A diverse assemblage of mainly wetland plant species resulted from sampling. |
Flowers are visited by a diverse pollinator assemblage comprising Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. |
It is possible that the serenata might be what is known as a pasticcio, or an assemblage of music by several composers. |
These conditions are automatically satisfied through the element assemblage process. |
I once wished to make an assemblage of gears that would make a mechanical human, and I saw no reason why not. |
This is in part because its form is paratactic and can therefore seem like a loose assemblage of small pieces without a coherent shape. |
A large statue or an assemblage of stones also can be used as a substitute. |
The upstream and freshwater sections of these rivers are dominated by an assemblage of chlorophytes, diatoms, and cyanoprokaryotes. |
One is a copper sulfate assemblage, which is generally associated with copper carbonates, cuprite, sulfides, boltwoodite, and metazeunerite. |
The power of Darnton's essay lay in his assemblage of familiar assertions about the origins and transmission of fairy tales. |
The outer shelf assemblage was primarily composed of oceanic pelagic taxa, such as carangids and scombrids, and mesopelagic taxa. |
The artworks were a delight to view which could be due to the colourful assemblage and hang of the show. |
It is possible that odonate predation is not an important factor in the dynamics of this Ophiogomphus assemblage. |
The interordinal phylogeny of the hemipteroid assemblage is still an unresolved trichotomy. |
The Stephens Creek Shear Zone contains a peak assemblage of garnet-plagioclase-staurolite-biotite, with staurolite overgrowing garnet. |
The sample contains the mineral assemblage garnet, staurolite, biotite and rare epidote. |
It's an anarchic assemblage of petty autocracies with numerous additional charismatic nobles advising the autarchs. |
Microsporidia are a monophyletic assemblage of obligate intracellular parasites that generally infect animals. |
The assemblage present included quartz, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, magnetite, and hematite. |
An exotic Lebanese assemblage of Sauvignon and muscat, this crisp, complex wine has a nose of light apricot and white flowers. |
They can be found in a rich assemblage of habitats from rivers to caves, savannas, wetlands, prairies, lakeshores, and forests. |
These two formations are heteropic because of the common appearance of the same microfloral assemblage. |
The most diverse assemblage are the labyrinthodonts, consisting of temnospondyls and anthracosaurs. |
The stone tool assemblage includes convex end scrapers, bifacially-flaked small knives, and flattened discoids and microliths. |
The mineral assemblage comprises quartz, K-feldspar, albitic plagioclase, white mica, apatite, tourmaline and garnet. |
As he exited the stage door of a West End theater, the usual assemblage of star seekers and autograph hounds waited outside. |
The flora of Pelham Bay Park is a rich assemblage of native and non-native species in one of the world's largest cities. |
The assemblage is characterized by the co-occurrence of epipelagic, mesopelagic and benthopelagic taxa together with neritic taxa. |
These soils have a typical, immature tropical soil mineral assemblage dominated by kaolin, quartz and goethite. |
The copious guano deposition from sea birds may play a role in maintaining the present assemblage of vascular plants on both islands. |
This assemblage is interpreted as the accretionary prism of an active continental margin. |
It is clear from illustrations in that report, however, that formal blade tools such as gravers and drills occur in that assemblage. |
This seep assemblage is unusual for an ancient cold-seep site, because it was apparently dominated by one species of vestimentiferan. |
The hemipteroid assemblage is particularly interesting because it is thought to be the sister group of the Endopterygota. |
The cool-water assemblage was dominated by another species, which rejoiced in the glorious name Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. |
The section is very fossiliferous, with an abundant brachiopod, bryozoan, coral, and phacopsid trilobite assemblage. |
When ecologists gather data on relative abundance, they take a census, a single snapshot of a community or assemblage. |
The largest assemblage of motorhomes and campervans ever seen in Australia has gathered in Casino this week. |
This group includes a bizarre assemblage of predominantly Triassic forms, such as trilophosaurids, rhynchosaurs, and protorosaurians. |
To evaluate effect of eyespots on mobbing intensity, we tested mobbing duration and number of individuals over the entire assemblage of mobbers. |
You want to wind up with a sidearm sweep and lob the assemblage far across the open water, and this is best done with the long, limber stick. |
But in the museum a colorful, riotous, unrestrained assemblage of ideas is on display. |
