The attacker came out of nowhere, attacking with insane speed, a dagger held high. |
To attack many users on a subnet, the attacker would send the especially malformed packet to that network's broadcast or multicast address. |
His hand scrabbled on the countertop, searching for a stick, a pair of scales, any weapon to fend off this unseen attacker. |
Police continued a manhunt in the area, but by late yesterday the attacker had not been arrested. |
Detectives say the attacker was tall and slim and wearing a dark knitted balaclava and a baseball cap which may have had a silver peak. |
The victim received injuries consisting of scrapes and bruises, however, she was able to fend off her attacker. |
I saw the attacker hit the lad in the head or the face two or three times and then after about ten seconds he walked off. |
The gold seal ring, which Pippa had told me about, meant that whoever her attacker was, he was a wealthy, powerful one. |
And in the case of Saturday night's incident, the attacker nearly met his match. |
A winger to me is a striker, a finisher, an out-and-out attacker with an aggressive and instinctive nose for the try-line. |
The defender and attacker are sitting side by side, facing the same direction, in seiza. |
If an attacker can be made to believe that his offensive thrust will fail, then the defense will not be challenged. |
In injury time, Sedge debutant Jonny Haig fouled an attacker in the box but Shelley's spot-kick thudded against the post. |
As the great beasts bore down on their attacker, their focus was taken away by the sound of an unfamiliar roar. |
He agreed that describing the incidents as the work of a serial attacker could change the public's psyche, but urged people not to panic. |
A scant few feet in front of the boys, the attacker turned with a bellow of rage. |
A second Chinese man was also convicted and deported and a bench warrant was issued for a third attacker. |
Their attacker went berserk, butting and punching their car in a bustling street before turning his attention to the two men. |
He described his attacker as white, aged about 16 and wearing a blue tracksuit top and a baseball cap. |
The first attacker was 6ft tall with short blond hair and was wearing black trousers and a white T-shirt. |
The victim then told how the attacker molested her while asking her questions. |
Clamping a hand over her wounded abdomen, T. quickly sighted and fired, finishing off her already wounded attacker. |
The second attacker came from the left this time, blindsiding the girl with a roughly placed fist to her temple. |
Detectives were last night hunting a bloodstained attacker after a wealthy businessman was murdered at his luxury home. |
It is not clear exactly what weapon the attacker used, but police say the wanted man is likely to have been heavily bloodstained. |
The attacker brought the knife up slicing John's throat in one quick motion. |
She eventually pushed her attacker away and ran back out into the road where she got help from police officers in an unmarked car. |
Windermere started brightly and twice went close themselves before an unmarked attacker gleefully took Lytham's first chance of the game. |
An attacker could use this vulnerability to cause other users' Office applications to fail, with the loss of any unsaved data. |
Jeremey landed, ducked the last attack and delivered an uppercut, sending the attacker sprawling to the ground five feet away. |
People said spreading the net wide across the town was the best way of tracking down the hoodie attacker. |
With those two pieces of data, an attacker can impersonate a legitimate device on that wireless net. |
If the attacker is in some country with bribable police, there's nothing you can do anyway. |
What would happen to accountability if an attacker would find a bug in a program and use it in order to gain access to medical records? |
The first attacker is described as male, in his early 20s and of mixed race, around 6ft in height and of slim build. |
The attacker spat racial abuse at the victim as he carried out the terrifying assault at Monkton Road Stores, in Monkton Road, off Byland Avenue. |
The attacker was black, about 5ft, and wore dark clothing and a dark baseball cap with the NBA insignia on its front and visor. |
Through this vuln an attacker who is able to compromise a CVS server can contaminate source-code repositories with Trojan code. |
The attacker is still running at him, perhaps ten yards away and closing fast, reaching for knives at his belt with each hand. |
Detectives piecing together clues in the inquiry remain confident they will catch the attacker. |
In this city, lingering fear takes the form of a roiling, oily fog that covers victim, attacker, and crime. |
He pulled back on the sticks, and the ship careened upward, its belly facing the attacker. |
The attacker is described as Asian, aged about 20, 5ft 8in tall and was said to be slim with a thick head of hair and good looking. |
