His cowl has a vaguely avian appearance, with a visor in the shape of a beak. |
Similarly her voice possesses a strange avian quality somewhere between a dulcet caw, a folk drawl and that associated with young children. |
I think the choice between recommendations of qualified avian vets vs. online armchair professionals is really no choice at all. |
So far nearly all human cases of avian flu have resulted from direct contact with infected birds. |
Traditional vaccines cannot be made to combat either H5 or H7 avian influenza. |
They were predominantly human viruses that acquired some genes from an avian source. |
There are probably as many bird phylogenies as there are avian taxonomists. |
Fewer than a dozen cats are known to have become infected with avian influenza. |
Similarly, the blue structural colors of avian skin were long hypothesized to be produced by incoherent Rayleigh or Tyndall scattering. |
Tests results Tuesday showed that all 20 farms within a two mile radius of the original infected farm were negative for avian influenza. |
O'Callaghan had a regular avian visitor every morning, the high-pitched voice of Sammy Sparrow. |
This provides a measure of the potential fidelity of paleoecological reconstructions based on small samples of avian remains. |
A giant flightless bird like the dodo is on the extreme end of avian evolution. |
A medical exam performed by an avian veterinarian will reveal if an illness is present. |
Their chief predator is the mink, but while on land they also fall prey to foxes, coyotes and lynx as well as some of the larger avian predators. |
In such trees the oscine songbirds were separated from suboscines, and they are usually the first avian branch. |
Vocalizations during the breeding season, such as song, are common among males of most avian taxa. |
Pigs in particular create breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which carry avian pox and malaria. |
Also in tribute to Baptista, Kroodsma asked vocal researchers globally to pose the question in avian bioacoustics they would most like answered. |
A set of avian feathers have even been found, including a superb fragment of a contour feather. |
Some parts seem to be like bird or avian viruses, while other bits are similar to bovine or murine viruses. |
While the understory growth of bluejack and turkey oak may be thinned, layers and layers of avian understory abound in these airy halls. |
Studies have suggested that prairie dog colonies have higher avian densities and are more species rich than uncolonized areas. |
A site with a much broader approach to avian information is the Mangoverde World Bird Guide. |
Rich fish stocks make it the only avian rookery in North America for sooty terns, masked boobies and frigate birds. |
Ostrom introduced the cursorial predator hypothesis of the origin of avian flight. |
For more information, see our new exhibits on vertebrate flight and avian flight. |
The unguarded chicks and eggs are easy prey for gulls and other avian predators. |
Ambient temperature is commonly thought to influence avian incubation behavior. |
Its forty-six helical-structured chromosomes are human, not bovine, avian, or reptilian. |
This bird was an escapee of some manner of avian imprisonment, maybe a zoo. |
There exists an informal network among avian enthusiasts geared towards insuring that no rarity goes unspotted. |
After necropsy, all recovered birds were classified as killed by avian, mammalian, or unknown predators, or as dying by other causes. |
Chronic wasting disease, West Nile fever, brucellosis, avian botulism, avian cholera and others have impacted wildlife populations. |
The avian magnetic compass differs from the technical compass used by humans in that the avian compass is an inclination compass. |
After acquiring a new bird, schedule a physical exam with an avian veterinarian. |
The majority of the fossils used for calibration of avian molecular clocks have uncertain phylogenetic relationships. |
Within each nesting block, we tallied the number of avian nest predators observed. |
The avian flu virus which has generated much talk and discussion across continents in recent weeks is of a deadly nature. |
These masks combine avian and marine animal characteristics with the tusks and horns of land animals. |
Theropod dinosaurs are seen to exhibit too many terrestrial and cursorial adaptations to be avian precursors. |
History has shown that pandemic strains of influenza viruses emerge as reassortants of human and avian viruses. |
We performed phylogenetic analyses of introns from species from four avian orders that are representative of the two infraclasses within Aves. |
For now, we use a mean value for other avian piscivores, though we are completing balance trials on captive loons. |
Because of their feeding habitats, pelicans and other piscivorous birds usually don't contract avian botulism. |
Everything that can be done to stop the transmission of diseases like avian influenza is important in controlling it. |
