It was felt that the organization should ensure that people know about Human rights and get their rights in a befitting manner. |
The producers claim that the 52-episode programme will present a variety of Malayalam, Hindi and Tamil songs befitting a smorgasbord of emotions. |
Recently, our family has been discussing what would be a befitting, honorable tribute to his life. |
It is a performance of restrained frustration and quiet despair, coupled with the type of calculated ruthlessness befitting a killer. |
Similarly, if a husband decides to part ways with his wife he is directed to do so in a befitting manner. |
His disciples and admirers have decided to set up an organisation after his name which will be a befitting tribute to remember him by. |
I recorded the drums last, in the manner befitting a dufus, so I had to play them live to everything else, including the guitar break. |
The government has also arranged programmes to observe the day in a befitting manner. |
The site of Australia's Federal parliament house was much heralded as a design befitting a nation that had come of age. |
But though they put on their best face, And tried to cover their disgrace, Folks thought it a befitting place For them, up in a Hayloft. |
She stood, waiting for the officer to greet her in the manner befitting a princess. |
The administration has responded in a manner more befitting politicians than academics. |
This should ensure us that the trial in question would be carried out in the most appropriate and befitting manner. |
It implies an intent to participate in a profession in a manner befitting that vocation. |
Both come in for criticism more befitting a beheading than a scholarly disagreement. |
The issue presents the spirit and persona of our beloved Gurudeva in a most befitting manner. |
Atherly said had he been at home, Durity would have been given the pomp and ceremony befitting a former mayor. |
Graceland is no stately home befitting a king, it's an ordinary mock-colonial, over-decorated to within an inch of its life. |
They both dived over the railing in magnificent, parabolic swan dives befitting Olympic champion divers. |
As is befitting of a 46-year-old, he looks more like a greying chartered accountant than a radical firebrand. |
Rimbaud boldly manipulates Warhol's voice in befitting manner, filtering the artist's voice prismatically in varying ways. |
All of this is, of course, behaviour befitting a right-thinking, well-ordered society. |
It was perhaps used to convey the senior noblewomen in a manner befitting their status as the entourage made its way into Windsor. |
Already he wore the light and baggy silvered suit befitting his rank and his boots were on. |
However, 20 years after his death his remains were moved to a location more befitting the great Bard himself. |
I think it is better for me to make the points I want to make in a manner befitting the delicacy of this situation. |
As befitting his academic stature, Edward Said was a member of countless organizations and societies. |
The Navy gave the last sailor to fight in both world wars a funeral befitting an Admiral of the Fleet. |
Perhaps the words labour of love are used too often, as those three words are no more befitting than they are right here. |
Yes, in other words I have a lot of time to play around on the computer today and I guess its befitting the birthday bashment. |
I personally appeal for the exhibition of honesty by our kingmakers in the selection of a befitting personality for the kingly crown. |
The English translation, as expected, is splendid in its attempt at tracking the most befitting word and word order. |
He was dressed in attire befitting the troubadour in his beanie and old comfortable shirt. |
For the National Symphony Orchestra, it might be befitting to continue with an American conductor. |
Two of the ballet's encounters stood out, imbued with a kind of artistic brilliance befitting their underlying influence. |
I raised myself to a more upright position befitting a solemn physiognomist and a counseller and leaned forward. |
Boudu rocks the household to its foundation with boorish behavior and manners befitting a beast. |
It is a beautiful solid silver trophy, befitting the memory of a great but modest man. |
Despite recent attempts at democracy and modernization, sark is full of quirks befitting its history. |
For a bold statement befitting this luxurious tower, Lamcel panels were chosen for the front and back entrance canopies. |
She had done up her hair as was befitting royalty, and had placed a wreath of duskbloomers, a soft purple flower, intertwined with coral and pearls as a crown. |
As befitting a company that has won awards for the quality of its customer service, Lakeland Limited has paid much attention to detail within the light and airy store. |
