If your parents are nice people who do not assert themselves, no doubt you will grow up to be one of life's doormats. |
These evidently represented significant political moves to assert the role of fundamental human rights within the European Union. |
The young malamute can pass through an adolescent stage where it attempts to assert itself by growling. |
It did not seek to assert jurisdiction over any person or any asset outside the territorial jurisdiction of the court. |
Against Syracuse, though, Cleaves had to ream Peterson at halftime for his reluctance to assert himself. |
It would be misleading to assert that a woodwind trio has a propensity for entertaining music rather than solid serious stuff. |
He was told to go and assert British law over the lawless whalers, sealers, timber merchants, and other settlers. |
The authors assert that the tariff was a crucial, if not the main, economic source of divisiveness during the antebellum era. |
You recognize a mating ritual of a man trying to assert his own among the female of the species. |
But surely if any religious creed is to have validity it has to assert its authority over science? |
Even if copyright expires, the court ruled, common law can be applied to assert the rights of the original owner. |
At a later stage, the tenant was able to assert his rights to possession of the land against anyone who dispossessed him. |
They come to court to assert their rights, not to exercise some form of consumer choice. |
When women can assert human rights against them, through a law they can use themselves, women will have a right to a place in the world. |
We can safely assert that complexity of the game does not necessarily grow with the size of the game. |
He was keen to assert that society authoritatively imparts to individuals not just perspectives on reality, but ways to conceive of it. |
Chinese defense commentators openly assert that their ballistic missile force is already targeted on Japan because of this potential. |
By continuing to assert dishonestly your innocence in the removal of money you have compelled the family to come here and give evidence. |
Parrots are very intelligent and go through development stages as they mature and assert their will like rebellious teenagers. |
Very novel for Hindus, they are beginning to assert themselves at the polls in hitherto unexpressed sense of oneness. |
In January 1583, he marched to Antwerp to assert his authority but his attack was beaten off. |
The IRA's response, the hunger strike campaign, equally proclaimed its determination to assert its belligerent status. |
Likewise, democracy empowers disaffected minorities to speak out and assert themselves along ethnic, religious, or tribal lines. |
The liberals also commonly assert that monotheism is a late evolutionary religious development. |
It is absurd to assert that he was blinkered to the reality of those clearances taking place 100 miles to the north. |
It's not saying anything against them to assert that there is also a tough, astringent view of life that should be given its due. |
But if we lose our nerve now, it may take centuries to recover the resolve to assert law over violence. |
Now, moreover, with the nation in an economic downturn, is not the time to assert the urgency of passing referendum legislation. |
It provides us no cover to assert vacuously that we are doing what the Supreme Court commands. |
At some point under our system we have to assert parliamentary sovereignty against judicial activism. |
In this country we prefer our proletarians to doff their caps rather than to assert their fundamental rights. |
But the Haida assert Aboriginal rights and title over the entire archipelago and its surrounding waters. |
It's about the under-employed Westminster numpties trying to assert themselves because they've nothing else to occupy their time. |
One elderly radio listener phoned a call-in program to assert that she had read, somewhere, that Lincoln was black. |
They dare not assert directly that the same laborers that have been discharged find situations in new branches of labor. |
It is one thing to assert one's good intentions, but another entirely to act upon them. |
The plaintiffs assert causes of action including negligent design, failure to warn, misrepresentation and breach of warranty. |
Now, wives routinely join their husbands' personal injury suits to assert their own claims. |
The gig venue was chockers full of Aussies, all seemingly determined to assert their Aussiness. |
In personal horoscopes the position of this planet indicates an area where we are challenged to defend or assert our will. |
Finally, a group of protesters storm the Commons chamber in order to assert their right to hunt foxes with hounds. |
What happens to those who have rights but who cannot articulate them, or assert them, or claim them? |
Many others throughout the kingdom assert patrilineal descent from eponymous ancestors from ancient Arab tribes. |
John, the guy from Brooklyn who pedals his bike over every weekend, would teach my gangly boy how to assert himself under the boards. |
She found it very difficult to assert herself, and tended to confide ill usage to Pope rather than directly confronting those responsible. |
He is now coming in for criticism from colleagues, who assert that his absence is further proof of the leader's casual approach to the job. |