Such analyses have shown that some features considered to be typically avian, such as the furcula, first appeared in carnivorous dinosaurs. |
One of the avian characteristics of the emus is that they also eat small stones. |
A general goal of avian evolutionary ecology is to understand mechanisms driving patterns of community organization. |
In conclusion, this book has much to offer avian ecologists, especially those interested in grassland ecosystems. |
Although the Alligator sequence was considerably diverged from the avian sequences, a reasonable alignment could be achieved. |
The other odd thing about the lack of preparation for the avian flu is the larger effort being made to protect against bioterrorism. |
At our study site, the predator guild includes avian, mammalian, and reptilian species. |
According to friends, he enjoys making avian analogies between rare birds and his political allies and enemies. |
Among oceangoing avian species, albatrosses and frigatebirds are the quintessential seabirds. |
No evidence of genetic reassortment between avian and human influenza viruses has been identified. |
The Crested Serpent Eagle and the Fishing Eagle are among the raptors that top off the avian hierarchy. |
If avian flu manages to jump the species barrier completely then it's going to spread extremely rapidly. |
Birds that contract avian botulism lose involuntary muscle control, including eyelid function, have clenched feet, and can't hold up their heads. |
The thudding old-fashioned screenplay abounds with hearty slogans and mild avian puns mouthed by shopworn British stereotypes. |
The balloonfish swallows air, when attacked by avian predators, or water, when attacked by piscine predators. |
Ragunan Zoo was forced to close on Sept.19 after 19 birds in its aviary tested positive with avian influenza. |
Poultry vaccines can prevent healthy chickens from contracting deadly strains of avian influenza, Dutch researchers report. |
The widely publicised fear is that this strain of avian flu might somehow mutate into one that could spread from human to human. |
Unlike the recent outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the threat from avian influenza was well understood. |
He decorated the gallery walls and populated vitrines with avian paintings, porcelains, books and prints. |
An outbreak of avian influenza is ravaging the poultry industry in South East Asia. |
Wild birds were the main source of avian influenza, but live poultry markets in Asia provided the virus with a breeding ground. |
At the same time an Indonesian government official says Indonesians should just accustom themselves to getting sick from H5N1 avian influenza. |
Burned by West Nile deaths among their exotic birds last year, several zoos are administering the equine vaccine to their avian populations. |
She likely was infected by chickens at a neighbor's house, where 20 birds had died of avian influenza, Thai officials said. |
Today there have been a handful of human to human transmissions of avian influenza. |
The birds are being culled following an outbreak of avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu. |
Alas, the thickening undergrowth has also proven the undoing of one of the less bright avian ground feeders. |
The European Commission yesterday ordered a ban on all imports of birds and feathers from Turkey amid new fears over avian influenza. |
With avian flu, we are still debating what is the most humane manner to get rid of millions of chickens. |
A similar lack of fossil records has also been suggested for perciform families, some teleostean orders, and mammalian and avian orders. |
Since it first emerged in 1997, avian influenza has become deadlier and more resilient. |
Mr Dillon warned that the consequences of such a policy would be greater exposure to food and mouth disease, swine fever, avian flu. |
The countryside will not be closed down in the event of an outbreak of avian influenza. |
Avian pox was undoubtedly introduced into Hawaii during the 1800s with the importation of domestic avian stock. |
The 2004 animal survey placed special emphasis on surveying bird populations for signs of avian influenza. |
Why are critics of the politics of fear turning into scaremongers about the threat of an avian flu pandemic? |
Occasionally, a bird fluffs feathers and wings in a short flight, before returning to the field of perpetual avian motion. |
When the animal is active on land, circulation approaches the mammalian or avian condition. |
It's also the country's second largest avian flyway after the Pacific flyway. |
This applies to explanations for the evolutionary origin of avian feathers and avian flight. |
Consequently, the majority of key avian traits do not progress towards the avian condition! |
In the case of the avian flu pandemic threat, millions of lives are potentially at stake. |
Domestication of the homing pigeon has provided researchers with a powerful tool to investigate avian navigation. |
Detailed information on spacing behavior of avian nest predators is lacking for my study plots. |
