The key to our reformation will be a positive and receptive attitude toward the totality of the human experience. |
If he can keep his attitude up, the Cards could really use his ability to make the opposing quarterback worry about the rush. |
Diplomatically, the American is happy to explain the rationale behind his attitude this year. |
His erect attitude and sickly whiteness of face, flowing white hair, and spiritual aspect gave him the appearance of a grand old saint. |
It is heartening to see a reaction against modern society's safety-first attitude towards child-rearing. |
Both teams tend to have the attitude that whoever wins this one wins the tournament, even if last year they discovered otherwise. |
If a few billion people die, then a wholescale change in the attitude of the species might just take place. |
Richmond said he hopes the groups' planning process also has reinforced a different attitude about reallocating resources. |
But the one thing I'll give Jessica, she's had a great attitude about it from day one. |
The rest were in essence apolitical, which made their attitude even more alarming. |
You must repent of any callous attitude to the right use of the means God has purposed to accomplish his will. |
Call me heartless, barbaric, unforgiving, or what you will, but I can not understand this attitude at all. |
The attitude of the filmmakers toward history and society is ahistorical and subjective in the extreme. |
We know how difficult it is, but you only make it harder for yourself if you go down with the attitude that you can't win. |
Readers were miffed by the cavalier attitude taken to such an important cultural icon. |
That's the attitude that makes full disclosure the only viable way to reduce the window of vulnerability. |
Still, the influx of poor cousins with attitude might shake things up a bit in Brussels. |
On the heels of the Crusades, a new attitude towards women began to manifest itself in Europe. |
Such attitude and character counts for much in Division Three and will be worth more than a few points this season. |
Barely bigger than a book of matches, the Optima 2000 is going to make a lot of serious gun toters rethink their attitude about dot sights. |
Unlike Bollywood actors, the Southern film stars have a different attitude to politics. |
But the British attitude to the private provision of public services is more complex than this. |
Hobbs advises investors to assess their attitude to risk before plunging in. |
A sensitive attitude to cultural differences is necessary if the alliance is to succeed. |
Fittingly, one of the key differences between the politicians is their attitude to choice, and to how much of it we should be given. |
But there's something that's come to perplex me about his attitude to religious belief. |
Three plump blackbirds, made all the plumper by the cold-weather attitude of their feathers, sat in a ragged row. |
Plus, this healthy physical attitude of yours indicates deeper emotional well-being and stability. |
Last season they arrived with attitude and generally did not treat us well, making fun of us even though they are not very good themselves. |
He arrived with attitude as well as ambition, but those who were offended at the time concede now that he has the game to go with it. |
Lucille makes it clear that they are looking for young dancers with attitude and ability. |
He controls the spacecraft's attitude jets and thrusters, while the engineer keeps a lookout and pays attention to the timing. |
It is important to fully understand the effect a liquid's movement can have on the attitude control of these spacecraft. |
We expect Japan will have a reciprocal attitude toward Roh's forward-looking gestures for reconciliation. |
Like Meridiana, her attitude to nature is mystical, and she practices witchcraft. |
I caught the resignation attitude myself as I delivered the car up for its annual service and road test. |
But if his rugby talent has rarely been questioned, his mental attitude has raised the odd quizzical eyebrow. |
Here we have the attitude and spirit that can make it possible for the human race to grow together into a single family. |
Her blonde weave, plucked and meticulously painted eyebrows, bandana, kitschy makeup, and attitude exude hip-hop's aesthetic. |
The Westie's natural good looks and spunky attitude quickly made it a favorite in the American show ring and as a household companion. |
This attitude comes mostly from the idea that American middle-class values are the touchstone from which all else should be judged. |
It's very seldom I have a negative attitude toward me based on sexual orientation. |
People should have a beneficent attitude to the use of tissues excised or removed as a part of their clinical care. |
This augured a fundamentally contemptuous attitude toward the principles that had previously sustained US legitimacy. |
