In practice, a vast amount of spiritualist messages seem pathetic in their banality and sentimentality. |
The paragraph is remarkable for its gassy banality, but let us just marvel at the folly of that last line. |
This is the making of a generation whose banality is interchangeable with their vacuity. |
The banality of grey, prison like walls high-rising above their heads was a spite to their very faces. |
The gauze of normality gives it a hallucinatory atmosphere of science fiction cut with the surreal banality of the suburbs. |
I'm sick of the lassitude, sick of the despair and the heroising of banality. |
It represents nothing more than banality, platitudes, and outrageous nonsense clumsily conveyed by insipid prose. |
What a great synthesis of the banality of everyday life with high tech and high culture. |
If the soundtrack is any indication, the movie will alternate between sleep-inducing banality, weepy sentiment, and dumb stunts. |
I had such low expectations that the film rose above my assumptions of banality. |
What saves the whole shtick from utter banality is Wang's great location work and his ability to get performances out of even a block of wood. |
Their initial banality allows them to be fulfilled, to take on another life, to free themselves of their own geographies. |
The idea smartly captures the banality of the relationship, highlighting the central idea by juxtaposing it against the action. |
Most of the world's populations live in abysmal poverty, our governments are corrupt, and we lead meaningless lives of banality. |
Still, Channel 5's current approach to the news is less noticeable for ideological taint than sheer banality. |
First the Gulf, then the Balkan campaigns honed the syntax of 24-hour reporting almost to the point of banality. |
With the exception of the excellent Agenda programme, the rest of their home produced material rarely rises above the level of banality. |
Despite and because of the determined atmosphere of painful crisis in the book, Keith doesn't always avoid a thinly disguised, mournful banality. |
Elements such as this can potentially add much character to a genre that's typically overwrought with banality. |
The amount of background information in the link essays is generally superficial, sometimes to the point of banality. |
As the project lurches toward banality, the characters plot, feud and leak to the newspapers, staging palace coups and office break-ins. |
The wordless theatre of everyday life occasionally threatens to subside into banality. |
Intellectual snobbery is so over, I chided myself, before launching into an orgy of sheer, joyous banality. |
Initially, what I found to be striking as I walked through the exhibition was its banality and quiet resonance. |
The air of studied banality persists even during moments of great importance. |
Tours through North America and Britain are recounted with spirit-crushing banality. |
The methodical process and careful attention that Gibbs has devoted to his work belies the banality of his subject. |
Reminiscences of the latter's sexploits make this a remarkable exercise in how to extract hilarity from banality. |
No fictional account of human humiliation and shame can capture the frightening banality of the people's treatment at these checkpoints. |
A guide talked about the banality and universality of the image of these two corporate warehouses. |
Meanwhile a new breed of artists was advancing another brand of banality, with divisive effects on the art world. |
I am computer literate but I find surfing the net is only equalled in its vapidity by the banality of today's TV programmes. |
The banality and dullness of ordinary family life will be replaced by a vibrant, thrilling space opera. |
The greatest laughs come when we realise the full banality of virtual conversations, when spoken out loud. |
The rest of the album, overproduced to the point of banality, barely registers as individual songs. |
For in this French film Jaoui gives us not a stylised cinematic vision of life but a sketch of it in all its banality. |
Despite the extreme artificiality and banality of this Hollywood equation, he manages to convey some of the charged momentariness of a real-life encounter. |
This is their country and their way of living, the things that I question or query are part of the banality of everyday life for them and often remain unobserved. |
It's just been a constant round of self-obsessed navel-gazing here recently, so I thought that you might like me to return to some form of banality. |
It's the banality, rather than the misogyny, which is objectionable. |
What conversation exists is trapped in a level of superficial banality. |
Yet the very banality of his character — his vanity, his garrulousness, his guilt — makes him a heartening case. |
What assaults you instead is the fusty banality of the dialogue and the hoariness of the characters. |
From there, new words are born in order to give birth to a new life, beyond the words over used by habit and banality. |
But what is deeply tragic, because it is all too familiar, is the banality of the arguments that make up their constant sparring match. |
Mr Schlink's seductress evokes the banality of evil, but it is the Reader's life-story that is really tragic. |
But to see in Knausgaard's epic bildungsroman the evil of banality is to miss the point. |
But then, as he points out, the bird hasn't always been the epitome of banality. |
Manège takes elements, the profusion and banality of which are pledged to our indifference, and singles them out. |
The Specialist is an exemplary reflection on the banality of absolute evil. |
That is the danger of your strategy: the banality that will result from it. |
Unemployment and misery fear for the morrow, have become intolerable banality! |
If we succeed in having a Berlin Declaration then this success does not necessarily have to be a reason for banality. |
Then, astres advice you to apply a shiny garnet gloss. You are a woman who don't like banality. |
From the very beginning, our discussions were serious and, as if by mutual accord, completely free of banality. |
Everything is done to enable the audience to escape the banality of everyday life. |
Facing us with the banality of evil, it forces us to reflect on the state of our rights and freedoms in the present. |
The album ends with a recording of beat poet Charles Bukowski talking about his overriding need to escape the banality of his everyday working life. |
The essence of a woman in all its intensity, variety and even banality is sought to be captured through the portrayal of devis and yoginis in the 70-odd paintings. |
Like Sanchez's piece, Wash delights in its own banality, its antitheatricality. |
A transaction was proposed via the priest of Montaut on December 3, 1680, but ran up against the hostility of the montaltois which discussed the right of banality of the mill and accumulated memory on memory. |
We are not speaking about esthetics, nor are we speaking of banality. |
Silence is a language to be cherished so as not to succumb to aggressiveness, to banality, not to speak empty words, for a true journey towards becoming more human. |
Indeed, music helps us to rise higher, she can help us to escape the every day banality and make us see how everything is connected to each other. |
It appears to have more to do with the maximum, including maximal complexity, than with any kind of minimalism, and certainly than with any rhetoric of crudeness and banality. |
What has supplanted it is some sort of a fake, counterfeit identity of enacted spirituality, the banality of whose content only matches its cosmetic decorativeness. |
Delighted by the exquisite banality of it all? |
Only the third partita for two viols and continuo, a study in echo effects, risks lapsing into banality. |
The second lesson is that, for their part, the European leaders are the children of Machiavelli, and his doublespeak, and of Hanna Arendt, and her banality of evil. |
However, saying this is not yet enough to account for the best or excellent prose style, since clear linguistic expressions tend to be banal or flat, while good style should avoid such banality. |
The key might be in the utter banality of the visual of got cut. |
But this deliberate minimalism expresses a greater complexity, like those attitudes, postures and gestures that we learn and which become part of quotidian banality and its determinisms. |
The selfseekers will be isolated and will sink into banality. |
The Lord's love is made available for our faith while ensuring that this extraordinary salvific act neither escapes from us nor is diluted into banality. |
Here then is yet another bigger, brash, violent and confrontational if not arrogant monument to ingenious banality of death and the memorialisation of a race. |