The granitoids and the steeply bedded sedimentary rocks that they intruded are cut by steep or vertical regional cleavage. |
They consist of extremely fine-grained evenly bedded limestone, formerly quarried for use in printing. |
This is the only location where bedded sedimentary rocks were observed to be in direct contact with the pillow basalts. |
The track in Australia is not deeply bedded on a firm base and much of it lacks proper drainage. |
I have bedded my tomato plants in the greenhouse and some more in the veg patch, whilst the wife has potted her crab apple tree in the planter. |
Some fifteen boxes of daylilies and irises were sent over last weekend, and they will need to be bedded soon. |
He regularly bedded secretaries and prostitutes provided by friendly governments. |
Her husband Nick is the one who bedded Kath, and this devastating truth forces Elaine ruthlessly to re-evaluate their shared past. |
We slept in twin bedded rooms, with sheets and duvets provided, and the bathrooms were stocked with soap, towels, hair shampoo and dryers. |
We found a lifeboat suspended 10 feet above the deck and bedded down under a tarpaulin. |
Just days after the troubled rapper checked into a rehab clinic for a sleeping pill addiction, the pop diva has vehemently denied he bedded her. |
She wooed her by writing her a fabulous part in the nursing academy's Christmas play, and bedded her in the dormitory soon after. |
The bed thickness is variable from thinly bedded to massive beds up to 9 m thick, and the contacts with other facies are generally gradational. |
The sediment matrix of the specimen consists of crudely bedded very fine sandstone with Ophiomorpha burrows. |
It moved again, and with a start of surprise I realized it was the antlers of a nice mule deer, bedded in the brush. |
She has rubbished the singer's claim that he bedded four of the five members of the group. |
The sedimentary rocks are well bedded and dominated by mudstones with beds 2-5 m thick. |
The rest bedded down in one of the shelters, detox centres, hospital emergency departments, or police cells. |
These microfossils, found in bedded carbonaceous cherts, are estimated to be between 3.3 billion to 3.5 billion years old. |
Anyways, we left Calgary in the morning and bedded down that night on the beach of a tiny island called Keye Caulker. |
That night he made his way out of town and bedded down on the edge of a shallow gully. |
They form massive structures that contrast with adjacent bedded deposits when found in the geological record. |
Among the 30 different types of stone recognized are varieties of diorite, granite, bedded tuff, sandstones, limestones, and tufa. |
We finally made it to the platform we were to sleep on, ate dinner, and bedded down in the mine. |
Small intrusions of mafic diorite and large intrusions of granophyric diorite cut the bedded sequence. |
Most geologists are familiar with the occurrence of plant compression fossils in bedded sedimentary rocks. |
It was intruded into a succession of thinly bedded sandstones and carbonaceous silt and mudstones. |
Each evening the horses were bedded down, fed, watered, cosseted and crooned at. |
In 1752 a Frenchman was prescribed 2 drams of cantharides for a fever and in the next two months bedded his wife at least 87 times. |
Once 132 of them were kept under hatches for three days without fresh water, bedded down with a herd of pigs. |
The botel offers an accommodation in comfortable single and double bedded cabins and apartments. |
The behavior of six multiparous sows per pen, bedded on straw, was recorded. |
Untroubled by self-doubts and consistently successful, he is portrayed as having squired and bedded numerous women. |
Losing a man on the field of battle is a terrible thing, but losing a man when the army is bedded down for the winter is truly a tragedy. |
Ideally you want manure from horses bedded on straw, since the straw soaks up urine and rots down with the manure to produce a great conditioner. |
Odds ratios showed cows preferred the stalls bedded with sand 2.8 times more than the stalls bedded with granite fines. |
Often, the stones split along the bedding planes, especially on thinly bedded slabs. |
A mile away across the valley the far cliffs stood in white limestone buttresses bedded on red scree slopes, glowing in early sun. |
The age of the tuff collected from bedded volcanic rocks newly exposed in the quarry at Bardon Hill is less easy to interpret. |