It is essential for health and well-being to maintain a positive attitude to life. |
So if you're thinking about lazing around, remember that the result may be a sour attitude as well as a flabby gut. |
In order to raise judoists in this manner, nurturing the attitude of study and resourcefulness in dojo Judo training is of first importance. |
One is the attitude of excellence, you know, to seek to excel and glorify God with the gifts and talents and abilities that he has given us. |
With such a busy working life and an attitude that embraces stress as a necessary ingredient of life in adland, how important is relaxation? |
Afzaal put down a takeable chance also but far more impressive was the blaze-away attitude of the visitors. |
Improbable though it sounds, this attitude appears to be shared by a proportion of companies in almost every sector of the British economy. |
There is a wider disagreement between us concerning the attitude towards power that we on the left should adopt. |
The school's attitude towards the buses is part of its positive discipline policy introduced three years ago. |
Her attitude towards men and relationships was frustrating to say the least. |
The film's attitude towards death movingly, but objectively, strikes the right note. |
It was put to you that it has previously been necessary to speak to you about your attitude and behaviour towards female colleagues. |
Where it differs is in the state's attitude towards the behaviour of its immigrants. |
The website suggests a no-nonsense attitude towards unruly behaviour on the court. |
The frenzied urgency of the announcement reveals another interesting aspect of his attitude towards the job. |
Do you practice a certain kind of diet or a certain attitude towards relationships and so forth? |
As individuals, as communities and as the nation we should adopt an attitude of self-reliance for social upliftment and advancement. |
I feel this need to show people we can do it on our own but I recognize how silly and destructive and completely juvenile this attitude is. |
Pannal to their credit maintained a positive attitude throughout and were always on the lookout for goals. |
Those sentiments are a far cry from her early years when she had an altogether more ambivalent attitude towards her singing. |
Their attitude to Hale is ambivalent at best and I suspect that it is actively hostile. |
The playwright, who at 48 is 15 years Lane's senior, has an avuncular attitude towards the actor, who in turn looks at him with obvious respect. |
I am reinforced in my self indulgence by the attitude of another lapsed vegetarian friend. |
Why should the capital lose out because the rest of Britain is so crabbed and provincial in its attitude towards newcomers? |
Till then, think about it and try to change at least your attitude in favour of a better. |
A shaming indictment of the woeful British attitude to sport at grassroots level, McKenna's story is difficult to believe. |
We started off on the wrong foot, and now she has a lot of attitude and is rude and mean. |
It is an accepted and insidious woman-hating attitude that leaves us all in the dust. |
Because of her obnoxious attitude Chaucer makes her toothless, fat and large. |
As Bridges conceives him, he's genuinely funny, even wonkily admirable in his tongue-tied, laissez faire attitude toward the world. |
I suspect a certain attitude to asylum-seekers is actually a form of transference. |
Or maybe he could send a strong message on his attitude to forestry and logging by putting champion woodcutter, David Foster, in the job. |
However, the true attitude of these knights of the road was explained by one cabbie last week. |
He said his demeanour and attitude during questioning was not that of a man who had something to hide. |
His attitude and demeanor were so like a guy that she had known in high school. |
Though they share nothing in upbringing, they have already found that they have a workaday attitude to showbiz in common. |
His attitude had taken a turn for the worse when he had been possessed by evil spirits, but he was hardly a boy scout beforehand. |
This week a complete attitude reversal could finally heal those past scars and old war wounds. |
Your open and receptive attitude heals old wounds and rejuvenates relationships. |
My basic attitude is respect for anyone who's published a translation of Homer. |
On one of my local stew ponds there is an attitude that if it's not into double figures it ain't worth catching. |
He assured her that Pakistan had a positive and constructive attitude towards the ongoing bilateral talks. |
This is considered a famous poem, and reflects a graceful attitude towards riches and power. |
They were protesting against the attitude of the Indian Bank Association with regard to revision of pay scales. |