She cried out in pain and watched in amazement, as her attacker seemed to fly backward and fall head over heels over her bed. |
The attacker is described as white, with an Irish accent, streaky hair, which is possibly grey, and face stubble. |
If a user views an xls file using the XML style sheet, it's quite easy for an attacker to run or call executable code. |
It's believe the attacker blew himself up after he was challenged by a security guard as he was trying to enter into the parking lot. |
The attacker swung the bag and stick at Mr Bright, who raised his arm in defence. |
Another flaw, also in Oracle Reports, could allow an attacker to overwrite files on the targeted server. |
As they turned to face their attacker, they were met with a spread of missiles that sent them flying back in tangled hunks of shrapnel. |
Therefore, an attacker must not employ weapons that would cause excessive collateral damage. |
But such measures offer no deterrent to a single fanatical suicide attacker. |
He lost consciousness momentarily and came round to find his attacker had been pulled off him. |
In self-defence, Michael hit his attacker on the shin with the bat, felling him to the ground. |
But the crucial piece of evidence would be a description of a possible attacker. |
When user logs into his bank's website, the attacker piggybacks on that session via the Trojan to make any fraudulent transaction he wants. |
An attacker can compromise a user's system by getting the user to read an HTML e-mail message or visit a Web site. |
Veltrop swung the deadly blade with pinpoint accuracy severing the head of the attacker. |
Mind you it is doubtful we will see a shallower, more insipid attempt at shifting the blame from the attacker to a victim. |
Isn't it reasonable to respond with ammunition against an attacker who is wielding automatic weapons and firebombs? |
The evidence also indicated the deceased, a single woman, was sexually interfered with by her attacker. |
But the plucky pensioner fought back, trying to push his attacker back outside his front door. |
The plucky youngster managed to kick his attacker in the kneecap before getting free and running home. |
The wolf was cornered in the alcove and his attacker was closing in on his position. |
The quills are so lightly fixed to the porcupine's body that they are easily detached and left imbedded in the attacker. |
The purpose of therapeutics was to apply counteragents, usually chemical ones, which would act quickly against the attacker. |
This latter action, this counterblow against the attacker, was intrinsic to the whole concept of defence. |
The attacker was riding a bike along the footpath when he hit the victim on the back of the head, knocking him to the ground. |
The most serious incident was on November 3 1992 when the attacker forced his way into a couple's car. |
The man pounced at Kora, the attacker continuing to growl angry curses and words too low for anyone to hear. |
Hospital sources said the girls had shown good presence of mind by running away when they saw a plastic can in the hands of the attacker. |
He said the victim was only able to give a brief description of her attacker. |
The victim, who has not been named, was able to give enough of a description for officers to create an e-fit image of his attacker. |
Throughout the ordeal Mrs Malgarin kept a tight grip on her handbag and the attacker eventually fled empty-handed towards Mulberry Grove. |
He said the attacker left by a taxi, only to return later on foot and smash a ground-floor window to the building. |
She told police the attacker tied her up but that she managed to struggle free and escape into the bush. |
It is thought that the attacker preyed on him because he thought he was an easy target. |
The quills are so lightly fixed to the porcupine's body that they are easily detached and left embedded in the attacker. |
He read it literally as real, actual abuse meted out by an attacker on her victim. |
An attacker advanced on her while she stood unprotected, with nowhere to run. |
As she lay dying she managed to whisper a description of her attacker to the detective who found her. |
Try to imagine, for a moment, an attacker armed with a knife coming at you with every intention of committing malice aforethought. |
The attacker, whose face was covered by a hood, grabbed her from behind in the dark alley. |
Clive only had time to put one foot on the road before his attacker went for his jugular. |
Key loggers can be on your system recording every keystroke and emailing it to an attacker, enemy or even your spouse. |
Mr Elliott said the technique, similar to martial arts like aikido, is quick to learn and enables people to surprise their attacker. |
In recoil, one of the mortally wounded soldiers pulled the trigger of his gun, causing a single bullet to strike his attacker. |
His free hand scrabbled desperately around, and he began clawing at his attacker. |
