Then the dragoons came under fire from a German battalion mounted on bicycles. |
The battalion later acted as rearguard to their brigade as it gradually withdrew from Norway. |
The journalist was embedded with a marine battalion and was present during the Falluja offensive. |
Miller returned to battalion headquarters to conduct an abbreviated military decisionmaking process. |
We helped him into the Jeep, and Burke drove him to the battalion aid station. |
Time permitting, the aviation battalion commander provided guidance before going into the course of action development and wargaming. |
During the war he rose from a battalion adjutant to an aid of a section chief of the operational department of the 5th Army Staff. |
Twice a month, the battalion adjutant coordinated a visit from the finance company to provide soldiers with casual pay. |
He made over 40 parachute jumps while serving as a rifle platoon leader, battalion adjutant, and commander of a raider platoon. |
Maintain contact with the lead company of the advance guard battalion while displacing, and report its activity. |
During the war he rose through the ranks from an officer school cadet to a major in command of a rifle battalion. |
Just one of many examples would be to expand the aide-de-camp program down to the battalion commander level. |
They are extremely useful in aiding the reconnaissance-gathering capabilities of the battalion recon platoon. |
He was killed in the second world war near Dunkirk when his battalion was overrun. |
I attended a very productive meeting for regimental and motorized rifle battalion scouts. |
Three division commanders and many regimental and battalion commanders were relieved in less than a month. |
The tactical air assault force can be reinforced with a motorized rifle battalion. |
Johnston initially intended to create a black battalion that would include a Mobile company comprising Gilmer's rifles and additional troops. |
A similar combined arms battalion is the centerpiece of the future unit of action. |
If you are the medical platoon leader for an infantry or armor battalion task force, you are expected to have what you need to treat patients. |
From September of 1970, he served in the Urals Military District as intelligence chief of a missile battalion. |
The mortar platoon is the personal artillery battery for the battalion commander. |
One must understand the importance of assigning an appropriate number of NAIs at the battalion level. |
He served previously as an assistant professor at West Point and as a battalion executive officer in Europe. |
Furthermore, our forward support battalion used our lowboys to move its connexes. |
If only the Army knew, some of their best soldiers in the battalion are taking or have taken drugs. |
I was an armor task force scout platoon sergeant when my battalion deployed to Iraq. |
A subaltern and a sergeant were told off to supervise each platoon, any spare officers taking up positions in the rear of the battalion line. |
Collection efforts of the RSTA squadron and infantry battalion scouts should be complementary. |
With the support of his commander, a battalion master marksman would improve marksmanship proficiency in the light infantry battalions. |
Our own battalion was predominantly Cumbrian, and the men from the west coast called each other 'marrow', pronounced marra. |
As an interim measure, we could attach an active or reserve component mechanized battalion task force to each division. |
Only one of these battalions, the 36th battalion of the Civil Defence Corps, has been in action. |
General Van Fleet did however command an infantry battalion during this period. |
The smallest unit of the battalion is a tactical loudspeaker broadcast team. |
This was different from its usual role of supporting a motorised infantry battalion. |
Later he commanded a tank battalion, an armored brigade and the First Cavalry Division. |
He has held key staff positions with troops at the battalion, brigade and division levels. |
The force now included around a battalion of infantry as well as a squadron of military engineers. |
Posted to the Far East, he became medical officer of an infantry battalion. |
Throughout World War II, infantry battalions did not even have battalion scouts. |
Donovan had won a Medal of Honor during World War I as an infantry battalion commander. |
The corporations always have a battalion of crackerjack lawyers to defend themselves. |
It will keep a battalion of civil service economists and statisticians in work with the creation of more monitoring and evaluation. |
The fire support battalion will consolidate the two mortar platoons of the original battalions into batteries. |
Numerically, each of its three cavalry squadrons has the equivalent of a tank battalion, a mechanized battalion, and an artillery battery. |
The plan had a number of elements, but basically it was a self-help plan for our battalion to look out for ourselves. |
Each brigade was made up of four small battalions and each battalion was organized into two columns. |
She sent out battalion after battalion of her finest guard to fight the invaders, yet they were knocked down as easily as tin soldiers. |