Such an attitude from a developer is most welcome and it must be said makes a refreshing change. |
When a perpetrator wrongs a person, she, the wronged party, typically has a personal reactive attitude of resentment. |
If he was worried about making so many changes, his fears were soon allayed by the attitude of the young newcomers. |
They're examples of how that stoic, struggle on and make the best of a bad deal and tough times attitude can work against you sometimes. |
The lackadaisical attitude of the members is one of the main impediments to the club expanding its activities. |
With this attitude in place, the disc works pretty well whether you're into digging out early hip-hop samples or not. |
Three chords, the right amount of carelessness in the attitude and those irresistible tambourines with the drums make them deserved hit singles. |
Jamal avoids the ghetto rap cool dude attitude and Brown relates to that, comfortable in low-key. |
Time often dilutes anger and passion and Hollywood began to relent in its attitude against Kazan. |
That sense of ownership sometimes includes a proprietary attitude toward waterways abutting a Texan's land. |
In spite of his less than friendly attitude toward the man, Carson couldn't help feeling some sympathy for the poor guy. |
Wayward performances and an ambivalent attitude towards his score markings must be challenged. |
The British attitude to immigration and immigrants has always been grudging, a mixture of xenophobia and socialist zero-sum economics. |
What's repugnant to justice is the attitude that some people should be denied it, no matter what is done to them. |
Perhaps the greatest attribute of our student body is the individualist attitude of so many students. |
He agreed that the Government's attitude towards NHS dentistry was effectively back-door privatisation. |
Thus, we were treated to complimentary popcorn and drinks and a general attitude of being better than everybody else. |
We are bombarded with the big mouth attitude and threats and acts of terrorists constantly now. |
As it was, Glavely's attitude showed he knew I was on the scent of something. |
Stars throughout history have consistently displayed a schizoid attitude to their choice of roles. |
I danced with this young girl and, I tell you, she had more attitude than Naomi. |
I have never witnessed anything like this before in my life and was shocked and offended at the lax attitude of the policeman during all of this. |
Hollywood attitude and schmooze might well be the engine that drives this 11-day orgy of movies, parties and buzz. |
Quinn, exiled to the minors after an array of defensive miscues and attitude problems, hit a three-run homer last Saturday. |
He wasn't slimy or anything, just had an attitude that grated on my nerves. |
But the fact that being a man is bad for you may also have much to do with men's attitude to health. |
The bad blood between these two countries makes the Scots' attitude towards our English cousins look positively benevolent. |
I observed the couldn't-care-less attitude of baggage handlers as they threw luggage onto planes in Spain. |
Andrea Seppi, a creative photographer from Germany, combines a trigger-happy attitude with propensity for perfection. |
What I was doing was abreacting my childhood attitude of compliance and the bitterness that it engendered in me. |
As soon as the airspeed is steady in the climb, trim the aircraft to hold that attitude hands-off. |
I think there is a similarity to the attitude of many abused children who blame themselves for the abusive actions of their parents. |
The crux of the matter lies in what attitude and stand we take and what method we use to handle contradictions. |
The stand we take will reflect the prevalent social attitude towards crimes against women. |
Owen lowered his gaze as they passed the two guards posted nearby and adopted the attitude of a menial servant busy running an errand. |
His uncompromising attitude continually made him a thorn in the Establishment 's side. |
This sober attitude is needed, for the negative impact of a local government's financial instability will definitely have a national bearing. |
To attend only or mostly to activities and issues that are meaningful to me would make a huge difference in attitude about teaching. |
And their professed adhesion to the economic formula of Socialism would not of itself be good enough to alter my attitude towards them. |
Given this kind of attitude it is hardly surprising that increasingly local politics is held in total contempt. |
He mechanically establishes the emotional distance between the father and son and the daughter's mothering attitude toward her macho dad. |
Our camaraderie and patriotic attitude did not evaporate along with the smoke. |
The one thing I find most fascinating is the God-botherer's attitude to me. |