That same year he began his magnum opus, the extraordinary Merzbau, an architectonic assemblage which gradually overwhelmed his Hanover home. |
Soon afterwards, His Grace the Lord High Commissioner was announced, and the whole assemblage rose and received him standing. |
The biotic diversity of the grasslands has historically supported a diverse assemblage of species. |
A remarkable assemblage of work by ceramicist Patrick G. Hall previewing his new Bawn Dubh collection exclusively at Design at the Granary. |
The gastropod assemblage suggests an Albian age and the echinoid assemblage reportedly indicates a late Albian age. |
But that track also has a midsection scored by the hot fuzz of an electric guitar, illustrating Honda's longstanding flair for odd assemblage. |
The presence of a diverse assemblage has been suspected on the basis of disarticulated remains preserved in such localities. |
The Gracisce packstones contain a rich foraminiferal assemblage, composed of larger and planktonic foraminifera along with authigenic glauconite. |
During this ten-minute scene, no Marley concert music is used as you watch an assemblage of scenes. |
This gathering is the largest periodic assemblage of human beings on the planet. |
The fearfully serious event inspired this bright and deceptively playful assemblage. |
Walcott's Creole drama is an assemblage of fragments, a collage that calls into question the ostensible purity of linguistic and racial roots. |
The assemblage of decapods, one macruran, one anomuran and two brachyurans, is one that would be anticipated in the offshore, relatively quiet water setting of a delta front. |
An assemblage of 23 species of mourners, becards, and tityras. |
But leadership is more than an assemblage of intellectually correct positions. |
The slab of crust containing the deposit and its assemblage of vent fossils was then translated northeastwards on the Farallon Plate and accreted to its present location. |
The radiocarbon dating of the Mladec assemblage confirms that they derived from the time period of the middle to late Aurignacian of Central Europe. |
The lack of small, easily transported elements in the collection also suggests current activity, as such elements may be quickly winnowed out of a bone assemblage. |
This work represents one of the best of such compilations, a rich and comprehensive assemblage of the central documents that guided US actions during the Second World War. |
The river had sported a ragged and changing assemblage of cottonwoods, dense stands of willows, and water-seeking shrubs, weeds, grasses, and moss. |
Bringing these ideas, words, and images to life are an assemblage of diverse and gifted actors unafraid to open themselves to each of these characters. |
Rather, the past as she presents it is a well-populated landscape, or, as becomes a story teller, an assemblage of the characters involved in such processes. |
This great assemblage of birds forms one of the finest wildlife spectacles in the country and attracts many birdwatchers to the island, thus boosting its tourist industry. |
I knew that birding with such a diverse assemblage of people would be a challenge, but I also knew that they're all intelligent and appreciative folk. |
A diverse assemblage of winged insects appears suddenly in the fossil record about 330 million years ago, and there are few clues about their evolutionary lineage. |
When he died at the age of eighty-four, twenty thousand people, the largest assemblage Philadelphia had ever seen, watched his funeral procession. |
When paleontologists gather data on relative abundance, they sample an assemblage that has accumulated over a long, usually unknown period of time. |
Some of the pieces in this assemblage, for example, include African carving's, part of an animal skeleton, letters of the alphabet and costume jewelry. |
It became more multifaceted, combining painting, assemblage, and writing. |
I found some wonderful metal screens in a variety of sizes and decided they would make a nice backdrop for the assemblage pieces using my vintage trinkets. |
Their value consists particularly in the assemblage of material drawn from the old scholia and the lost works of earlier scholars and lexicographers. |
This outstanding collection is the result of the assemblage of important private collections including the contents of Emo House, County Laois and Ivy Hall, County Tipperary. |
Even more so than its predecessor, Rediffusion is the result of relentless sound researches, passionate assemblage and a sharp observation of existing combinations. |
The hallucination is visually incoherent, either a rough approximation of text or a random assemblage of letters. |
This is the oldest assemblage of modern humans in Europe which retains many portions of the skeleton plus archaeological objects from the Aurignacian period. |