A possible explanation for this apparent limited interest is that oscine song, the dominant model for avian acoustic studies, is learned. |
This recent and exciting discovery is important in understanding avian origins and ancestry. |
The avian family Picidae includes the woodpeckers, piculets and wrynecks. |
The several theories for the origin of avian feathers, as well as for the origin of the winged forelimb and avian flight, are all historical-narrative explanations. |
Does the discovery of asymmetrical flight feathers on the forelimbs and hind limbs of dromaeosaurs affect the debate about the evolution of avian flight. |
Field diagnosed the kangaroo as a cross between squirrel and deer, with five claws on its forepaw but only three talons on its hind legs, as if it were partly avian. |
The government destroyed almost 1.4 million chickens, ducks, geese and other fowl in the territory last month to stop the spread of an avian influenza. |
After freshening up get set for an experience at Ranthambore National Park which has, besides tigers, a variety of other wildlife and avian species. |
Archaeopteryx was a true bird, because it had a birdlike skull, perching foot, fully-formed flight feathers, a modern-looking elliptical wing, a furcula and avian lung design. |
Whether dealing with lice, depluming scabies mites, feather mites, or red bird mites, get an effective but not harmful disinfectant from your avian veterinarian or pet dealer. |
Transmission of diseases such as avian influenza, salmonensis, and avian cholera could lead to massive die-offs of urban and wild Canada geese and other species. |
Don't lose your head looking for an avian complement to Crane: it's a literary allusion. |
This colorized, microscopic view depicts the avian influenza H5N1 virus in gold, grown in another cell medium shown in green. |
The devastation that the H5N1 avian influenza virus has caused globally serves as a reminder that we can take no chances in this area. |
There are 113 members of the avian family called Corvidae, or corvids, which includes crows, jackdaws, rooks, ravens, as well as jays, nutcrackers and magpies. |
Such avian predators as European jays and great-spotted woodpeckers cannot open the nest-boxes at the study area, whereas martens easily enter nest-boxes by removing the top. |
During this voyage of at least 8 days the falcon regularly plucked avian preys, one of which was evidently a storm petrel Oceanodroma sp. |
As The Economist went to press, ten countries had reported the presence of avian influenza in their domestic fowl. |
It was advised on precautionary measures that could be taken to guard against the spread of avian influenza. |
What should be improved upon, according to Monchuk, is the compensation to the producer impacted by this case of avian influenza. |
Avian influenza or avian flu is a disease that is constantly evolving and trade restrictions are currently changing. |
However, in the case of an outbreak of avian influenza, that treatment is insufficient to inactivate the avian influenza virus. |
Here in Europe, there are currently a number of extremely dangerous centres of avian influenza, the danger of which is often played down. |
We have seen this with wasting disease in pigs and avian influenza in poultry. |
In extant amniotes, however, the VN organ is situated too close to the midline to leave a mark on the maxilla, as is the anlagen of the organ in crocodilian and avian embryos. |
On the mainland they fall prey to both mammalian and avian predators. |
Did investors sniffle a few times and then all decide they were coming down with avian flu? |
This soon grows into an impressive collection, Stroud becomes a renowned ornithologist and publishes a book on avian diseases. |
An important avian symbol for the Duguays, the seagull represents the daily marine life of their ancestors. |
All told, Europe boasts a richer Paleogene avifauna in terms of number and taphonomic variety of fossil localities and diversity of avian taxa compared with other continents. |
The countries of the region are still untouched by the H5N1 subtype of avian influenza. |
Lastly, through its adjuvants, the company is helping to develop animal vaccines against avian flu. |
Robins are the avian embodiment of John Bull, Britannia and any other British hero you care to mention. |
Astonishingly, the country has no unifying national avian symbol, a situation that 'Urban Birder' David Lindo has taken upon himself to resolve. |
As might be expected, lots of avian scavengers have been dug out of them: some 720 vultures, for example. |
As you know, one of these potential sources is avian flu, which is a real problem. |
As the numbers of cases of avian flu in humans rises, we must consider the potential impact that such a pandemic could have on the way we live. |
The savings were partially offset by the unbudgeted procurement of medical supplies for avian flu and meningitis. |
As if this all weren't enough, the spectre of a world-wide pandemic of avian influenza increasingly haunts us. |