Nowhere was this adventitious attitude to life more evident than in the rural music scene. |
Let's give them a taste of their own medicine then perhaps they may have a less arrogant attitude towards Britain. |
The novelty of them has worn off and no team will again head north with the complacent attitude of an easy win and a night in Edinburgh. |
Her attitude is now certainly sadder, her descriptions more concrete, her approach less that of the aesthete. |
This guidance system reads gyroscopes and accelerometers and sends appropriate commands to attitude control thrusters. |
The flip side is the work culture and manager's attitude to the uncovering of errors. |
I'm this zitty 13 year old with B.O., an insufferable know-it-all attitude and greasy hair. |
What does this say about his attitude towards the parliament he campaigned to establish? |
In all the time we have been booking courses we have not met this attitude before. |
It is true to say that, from the first, the country's attitude to Europe has been ambivalent. |
It is a state of mind, a feeling, an attitude that can be worn like a shamrock on a lapel. |
The government's hateful message to migrants and refugees contrasts shamefully with its attitude to the oil companies. |
But life is nevertheless better, because I've readjusted my whole attitude to food. |
That will depend on your own attitude but, if you have a family and dependents, you'll also have to think about how they see things. |
Once again, the Labour Court has intervened in a bid to resolve the issues, but the trades unions' attitude to flotation is hardening. |
The Chinese Government further weakened an already weak position by the ambiguous attitude which it took to its dependencies and tributaries. |
You are indicating that when it gets down to levels of changing behaviour, attitude and procedures, it is a tick box exercise. |
A positive attitude toward others is a strategy that serves you throughout any interaction. |
Fisher's attitude was emblematic of the insular and self-serving culture that has dominated the general committee for decades. |
From Miss Ewart's view, a positive attitude rather than skill base is the most important quality in a prospective employee. |
That typifies his attitude throughout the case that has been uncooperative, obstructive and difficult. |
That typifies his attitude throughout the case uncooperative, obstructive and difficult. |
His behaviour and attitude towards his supervisory team amounts to his being deliberately obstructive. |
The only exception to this attitude would be that I do check my bank and credit card statements. |
These children stare wildly, their oversized eyes gazing upward, eternally unblinking in an attitude that recalls contemporary Symbolism. |
There is a can-do attitude here and now a lot of people are choosing to restore the crofts instead of going into modern-built houses. |
His can-do attitude spurred him on and he took part-time work to get by while continuing to write songs. |
They combine the work ethic of Baby Boomers with the can-do attitude of Veterans and the technological savvy of Generation Xers. |
His attitude is that he does not wish to be involved in any argument whether this valuation is right or wrong. |
He is known for his non-conformist attitude in every field in which he has proven himself, be it politics, theatre or the legal profession. |
And our attitude to debris and litter, clogging up drains, needs to change. |
That's an attitude that really resonates with the LGBT community, which has had to face down scurrilous attacks for years. |
A light and playful rather than heavy and serious attitude brings success and goodwill. |
The local Bajan culture encompasses a very helping attitude which speaks volumes about the goodwill of Barbadians. |
The use to which the wealth is put, and Jahangir's almost flippant attitude toward his riches, activates the notion of the ignorant barbarian. |
Even knowing one language other than your own says so much about your attitude towards the world outside your own country. |
This attitude is no longer relevant in a world in which knowledgeability, quality and design are pivotal to success or failure. |
It was suggested that Tom use only his shortie wetsuit and adjust his attitude in the water using weights in the BC pocket and on a chest strap. |
And in the second place, it would also then change, I think, the attitude of the world towards the armed conflict. |
In training, I've seen him working really hard and his attitude is second to none. |
Dealing with that kind of pressure and developing a practical attitude is not something you can get from second-hand experience. |
There was a lackadaisical attitude to the extension of the copyright term in the European Union. |
Much urban music is plagued by an attitude towards women and gay people that is derogatory. |
