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How to use back in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word back? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Tim Russert and I are driving back to the Albany airport after taking our kids to the baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.
Going back to square one would be an unjust outcome and a prize to the aggressor.
That night, she says, she had too much to drink, so she wandered into one of the back bedrooms and fell asleep on an air mattress.
Still, the tradition of a hero with a younger, or everyman, acolyte stretches back to antiquity.
In Afghanistan, there was a push to take back the southern province Helmand.
It takes the skier with an acl tear about a year to get back on the slopes.
He moved to Afghanistan and then back to Pakistan via Quetta and is now in Karachi.
She was left with an aching desire to turn back time and stop the progression of that clock.
Since transitioning to a standing desk, the muscle cramps and achy back that plagued me have almost completely vanished.
Acheson also persuaded Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Arthur Vandenberg, a Republican, to back Truman on this.
Roll the pork over the stuffing, like a jelly roll, until the seam is facing down and the fat back is on top.
During the Dujail trial, he shuttled back and forth to Baghdad to advise judges and lawyers.
We look back and remember the many authors who died this year, from Gore Vidal to Nora Ephron, from Ray Bradbury to Adrienne Rich.
Once again he accused the West of being unfair to Russia, bringing back his favorite metaphor, the Russian bear.
For years, the triennial confab has been remarkable mostly for airy oratory by national leaders playing to the crowd back home.
I was lost, fresh back from Vietnam, searching, maybe, for a peril the equivalent of war but aimed in the direction of life.
Jack has come back to the city of accra to live after many trips to and from Ireland since the war.
Albertine was forced to move back in with her mother with no sign of a future career.
Akron native King James has decided to take his talents back to his hometown Cleveland Cavaliers.
Another time, I was shooting a locomotive and it blew up, and some of the stuff got in my air scoop, but I managed to fly it back.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The three boys wandered away as far as acle, eleven miles from Norwich, whence they were ignomimously brought back and birched.
Nat finished dressing the cut, smoothed down the ends of the adhesive tape, and stood back.
So let me go back to my accursed hole, where death will some day come for me.
Late at night received orders to dig the acid drop Copse position next day, and occupy it as soon as the guns are sent back.
I'm going back there, and get things in action, and I'm going to stay by them.
A very large majority of these coughs are caused by adenoid growths in the back part of the nose.
But the contention throws us back upon the academic question of what a suzerainty is.
There was a chain-link gate at the side of the house, and in the back an aboveground pool.
By degrees they let the boat drop back till her bow was abreast of the ladder.
Make the Achilles tendon in same way and leave back of thigh off to be stuffed.
The sunny lustre comes back to Violet's eyes, and her cheeks are abloom, her lips part in a half-smile.
After which, when she was back again in her own little room at acol Court, she cried for very joy.
He made his way around the house at the back, absentmindedly feeling for his coat pocket and his pipe.
She sank back into the great arm-chair where Addie Tristram had been wont to sit.
He took it and cast it back to me in abhorrence and contempt, with all the strength he could muster.
About sundown he took in his decoy Hen, as Owls were abundant, and went back to his camp.
And now if you're to be congratulated before I go back to the groves of academe pray bestir yourself.
Go back to the lies and hypocrisies of society, and the brainless, mashers who adorn it!
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