Five hundred men from the regiment's battalion are currently on a tour of duty in Afghanistan which began in April and will end in October. |
Paul's battalion lost five soldiers, the first four in a blinding sandstorm known as the 40-day shamal, or 40 days of wind. |
The battalion chapel and a game room with billiards and ping-pong tables were also located in the DFAC building. |
Even the battalion chaplain, Steve Hommel, ended up shouldering an M16 rifle. |
Around 200 soldiers from the 650 troops in the battalion are from Bradford. |
The ministry originally wanted to use an army motorized infantry battalion and an air defense battalion in the experiment. |
We can't just do this because our battalion or our brigade or our division is out here fighting. |
He has commanded airborne infantry units at the company, battalion, brigade and division levels. |
The battalion 600 yards behind us, a support group husbanding tons of gasoline and ammo, began shooting. |
Sawyer is a non-com serving with an artillery battalion stationed in Karlsrhue Germany. |
It is understood the restructuring will see the creation of nine infantry battalions, one artillery battalion and one cavalry squadron. |
In fact only a small convoy of caiques, bearing a single battalion of mountain troops, was headed for Maleme, not Canea. |
The standard-bearer and the battalion commander are a scant ten up from me, leading the march. |
Starting with the established brigade support area stand-to times, the members of HHC prepare to support the battalion. |
If only ground transportation is available, how exactly will the casualty be evacuated to the battalion aid station? |
Look at structuring the push package to support the lowest level of stabilizing care, such as the battalion aid station. |
It allows the battalion signal officer to fully manage the services within their battalion and report statuses to the brigade signal officer. |
The recruiting battalion headquarters were the second and third to open in Afghanistan. |
Additionally, the battalion staff was able to operate from its own headquarters. |
The ship carries provisions and stores for battalion transportation for more than ten days. |
Infantry battalion and artillery and cavalry commanders required extensive coaching as well. |
With the addition of an engineer battalion and air cavalry squadron, it was obvious the brigade required additional MBITR assets. |
Both would have a Stryker Mobile Gun System battalion that could air-land to provide additional firepower when needed. |
The brawl led to an attack by about 300 members of the infantry battalion on Madiun Police station and three other substations in the town. |
A horizontal staff team, consisting of the S2, fire support officer, and S4 is shown at battalion. |
A battalion of police cars was approaching, their sirens flashing circularly, speeding up along the deserted highway. |
To accomplish these goals, the battalion dispatched patrols at irregular intervals, keeping bandits guessing as to when they would occur. |
Almost instantly the larvae mutate into full grown imagos and you have yourself an Entopod battalion. |
The battalion has had an active tour and in February reacted to an incursion by an armed group from West Timor. |
The grenadier company of a line infantry battalion was paraded on the right of the line, the place of honour accorded to its status. |
Shortly after I took command of a battalion, two of my companies changed command. |
An example would be a forward support battalion whose companies have diverse functions. |
The disseminated copies go to brigade as well as the rifle companies and battalion scouts. |
They were offered first one infantry battalion, the one based on Cyprus, and then another. |
A battalion of battle-tested infantrymen walked single file along either side of the road towards the enemy. |
The composite battalion operated the mixed weapons for the remainder of the siege. |
Sanders would eventually command a field artillery battalion activated at Camp Rucker. |
Although assault pioneers were all trained riflemen and could fight as a rifle platoon, their value to the battalion was in their versatility. |
The 8th battalion of the Madras Regiment even sent its pipe band, complete with headgear, bagpipes and tartans. |
In this more modern era, it takes a minimum of four years to train a fighter pilot, even longer for a battalion commander. |
And, after being relieved the following day, they set up a firebase, so they could support the rest of the battalion if needed. |
I hope this article assists in training mortar platoons in an armor battalion. |
Another force at a light battalion commander's disposal is his antitank platoon or company. |
As the battalion attempted to overcome its challenges, battery commanders and first sergeants had some of their own. |
As snow continued to fall in January and February, the battalion was kept busy plowing access roads to the sites. |
There was one forward depot for each army formation with one forward battalion to support each front-line corps. |