The country is prone to cholera outbreaks, and avian flu is a major threat. |
Testing of the birds has finished with no evidence of the H5 avian influenza virus being detected. |
In this regard, the spread of avian influenza is an additional threat that must not be overlooked. |
Once avian influenza is established in domestic poultry, it is a highly contagious disease. |
Until recently, the current outbreak of avian influenza had affected mainly poultry in East and South-East Asia. |
However, all birds tested negative at the avian influenza reference laboratory in Winnipeg. |
In any case China was already cooperating closely with CMS, for example in the field of avian influenza. |
The Convention on Migratory Species aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory species throughout their range. |
All owners, operators and workers on poultry farms should take steps to protect themselves from avian influenza. |
Serious outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza have been registered in many regions and continue to spread rapidly. |
The Committee expressed concern over the threat of a pandemic of avian influenza. |
We were developing an emergency response plan because of our experience with avian influenza. |
Well known examples include the structural colors produced by brilliant iridescent butterfly wing scales and avian feather barbules, such as the peacocks tail. |
It is intriguing to contemplate that perhaps avian flight, like aircraft evolution, went through a biplane stage before the monoplane was introduced. |
The bowerbirds represent one of the high points of avian evolution and as such they deserve a book that fully captures the wonder of their fantastic natural history. |
Perhaps we will be squeezed out altogether but when you see diseases like avian flu in foreign imports it reaffirms consumer confidence in British poultry. |
Unlike certain avian brood parasites, such as cuckoos and honeyguides, hatchling brown-headed cowbirds rarely directly destroy or actively displace host eggs and nestlings. |
Rodents are prey for avian, reptilian, and mammalian predators. |
Perhaps avian flu is secretly another plot, a form of germ warfare to bring down the western hemisphere, dependent as it is on the existence of birds. |
Today, Dolly preceded me, and there came another great kerfuffle as she thundered over to the fountain, intent on murdering the avian intruder who was defiling her property. |
Dynamics of periodic disease epizootics, low reproductive rates, and avian dispersal may contribute to rarity in many Hawaiian forest bird species. |
You were commended after the avian flu pandemic for your ability to forge such close friendships with international leaders. |
This is a worrisome phenomenon, especially as major health threats like avian and swine flu grow in importance. |
Now comes the perfect storm of avian, swine, and human flu, just in time for a national health plan. |
The avian flu is believed to have moved westwards into central and western Europe as more than 15,000 mute swans fled an unusually cold spell in the Black Sea region. |
Far from flying off in alarm at my approach, as just about any other bird would, this specimen of Cathartes aura greeted me with the avian equivalent of a yawn. |
Using this kinematic and kinetic perspective, we offer four specific criteria to help constrain and evaluate competing scenarios for the origin of the avian flight stroke. |
Let us consider first the simpler explanation of a series of morphological evolutionary changes in the evolution of avian feathers from reptilian scales. |
Anhingas and Double-crested Cormorants, representing closely allied avian families, share a spread-winged behavior that is superficially identical. |
From these physiological and behavioral responses of birds, we can conclude that photopigments are involved with the avian magnetic compass system. |
We could not identify avian predators to species level from egg damage. |
We suspect that many losses after emergence were due to avian predators. |
The only bird or avian species we know of is the so-called humble chicken. |
But what effect is avian influenza having on the world's birds? |
The lasting contribution of the book is in its summary of avian distributions and natural history, not in the phylogenetic interpretation of speciation and biogeography. |
Here, we discuss the usefulness and limitations of molecular clocks in studying avian evolution, with emphasis on the use of an accurate calibration point. |
Although ornithologists have amassed vast recorded archives of glides, twitters, and warbles, little is known of the origin and function of avian musicianship. |
These results suggested that possible precursor viruses for highly pathogenic avian myxoviruses are still brought into Japan by migratory waterfowls. |
Entire avian families are essentially confined to the Neotropics, as are such unique species as screamers, trumpeters, sunbittern, hoatzin, and boat-billed heron. |
Other diseases which are spread include the causative agents of avian influenza, salmonella, fowl pox, coccidiosis, botulism and new castle disease. |