He has left it to his allies in the commentariat and in Congress to assert that he was victimized by the intelligence community. |
During indentureship, there were tremendous efforts by the Hindus to assert themselves as Hindus. |
To assert its indisputability would be to acknowledge that we, in pre-colonial times, were literally heathens in need of enlightenment. |
The prosecution must thus assert a claim to public interest immunity if evidence of the identity of informers is to be excluded. |
It wasn't until I climbed out of the pinewoods above Invercauld that spring finally started to assert itself. |
Under normal circumstances, a person must assert his Fifth Amendment rights or forfeit them. |
The current amendment wording will remain, and a line will be added to assert the constitutionality of the legislation. |
In the pleadings, the defendants assert that the Bank owed them a duty of good faith that was breached. |
The theological views held by the Lutheran Church to the contrary, the tombs assert the contiguity of the community of the living with the dead. |
I'm not going to assert my contrary opinion in the face of counterveiling evidence that is sound. |
Sometimes I'm willing to defend the companies that assert their IP rights but this one is a little extreme. |
If you refrain from suing someone, but then they go ahead and sue you, that's the end of your restraint and time to assert the counterclaim. |
He underplays constantly, but he does step up to the plate to assert himself forcefully from time to time. |
Your industry is often accused of being damaging to women, yet you assert that you are an active feminist. |
At best, the archbishop is dangerously misguided in his attempt to assert a tolerant liberalism. |
Businesses should assert further control by cleaning and greening their sidewalks. |
Moreover, the inability to assert theorems containing free variables makes it impossible to prove any de re modal validities. |
She is appalled to see him stand before them with folded hands and humbly assert that he was fine. |
It would be irresponsible to assert that information technologies can counteract any or all external economic shocks. |
They assert deception because they both assume a monocausal argument for why the country went to war. |
They play games with historical fact in the effort to assert their brand of identity politics. |
As men and women, we can never do too much to assert our common humanity across color lines. |
Additionally, they assert jurisdiction for their common-law tort claims under principles of pendent and ancillary jurisdiction. |
By contrast, those wishing to assert high status would frequent the bankers' tables or, aspiring to fashion, the perfumers ' stalls. |
We know what it is like to assert that the right to sovereignty, independence and unity is inalienable and indefeasible. |
There were, though, efforts to assert property rights within the commons and, apparently, to remove some trees from the commons. |
Some historians and political analysts assert that the US polity manifested colonial features beyond its treatment of indigenes. |
It is particularly concerned about feminist ideologies which assert that men and women are fundamentally the same. |
It seems the man just needed to find the confidence to assert those qualities that make him one of Canada's most unique film-makers. |
Now they are seeking to bring criminal proceedings and it is incorrect to assert that they could have coupled all these in the one presentment. |
It is to assert that human beings and their desires can alter otherwise determinant structures. |
Accordingly, there is no evidential basis upon which the appellant can assert that this is not an available alternative location. |
Among the rarest copper coins was one of Carausius, with two heads on it symbolling the ambition of our native usurper to assert empire. |
The issue has echoes of the Arab world's historical struggle to assert its own destiny. |
You are hard pressed to assert a fundamental error in circumstances in which counsel seem to think nothing of it. |
It is just not true, as his critics assert, that he always took the easy way out. |
He concludes that the nature of this coverage serves to marginalize the groups and assert a greater level of social control over them. |
In order to establish that contention the applicants assert they have no need to rely upon any statutory underpinning. |
The writings of Mandela often assert the rich and proud history of the Thembu monarchy. |
The other response is to assert that the supremacy is in fact the solution to the despair. |
I would however assert that the belief in absolute truth requires an attempt to follow it as best as possible. |
That way you assert your authority, but your colleagues don't think you're a git. |
How strong are you in the face of someone trying to assert authority over you through their verbal abuse? |
They will allow people to assert their rights to fair use over copyright materials. |
Throughout history, wars have been followed by ritualised attempts to assert legal authority. |
I find it hard to believe that anyone can seriously assert the equivalence of atrocities on both sides. |
Please stay the nice person that you are, but learn also to assert yourself and to speak up for yourself. |
Since then, it has been speaking out widely on shareholder rights and urging investors to assert themselves. |
It is for that reason that you would presumably assert a right to be heard this morning? |