This ensures the plan meets the commander's guidance, is compatible with all battalion maneuver elements, and reduces the risk of fratricide. |
The fact that he had been cross-posted to a regular battalion demonstrated his sound military credentials. |
Again, the battalion took great care to distribute assets equally among the police precincts. |
At six feet two, his long, straight figure stands out prominently in the old battalion photographs. |
Whatever lies behind the timing of this initiative, the need to deploy an entire battalion smacks of military miscalculation. |
The Imperial ships in the beach deployed a battalion of samurai to counter the rebel soldiers. |
On June 26, the battalion had moved up and begun to dig in to a new position when the tell-tale sound of an incoming shell was heard. |
On the other side of the river are numerous shanties, grog shops and grocery stores, on a small scale, got up since the battalion arrived. |
By the Middle Ages, no cathedral, guildhall or town hall was complete without a virtual battalion of these charmingly grotesque little guys. |
The air assault battalion had landed to envelop this position and prevent reinforcements. |
The battalion immediately came under fire from enemy positions as soon as the first lift helicopters exfiltrated from the objective. |
Four to six companies make up a battalion, which is normally commanded by a lieutenant colonel with a command sergeant major as principal NCO assistant. |
The U.N. peacekeeping battalion of Indian soldiers fired warning shots, but failed to halt the angry mob. |
I was very impressed with the other battalion commanders in the brigade. |
I just knew that one day the battalion of trees would overtake this weak stretch of highway and obscure its existence with an impenetrable density. |
Five of the other eleven EU member states had troops in Bosnia or Croatia in early 1995, Danes and Swedes with Norwegians and Finns in a joint Nordic battalion. |
The battalion was next engaged in Maltot where the fighting was non stop. |
An entire battalion of Scotsmen should feel indebted to him. |
In fact, ask any battalion leader and they will tell you that the point man is vital to a mission. |
A battalion of solid metaphysicians, reinforced by a tribe of tittering harridans and three companies of ventripotent buffoons, venture a daring sally. |
He held off a force of Northmen with just a single battalion of infantry. |
Members of the battalion spent their two-week rotation bulldozing, clearing, flattening and widening the six-mile trail, which is owned by the Stark County Park District. |
The battalion also is short of ammunition, Sergei says, but he insists he would still like to return to battle. |
The volunteer battalion Biletsky serves with, Azov, counts a few hundred armed militants. |
Sergei is not the only soldier who has complained about the conduct of the commander and the officers in the 12th battalion. |
Fighter Sergei was hopeful that judicial investigations have begun into the 12th battalion when I first met him in September. |
After the attack on the outpost, he kept the battalion moving. |
And Chechen fighters from the self-styled Vostok battalion arrived in central Donetsk today for a rally. |
The battalion adjutant sent me to the C Company command post by Jeep. |
As the workers stared dumfounded at the pipe, young girls in pea-green hairnets were passing out pea-green gloves to members of the pea-green battalion. |
As the first battalion of the Irish Guards go through the motions of their normal Tuesday morning practice, the crowds begin to gather desultorily round the Palace forecourt. |
A single buffalo distress bellow is enough to turn a docile, ruminating herd into a battalion of warriors, ready to charge and chase off an entire pride of lions. |
The advance guard is usually comprised of a motorized rifle battalion reinforced with a tank company, an artillery battalion, an engineer platoon, and a flame-thrower platoon. |
Tactical minefields are smaller and are laid around a battalion or company position to block approaches and canalise vehicles into smaller killing grounds. |
It populated the battalion partly with soldiers who had gone through basic training elsewhere as tank destroyer crewmen and partly with raw recruits. |
New faces fill empty spaces where a battalion of fallen MPs once sat, and the arbitrary brutality of a reshuffle reminds the ranks who wears the steel toecaps of power. |
To the surprise of many, they were well-known rebel commanders from a smaller battalion in Latakia. |
This results in wasted effort as infantry battalion scouts conduct time-consuming reconnaissance of areas and routes already reconnoitered by recce troops. |
Six more soldiers received letters of reprimand, including a battalion commander and battalion operations sergeant major who were immediately relieved of duty. |
Navy construction battalion personnel use a crawler tractor and wheeled loader to move sand during the construction of berms that will house weapons during the operation. |
The donbass battalion of about 100 raw recruits armed with pistols and hunting rifles was ambushed. |
We have had the longest period of rest of any battalion in the army. |