Wild birds may carry the highly pathogenic form of avian influenza. |
Swimmer's itch is a papulovesicular dermatitis acquired worldwide from the cercaria of Microbilharzia variglandis and other avian schistosomes. |
Polymorphism of the migration of double-stranded RNA genome segments of avian reoviruses. |
Relatively few wild avian species, rather than anseriform species as a whole, may have contributed to most of the spread of HPAI within Eurasia. |
Miller described an avian cranium from the Miocene of Colombia as an opisthocomid, Hoazinoides magdalenae. |
Effects of periodical cicada emergences on abundance and synchrony of avian populations. |
Some, indeed, were a strange mixture of humanoid and avian, with the body seemingly of human construction, yet possessing a definitely birdlike head. |
I'm very worried because I think that's where a lot of people have been infected with avian flu. |
Simplifying the phytohaemagglutinin skin-testing technique in studies of avian immunocompetence. |
Adults may be robbed of their catch by avian kleptoparasites such as frigatebirds, skuas, other terns or large gulls. |
Pigeons are, however, at potential risk for carrying and spreading avian influenza. |
The house sparrow hosts avian pox and avian malaria, which it has spread to the native forest birds of Hawaii. |
Non-invasive monitoring of avian reproduction by simplified faecal steroid analysis. |
Squamous cell carcinoma or avian keratoacanthoma is a neoplastic skin lesion of unknown etiology that has been well described in birds. |
Molecular techniques are also widely used in studies of avian population biology and ecology. |
The purpose of the project is to improve plant and avian diversity by vegetating several sections of buffer strips in two municipal parks along the St. Lawrence River in the Montérégie area. |
The blood oxygen affinity, known as P50, is higher than that of both humans and similar avian species. |
A number of avian species use nasal salt glands, alongside their kidneys, to control hypertonicity in their blood plasma. |
In February 2004, avian influenza virus was detected in birds in Vietnam, increasing fears of the emergence of new variant strains. |
In addition, this is the first report to suggest the existence of TaVgp04 as a structural protein in siadenoviruses particularly of avian origin. |
The Lao People's Democratic Republic is known to be prone to disasters, including floods, drought and epidemics such as avian and human influenza. |
The project on learning through fun to sensitize against the avian influenza, in cooperation with UNICEF, aims to sensitize primary schools students to protect them against avian influenza. |
From an international perspective on disease freedom, for Canada to be recognized as disease-free from highly pathogenic avian influenza, that's a six-month period of time. |
Molecular data reveal some major adaptational shifts in the early evolution of most diverse avian family, the Furnariidae. |
Zebra mussels clog water intakes for hydroelectric companies, harm unionid mussel species, and are believed to be a reservoir of avian botulism. |
Therefore, it is quite necessary to immunize the poultry with avian influenza vaccines. |
As predatory birds, raptors a a critically important part of avian ecosystems. |
If you buy a Perdue chicken in the grocery store, you might think it had lived a comfortable avian middle-class existence. |
Sequence analysis suggested that the virus was a reassortment generated from avian viruses circulating in wild birds and ducks. |
In another area of large uncertainty, we saw that one pair of diseased birds played havoc with the poultry sector because they engendered fear of a significant spread of avian flu. |
In the GI tract of granivorous avian species, BIPS behave more like gravel or grit than digestible food. |
Subdivision of food resources among sympatric avian granivores often is based on bill-size-related differences in seed-size selection. |
Partitioning of food resources among sympatric species based on seed size has been documented in a number of avian granivore communities. |
Most of the avian species congregate along the Iberian Peninsula since it is the closest stopover between Northern Europe and Africa. |
The original osteologic configuration of the avian wing allows passive synchronization of elbow and wrist during both flexion and extension. |
One of the priority areas of research involves the study of possible changes in migration routes in the context of a changing climate, in connection with the threat of the spread of avian influenza. |
As humans foul up the earth, our avian neighbours hatch an ingenious plot. |
Do you think we can come up with a collective response to the global challenges faced by the Asia-Pacific region, starting with terrorism and the avian flu? |
Once the CFIA confirmed the presence of avian influenza in the Fraser Valley, the agency responded immediately by placing the infected premises under quarantine and depopulating all bird. |