If you don't assert yourself with confidence, then you'll be manipulated as a puppet of society. |
We assert that it is culturally ethnocentric and logically absurd to relegate a universal phenomenon to the pathological domain. |
I believe that this camp will assert itself more and more forcefully in the coming months as it finds itself increasingly the object of focus for the two other camps. |
It is not simply stunning views that assert a gravitational pull. |
The two banks and the 71 Members of Parliament proceed from the weaknesses of the mechanism to assert inapplicability. |
There is one doctor who arrived during the evening at Rawalpindi General Hospital who continues to assert that there was a gunshot wound. |
Women living in absolute fear always feel threatened and cannot assert their demands! |
They may not assert themselves, and they may be overwhelmed by feelings of worthlessness. |
The African Union wants to very strongly assert its role in this particular situation. |
These classes have been a source of great entertainment for the youth of the area and have resulted in many a shy child getting the confidence to assert themselves. |
She had been true to her independent nature, fulfilling her womanhood in a manner that she found appropriate, although unable to assert herself finally. |
People can be quick to assert that one should be more aggressive in the approach to politicians. |
Evolutionists have not explained the origin of these unique characteristics, other than to assert that it occurred. |
The 10 men's extraordinary act of selfless courage in dying to assert their political status was in turn to bequeath political status on a resurgent republican movement. |
In a previous attempt to assert direct control over the Internet, the FCC lost in court. |
Each community can assert its own convictions forcefully, but neither community should resort to anathemas or silences, to exclusion or withdrawal. |
The Church has a responsibility towards creation and she must assert this responsibility in the public sphere. |
The overall aim is to increase and emphasise a community's own awareness of its right to be heard, and confidence to assert that right. |
It is doubtful that the knowledge revolution will let developing countries leapfrog to higher levels of development, as many technologists and Internet evangelists assert. |
Now the brocade Cote Rotie, like Reflections in St. Joseph assert annually among the greatest achievements of the sector. |
Some scientists assert there are three times as many cases of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders than FAS cases. |
How can we assert such ideas based on data that was not even measured back then! |
In the event that a judge is accused of misconduct, he or she may assert his or her right to representation, a fair hearing and appeal. |
They bear grudges, are thin-skinned, loud, quarrelsome, like to assert themselves, and lose their temper easily. |
But some people assert that an equal contribution rate for all hardly encourages the employer to improve the work environment. |
They are conducted in order to assert authority and extend influence. |
And, the poor still lack the political voice or muscle to assert their claim to water as a human right. |
Baker and Upshaw assert that understanding and supporting the college mission is a basic expectation for community college presidents and their leadership teams. |
The company's artists claim a certain level of bad taste and, in response to detractors, assert their right to not want to please everyone. |
As Thais or other Asians become more involved in the global trade and global interaction of all kinds, they are beginning to assert their identities to the world. |
To assert her seniority and dominance in the house, the first wife repeatedly tricks and deceives her co-wives to land them in trouble with their husband. |
This special tone, a kind of enlightened tristesse, is the sign of a person who senses the existence of wisdom and ultimate good but is too humble to assert it. |
Upholding those standards world-wide would do an immense amount to help women workers assert their rights and improve their situation. |
By reconstructing the colonized subjects as warriors rather than as victims, the poem and the play assert the legitimacy of the nationalist struggle. |
You want a sauce thick enough that it can swaddle and coddle those eggs and assert itself in each mouthful. |
Of course, this is a common phenomenon all over the world, as language is a powerful means to assert group identity and separateness from the dominant culture. |
The Inspectors believe that the Secretariat should not imply or assert its helplessness to protect staff from vengeful managers. |
The Commission is entirely wrong to assert that lobby groups are scaremongering. |
We have the means to assert that the manner these branches deal with sentience can be really accepted by no one. |
That's not for a minute to assert that those without savings are in any way lesser parents, or that families that scrimp and save do not provide warm and loving homes. |
What some saw as an opportunity to assert their constitutional freedoms, others took as an affront. |
Uzbekistan is central Asia's most populous state and strives to assert itself as a regional power. |
This does not deflect responsibility on those who beat him but it does assert that both the hazer and hazees both were equally wrong in their actions. |