Even a handbag can be used as a barrier when placed between yourself and any would-be attacker. |
The attacker has just scored a goal for his team that wins them the FA Cup in the final minutes of the game. |
As the attacker attempted to flee, customers grabbed him and wrestled him to the floor, where he was held until police arrived. |
Mr Shackleton remembered his attacker was wearing a navy blue crew-neck sweater with a badge emblem and red writing on it. |
A man who provided a false alibi for an alleged attacker has been sent to jail for six months. |
Her attacker eventually relaxed his grip but continued to pummel her face, police said. |
Cities provide ample hiding places for the defender, and such battles often become an endless succession of ambushes for the attacker. |
If an attacker staged such an assault on a large enough scale, the root servers would be unusable. |
In the physical world, once an attacker is repelled, you follow up with counterattack. |
The fluid smelt of ammonia and the victim was taken to hospital with stinging eyes after his attacker fled. |
He shouted at her attacker telling him to leave her alone and the man, who had remained silent throughout the incident, ran off. |
Staggering, I turned around to face my attacker but never saw him, a second fist followed the first and I went out like a light. |
I keep thinking about the apportionment of blame between the innocent defender and the guilty attacker. |
While police attempt to calm fears that a serial attacker is stalking the borough, many residents remain concerned about their safety. |
This throw is also useful in the event that an attacker facing you is able to pull your head down in order to get you in a neck lock. |
The attacker then simply needs to check his web server logs to know the victim's session cookie. |
If this fails to intimidate the attacker the snake turns belly up, opens its mouth and lolls its tongue out, playing dead. |
Police hand out safety advice and shriek alarms but call for calm in the community amid fears that a serial attacker is on the loose. |
The victim grabbed a piece of firewood to fend off his attacker and one of the attacking group brandished a pair of garden loppers. |
His brother trying to rugby tackle the attacker, who still had the knives in each hand, and a melee ensued. |
Despite an intensive police search, neither the attacker nor his two assailants were found. |
The injuries were caused by one punch as the attacker ran at the man, in Selby Market Place, before riding off on a red bicycle. |
Monica cried aloud and ran at her husband's attacker, but was sent flying across the dirt by a swift blow from his arm. |
These people may have vital information which could assist the police in identifying the attacker. |
In an attack on a police station, one police officer and an attacker were killed. |
She struggled with her attacker but was thrown to the ground and the mugger ran off with her handbag. |
The victim of a vicious nightclub assault has appealed for witnesses to help police catch his attacker. |
Their attacker pleaded guilty to wounding and assault at Manchester Crown Court. |
As soon as engineers repair the speed traps, the mystery attacker strikes again. |
She managed to fight off the attacker during the assault in February last year. |
The other attacker, only 16 at the time of the assault, has been released more recently. |
He is convinced the attacker will strike again and he warns the next time it could be even more serious. |
Police admit that her killer may be a serial attacker who has struck at least six times. |
He raced outside his area to challenge Lee Reilly and was sent off after the home attacker was left on the turf. |
He seems to be improving week by week and would be the key attacker in my team. |
A corner on the left was only half cleared and as the Kirkby attacker advanced into the box he was tripped. |
Maybe attacker is not the right word to describe Totti, he is an out-and-out goalscorer, a pure striker. |
It is no fluke both teams at the World Cup final know how to make an attacker of a defender. |
At junior school she always wore jeans and was a nifty attacker in the netball team. |
As a former self-defense instructor, I can safely affirm that the best way to avoid injury by an attacker is to fight back. |
While they have not criticised the actions of the woman in fending off the attacker, police advise the public to always think about safety first. |
She says her great-grandfather was trained to fight with a taiaha, so when the attacker advanced, he reacted instinctively. |
Because network authentications aren't frequently refreshed, an attacker could make expensive premium rate calls and bill them to other persons. |
Chaotic dogfights appeared and disappeared in the madness of the battle, as either attacker or defender was killed. |
The Internet is made up of countless interconnected devices, and any innocent routers between the attacker and retaliator would suffer at least twice in a counterstrike. |