Since I arrived here my yarmulka got smaller, my clothing changed, my attitude towards tradition started plunging. |
What separates Brazil from the rest of the world is their attitude to the beautiful game. |
The journalist claimed he was treated bluntly and said the staff attitude made no business sense and he could have been making a booking. |
This attitude is not just peculiar to high-handicap amateurs but is also prevalent among the top amateurs and professionals. |
Adrian was a good-natured and handsome man with a joyful attitude when he was married to Julie. |
This is one sketch of an idea for the cover of a book about twin sisters, one of whom develops a bad attitude that makes a mess of her life. |
Skepticism and warnings were mainly expressed in medical journals, indicating a reserved attitude by many health care professionals. |
It wasn't until the 1990s that there was a more tolerant attitude towards folk art in Finland. |
She certainly appears to have transformed the attitude of managers and staff, as well as that of her colleagues on the council. |
His officious and arrogant attitude towards players has also, remarkably, gone unpunished. |
The data files are then offline processed through the software to estimate the attitude parameters. |
It is even more intolerantly communal in its attitude to the prophets and reformers within its own fold. |
Your current happy-go-lucky attitude will make the impact with said wall less painful. |
Nonetheless, his happy-go-lucky attitude that he originally had changed to looking down at me. |
His own happy-go-lucky attitude was a catalyst to Liz's lighthearted nature. |
Sorry to say, but the attitude of the people of this country is too happy-go-lucky. |
We Scots are not, at the best of times, over-endowed with a sunny disposition and a happy-go-lucky attitude to life. |
The film gives no indication of his attitude toward Bolshevism, Stalinism, Trotskyism or any other political tendency in the twentieth century. |
Their attitude toward the aborted Algerian legislative elections is illustrative. |
He believes that the RFU's attitude has made a showdown with Premier Rugby inevitable. |
An attitude that started out as solicitous and respectful becomes condescending and mocking. |
Now while the arrest numbers are high, police really showing a zero tolerance attitude for anybody who steps out of line. |
Such an attitude is a welcome relief in a France where brutal and ignorant forms of anticlericalism still flourish. |
The attitude of the Republican majority on the Senate panel was brazenly antidemocratic. |
Many authorities on Russian politics have said that the dispute reflects the president's attitude toward the oilman, not the oil business. |
Meanwhile, Oliphant said Safa has noted with extreme concern the hard-line attitude of the city officials in Cape Town. |
Asia has generally held a positive attitude towards trade liberalization during the crisis. |
I think that the hard-shell attitude some young women develop is a defense against the fear of rejection and abandonment. |
She had a Bernie Mac hard shell attitude with his loving caring family oriented heart. |
This attitude extends to other things like the drinks licensing laws for example. |
The king himself provoked the severe limitations on his power by the ambivalent attitude he displayed towards the Revolution. |
The two brands of monasticism differed in their attitude toward the state, and toward the question of monachal property. |
The teacher was delighted at the true loyal monarchist attitude of this fine young man. |
An attitude of arrogance and the kind of insufferable self-confidence of that Cardinal is very much out of tune with the Church and its mission. |
Bob will be remembered by friends for his appreciation of fine single-malt scotch, his humble attitude toward himself and his dry sense of humor. |
Many security breaches result from a careless or indifferent attitude in the office. |
Traditionally, the attitude toward the motherland among Russian speakers abroad has been complex. |
No issue illustrates this more vividly than the administration's designedly ambivalent attitude to the country. |
Scott's casual attitude to debt was certainly closer to that of the aristocracy than the middle class. |
Lesley has been impressed by the all-inclusive attitude to mounting a play at the theatre. |
Even then, the British experts have been amazed by the casual attitude taken towards such a dangerous substance. |
Did the physician and surgical staff members present demonstrate an attitude that was too casual and cavalier? |
In their attitude to waste and higher prices, ministers reveal a casual disregard for the taxpayers and consumers who foot the bills. |
But I do worry that too casual an attitude to safety sets a poor example for the more impressionable among the diving community. |