Mattresses and box springs were stacked against the concierge desk and leaning against a jewelry display case as a battalion of maintenance workers carted the beds away. |
Each SF battalion runs its debriefings in a different manner. |
The civil war has reached a fever pitch and your battalion has recovered eight bodies floating downstream this week alone. |
The battalion will include both air-defense Soldiers and military police. |
While he managed to fight as far as the fourth line of trenches, by 3.30 pm practically his whole battalion had been wiped out by German artillery. |
Only 130 of the 500 members of his battalion answered the call to arms. |
From this point, litter bearers transported the patient to the battalion aid station where the medical officer triaged the patient and delivered additional emergency care. |
The boys at the battalion aid station can't handle the casualties. |
The number of officers in a battalion was thus reduced dramatically during the war, sergeants and corporals often taking over tasks normally performed by officers. |
The local Reserve Defence Forces drawn from D-Company of the 10th infantry battalion, got the eagerly awaited parade off to a punctual start on the stoke of 2.30 pm. |
The detainee can be used to positively identify terrorists, show safe houses and weapons caches, or identify other activities that are of military value to the battalion. |
Then, of course, your whole battalion displaced to haphazard Iraqi Army bases. |
The battalion was shelled intermittently with high explosive and shrapnel. |
A battalion or company commander who takes the field knowing he has the support of artillery gains confidence from the knowledge that he is fighting with an advantage. |
The platoon tracks could occasionally kick out four sandbags tied together as casualties that the first sergeant could take back to the battalion aid station. |
Soon battalion commanders and regimental commanders were following the path laid out to them by junior officers. |
Leon parked where he was directed, then he and Butch were thoroughly searched by a small battalion of unsmiling guards. |
And we are under no illusion that this state of affairs is confined to one battalion. |
It will also feature a march past led by the Pipes and Drums, a battalion roll call, standard bearer competition and a display of vintage military vehicles. |
Also at 2nd Platoon's location was the battalion mortar platoon. |
The price these supposedly heroic battalion commanders demanded for their combat roles is representation in parliament. |
But the FSA battalion, weakened from months of being under siege, did not have enough ammunition to engage ISIS in the fight. |
Scout platoons are a recon and security element of a maneuver battalion. |
I had the opportunity to serve as a member of the last battalion and brigade command sergeant major selection board. |
In addition to raiding, the division helped train the newly arrived 1st Portuguese Division, assigning a battalion at a time for tutoring. |
In silencing the position, he alleviated the danger to his unit and allowed the battalion to resume the advance. |
The Royal Welsh initially consisted of two Regular Army battalion, plus an Army Reserve battalion. |
In July 2007 the 2nd battalion deployed to Iraq and between 2009 and 2011 the battalion deployed companies to Afghanistan. |
The 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh is a Regular Army armoured infantry battalion based at Tidworth Camp. |
Most types of German field divisions include an organic reconnaissance battalion, and the remainder have strong reconnaissance companies. |
Most interestingly, they are assigned as senior warrant officer advisors to commanders at battalion, brigade, and CID command levels. |
He spent 1941-1944 in a Soviet Army work battalion in Udmurtia, then in ESSR National Cultural Ensembles in Yaroslavl. |
Not only was Arnold only away from his battalion for a very short period of time, his medical records indicate he was suffering from shell shock. |
The battalion managed to leave their landing craft before the Germans could open fire. |
In the rear echelons he interviewed GI's and officers at the levels of company, battalion, regiment, division and corps headquarters. |
He was a supporter of the republican Jacobin movement, organising clubs in Corsica, and was given command over a battalion of volunteers. |
Each battalion was to choose 3 soldiers who were to sabotage enemy's war effort behind the front lines. |
Throughout the month of December, he frontally assaulted strong German defensive positions at battalion strength. |
We don't wonder at her dubious expression, menaced as she is by a descending battalion of silver phalluses we recognize as fuel rods. |
During his period of command, his battalion was stationed at Ploegsteert but did not take part in any set battle. |
There was also a maintenance and training battalion deployed in Sierra Leone. |
The Romans prepared heavily for the war, building a brigade of ships to carry the entire battalion across. |
In Edinburgh, the guard is the responsibility of the resident infantry battalion at Redford Barracks. |