Some of the bedded sandstone inclusions were folded prior to inclusion within the melange. |
He bedded scores of women and got drunk with his men and worshipped his king. |
It is represented by the E-Lert Formation of the Ratburi Group, consisting of mudstone, shale, sandstone, and limestone with a few bedded cherts. |
The middle part comprises a 45-m-thick coarsening upward sequence of massive to bedded sandstone. |
The veins extend perpendicularly from the thrust fault across the skarn and pinch out in overlying rhythmically bedded limestone. |
The facies consists mainly of brownish grey laminated bioclastic packstone and thinly bedded cherts. |
The Charnian Supergroup is a bedded sequence of volcanic rocks with, at the top of the sequence, a thick pelite devoid of volcanic input. |
He finally dined and then bedded her, only to find to his horror that she was a genuine morphodite. |
The more firmly Germany is bedded into existing European structures the more secure its neighbours on all sides should feel. |
The ArmaLite AR-50 is a single shot bolt action rifle with a unique octagonal receiver bedded into an aluminum stock. |
The RepoSheet is bedded under the patient and can be used in combination with, or instead of, an ordinary bed sheet. |
Previously only those who had actually bedded down for the night were recorded as rough sleepers. |
Some new plants are bedded down in wood chips made from last year's victims. |
City buses will pick up people who cannot get in and take them to the suburbs where they are bedded down on mats in warehouses. |
I watched as two city buses took another 100 or so to the suburbs to be bedded down on mats in warehouses. |
The injured are even bedded down on the floor, and nurses have trouble to walk past. |
The system as far as Objectives 1 and 2 are concerned has just been bedded down. |
Loaded on to lorries, taken to German naval barracks in Wilhelmshaven, bedded down for night. |
Hoot bedded down in the officers' quarters and I in the sergeants' quarters. |
Around ten o'clock several of them have bedded down blearily on the mud floor next to a plastic sheet filled with roasted maize. |
The separation area should be positioned in such a way that the straw bedded pen can easily be mucked out. |
Among these herds, 72 per cent of cows in herds bedded on mattresses had hairless spots on their hocks, and 17 per cent had swollen lesions. |
Sheep are most commonly housed in bedded pens with a manure pack. |
Eighteen stalls were randomly bedded with sand or granite fines. |
Cucumbers: Apply pre-plant, 12 to 14 litres PREFAR 4.8-E Emulsifiable Liquid per broadcast hectare to flat-planted or bedded cucumbers. |
Ideally keep groups intact throughout grow-finish stage but if mixing is necessary, mix in a neutral pen that is well bedded with straw. |
In these cases, however, special bedded units with access to water have been designed so that the animals can be transported in relative comfort. |
The cubicle's lying area must be well-drained and comfortably bedded to encourage maximum cow lying time. |
There is a railed bedded area to the front of the house, while to the rear, the 75 foot long garden is laid in lawn with mature flowerbeds and a brick-effect patio. |
The unit is composed of rhythmically bedded marls, horizons of laminated organic-rich black shales, rare marly limestones, clastic turbidites, and penecontemporaneous slumps. |
We bedded down in the forest that first night on the way back. |
We then departed for a wooded spot a few miles away, where we bedded down in the brush for the night, hoping to regain contact with our colleagues in the morning. |
Each night as they bedded down, the chimps would call out to one another. |
The culprit is thought to have been a homeless man, who bedded down for the night in one of the mobiles and wrote a note of apology, explaining he had nowhere to stay. |
The other horses were brought in and the two girls were kept busy, fetching fresh water and hay for the horses, while the horsemen groomed the animals and bedded them down. |
We bedded him down on Friday night, tired and a little drunk, in the living room, at 2am, next to a radiator and directly opposite the morning sun, which our house faces. |
You don't deserve a man who's killed other men and bedded other women. |
I wonder if the actress knew this when she was bedded by him. |
They solved some crimes and bedded a lot of bikini-clad women. |
Chert layers and nodules are relatively abundant and it is striking that many limestone beds display, in their middle part, a 2-8 cm thick, irregularly bedded chert layer. |
