he was the most so. |
Fish, birds, insects, reptiles, mammals, and human beings are all animals. |
The real affinities of all organic beings, in contradistinction to their adaptive resemblances, are due to inheritance or community of descent. |
Since the stabbing she had struggled most with aphenphosmphobia, a morbid fear of physical contact with other human beings. |
Every circumstance which evinced the savage nature of the beings at whose mercy I was, augmented the fearful apprehensions that consumed me. |
The aliens in the science-fiction film wanted to assimilate human beings into their own race. |
Here, student, some man or woman kills living beings and is murderous, bloody-handed, given to blows and violence, merciless to living beings. |
Rustlings and cheepings came to him across that still, moonlit yard. A concourse of living beings sent the hum of their activity into the night. |
The bio-gas could also utilize waste from piggeries, chickeneries and human beings. |
As sharp legal practitioners, no class of human beings can bear comparison with them. |
It was in this stream, I recalled from newspaper items, that one of the morbid crablike beings had been seen floating after the floods. |
Is it not crystal clear, then, comrades, that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of human beings? |
What do dogs want? They want each other. Human beings are merely a cynomorphic substitute, as we all know. |
We are back on the Ligurian coast, from which vertigos push human beings toward all kinds of elsewheres. |
In rites of encoffinment, burial and commemoration, all human beings are treated as ghosts. |
Also, during Odysseus' journey, he encounters many beings that are close to the gods. |
This is done having first attained even-mindedness towards all sentient beings. |
Myths and religions often ascribe natural forces to supernatural beings, as acts of god or hero shaking the earth, raising a storm or flood etc. |
Since humans are deeply social beings, if you put 100 strangers together you will observe rapid groupification. |
Common folkloric beings include pixies, giants, elves, bogeymen, trolls, goblins and dwarves. |
A hub world in the Kasna Republik, Kasnearfar was a cosmopolitan port for beings across the Four Galaxies. |
One's own death is an 'accidental' event, simply another instance of the general rule that human beings die. |
She argued for a society based on reason, and that women, as well as men, should be treated as rational beings. |
Justice is the ligament which holds civilized beings and civilized nations together. |
Based on these similarities, he proposes the idea that the Moon would house living beings, the Selenites. |
Ius Naturale encompassed natural law, the body of laws that were considered common to all beings. |
All rational beings seek benefit and shun harm on their own account but independent choice permits them to abandon bounds imposed by justice. |
He discussed the Trinity first by stating that human beings could not know God from Himself but only from analogy. |
Dharma, according to Van Buitenen, is that which all existing beings must accept and respect to sustain harmony and order in the world. |
Nanak further states that the understanding of Akaal is beyond human beings, but at the same time not wholly unknowable. |
That path is explained as being built upon the motivation to liberate all living beings from unhappiness. |
Within her Order, she emphasised that her followers discover their own personal relationship with the angelic beings, including Lumiel. |
Social beliefs labeled witches as supernatural beings capable of doing great harm, possessing the ability to fly, and as cannibalistic. |
These figures spin wyrd, which refers to the actions and interrelationships of all beings throughout the cosmos. |
Other words for supernatural beings in personal names almost all denote pagan gods, suggesting that elves were in a similar category of beings. |
However, oral traditions about beings like elves remained prominent in Scandinavia into the early twentieth century. |
In Denmark and Sweden, the elves appear as beings distinct from the vetter, even though the border between them is diffuse. |
Similar to Beowulf, Judith conveys a moral tale of heroic triumph over monstrous beings. |
In the pagan world, kings were often seen as either ruling with the backing of heavenly powers or perhaps even being divine beings themselves. |
It holds that one must always act so as to produce the greatest aggregate happiness among all sentient beings, within reason. |
First, that human beings, all over the earth, have this curious idea that they ought to behave in a certain way, and cannot really get rid of it. |
The metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas holds that all real beings have both essence and existence. |
It also influenced the development of the Council of Europe Convention against trafficking in human beings. |
Impressionist paintings demonstrated that human beings do not see objects, but instead see light itself. |
To be a humanist, one has first to love human beings, and to be a great humanist, one has to be slightly detached from them. |
Human beings assess a situation based upon certain predetermined events and from that form a choice. |
Unlike other forms of consequentialism, such as egoism, utilitarianism considers the interests of all beings equally. |
She suggests that both men and women should be treated as rational beings and imagines a social order founded on reason. |
Fundamentally, Marx assumed that human history involves transforming human nature, which encompasses both human beings and material objects. |
