The fact that the film tries to go back to cheeky black comedy after this is simply baffling. |
Once you start to apply this guiding principle, then a lot of Peel's seemingly baffling eclecticism begins to add up and make sense. |
With its directives on the correct shape of fruit, production quotas, wine lakes and butter mountains the EU is baffling at the best of times. |
Given that both soft and hard alveolars are used in Punjabi, their representation in the new script would constitute the most baffling problem. |
Alongside the body are a series of baffling codes, which Langdon is asked to decipher. |
The film is appallingly directed, exposing the actors to scenes of baffling embarrassment. |
I find it hard to imagine any activity more baffling than curling and the luge. |
The sudden outbreak of illness since the beginning of the month is still baffling the experts. |
His abilities as an advocate evoked general admiration, though he did not succeed in baffling the prosecution. |
There is a baffling array of ISA funds out there, offered by a vast number of investment companies. |
His management style, his beliefs, are a baffling blend that defies categorization. |
All I did was introduce myself, and she paid me what seemed at first like a baffling compliment. |
Talking to someone who doesn't give you her full attention is rather baffling. |
The theater was designed without either front hanging points or built-in ceiling lights, which is baffling. |
This may explain something of the bond which was otherwise baffling to their acquaintances. |
Indeed what is baffling is that they don't share the same level of success overseas. |
The most baffling aspect of the season has been the collapse of the defense. |
It is baffling to me why anyone would want to create a monopoly, a power to censor and prohibit, and ban the reporting of open justice. |
What's more, these results led Simon and his colleagues to investigate an age-old, baffling question about slime mold behavior. |
The ceremony also includes the dreaded Golden Bull booby prizes for the year's most baffling gobbledygook. |
And so art became baffling and uninterpretable without acquaintance with arcane theory. |
Perhaps some day soon the Office of the Special Counsel will help unsnarl this baffling morass. |
One of the baffling things about social insects such as ants is how their co-operative behaviour has evolved. |
The vagueness of the crimes and ties between the characters only adds to the baffling nature of the plot. |
Seen as a whole, for anyone other than an expert in Leonardo studies, the essays may seem baffling. |
It is baffling being a man, especially now, particularly if you are ageing and English. |
The plot is a baffling array of gangster parody nonsense, sexist claptrap and kidnap chaos. |
So worried are they that customers won't pay more than a fiver for wine with a screw cap that these closures now come in very baffling disguises. |
Among the more baffling parts of this showdown is why Madam Secretary would have invited such a comeuppance in the first place. |
So far as I can tell, it consisted of twenty-one photostatic enlargements of his montages, which I find somewhat baffling. |
In that time, we've taken a look at a wide array of sexual fetishes ranging from the unnerving to the truly horrifying to the baffling. |
He constructs a cascade of stories that bleed into each other with a baffling, hypnotic fluidity. |
Exegetes find few texts more baffling than four lines that Matthew attributes to Jesus during the course of his Galilean ministry. |
When I have accidentally fallen into work of this sort, I've found it grindingly difficult and often baffling. |
Yet Mr Newbury erects a baffling theory, accusing Chalky of saying that the cement works does no harm. |
One old Etonian, who steered clear of the game himself, described it as extremely slow and a little baffling. |
How a state could enforce such mind-bogglingly stupid policies is baffling. |
The sensor baffling gear was still operating, but the visual disguise was gone. |
I also get the sense that some lawyers think baffling legal jargon and tortured syntax will impress their clients. |
Those of us who have tried to penetrate the often baffling complexities of modern music have often had cause to be grateful to him for unravelling its mysteries. |
All Pollack can come up with is desperately well-intentioned hooey, made even more bizarre by the pop-eyed solemnity of the acting and its sheer, baffling unexcitingness. |
Mysterious giant beasts may lurk in the darkest depths of the ocean, making whale-like noises that are baffling scientists, it was disclosed today. |
When he chooses to cap a climactic chase seen with yet another baffling fall, we feel cheated. |
This tone can be arch, infuriating, inexplicit, and baffling. |
On its own, it is rather disturbing and baffling, in particular the clip where a tiny man is licking the camera lens, which turns into a cat lapping up a saucer of milk. |
I repeatedly had a baffling array of symptoms and was disappointed to receive either no diagnosis or even misdiagnosis and cocktails of harmful drugs. |
Dyer uses this kind of gnomic, prophetic, baffling language all the time, and it can be trying and vague. |
It was baffling, he suggested, that a country so stained by a history of slavery and brutal segregation should dare think itself a model of purity. |
Given all that, the way the White House completely dropped the obstructionism charge was baffling. |
An equally baffling fire broke out last week in Fayetteville, Missouri. |
A baffling change in formation, a dreadful goalkeeping error, woeful defending and powder-puff finishing combined to ensure their heaviest defeat of the season. |
To see the history I was engaged with being protected to maintain the large, inspiriting Nightingale narrative was a sobering, but not baffling, experience. |
There is also a growing market for new soft drinks such as clear, healthy-looking flavoured waters, herbal waters and teas, with a baffling range of flavours to choose from. |
They have also been baffling, alternating between high hope and disappointment. |
How Ragsdale can live with all this day-in-day-out intensity from strangers is baffling. |
What can we do except to throw up our hands in dismay at the baffling nature of life? |
First was the cavalcade of denials and baffling cover-ups she fired off to defend herself. |
He is known for swinging unabashed through his corporate environment, baffling corridor lurkers with bright smiles and a radiant happiness with life. |
The referee whistles for a goal-kick, which is rather baffling. |
That would have been harsh, but it was even more baffling when it emerged later that Mr East whistled for a spot-kick because of a handball by Paul Groves. |
Just as inhabitants of different regions of the country have dialects and language unique to them, Alaskans have a lexicon of their own that can be baffling to cheechakos. |
A master of self-deprecation, Sloane Crosley is faced with a baffling number of choices. |
Occasionally, however, the movie connection is just baffling. |
It is baffling why the Department of Defense has made this ruling. |
That the plane apparently continued flying for at least 45 minutes after its transponder signal was lost is all the more baffling. |
Beyond Tosh, the year was chock full of rape jokes, many of them baffling. |
And I, too, have heard of the deadly lullaby phenomenon before, and the following account of a baffling berceuse is typical. |
They now hope showing the original witnesses the CCTV image, despite its grainy condition, may help finally solve the baffling case. |
The author's explanation of a baffling disappearance argued in Holmesian style, pokes fun at his own creation. |
Spectators are privy to awe inspiring castles, baffling forks, and breathtaking en passants. |
So accurate was her description of thallium poisoning that on at least one occasion it helped solve a case that was baffling doctors. |
Those that have championed his work have found the criticism baffling. |
The tools Seung and his colleagues have developed to map the connectome are beginning to offer important insights into these previously baffling conditions. |
One consequence of poor gas flow is hopper sweepage. High gas flow near the bottom of the precipitator and improper baffling can cause gas flow into the hopper area. |