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How to use athlete's in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word athlete's? Here are some examples.

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Stay tuned for an amazing insight into one athlete's thoughts and experiences after returning a positive drug test.
This application is still held in abeyance until the athlete's indebtedness to the club has been cleared.
If you have athlete's foot, you need to go see a chemist and get an antifungal cream, which will clear it up in a jiffy.
Frequent yeast infections, such as jock itch, athlete's foot and toenail fungus, are a third indication.
Would that mean a writ of execution against an athlete's goods, or garnisheeing of an athlete's wages, is that a possibility?
He pours forth his song now, resoundingly, in celebration of the athlete's success.
Human fungal infections, such as athlete's foot, can be treated by fungicides normally referred to as antifungal agents or antimycotics.
The infection isn't the same as athlete's foot, which primarily affects the skin of the feet.
Shoes provide a perfect environment for the fungus that causes athlete's foot or thick brown misshapen toenails.
One of the most common diseases lurking in gyms is tinea pedis or athlete's foot.
Dermatologists sometimes suggest using antiperspirant on the feet against foot odor and athlete's foot.
He had suffered with periodic flare-ups of toenail fungus and athlete's foot for most of his life.
Aztecs in Mexico believed urine, when applied topically, could cure toothaches, athlete's foot, psoriasis, and dry skin.
Tinea pedis, generally known as athlete's foot, is a fungal infection of the skin of the foot.
Some dermatologists recommend applying antiperspirant to the feet to prevent foot odor and athlete's foot.
You may be able to rid yourself of nail fungus, foot odor and athlete's foot by soaking your feet in a dilute vinegar solution.
If the skin between your toes is itchy and cracked, you may have athlete's foot.
Others also believe that fasting produces a cleansing affect, which makes an athlete's body function, as though it had just had a tune-up.
The length of an athlete's blades is determined by a formula that includes his height.
Skip the boric acid because it is too toxic, especially if he has athlete's foot.
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What grace she had was an athlete's, but she looked overtrained or undernourished.
Glenarm put out a little hand, ravishingly clothed in a blush-colored glove, and laid it on the athlete's mighty arm.
Your feet bear the brunt of your weight, and they are susceptible to everything from calluses to athlete's foot, so why don't you pamper them every once in a while?
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