This broad-based thinking beings to define areas that require next-level thinking, something that is a major focus of this book. |
People may adapt cosmopolitanism and view themselves as global beings, or world citizens. |
Words are the furnace by means of which merely subjective connections made by individual human beings are converted into noematic meanings. |
Such variation made it extremely difficult to estimate what the rate would be for human beings. |
They can also cause damage if they are excessively used during treatment or in other ways exposed to living beings, by radiation poisoning. |
This otherhood, itself based on solidarity with other human beings, provides the difference which evades paradox. |
In addition, consideration of the environment beyond direct impact on human beings has gained prominence. |
Landscape generally refers to both natural environments and environments constructed by human beings. |
Because bats are mammals, yet can fly, they are liminal beings in many traditions. |
Tartarus is said to be the deepest part of the Underworld and the place where the evilest beings are tortured for all eternity. |
Greek mythographer Euhemerus established the tradition of seeking an actual historical basis for mythical beings and events. |
Popular culture has attributed various disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings. |
Humans are highly social beings and tend to live in large complex social groups. |
The term herd is also applied metaphorically to human beings in social psychology, with the concept of herd behaviour. |
Other roles of angels include protecting and guiding human beings, and carrying out God's tasks. |
They patronize human beings and other creatures, and also manifest God's energy. |
Some theologians had proposed that angels were not divine but on the level of immaterial beings subordinate to the Trinity. |
However, Sikhism has never had a literal system of angels, preferring guidance without explicit appeal to supernatural orders or beings. |
In the late 19th century, colonial fascination with Arctic peoples led to human beings exhibited in human zoos. |
The Ansiwiz similar to the Roman Dii Consentes appear as a limited circle of powerful beings, deities or remote ancestors. |
Devas, in general, are beings who have had more positive karma in their past lives than humans. |
When they accumulate negative karma, they are reborn as either human or any of the other lower beings. |
Their hardihood is evident in their wild appearance, and they are beings who are cruel to their children on the very day they are born. |
She argued for a society based on reason and that women as well as men should be treated as rational beings. |
Haeckel divided human beings into ten races, of which the Caucasian was the highest and the primitives were doomed to extinction. |
This term was used for all newborn beings without regard to their biological sex. |
Or, alternatively, perhaps they are the first human beings as described in tribal protologies. |
As human beings spread out into isolated communities, stresses and peculiarities develop. |
Human beings could learn about God only through divine revelation, he believed, and Scripture therefore became increasingly important to him. |
Charles Bradlaugh believed theology prevented human beings achieving liberty. |
Numerous verses relate to the practice of meat eating, how it causes injury to living beings, why it is evil, and the morality of vegetarianism. |
The essential tenet of legal realism is that all law is made by human beings and, thus, is subject to human foibles, frailties and imperfections. |
I wondered how some of that compassion for a hawk could be rechanneled to help human beings like those I had just seen dying in Darfur. |
Reduvids live by sucking the blood of other insects, and some species also attack human beings. |
Cooperation dates back as far as human beings have been organizing for mutual benefit. |
Mencius also believed in the power of Destiny in shaping the roles of human beings in society. |
They are said to be the protectors of the supernatural, guarding the secrecy of supernatural creatures, or beings, from the world. |
When God ordered his Holy beings to prostrate before Adam, Melek Taus refused to carry out God's order out of his devotion to him. |
For politics is defined by its somewhereness, its concrete historicity in the real world of human beings. |
Such jobs as weeding, for instance, could be done with a thoroughness impossible to human beings. |
On the generation of oxygen gas, and the causes of the colors of organic beings. |
There would be no need for any of the animals to come in contact with human beings, which would clearly be most undesirable. |
The Universe will always be more powerful and intelligent than the human beings. |
Yet whether other beings, other presences, unmaterial, imponderable, intangible, did not walk the streets along with them, is open to doubt. |
Werewolfdom is caused by a virus, somewhat like rabies, which liberates an atavistic part of the brain that human beings have lost. |
Sure, the characters are more like archetypes than human beings. |
Sagan and Percy agree that human beings are naturally wanderers and wonderers, but they disagree on why human beings wander and wonder. |
It's easy to forget that our consumers are not an abstract noun, they are also human beings. |
She assigns Submaster Captains Washen and Pamir to deal with the Polyponds, gigantic water beings that are attacking the Great Ship. |