She had been choked unconscious and very likely would have died had a passerby not scared away her attacker. |
So far, she has been able to tell officers that her attacker was either Asian or of mixed race, had a slim and muscular build and short dark hair. |
She was pinned to the wall as one tried to grab her handbag but she managed to fend off her attacker and the gang fled towards the bus station empty-handed. |
The defender beats some but not all of the cards played by the attacker. |
The unmasked attacker followed suit with a fatal knife blade to Johannes's gut, then heaved him around and slammed him against a nearby wall, repeatedly. |
The mother of a teenager killed during an argument about a dog has branded the British justice system a joke after his attacker was jailed for three years. |
During this time CCTV footage showed him wearing similar clothes a white beanie hat and blue jeans which the victim said that her attacker was wearing. |
He said there were two girls in the gang and remembered his attacker wearing a navy blue crew-neck sweater with a badge emblem and red writing on it. |
If her attacker was a member of the beau monde, he would be there. |
Surfing to Survive Coming face-to-face with an overzealous tiger shark, this surfer brawls with his unexpected attacker. |
The software giant has admitted that an attacker might be able to run malware of his choice simply by tricking a victim into visiting a maliciously constructed Web site. |
And there's a chance that the box might have some kind of radio emanations that reveal the raw, unencrypted data to an attacker who has a good radio and directional antenna. |
Police are still unsure if he was murdered by a gang or a lone attacker. |
This bug could be exploited by an attacker who tricks victims into either visiting a maliciously constructed Web page or opening HTML email containing a poisoned script. |
Detectives working on the hunt for the attacker are now sifting through the information from the callers and hoping it will give the inquiry an extra boost. |
Bradford North police last night issued an e-fit photograph of the attacker, who is described as Asian, aged about 40, with brushed back black hair flecked with grey. |
Detectives were last night appealing for information to help trace the alleged attacker, who is of mixed race, in his early 20s, and about 5ft 7in. |
Consequently, an attacker who acts reasonably in bombing an otherwise legitimate target has a defense against the charge that excessive collateral damage occurred. |
The woman was able to escape because her attacker was scared off after he heard a homeowner open up his sliding glass door. |
Detectives circulated artists' impressions of the attacker, security was stepped up at the university and undercover police patrols were mobilised in the area. |
It was too dark for him to see his attacker, but her voice gave her away. |
And each time it does, it will be a poignant reminder of the life of the 19-year-old backpacker from the city murdered by an as yet untraced attacker in Australia in April. |
The attacker was a older looking male with eyes that seemed to be as empty as he felt, the darkness that she felt ate away at her mind like a slow burn. |
He added that police did not yet have a description of the attacker. |
For example an attacker might begin by playing two sixes, rather than playing one six, waiting for it to be beaten or picked up, and then producing the other six. |
The attacker is described as a Caucasian male with pale skin, 15-18 years old, approximately six foot tall and wearing a faded dark fleecy sweater with a hood. |
The gates were protected by an ingenious system of re-entrants and switchbacks, designed to lead any attacker backward and forward under a rain of missiles. |
She broke down in tears as she relived her ordeal and told how she desperately tried to scramble up the steep banking and how she tried to fight off her attacker. |
Like a jumpshot in basketball or an end run in football, when the defense closes the direct approach off, the attacker must simply take another approach, around or over. |
Pennington, who died from multiple stab wounds to his chest and stomach after trying to fight off his attacker, has been praised as a hero for saving the MP's life. |
In real Test matches, teams tend to defend rather than wave the attacker through like a policeman on point duty, which is what happened in the Currie Cup final. |
As she waited for her hearing, Sclove saw her attacker around campus, in the library and in the dining hall. |
The rumour mill went into overdrive and the identity of her alleged attacker was said to be a well-known secret in London's close-knit television community. |
However, tradition overwhelmed the legal victory, and she sadly succumbed to the intense pressure to marry her attacker. |
My attacker had stabbed me with a box cutter and told me he would kill me if I did not do as he asked. |
