Animals that reached the odorant or control were trapped by a spot of sodium azide. |
This indicates that the bound azide is required to detect the 410-nm signal and suggests that azide plays the role of the proton acceptor. |
Similar dose-dependent inhibition was also observed in the time-course experiments using vanadate and azide. |
This reaction should take place in darkroom conditions to protect the aryl azide from photolysis. |
Incidental contact with or ingestion of buffers containing sodium azide may cause irritation to the skin, eyes, or mouth. |
Acyl azides are prepared by reaction of nitrous acid and acid hydrazides or by reaction of an acyl chloride with sodium azide. |
Thus, continuous illumination creates another kind of deprotonated Schiff base containing photoproduct unrelated to the azide photocycle we described here. |
In addition to low density nitromannite, diazodinitrophenol, lead styphnate, and lead azide are widely used as ignition-primer charges. |
To prevent, rinse sink thoroughly with water after disposing of solution containing sodium azide. |
When discarded in a sink, the sink should be flushed with a large volume of water to prevent azide buildup. |
If discarded into sink, flush with a large volume of water to prevent azide build-up. |
When disposing of these solutions always flush with copious amounts of water to prevent azide buildup. |
Reagent 3 contains sodium azide, which on contact with lead and copper plumbing may react to form explosive metal azides. |
Note: 3A232 does not control detonators using only primary explosives, such as lead azide. |
Upon replacement of chloride ion with azide, the fast electric signal changes its sign from positive to negative, and becomes similar to that detected in bacteriorhodopsin. |
It also includes azide explosives, nitrate explosive mixtures, picrate explosives, peroxides, and perchlorates. |
Another anion, azide, is used in the study of bacteriorhodopsin mutants as a substitute for proton donor or acceptor when they are altered in the protein. |
Caution: Sodium azide can react with copper and lead plumbing to form explosive metal azides. |
Sodium nitrite converts hemoglobin to methemoglobin which, together with sodium azide, gives azidemethemoglobin. |
Do not use samples and controls stabilized with azide. |
Moreover, PQQ protected cells from mitochondrial inhibition by rotenone, 3-nitropropionic acid, antimycin A, and sodium azide. |
Existing bags are inflated by detonating a charge made of sodium azide. |
Sodium azide is a poison and is toxic if ingested. |
On disposal, flush with large volumes of water to prevent azide build up. |
Sodium azide containing solutions should be disposed of as chemical waste. |
Some reagents in this kit contain sodium azide as a preservative, which may react with lead, copper or brass plumbing to form highly explosive metal azides. |
Azidoazide azide is a member of this group and is composed predominantly of nitrogen atoms. |
Next up, we have the most explosive compound ever produced, the extremely fun to say azidoazide azide. |
Transconjugants were then selected on Luria-Bertani agar plates containing sodium azide and nalidixic acid. |
To test the same, in a sub sample sodium azide impregnated filter disc was used for spotting the blood and found to make the analyte stable for 3 months at room temperatures. |
The results from two independent laboratories indicated that the new formulation was more effective than sodium thiosulfate, and similar in performance to sodium azide. |
Seventy-seven machine guns dwindled to four, and the unstable lead azide was transformed into lead styphnate, then lead picrate, a less dangerous compound. |
Heating induces crosslinking by 1,3 dipolar cycloaddition between an azide and an alkyne to give a 1,3 triazole linkage, resulting in a very stable structure. |
The original caps used chlorate of potash with fulminate of mercury, but most modern primers use lead azide, potassium per-chlorate or lead styphnate. |
A university spokesman said a member of staff had dropped a 200ml bottle containing a weak solution of sodium azide, commonly used as an anti-bacterial agent. |