The claimants assert that their claims should also have been settled. |
Ours is a unique nation, and we have to assert our unity and say no to these narrow-minded movements. |
Neither does he explicitly assert that our natural beliefs are true. |
Still others assert that Norwegian Vikings, who wreaked havoc on the coasts of Europe and beyond from the 8th to the 10th centuries, kept forest cats as mousers and pets. |
But he's right to assert the GOP's problem is deeper than orca and social media. |
However, during the 1870s chief constables in both counties and boroughs began to assert and exercise a greater measure of professional independence. |
Dressed in Clan sweaters, red and blue scarves, funny hats, and gobs of face paint, they come in droves to show UBC who's boss and assert SFU dominance. |
Many people assert that the milk quotas have lost their economic raison d'etre. |
It will fly about and confront another male to repel it, or to assert dominance over a female. |
Frostian solitaries love to challenge fate and to assert their hard-won visionary power while deprecating their epiphanic achievement with comic whimsy. |
This makes sense, as these appeals represent the losing litigant's opportunity to assert trial court error. |
Perhaps it does not go too far to assert that until the Kashmir sore is at last healed, the poison that produced Gujarat will make other Gujarats increasingly likely. |
Grant and Deegan have, however, counterclaimed against Lamartine for damages for breach of contract and assert a set-off of the amounts owing to Lamartine. |
A model for those with a preference for authenticity and who wish to assert their strength of character. |
It is the aggressive attempt to export liberal permissiveness that causes fundamentalism to fight back vehemently and assert itself. |
However, it is time to be vigilant and to be unafraid to assert our position in advance of protectionist measures. |
She is still a very adjectival writer, quick to assert rather than demonstrate, and thus reliant on basic verbs to prop up her voluptuously visual descriptions. |
Sales of land became increasingly provocative of friction as Fijians began to assert claims against each other and then to sell the disputed areas. |
I will not assert that potatoes are a better food than bread and cheese, but I have no doubt of a belly full of one, being better than a bellyful of the other. |
I think one reason that I find it so acceptable for him to assert his superiority and that I find his eccentricities amusing is that I am his boss. |
They assert that these difficulties prevent them from exploiting their archives today. |
It would be counterproductive to assert the primacy of one party in the relationship. |
The art that the three emperors used to assert their power was based on an outstanding degree of craftsmanship directed to the service of the state. |
It is up to us to assert our beliefs, prove that we are irreplaceable and demand recognition of our rank. |
Mussolini was not in a position whereby he could assert his authority and it is probable that the extent of his dictatorial powers never did equal those acquired by Hitler. |
They are assuming more responsibility as they assert their inherent right to self-government. |
And if we were to maintain these friendships with our exes, are we seeking to compare ourselves to their current partners in order to assert our self-worth? |
Major discrepancies can have undesirable consequences for accident victims, making it difficult for them to assert their rights in court. |
Economists, who eagerly support the pseudo laissez fair policies, assert that the privatization of the public sector should be advanced via deregulation. |
We think we assert ourselves by them, but it is they who assert the degree of servility to which they have reduced us. |
A potlatch was given by an heir or successor to assert and validate his newly assumed social position. |
This runs contrary to the views of evolutionary biologists who assert that life evolved and diversified step by step over millions of years. |
Wearing trousers, with her bare arms snaking out of a short black waistcoat, he performed a farruca, a Galician dance traditionally meant to assert male dignity. |
In these circumstances, it is going too far to assert as fact what should be merely a question. |
And that is for the applicant for the patent to prove that he can effectively assert the grace period. |
Part of the issue rests on the requirement that first principles, which assert primary, indemonstrable attributes of their subjects, be necessary truths. |
Don Quichotte just allows us to assert the need to dream, to romanticize, to adhere to a certain form of utopia. |
It is not enough simply to assert that countries or individuals are always self-interested. |
The position taken by the legislature in order to assert these rights and criminalize any violation thereof is described in detail hereunder. |
No country could honestly assert that it was beyond reproach in the area of human rights. |
Nevertheless, to assert your sovereignty over your own mind, you must talk back to it mentally. |
A cheater doesn't have the right to win the reward, but I hereby assert I'm not the one who decides, in the last instance, who is a cheater. |
A participation does not assert itself, but builds itself through previous information on water management and on the stakes. |