Behind his casual attitude lies the strict discipline a teacher asks of a pupil. |
We've become accustomed to treating alcohol as no big thing, and our relaxed attitude rubs off on long-term visitors. |
Ninety-nine point nine percent of the people were interested and enthusiastic and the attitude was very favourable. |
Europeans, cynical in politics and morals, think that this attitude makes us loose cannons. |
Her attitude can affect her puppies in utero and then later after whelping as well. |
I sincerely believe the reason we have such a casual attitude toward guns and gun handling is the fact almost everyone has never been shot before. |
Having a sense of humour, being polite, and making time for some personal conversation can often make a huge difference in the attitude of others. |
Voltaire's attitude towards traditional theism is interesting to note. |
Mr. Baldassare said this attitude had been building for several years, starting with the state's energy crisis and the administration's handling of it. |
The traditional Kiwi attitude towards building one's own home, farm building, or backyard shed is compromised by the very prescriptive nature of this bill. |
Taking all of this into account, though there seemed to be an underlying sadness, I got the distinct impression that his bluff attitude was covering up something. |
Even straight men, so often skittish and easily threatened, found his aw-shucks persona and mildly sarcastic, I'm-in-on-the-joke attitude congenial. |
The attitude criticized in the words by the author quoted above also explains the importance of pigs, yams and taro for men and that of tapa and mats for women. |
It's a reductive attitude that sells Scotland short and it's one I detest. |
Not surprisingly, therefore, our attitude to mobile phones is ambivalent. |
Estrella couldn't help but laugh herself, as his attitude was contagious. |
It is that philosophy which informs his attitude towards technology. |
However, his aversion to marriage, his offbeat attitude to parenthood and his serial mendacity may be rooted rather closer to home in his own life. |
The near vertical attitude needed to perform the tail slide suggests that the aircraft was indeed making a missed approach rather than the initial climb scenario. |
He has a great attitude and he's very well thought of at Preston. |
Even if she had transportation, a woman would not ask anyone for help, because the prevailing attitude held that she had made her bed and must lie in it. |
And the most popular blogger in China is Han Han, known for his cynical attitude toward Chinese politics and society. |
Each of the women's responses was assessed with the value weighted on each variable to develop a profile of her psychological attitude during pregnancy. |
This has featured disputes over when he was required to attend, the amount of notice he requires and his attitude towards the way the inquiry conducts its business. |
No doubt, the Government's somewhat dismissive and deprecatory attitude towards those opposed to ratification succeeded in turning off a big section of the electorate. |
His side's attitude must be right or they will be sent packing. |
An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. |
Randall Parker has a post suggesting that the President's weak-kneed attitude to illegal immigration is losing him conservative votes without gaining him any Latino votes. |
Here is an older woman with attitude but terrible gym shoes. |
Yet an uncritical attitude toward the leading climate-change activists may be even more perilous. |
Staff have an attitude and can't even raise a smile when you tip them! |
His stocky body was set in an attitude of hopeless challenge. |
The survey includes several questions on our attitude to public spending. |
All of them obviously had a different attitude to life than their peers. |
Roth was almost a kindred spirit, but his attitude toward life came from simply not caring, instead of the malicious pleasure Eric found in destruction. |
Between the black sweats and her yellow-and-black lace top, Britney nails the queen bee with attitude look. |
For lack of a better word for it I lump all the small things that go into the formation of a proper co-operative attitude to others in government under this heading. |
Money dues lent themselves more easily to negotiation in detail, and so encouraged a more legalistic attitude towards relations between lords and tenants. |
It's all kick-ass attitude and style without any substance to back it up. |
Such an attitude expects no rebuffs and overlooks those it provokes. |
Maybe it's the juxtaposition of gobby punk attitude alongside such a slavishly swotty excavation of rock'n'roll mythology that attracted attention. |
Nashe's attitude to his fate is fatalistic, he accepts that his freedom is taken from him and the building of the wall becomes a kind of atonement. |