By deceiving the attacker, the defender feeds him false information and forces him to waste time in fruitless assaults, thereby blunting future attacks. |
His father was stabbed in the chest, and his mother then endured the longest and bloodiest struggle as she bravely put up a barehanded fight against her attacker. |
North Yorkshire Police are now scanning CCTV tapes to try to identify the attacker, who was smartly dressed with distinctive shiny shoes which had silver or gold buckles. |
Her attacker, who was dressed in black and wearing a balaclava, grabbed her from behind and held a knife to her throat, before escaping with her handbag. |
A pair of identical twin brothers have both been charged with rape because their identical DNA means the attacker cannot be identified. |
One of the key characteristics of the proposed onetime password protocol is that attacker cannot use password because it changes every time. |
The witness was called in to create a photofit resembling her memory of the attacker. |
When plussing, the intervenor introduces novel viewpoints that can increase the self-esteem of both the attacker and the target. |
But despite this suicidal behavior, the attacker was still held fully responsible for murder. |
An attacker, later identified as Nordine Amrani, aged 33, armed with grenades and an assault rifle, attacked people waiting at a bus stop. |
Colorado pulled goalie Semyon Varlamov for an extra attacker with five minutes remaining but couldn't avert its first shutout of the season. |
No one steps into the cellblock when the attacker sits down to rest, and no one stops him when he resumes the beating. |
The victim held up his hand to repel the attacker and received a defensive knife wound. |
The attacker ''had the same expression on his face that he has every day, which was the freakiest part,'' he said. |
The attacker was shot dead by police after he stabbed five people to death in Changsha, Hunan's provincial capital, on Friday, police said. |
Exploiting this-likely through a drive-by download attack-would give an attacker near system-level privileges. |
Police said in the latest incident it did not appear the man noticed his attacker who was described as Hispanic, in her 20s and heavyset. |
The attacker, who lives in the Lot-et-Garonne region and works in the theatre business, was unarmed, according to police. |
If a girl is 12 or under, her attacker will be convicted of statutory rape. |
Dr Sabhan told the court that the CID teams could not identify the attacker from the seminal fluid found on the corpse of the deceased. |
A PARTIALLY-sighted man using a white stick was left traumatised after an attacker threw him to the ground and robbed him. |
The MItchells get a rare bit of good news at Ben's hearing when Jordan comes clean about taunting his attacker. |
Police believe that his attacker followed him from the burger bar and pounced in Millennium Walk, off White Street. |
But the Irish attacker admitted he was just relieved to hit the back of the net instead of the corner flag. |
By preceding the client login message with NULL characters an attacker can avoid MS-SQL's built in audit tools. |
The male victim, who is also 35, was pulled to the ground by the attacker, and stabbed with a Swiss army penknife. |
She will leave after a hard-hitting plot sees her confront date-rape attacker Andy. |
If an attacker knows a persistent IP address, they can set up a packet sniffer targeting the specific IP address they want to scan. |
Five people were stabbed to death while the attacker was shot down by the police following a dispute between two vendors in Changsha, Hunan's provincial capital on Friday. |
When marking an attacker, always try to stay goalside to him. |
There could be no serious dispute that a single attacker had committed the crime and that, therefore, the lack of a match had enormous, if not decisive, exonerative effect. |
Utilizing the discovered attack tool, an attacker can easily gain administrative or root access to the target computer by providing a list of IP addresses to scan. |
Flares do not know friend from foe and so illuminate both. Changes in wind direction can result in flare exposure of the attacker while defenders hide in the shadows. |
In R v Hudson and Taylor 1971 2 QB 202, two young women who had witnessed a serious assault were intimidated and refused to identify the attacker in court. |
She survived and provided police with a description of her attacker. |
Five people were killed, including the attacker and the police officer. |
The bioluminescence attracts attention to the dinoflagellate and its attacker, making the predator more vulnerable to predation from higher trophic levels. |
The Washington Times reported out of Annapolis, Maryland, on August 21 that a home invasion was halted when the victim turned the tables on his attacker. |
However, an attacker has to be on the same subnetwork as the intended target or must trick the user into making a DNS request to a malicious server. |