In fact, some assert that killing whales is necessary to prevent world starvation. |
In our data-obsessed moment, it is subversive to assert that the value of a product is not reducible to its salability. |
Indigenous peoples seeking to assert the right of self-determination from colonial empires eagerly seized on its vision. |
You must comply with the Statute of Frauds, which means that the contract must be in writing and that the burden of proof will be on you to assert your claim. |
A Union that must draw on present experience to grow stronger, so that it can assert its identity and its role in the world more decisively. |
The triplets assert difference and sameness, repression and expression, in an identity that is pluralistically unique and individually complicated. |
But some scholars assert that fair skinned Aryans invaded India during 1500 BC and defeated dark skinned Dravidians and pushed them into South India. |
Indigenous people are proud of the fact they survived the colonial era and they are determined to flourish, continue their traditions and assert their rights. |
In this way, they not only become aware of their rights but are also able to assert them in society. |
Opponents assert that MMS have little or no deterrent or denunciatory effect. |
This course of action would demoralize them, and enable you to get an added edge that you need in order to assert victorious. |
Huge crowds marched to the square to assert their right to free speech. |
The Neskonlith Indian Band has been trying to assert their title to the land by living on their traditional territories in the Skwelkwek'welt area. |
I believe that when that control eases its grip, those who had to submit to it rediscover their own personality and want to assert it. |
And the speechmaker can always assert the existence of unforeseen and unintended consequences. |
In proof of this I can assert my success in extinguishing a youthful bubbler near Reykholt church. |
Henry VI needed money to raise an army and assert his rights over southern Italy and continued to hold Richard for ransom. |
Even after Balliol's accession, Edward still continued to assert his authority over Scotland. |
The defeated Scots appealed to the pope to assert a claim of overlordship to Scotland in place of the English. |
It would be merely foolish to assert that it is of no interest whatever to know that The Disciples is a forgery. |
This was quieted as Disraeli took steps to assert his leadership of the party, and as divisions among the Liberals became clear. |
Traditional histories assert that the Romans never attempted to conquer Ireland, although it may have been considered. |
I would assert myself back in whatever way I could. |
Hence they assert that the people are possessed of a true priestly power, while the priest only acts in virtue of an office committed to him by the community. |
Leaders of the Lavalas Family, a party that grew out a movement that originally set out to assert the right of the poor to meet their basic needs, ended up emulating the habit of the rich of squandering resources. |
Perhaps the political process is too young and needs to mature before space can be created for other groups to assert their presence on the political scene. |
People join together to help assert the rights of girls and boys. |
However, I believe that a natural process will enable others to grow, assert themselves and take over the helm in order to keep solidarity among the countries in this sub-region alive. |
In the years after its promulgation, an estimated 80,000 people were killed annually over marriage issues, chiefly young women attempting to assert their rights. |
The former imperial master is able to assert itself in the region because of its pervading influence in the cultural, social, economic, military and political spheres. |
All these children and young people have their special resources and difficulties, which makes it impossible to generalize and of course difficult to assert each group's special interests. |
This discrimination is tending to fade away in the big cities where increasing numbers of women and children are going to court to assert their right to inherit. |
Working within this general perspective, subaltern studies sought to rethink history from the perspective of the subaltern and, in this way, bring to light and assert the value of alternative experiences and ways. |
Affidavit evidence provided by the petitioner did not assert that the Extension Project was on land that had been exclusively occupied by the Nlaka'pamux Nation. |
It is essential for heirs to be able to assert their rights and take possession of the property to which they succeed without having to go through further formalities. |
On the contrary, one must assert with full conviction that it belongs fully and completely, since it expresses the quintessence of the original foundation. |
Because of the difficulty in analyzing and interpreting patents, there can be no guarantee that a third party will not assert that we infringe such third-party's patents or any of its other intellectual property rights. |
Others see it as part of a broader policy to assert government control amid signs of growing discontent among the bored Saudi young, including a drift into unbelief. |
The unprecedented development that China is undergoing suggests that it will shortly assert itself as a world power both in the political and military field and in the economic field. |