Whichever battalion is assigned to 52 Brigade would then be responsible for performing public duties in Edinburgh. |
In theory, this includes public duties in London, which will retain its two guards and one line infantry battalion. |
The master sergeant is the principal NCO at the battalion level and often higher. |
Tolkien's battalion was almost completely wiped out following his return to England. |
Thus, winning the DEA sets apart this battalion and speaks very well for the caliber of personnel assigned to it. |
As the first of the fleeing Highlanders approached Inverness they were met by a battalion of Frasers led by the Master of Lovat. |
There they were joined by Barisdale's Macdonalds and a small battalion of MacGregors. |
On 1 May, a Gurkha parachute battalion was dropped on Elephant Point, and cleared Japanese rearguards from the mouth of the Yangon River. |
The rest of the brigade, under the command of Colonel Ariel Sharon would then advance to meet with the battalion, and consolidate their holdings. |
In FY2018, the first Marine infantry battalion will receive 69 JLTVs, Bianca said, to replace 74 Humvees in the battalion. |
Having taken the airfield with a dozen casualties, the remainder of the battalion flew in by helicopter. |
In one case two armored platoons were used to convince Iraqi leadership that an entire armored battalion was entrenched in the west of Iraq. |
In 1942, a battalion en route to India was redeployed to the Falklands as a garrison amid fears of a Japanese seizure of the archipelago. |
Gradually the remainder of the battalion followed suit, despite some of the officers trying to prevent such fraternisation. |
The refit plan recommended that the first battalion be motorized to upgrade their offensive capabilities. |
The navy will have coastal patrol squadrons, assault boat squadrons and a marine battalion. |
In 1948, every regiment of line infantry was reduced to a single battalion. |
Then in late 1951, the 1st Battalion was deployed to Cyprus and in February 1952, the battalion deployed to the Suez Canal Zone, Egypt. |
This is why cross-training battalion personnel is more essential now than ever. |
Any additional pipers in the battalion pipe band were and are equipped today by funds from the Officers' Mess Fund of the battalion. |
The role of the support battalion is to provide support to boost numbers in combat and issue competency training in order to allow for the readiness of the force. |
After the opening of HMP Dartmoor in 1809, the battalion of soldiers guarding the around 5,000 prisoners there began practicing musketry at a firing range at Hart Tor. |
During the first few battalion redeployments, we placed our battalion S-3 and two additional NCOs in the DRCC to maintain situational awareness 24 hours a day. |
The Black Watch, the last battalion to serve in Crossmaglen, Co Armagh, will pack their kitbags to end a tour of duty thousands of soldiers learned to dread. |
Combat experts agree that military time is the number one reason that mess hall food is served late, and we all know that a hungry battalion is a recipe for defeat. |
To club a battalion implies a temporary inability in the commanding officer to restore any given body of men to their natural front in line or column. |
The third prong, a fresh Chasseur battalion, now came up in support. |
On 27 October 1916, as his battalion attacked Regina Trench, Tolkien came down with trench fever, a disease carried by lice, which were common in the dugouts. |
The battalion is commemorated in Mexico each year on 12 September. |
At the same time, another IDF battalion attacked the Ruafa ridge. |
The last UK based army battalion left Gibraltar in 1991 and the Royal Gibraltar Regiment took charge of local defence under the command structure British Forces Gibraltar. |
The regiment consists of a single operational battalion, which was based in Catterick between 2008 and 2015, thereafter moving to Aldershot in the armoured infantry role. |
The Belgians, along with the Luxembourg government, sent a detachment of battalion strength to fight in Korea known as the Belgian United Nations Command. |
Vindictive was to land a force of 200 sailors and a battalion of Royal Marines at the entrance to the Bruges Canal, to destroy German gun positions. |
The engineers of the 2nd Panzer Division under Generalmajor Rudolf Veiel built five bridges over the Canal Line and only one British battalion barred the way to Dunkirk. |
The Beauman Division and Norman Force, both improvised formations, left on the evening of 17 June and the rearguard battalion was evacuated in the afternoon of 18 June. |
However, on the way in, some of the landing craft had drifted off course and most of the battalion found themselves west of the River Scie rather than east of it. |
Knowing full well the right time and the wrong time for a palaver of regret and disavowal, this battalion struggled in the desperation of despair. |
Since 2004, the battalion has operated out of CFB Shilo near Brandon. |
His unit fired their guns for the last time at the crossing of the River Po, by which time he was an acting Lieutenant Colonel commanding a battalion. |