My son's daycare teacher has a stand-offish attitude to me now. |
Physically fit, mentally strong and confident before a crowd, they challenge themselves in the showplace while extending that winning attitude into every area of their lives. |
This attitude applies to stepmothers and adoptive mothers as well. |
It is that truculent attitude that most irritates many military men. |
He had a profound anti-intellectual attitude to medical elitism. |
And Steubenville was a prime example of our crummy attitude when it comes to bringing attackers to account. |
The reasons behind the increase are believed by researchers and police to be an increasingly casual attitude to the law, particularly among young drivers. |
Although her debut album Drama stole its sound and attitude wholesale from the US, Thank You sees the vocalist take bold steps onto new musical ground. |
They gave us a lot of respect and their attitude was unbelievable. |
Fassel is a stand-up guy who was willing to go down with the ship even after being fired, and he will be rewarded for that attitude sometime soon. |
Part of this attitude is indicative of an anxiety that film might still be regarded as a derivative medium, always in any comparison a poor imitation of literature. |
It's an attitude that's rife in magic because of its acausal nature. |
His criticisms and scornful attitude angered a lot of viewers. |
With the bad attitude comes the bad behaviour the tabloids love. |
Such an open attitude is not only important for non-Orthodox Jewry, but ultimately for orthodoxy as well. |
No area of disagreement between Jung and Freud reflected more clearly the temperamental differences between them than their respective attitude to symbols. |
In the shade of its flourishing growth he stood with braced and self-confident legs, and allowed no thoughts of his own to keep him from an attitude of manfulness. |
Labour's response to the plight of the impoverished tsunami victims in Asia is a mirror image of its attitude towards the New Zealand working class. |
She says men who kill women they love have a predisposition for violence and an archaic attitude toward women in their lives. |
He's a man's man with a notoriously robust attitude to women. |
The coach had every reason to crow after Saturday's hammering of Widnes Tigers at Trimpell and says the attitude of his team is making his job easy. |
The recycling of clothes by Kate is not a PR stunt, her attitude is just, well, why wouldn't you? |
Thus, their reality testing appears intact, and the rebellious behavior or attitude shows itself to be the charade of mock independence that it is. |
I was not behaving very sensibly, but nowhere had I experienced such a nauseating attitude to girls as in the last throes of Franco's sick and dying Spain. |
This gloomy attitude is reflected in surveys and indices of business confidence. |
The view may look bright at the top GOP echelon, but that does not appear to be the attitude of the rank and file. |
I am reinforced in this finding by the evidence of the plaintiff's rebellious attitude towards school attendance and by his resistance to parental authority. |
This has led to some suggestions that the accounting firm may have adopted a more relaxed attitude on the audit side in order to keep the consulting fees rolling in. |
It also lends a more laid-back and relaxed attitude to shopping. |
It's enough if you have the attitude and the fire in your belly. |
For Trotsky, what determined his attitude to all tendencies within the Russian social democratic labor movement was their perspective, their program. |
One report states that you have matured and mellowed with age and that your attitude has changed so that you now look at life in a better view and appear relaxed and settled. |
Here, one of the birds spreads its wings to let its plumage dry in the sun, an attitude which is highly characteristic of cormorants and their relatives. |
So you had to get the ironic attitude toward the media before you could grasp the satiric manhandling of the politicians. |
Positive energy, ambition and a can-do attitude is visible on many faces. |
It is home where the criminal attitude of the children towards women could be prevented and thus the crimes against women in the future could be brought to nought. |
I was so serious that I probably offended a lot of people who didn't appreciate my stern attitude and hyperdisciplined approach. |
The proposed controllers provide asymptotic attitude stabilization with complete rejection of unknown external disturbances. |
Centenarian George Abbott's revival with attitude makes a '50s baseball musical one for the ages. |
A close relationship with grandparents seems to be associated with having a more positive attitude toward their own aging among preteenagers. |