There are some lofty magisterial people who assert that so long as men and women live according to the law there will be no need for toleration, but tolerance is more than mere legality. |
The manner in which the debt is managed at present also enables transnational corporations to frustrate any attempt by the developing countries to assert their sovereignty or chart the course of their own development. |
She seems in no hurry to assert herself, yet many Congress loyalists swear undying devotion to her. In this section Fiji ends its isolation Nothing is really private in Vietnam Did Britain's diplomats blunder? |
The desire to have a greater say, and assert its legitimate interests in the region, she recently wrote, is behind a curious new bit of official phraseology. |
However, despite the unquestionable changes that society has gone through, all of them assert that there's still a lot to do to eradicate male chauvinism! |
Métis Elders dedicated to conserving Michif language may assert their autonomy from political leaders but choose to collaborate with educational or cultural agencies. |
To assert that stored and diluted urine can harmlessly be used in the garden can only be justified by total ignorance of physicochemical processes that take place in stored urine as well as those that partake in the soil. |
There's never a good reason to assert bigotry and misogyny. |
Don't try to assert exclusivity for an item in your charter, but on the contrary invite as many companies as possible to apply this point if you have found it to be of real interest. |
They cunningly assert that the fulfilment of their disarmament obligations is subject to the emergence of an international security environment, the definition of which is known only to them. |
The experience of being persistently spoken down to, scolded and ordered about imparts to the child a sense of worthlessness as a human being and a lack of will or capacity to assert any independence of spirit. |
In conclusion, consistency with the critical thought we have just presented does have certain requirements, especially if we truly seek to assert an alternative view of development. |
The issuing court may summon before it any persons involved and any administrators or executors and make public statements inviting any other beneficiaries to the succession to assert their rights. |
There was nonetheless a historical irony in watching Ukrainians tearing down Lenin's statues as a sign of their will to break with Soviet domination and assert their national sovereignty. |
Lukashenko has toed a delicate line over the years, trying to assert his nation's independence of Russia while conscious of the power that Vladimir Putin holds over him. |
The organisers of London 2012 frequently assert that this summer's Olympics will leave a legacy for our times to rival the Great Exhibition of 1851 or the Festival of Britain 100 years later. |
It will collaborate with him and the High Representative closely to strengthen the Union's foreign policy, so that the EU can assert itself more on the global stage, promoting peace and fairness. |
Accordingly, the CBA urges the Expert Panel to explore mechanisms by which the federal government can assert its authority over securities matters. |
We assert the necessary opening of the social economy and alliances with the fairtrade movement, producer-to-consumer schemes and the pooling of risks, as well as organic farming. |
It reserves the right to assert claims for a greater loss. |
It is important to assert the right to freedom of research. |
The reform is long in coming because breaking down the delicate balance of exceptions offends the interests of all those who by means of one or another momentary bargain were able to assert their own specific needs. |
I wake up for no discernible reason, other than to assert my existence. |
He pushed through the Black Acts to assert royal authority over the Kirk, and denounced the writings of his former tutor Buchanan. |
This seemingly gave all of Edward's subjects a potential role in government and this helped Edward assert his authority. |
It was Chauncey DeGrandis, lord of the manor, trying in vain to assert his lord-dom. |
Many in Cornwall today continue to assert a distinct identity separate from or in addition to English or British identities. |
Some researchers maintain that voseo can be heard in some parts of eastern Cuba, and others assert that it is absent from the island. |
He tries to assert that the characters are the same with references to King Arthur and his death, as told in the Historia Regum Britanniae. |
Disraeli made the Conservatives the party that most loudly supported both the Empire and military action to assert its primacy. |
Irish nationalists assert that rule from London has been to the detriment of Irish interests. |
Under the Guptas, a renewed Hinduism based on devotion rather than the management of ritual began to assert itself. |
Monetarists assert that the empirical study of monetary history shows that inflation has always been a monetary phenomenon. |
Again I assert the Right of Trespass on any plot of Holy Ground which any man has set apart. |
Supporters of the series assert that it is a worthy interpretation of the book and that most of the changes were necessary. |
The Irish Parliament did assert its independence from London several times however. |