The Haluut Bulag melange is dominantly sedimentary with lenses of bedded limestone, sandstone, siltstone, and locally vesicular basalt, enclosed in a matrix of pelitic schist. |
From the Early Aptian to the latest Albian, a c.750 m thick succession of cyclically bedded marlstones and limestones was deposited in the centre of the basin. |
Calving and creep areas should be kept clean and well bedded. |
Chalk and similar soft, bedded limestones provide crumbly soils that are both well drained and have the capacity to retain water in the microporous rock structures. |
Pigs have a preference for insulated or bedded flooring providing physical and thermal comfort. |
In order to provide an even planting depth, the seed is bedded in the area of maximum reconsolidation. |
And did I mention that his memoir, filled with tales of the women he has bedded, is called Exposing Myself? |
I bedded down for this debate, Scotch in hand, expecting to be bored five ways to rigor mortis. |
Charles was succeeded by his brother James II, who was even more promiscuous, and was said to have bedded over a thousand women. |
He has saved the world from nuclear destruction and chemical warfare, bedded an endless stream of lovelies and made himself Scotland's best known cinematic export. |
Two major varieties of chert deposits exist namely, bedded chert and nodular chert. |
The thinner bedded sandstones are considered overbank flood deposits. |
Because he would not abandon the flock for a lost sheep after the others had bedded down for the night, he turned back, searched the thickets and gullies. |
Only when these have bedded in will we be able to fully assess the impact of Michael Gove's reforms. |
All the tests listed below shall be carried out on brakes that have been bedded in. |
The perimeter tiles should then be bedded in a wet mortar in order to anchor the tiles and prevent spread. |
Especially comedy Dutchman Det Van Houten, who almost bedded perpetual superior smirker Blake. |
Glaciofluvial sediments: Glaciofluvial deposits consist of coarse to medium grained sand and gravel, poorly to well sorted and bedded, with numerous cobbles, boulders, and lenses of till. |
Make sure the alternator is securely bedded in position during coupling. |
The oolites at Cedar Hill and Russell Mountain laed us to the conclusion that these bedded ores are of undoubted sedimentary origin. |
The seismic profiles contain a section of uniformly bedded sediments, and apparently deep seated diapiric features. |
This is an end moraine that contains numerous hummocky mounds of irregularly bedded sand and gravel with subordinate till, deposited in patches from meltwater flowing in contact moving or decaying glacier. |
Host rocks are sedimentary in nature, consisting primarily of broad intercalations of finely bedded argillite and massive to slightly bedded greywackes. |
It is classified as a bedded anorthosite of the Morin suite very common in the Grenville Province and recognized for its Ti, Cu, and Ni potential. |
After a period alternating between defensive and midfield roles, he bedded down as a central midfielder in 2007 and it is in this position that he has flourished under Aguirre. |
However, it is important to note that UNESCO's decentralization reform and the development of an overall strategy for the institutes and centres are recent developments and many of the changes are still being bedded down. |
If you're sure of a gut shot, the buck will usually be bedded within five hundred yards of where it was hit. |
Among all chains or clusters of mountains where large bodies of still water are bedded. |
In the health sector, 200 bedded National Institute of Kidney diseases has been established and 4 kidney centers of 50 bedded each in each province has been established. |
They shall be bedded to the procedure described below. |
On flat-planted or bedded crops apply, before planting, to well-worked soil that is dry enough to permit thorough incorporation to a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm. |
Let your readers be reminded that, in old age, the upright Cato bedded and openly lived with a slave girl. The erection of his statue after 149BC was followed by the darkest period of Roman history. |
Many of the issues running now will be bedded down over the course of the next two years and I think we'll have a very different end to next year than we've had to this year. |
At one point Lefty bedded down, but he kept close watch on a forky that had bedded right under us. |