It will target both forms of avian influenza that strike poultry. |
There was then avian flu with its unbelievable phenomena. |
On 21 February 2006, the Netherlands have submitted to the Commission for approval a plan for preventive vaccination in the light of the particular risk of introduction of avian influenza into their territory. |
Think of the speed with which nations have responded in recent years to threats such as terrorism, the impact of CFC gases on the ozone layer or avian flu. |
I have just got time for one question: if low pathogen avian flu is also infectious and can mutate, how can we be certain that the import of infected wildfowl and domestic poultry is really under control? |
The Swans took to the Premier League like ducks to water, r if you'll forgive the avian mixed metaphor. |
The killing shall be extended to other birds on the holding and to other holdings that may be considered as contact holdings, based on the risk that they pose as regards further spread of avian influenza. |
Highly pathogenic avian influenza caused by influenza A virus of subtype H5N1 has been recently confirmed in Turkey, Romania, Russia, west of the Ural mountains. |
Mr. O'Sullivan thanked the secretariat for their presentations and for the efficient and effective bringing together of the Task Force to counter the sometimes hysterical response from authorities to the avian 'flu outbreaks. |
A browsable, amply illustrated overview of avian construction from mere scrapes in the sand to edible structures people prize for soup. |
As an employee of the Biological Survey of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wetmore was particularly interested in avian anatomy, osteology, fossil birds, migration, and taxonomy. |
The patterns of positive selection across mammalian, avian and aquatic vertebrate genomes show that sensory receptor genes are highly conserved. |
Avian influenza, known informally as avian flu or bird flu, refers to influenza caused by viruses adapted to birds. |
Migration in birds is highly labile and is believed to have developed independently in many avian lineages. |
The solution for supplying both gas anesthetic delivery and ventilatory support for pocket pets, avian, exotics and laboratory animal applications in one easy to use package. |
One is foot and mouth disease, avian influenza and classical swine fever. |
The H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza epizootic is a serious multidimensional challenge to agriculture, rural development and public health and requires high multisectoral attention for its solution. |
After the laxness of laisser faire policies, we are now moving in a direction whereby, in the case of avian influenza, an attempt is being made deliberately to obscure the issue by exploiting people's basic fears. |
Indonesia is one of the nations worst affected by bird flu, and experts have warned that the avian virus could mutate sometime in the future and spark a pandemic. |
I was fascinated when I learned about subjects as diverse as animal thermoregulation and how daylength controlled avian reproduction. |
Presence of retrovirus reverse transcriptase-related gene sequences in avian cells lacking endogenous avian leukosis viruses. |
Awaken to watch for toucans, green parrots, chachalacas and other avian treasures performing their morning song and dance. |
Added to this, there is growing concern about the potential human health implications if a strain of avian influenza would mutate into a virus that is transmissible between humans. |
This project, involving collaborators from the TAS, is evaluating ticks and avian blood samples for the presence of Borrelia spirochetes. |
Detection and identification of avian mycoplasmas by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. |
Two microgram of total RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA with random primers and avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase. |
The current H1N1 virus is a mixture of avian flus that passed through pigs to humans. |
Analysis of vitamins and trace elements has gained importance in avian medicine in recent years. |
These animals normally hit the plane's windshield or get sucked by the engine, in which case authorities label the incidents as avian ingestion. |
An improved procedure for rapid determination of viral RNA sequences for avian RNA virus. |
The risk of avian ingestion or any damage to aircraft and airside facilities could result in costly delays due to downtime for repairs. |
Since mid September 2004, there is evidence that low pathogenic avian influenza of the same subtype H7N3 has been reoccurring in the areas of Italy previously affected. |
Thymomas are rarely reported in avian species and this is the first report in a strigiform bird. |
In addition to BSE testing, the lab will have the capacity to monitor other livestock diseases, including chronic wasting disease, foot and mouth disease and avian influenza. |