Other historians either quote one of these as the authority for assigning locations to Ptolemy's towns, or simply assert a location in passing. |
The defeated Scots appealed to Pope Boniface VIII to assert a claim of overlordship to Scotland in place of the English. |
In 1093, Magnus, the Norwegian king, launched a military campaign to assert his authority over the isles. |
Both arose from attempts to resist centralisation and assert Breton constitutional exceptions to tax. |
The report goes on to assert that the Youngor Group and Well Dyeing Factory Ltd. |
When Richard still did not return from the crusade, John began to assert that his brother was dead or otherwise permanently lost. |
People who assert their presence through noises tend to be less vulnerable, as they alert bears to their presence. |
Some assert that the dead zone threatens lucrative commercial and recreational fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. |
The monarchs needed to assert their authority over the nobility and the clergy. |
The British felt that if they did not assert their position, the French would become the dominant power in Bengal. |
He goes so far as to assert that certain climates are superior to others, the temperate climate of France being ideal. |
Upon ascending the golden throne of his fathers, Andrey resolved to assert some independence from the Horde. |
So far, the disputed areas remain de facto under Brazilian control, with little to no actual effort by Uruguay to assert its claims. |
The vicinity of Charlotte Harbor is the most commonly identified spot, while some assert a landing further north at Tampa Bay or even Pensacola. |
What Moctezuma really meant could be to assert his own stature and multigenerational legitimacy. |
One is of the death of Moctezuma II, which the indigenous assert was due to the Spaniards. |
Unable to assert control over events, he sequestered Moctezuma and increased the guards around the tlatoani. |
In this period, local military leaders used by the Zhou began to assert their power and vie for hegemony. |
The indigenous peoples of North America have many creation myths by which they assert that they have been present on the land since its creation. |
The defendant may also assert counterclaims for damages or equitable relief against the plaintiff. |
It was an answer, he believed, that was already beginning to assert itself in his time. |
The stories assert that Laozi never opened a formal school but nonetheless attracted a large number of students and loyal disciples. |
Some entomologists assert that it is useless to sugar when ivy is in bloom. |
His concern in these unflattering portraits is not just to critique affluenza, but to assert an alternative to ruling-class cosmology. |
The Philippine Senate has every right to assert its oversight function as the ratifier of all bilateral agreements. |
Certain Abhidharma atomists who assert that at the ultimate reality level there are impartite psychophysical atoms are an exception. |
Through this second role, Baptist women could assert the strength and resilience of the independent baptistic spirit. |
However, doctors assert that the boy is suffering from meningocele, a form of spina bifida, where the spinal cord develops abnormally. |
Hasan was suffering extreme emotional stress, or to blithely assert that while there were warning signs, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. |
Until then, it was impossible for one who acquired property from a contaminator to assert a defense. |
All Muslims assert that God is most merciful, most compassionate. |
For centuries, a physical pillar was righted in rituals designed to assert Osiris's resurrection to life as part of the Osirian mysteries. |
For example, the Mamluk sources assert that the khatib was a stipended position under the judiciary rather than the Isma'ili da'wa. |
Whatever she can't pay when the probation ends, Animal Control could assert a civil judgment right to collect the money,'' Heller said. |
We assert that the same can be concluded about the holism desired in our military doctrine. |
That said, I would also assert that the possibility for imaginative empathy is not ignored or psychopathically absent in these artworks. |
Roughouts, some pundits assert, are therefore superior. Other pundits counterassert, fiercely. |
If you still assert that a deed is being done then that deed must be regarded as doerless. |
Henry supported Anselm's reforms and his authority over the English church, but continued to assert his own authority over Anselm. |
Lords often had their own kotas to assert their right to rule, it served not only as a military installation but as a palace for the local Lord. |
A hierarchical social system is thought to exist among badgers and large powerful boars seem to assert dominance over smaller males. |
The insane person is one who has disassociated his or her consciousness from significant aspects of rationally ordered reality in order to assert in practice the impulses of an infantile irrational hedonism. |
We are struggling as a nation, under a new government, to assert the proper integration of the environment, the economy and the social well-being in Canada. |
As a natural step in our development as preferred partner to Tornos our product strategy also has come to maturity and we venture to assert that we today have the widest and probably also the best program on the market. |