Part geeky film buff, part high-functioning autist, he seems not so much a person, more an assemblage of everything that men think women resent about men. |
What clues from the rock record or the fossils themselves might tell you whether a fossil assemblage was autochthonous, transported only a little bit, or truly allochthonous? |
The dark phosphate bed of Weng'an contains a well-preserved, diverse floral assemblage including multicellular thallophytes, acritarchs, and cyanophytes. |
On the other hand, the gathering of seers and sages, prophets and priests, conjurors and con men, was a strategic assemblage of those who wielded some degree of power. |
Of course, the result is a wonderful modernist assemblage that has an almost surrealist flavor. |
His expedition required the development and assemblage of a network of geographic and other technologies, including credit systems, ships, maps, and sextants. |
The limestones, which have been silicified near the granodiorite contact, have in places been intensely metamorphosed into a typical contact-metasomatic assemblage. |
Her haggard face and melancholy expression elicited a murmur of shock from the assemblage of reporters as she moved to the podium and began to speak. |
An unusual assemblage of small worked and unworked red stone fragments was collected by ITARP crews during a surface survey of the 11GE488 site in Greene County. |
Evoking images of viridescent dragon scales, the pointed, blue-green leaves create a compact, deer-proof assemblage that's infused with reddish purple tinges. |
The Mund assemblage, on the other hand, contained no blades, and tools generally were sparse, consisting mostly of manuported hafted bifaces and bifacial scraper fragments. |
When he finally chooses it will be because he has found a memory in which he formed part of an assemblage beyond his centred, egoist consciousness. |
The diatoms were the most diverse and abundant assemblage of algae throughout the year at both stations, with the centric diatoms more abundant than the pennate species. |
A large assemblage of tiny little storage batteries were charged up and gave a total, when they were all put in a series, of about a thousand volts. |
The phyllites show fine-grained foliated textures and the mineral assemblage consists of chlorite, muscovite, albite, chloritoid and garnet along the main foliation. |
The combination of forms in use in a particular stratum defines each assemblage, and the relative sequence of the four horizons presented here is secure. |
If you want to make things more creative, you might even try mixing horizontals and verticals in the same assemblage or changing lenses between shots. |
At Ali Kosh in the southern Zagros Mountains of Iran, an assemblage dating to about 7000 BC that includes hornless sheep is taken as clear evidence of flock manipulation. |
While Essence's assemblage of it girls presented a slew of fabulous black women, it did not challenge the foundation of exclusivity, privilege, and color prerequisites. |
Unlike the deltaic, lowland assemblages of the southwestern United States, the Bromacker assemblage contains neither fish nor obligate aquatic tetrapod remains. |
In many of the gouaches and watercolors in particular, the images have completely wafted away into an airy assemblage of ethereal tints and quick, happy touches. |
Gore Vidal, the godfather of contemporary literary gunslingers, is quoted on the back jacket of Christopher Hitchens's latest assemblage of essays. |
Snapping shrimp were also collected in low densities, but did contribute to community assemblage differences. |
The bioherm faunal assemblage indicates maximum water depths of 20-30 m consistent with our interpretation. |
The coarse-grained peak assemblage with equidimensional porphyroblasts has probably formed under isotropic or weak unisotropic stress conditions. |
Diverse early endobiotic coral symbiont assemblage from the Katian of Baltica. |
A palynofacies is the complete assemblage of organic matter and palynomorphs in a fossil deposit. |
The diversity of this assemblage is similar to that of modern crustacean faunas. |
Over time, different regions evolved different versions, each with its own assemblage of omissions and additions. |
In an age before colour photography, he produced very detailed watercolours of each assemblage before it was removed from the ground. |
An archaeological culture is a recurring assemblage of the artifacts from a specific time and place, most often that has no written record. |
Overall, numerical dominance in the fish assemblage has shifted from minnows to pupfishes and killifishes. |
The production of prismatic blades creates not only a very standardized final product, but also a standardized waste assemblage. |
The Old Red Sandstone is an assemblage of rocks in the North Atlantic region largely of Devonian age. |
The base of the Cambrian lies atop a complex assemblage of trace fossils known as the Treptichnus pedum assemblage. |
This process results in a very standardized finished tool and waste assemblage. |