We did spot a heavy-beamed 3x3 bedded on a slope with a forky, so I made a move on that pair. |
I spent a good part of the evening at a shelter on a very cold night where between 1,000 and 1,200 people bedded down, and they do this on a nightly basis. |
Shinseki and a sergeant named Leslie Cotten were bedded down under a tree. |
Bob calves should not be bedded in shavings or sawdust because if they ingest this type of bedding material they will experience digestive problems. |
Now, bedded down, they turned resolute and disapproving. |
Ramadan came early, and the fighters bedded down. |
Over the years, he has bounced between girlfriends' apartments, condemned buildings and flophouses, and he has often ridden the subways all night, slept on a park bench or bedded down in a building alcove. |
Pipe bedded in compacted granular material to centreline of pipe. |
Trained in intelligence and special forces, the superspy always used the latest gadgets, thwarted Soviet agents, brought international gangsters to justice, and inevitably bedded a beautiful woman. |
Some of that was bedded down by the Libyan Investment Authority. |
Non-denning bears apparently spent much of the time bedded in shrub or spruce microhabitats and intermittently travelled relatively short distances within their normal home ranges. |
The Chelsea Fringe festival, now three years old, has bedded in nicely. |
I also concede that Ipso has bedded in better than I initially expected. |
These are overlain by units from the Vulcan's Thumb stage which consist of lava flows, blocky agglutinated dacite breccia, and bedded and unbedded fine tephra. |
Allowed to dwell on in her servant's chamber, she pilfered the netsuke – so portable they could be slipped in an apron pocket one at a time – until she had stolen them all away, and bedded them down in her straw palliasse. |
Mindy claims Steve bedded blonde mum-of-three Debbie Armet while he was away in Marbella, Spain. |
When the fawn remains bedded, the natural camouflage of its spotted coat and its almost scentless condition effectively conceal it from predators. |
Right at the start, the route passes one of Switzerland's most beautiful swimming baths: the Schönenbodensee is idyllically bedded in the landscape and invites passers-by to bathe and linger. |
Lying was considered as steers recumbent sternally or laterally in the bedded floor. |
Good news if you don't like sleazoids like Julio Iglesias, left, who boasts he has, so far, bedded 3000 women. |
Thus, lamination consists of thin units in bedded, or layered, sequence in a natural rock succession, whereas stratification consists of bedded layers, or strata, in a geologic sequence of interleaved sedimentary rocks. |
We bedded down at the church that night making the residents comfortable on air beds. |
In the Republic of South Africa, vanadium occurs in seams of titaniferous magnetite located in the Bushveld Complex, one of the largest bedded mafic intrusives of the world. |
To the west the Round Hows are examples of bedded breccias sandstone and tuffs. |
This finely bedded material that splits readily into thin layers is called shale, as distinct from mudstone. |
The main Tulawaka gold deposit is hosted in dominantly volcanogenic tuffaceous rock and bedded terrigenous sediment with thin layers of silicate iron formations, all metamorphosed into amphibolite facies. |
The Braemar Iron Formation consists of a series of alternating bedded, tillitic, and interbedded magnetite units that represent cycles of glacial advances and retreats. |
It includes bedded limestone, dolomite, shale, slate, sandstone, marble, flagstone banded gneiss, massive white to red granite and black anorthsite. |
Thinly bedded pea gravel consisting of black chert and metaquartzite clasts are commonly associated with indurated sandstones and orthoquartzites. |
Young girls lie bedded soft or glide in their dreams, with rings and trousseaux, bridesmaided by glowworms down the aisles of the organplaying wood. |
The Knox Dolomite, a massively bedded, partially crystalline, gray magnesian limestone of Cambrian and Ordovician age, is some 3500 feet thick in this area. |
The northern crags expose some granophyric granite of the Ennerdale Intrusion, together with the bedded breccias, sandstones and tuffs of the Round How Member. |
This consists mainly of deposits of bedded volcaniclastic sandstone and siltstone, deposited rapidly in shallow water at a late stage during the volcanic activity. |