He takes the stage with a stride that's purposeful, elegant, even serene, befitting a Californian who seriously loves surfing, martial arts and fast cars. |
In a 1940s-style apartment befitting a film noir gumshoe, a Montreal private eye shows off a collection of futuristic gizmos spread over his kitchen table. |
The trio seem increasingly intent on going for the jugular, asserting themselves aggressively and explosively in a manner entirely befitting a band whose home is Glasgow. |
They called for a united effort to fight the violent and disruptive forces as a befitting tribute to the charismatic leader who had been removed from the scene at the prime of his youth. |
She was rechristened the CCGS Amundsen, honouring the legendary Arctic explorer, befitting of her new role as a research icebreaker. |
Her prose has the grandiose coltishness befitting the young woman whose early life she narrates. |
Stephen Ward Was Innocent, OK is written with punchiness, gusto, incisive forensic analysis, and deadly gallows humour befitting its subject. |
They usually dress in stylish gray jumpsuits befitting of party animals. |
They are very doggish, with serious, almost mask-like expressions, befitting the occasion. |
Betty Draper burst onto the small screen with an undeniable presence befitting the wife of the enigmatic Don Draper. |
Artists then began to depict the Ark in a manner befitting an illustrated children's book. |
This squares with the team song, which goes on about scalping the enemy and other warrior skills, befitting for a game of violence, which football clearly is. |
The choice we make for ourselves must be made with a moderation of counsel and temperateness of judgment befitting our character and our motives as a nation. |
The choice we make for ourselves must be made with a moderation of counsel and a temperateness for judgement befitting our character and our motives as a nation. |
That's before we even start on his drinking, smoking, lying and promiscuity: conduct not befitting an educated teenager in 50s America. |
The buildings are rarely more than five storeys high and are tightly packed, befitting an industry that was once close-knit and small-scale. |
As befitting a venue amid the razzle-dazzle of Times Square, Discovery turns the exhibition into a bit of a show. |
Kabuki plays are less rarefied and are often fiercely energetic and wildly emotional, as befitting their presentation before a broader audience. |
Instead, it has chosen arrogance and actions befitting a majority government. |
The Summits Management Office intends to allow use of the logo in a non-commercial manner befitting the status and goals of the summit. |
The logo shall be used in a non-commercial manner befitting the status and goals of this summit. |
As befitting the importance of this three-year plan, this annual report looks at highlights from this plan. |
But, befitting its subject matter, the sparkle is definitely there. |
They define in their Constitutions an enclosure befitting their specific character and in accordance with sound traditions. |
I'd much prefer to be predicting a strong dollar, one befitting a great nation on the rise. |
The final act, back in the States, is even more fantastical, with an added twist, befitting such a corkscrew plot, which doesn't make a blind bit of sense. |
He plays the role with a well placed tragic regality befitting someone who feels he is above everyone, yet below really people, a strange place to be indeed. |
He leads a lifestyle befitting a man of money, erring on excess. |
As fluent in drug trade jargon as Martian, Future peppers his lyrics with interstellar imagery befitting of his far out vocals. |
It was insulting and again, not befitting someone in my position. |
It was an act of public courage befitting the man they loved. |
Our forces are fully capable to give a befitting reply to our enemy. |
What could be more befitting tribute than a poignant musical evening, bejeweled with similar soothing melodies, to a person for whom music was soul in itself. |
That is a mortal trait, not a befitting attribute for an angel. |
In the wake of any aggression, we are capable of giving a befitting reply. |
We should play our part by communicating what we think is more befitting. |
It was a befitting gift to a great mentor by an equally grateful disciple. |
The Magnum opens up to 7.75 inches in length, with over four inches of that in a pugnacious handle stylistically befitting the business end of the knife. |
Making an entrance befitting any Olympian athlete, Frances arrived in Emily Square in an open top vintage car, accompanied by her chauffeur for the night. |
Sadly what follows is a meandering, hokey apocalyptic tale more befitting a Saturday morning of Hanna-Barbara cartoons than a high-concept, big-budget Hollywood movie. |