Evaluating the health status of domesticated birds relative to avian diseases and where practicable, colonization by pathogenic organisms transmissible to humans and always taking action to ensure only healthy birds are used. |
The French authorities today informed the European Commission of a confirmed case of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5 in a dead wild duck tested in Ain, near Lyon. |
The actual creature featured an avian feathered body and rigid tail common to predatory dinos. |
Members must report all outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in wild or domesticated birds, and outbreaks of low-pathogenic avian influenza in domesticated birds. |
Infection of the gastrointestinal tract by avian influenza virus, including H5N1, is common in avian species. |
The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 is already panzootic in poultry, with attendant economic consequences. |
A woman from Parrot Jungle, a local attraction, strolled the crowd with a living avian shoulderpiece. |
Antemortem diagnosis of avian aspergillosis is very challenging. |
Stable isotopes of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur can establish avian migratory connectivity between wintering sites and breeding grounds. |
The gross and microscopic lesions in the skin of this scarlet macaw are consistent with avian poxvirus infection and secondary candidiasis and bacterial infection. |
Novavax Inc said data from a preclinical trial showed very low doses of its avian flu vaccine still prevented the virus from infecting tested ferrets. |
They found that like other avian influenza viruses, the H7N9 viruses attached more strongly to lower parts of the human respiratory tract than to upper parts. |
This emerging avian disease, which has been termed avian keratin disorder, results in gross overgrowth of the rhamphotheca, the outer, keratinized layer of the beak. |
At the same time, the foxes on San Clemente Island were identified as a predator on the loggerhead shrike, a federally protected avian species that nests on that island. |
In addition at Trafalgar Square control of feral pigeons is required, currently this avian pest control element forms approximately 85 percent of the total requirement. |
Early alterations of the receptor-binding properties of H1, H2, and H3 avian influenza virus hemagglutinins after their introduction into mammals. |
In September, phalaropes and eared grebes show up for the lake's all-you-can-eat buffet of brine shrimp and alkali flies, joining more than 300 other avian species. |
A pasteurisation process that kills avian flu in eggs could provide reassurance to consumers that eggs are safe to eat, according to the companies that developed it. |
The artist's adroit rendering of floral, foliate, ornamental, avian, and bovid motifs, however, accords with her earlier etchings, as does her effective illusionism. |
In the morning, expect to awaken to the sound of toucans, green parrots, chachalacas, hummingbirds, and other avian treasures performing their morning song and dance. |
First-strand cDNA was synthesized with random hexamers and a mixture of reverse transcriptases from avian myeloblastosis virus and Moloney murine leukemia virus. |
Poultry farmers also maintain strict biosecurity measures year-round keep their flocks protected from wild birds and routinely test flocks for avian influenza. |
Although C meleagridis was initially discovered in turkeys, it affects a wide range of avian species, including parrots, chickens, partridges, and certain columbiform birds. |
The HI test detected postinoculation antibodies in multiple avian species that had little serologic response or none as determined by the AGP test. |
Ravens are songbirds belonging to the corvid family like crows and magpies, and they surpass most of the other avian species in terms of intelligence. |
We present here a multiplex polymerase chain reaction, which detects and distinguishes infection by 2 such agents, avipoxviruses and papillomaviruses, in avian hosts. |
Influenza A viruses and avian paramyxoviruses are important pathogens of poultry worldwide, and both commonly occur in wild waterfowl, especially ducks in the family Anatidae. |
Glomerular lipidosis is a disease characterized by lipid accumulation in mesangial cells but that has not been fully investigated in avian species. |
The bad news is that phylogeny production is overwhelming the few avian taxonomists with the training and desire to produce modern classifications. |
Owls are regarded as having the most frontally placed eyes among all avian groups, which gives them some of the largest binocular fields of vision. |
Most passerines are smaller than typical members of other avian orders. |
Synapsida, a clade that contains mammals and their extinct relatives, originated during the Pennsylvanian subperiod, when they split from reptilian and avian lineages. |
A basal dromaeosaurid and size evolution preceding avian flight. |
We may be witnessing an alarming episode of avian anthropomorphosis. |
It will mat the plumage of avian predators, and can lead to their death. |