He watched the auntly lady twist the ends of the diaper so that the whole assemblage seemed to wrap itself around his boy like magic. |
During the Pennsylvanian Period, the collision of North America and Africa resulted in the Alleghenian Orogeny and final assemblage of Pangaea. |
What could be more whimsical than Baked Alaska, the flamboyant assemblage of hot meringue and cold ice cream? |
One limestone bed from the top to the central High Atlas upper basalts yielded a Late Triassic palynological assemblage. |
The original mineralogy of the dykes is also changed to an amphibolite facies assemblage, even where they remain undeformed. |
Selective feeding by the mudskipper on the microalgal assemblage of a tropical mudflat. |
A random assemblage of fish merely using some localised resource such as food or nesting sites is known simply as an aggregation. |
Weishampel explained the curious monospecific assemblage by theorizing that Plateosaurus were common during this period. |
The assemblage featured such British jazz greats as Don Lusher, Kenny Baker, John Ruddick and Dave O'Higgins. |
This stage may last for decades and supports a rich assemblage of species, averaging 185 per site. |
When a bevy of ballerinas line up and enter into an assemblage with the music, they also become ego-less and uncoded, in the same way a Go piece is uncoded. |
This assemblage is interpreted as a social group that was trapped in mud. |
A characterization of the fish assemblage of deep photic zone rock outcrops in the Anacapa Passage, Southern California, 1995 to 2004, with evidence of a regime shift. |
Often, we can convert a wobbly hinged assemblage to be a nonwobbly one by cutting one of the pieces into two pieces and connecting them with a hinge. |
Whereas a film is really just an assemblage of images to tell a story, in a film, you have close-ups, you have jump cuts, you have all those elements. |
But there's evidence that some animals evolved before the Cambrian, including the Ediacaran fauna, a bizarre assemblage that flourished between the Cryogenian and Cambrian. |
The group was an assemblage of drivers from different racing disciplines and formed for an MTV reality pilot, which was shot at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. |
Death and burial may be simultaneous, resulting in a preserved snapshot of an autochthonous assemblage that may be compared directly with present day ecosystems. |
The alteration consists primarily of a hematite, carbonate, albite, and sericite assemblage with the presence of pyrite being a strong indicator of the gold mineralization. |
The assemblage was characterised by large, unifacially worked, predominately tanged points and scrapers, as well as miscellaneous types that were tanged, and non-tanged. |
The Indic texts seem to form an achronic assemblage for him, with details sometimes plucked from relatively late practices whose antecedents were demonstrably different. |
In terms of complexity and richness, the Yana assemblage falls in the class of other such important Upper Palaeolithic sites as Malta, Buret, Kostenki and Przedmost. |
Isopodichnus in a trace fossil assemblage from the Old Red Sandstone. |
This mechanization made some factories an assemblage of unskilled laborers performing simple and repetitive tasks under the direction of skilled foremen and engineers. |
Planetary science is the study of the assemblage of planets, moons, dwarf planets, comets, asteroids, and other bodies orbiting the Sun, as well as extrasolar planets. |
One example is the assemblage from Svanta Savane, a site in the lowlands, rich in scrapers with scalariform retouch and high frequencies of burins on truncations. |
Some SMS sites have low biodiversity, but others are populated by a rich assemblage of species, including tubeworms, clams, snails, shrimp, crabs, and cold-water corals. |
The ecological data from the Hazendonk 3 type site encompassed remains from emmer wheat and naked barley and a bone assemblage dominated by bones from wild animals. |
This sophisticated assemblage of shopping, concert halls, hotels, apartments and offices is urbanistically orchestrated to terminate Columbus Circle. |
As well as Kitan pottery, the ceramic assemblage included fragments of vessels of the earlier Uigur period, evidence of an earlier population in this area. |
The flint assemblage is also typical of the Early Bronze Age, especially in microlithic lunates, the tabular scrapers, and the microlithic drills. |
Now, more than thirty years later, we scrutinized the site's osteological assemblage and ordered radiocarbon dating for a selection of human bones. |
If a body is represented as an assemblage of discrete particles, each governed by Newton's laws of motion, then Euler's laws can be derived from Newton's laws. |
A defining factors related to assemblage structure was conductively and slope of the study site, but not surface area covered by vegetation as hypothesized. |