In about 1680, he rebuilt his ancestral seat of Stowe House in Cornwall in a grand style befitting his new noble status. |
They argued that it would be befitting to apply that principle similarly to the staffing of the Section supporting the work of the Committee, particularly at the highest professional level. |
He prefers curvation, which sounds more formal and befitting of that golden chalice. |
The outmoded and dysfunctional internal system of justice must be revamped, befitting the principle that the staff were the Organization's most valuable asset. |
The AA did more than kindly supply a venue befitting the occasion. |
They shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their status as international civil servants and shall not engage in any activity that is incompatible with the proper discharge of their duties with the Court. |
Urban design that integrates architecture, streets, public spaces, and built and natural environments, to create a sense of place befitting a national capital. |
We would like to underline the importance of bolstering the highest standards of discipline and conduct befitting a United Nations peacekeeping operation. |
Traditionally, as befitting guardians of the nation's money supply, central bankers try to project at least a public facade of calm responsibility and sobriety. |
All this forces the specialist to come to the conclusion that Russia is not ready to receive, in a befitting way, new developments promising high returns in the future. |
The stars seem aligned for further progress in Africa, but Kaberuka strikes a note of caution befitting a banker, reiterating the need for the various factors to come together. |
Ayyaz Sadiq is a serous politician and he has run the house in a befitting manner during the last 2 years, he held. |
That yellow goes very nicely with our blue seats but, even so, I invite you to furl your umbrellas, so that the vote on the budget can proceed with the dignity befitting this Parliament. |
Furthermore, I am almost inclined to think that in the minds of all these people, research is nothing but an excuse to conduct experiments befitting a sorcerer's apprentice. |
It is befitting to sensitise VHWS as they are the ones who primarily deal with matters of pregnancy at community level. |
Bring me these twain cups of wine and water, and let us drink from the one we feel more befitting of this day. |
Not perhaps entirely befitting of an event populated largely by the nerdier end of the human scale but cute nonetheless. |
But the film is largely redeemed by an unexpected emotional resonance befitting a Steven Spielberg production. |
Did they live their lives in a matter befitting of our standards? |
This repetition is not redundant, but adds an air of continuity only befitting the story's scale and grandeur. |
In addition, the ascent of females in university education has not been paralleled by an assumption of responsibility for the management of such education or by any befitting participation in planning and assessment. |
Bristlemouths are deep sea fishes, and, as befitting their pitch-black environs, boast rows of light-emitting organs called photophores along their sides. |
The soldiers of the 48th were so amused by these antics that they branded the young man with a nickname befitting someone with his durable cranium. |
Those are serious arguments, befitting a serious antagonist. |
The Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste Tin comes adorned with proud royal blue heraldry, befitting a chivalrous Dragon Knight like Draco-Equiste, with purple highlights to show off this Fusion Monster. |
And these qualities perfectly befitting this ancient troglodyte city: most of its buildings have been carved into the sandstone sometimes pink, yellow or purple depending on the nature of the metal oxide content. |
Items feature cool contrast stitching, distressed fabric treatments and street wear style graphics that give the line an active, edgier look befitting the X Games name. |
A winning combination of Styrax, ladanum and calamus, it was a sensual, intoxicating blend most befitting a perfume originating from the island of the goddess of love. |
The view is extensive, befitting the highest point north of Whinlatter. |
Beneath a straw-tinted coif, bushy beard and dark aviator shades, Petty mewled through the latter tune with a swagger befitting his new albumAAEs title. |
There was also a cheery lesson on tremolo technique, befitting Ogden's day job as principal lecturer in guitar at the Royal Northern College of Music. |
Races for stayers are a popular spectacle at Pontefract, befitting a racecourse which has possibly the longest continuous track in the world on the Flat. |
In 1897, Victoria had written instructions for her funeral, which was to be military as befitting a soldier's daughter and the head of the army, and white instead of black. |