If you do get the promise of a concession by special request, ask for written confirmation from the airline. |
Then he would ask for her to help him to stand up, because his legs had fallen asleep. |
They wolf-whistle, ask for your name, your number, etc, and one even commented that Tuppy's skirt is very short. |
In matrilineal ethnic groups such as the Wolof, the mother's brother is sent on behalf of the groom to ask for the bride's hand. |
Don Quijote explains that any knight errant who did not ask for a lady love's favor and protection would be subject to criticism. |
If your total remains below 21 you may ask for a fourth card to be twisted and then a fifth, in the same way. |
If you don't know the language of the country you live in, you can't ask for what you need. |
If you ask for, say, 300 baht worth, the meter will certainly show that amount as you hand over the cash. |
I think that it would be legitimate to ask for references from somebody's employer and bank. |
In sandwich bars, ask for granary bread, and in supermarkets choose granary rolls, pittas and tortilla wraps. |
And if you want to be alerted when a new user is added to the system, ask for alerts on users. |
There's another wee guy who was not quite all there and he used to go into the record shop and ask for Elvis' latest hit. |
Must President Bush come before Congress, the Senate for example, and ask for a yea or nay vote on war with Iraq? |
After completing all of the requirements, and after a year and a day, the Newbie becomes a neophyte and may ask for initiation. |
More in the crowd ask for food and water as the sun continues to cover the area with relentless heat. |
Has anyone ever heard him publicly criticise a player and ask for him to be relieved of his position in the team? |
As a remedy for the undesirable effects of interventionism they ask for still more interventionism. |
One of the quickest ways of getting help is to go to the mosque and ask for zakat. |
We ring whatever people ask for including Stedman Doubles, Crayford Minor and Norwich Surprise Minor. |
It was also common for a town to ask for its own law court so that legal problems could be settled quickly. |
The bill is the only thing I expect to ask for in a classy restaurant like this! |
Whatever they ask for they should be given without question, without reserve. |
If in doubt ask for written confirmation as to what you can expect for your money. |
Each drink in Nero's has two shots of espresso in unless you specifically ask for it not to. |
My Lord, I ask for leave to appeal in respect of both of your Lordship's decisions, and with your leave I will go on to say why? |
In an age of restless channel surfing, you couldn't ask for anything better than this. |
For example, every time I go to any corner store and ask for tobacco products, I'll be able to prove to them that I am of legal age. |
The monitor in the hall tried to stop us and ask for a hall pass, but we both ran past her and out to my car. |
If the hymn or song is copyrighted, it is necessary to go to the copyright holder to ask for this permission. |
He said that the Crown Prosecution Service accepted the pleas and would ask for the rape charge to lie on the file after sentence. |
Just as he has the right to ask for a ridiculous rent increase, you have the right to fight it. |
You should always ask for ID, and never let anyone into your home that you are not sure of. |
Penelope took her eyes away from Adam to ring for a maid, and to ask for tea when she arrived. |
Son, if I wanted lemon or lime, I'd ask for lemon or limeade, but thank you for the thought. |
The crowd applauded when he said this was a perfect opportunity for the university to ask for more funding. |
We can't ask for rocket science, but comedy is always better wound up and tight versus aimless. |
The liquidators will not ask for delisting until there is no hope of a buy-out. |
Staff role played various ways to approach a co-worker, how to use language of accountability, and how to ask for help. |
The normal rule is that the Crown does not ask for nor pay the costs unless statute provides for it in criminal matters. |
But next time your dentist needs to drill your teeth are you going to decline the anaesthetic and ask for an arnica tablet instead? |
Normally, cabbies asked to take clients on long journeys ask for the money up-front. |
He wasn't asked to plea during his appearance today and did not ask for bail. |
Is it too much to ask for to have at least one popular or semi-popular boy ask me to one of the dances or even out for pizza. |
If you're asking users to register for a newsletter, ask for only an email address. |
He knew no one could ask for that much loot without being sure of his skills. |
For large groups we ask for some notice so that enough staff members are available to assist. |
All we have done is to ask for assistance to help us cover costs like hiring a band and a public address system. |
Before you can open your eyes and ask for milk and rusks, you have a birth certificate and National Insurance number slapped on you. |
While writing poems requires lucidity from the poet, the poems also ask for lucidity from the reader. |
During my recent visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I went to the desk to ask for a headset for their audio guide. |
I've tried to be very short with him when he comes to ask for guidance from me. |
It would be cruel, but a pirate who ever dared such trickery and deceit would ask for no better. |
Instead, ask for a mooring along the Balboa shore, in reasonable proximity to the shoreside restaurants and shops. |
As for the taxman, the Inland Revenue can ask for statements going back six years. |
Caught off guard, we had to ask for a little time to look at the drink menu. |
You didn't ask for that, but there's no avoiding it this side of the grave. |
Do you ask for money on your broadcasts, like televangelists have done in the past? |
If you want milk you have to ask for it and it costs extra and is usually a single creamer and not real milk. |
I am sorry for the silent treatment, but I was under the impression you were a duke that was coming to ask for my sister's hand in marriage. |
And if you'd rather not do the PayPal thang, feel free to email me and ask for my snailmail address. |
These are prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of praise, and prayers that ask for things. |
The players other than the banker take turns to ask for cards and place bets. |
They come to a theme park and that's what they ask for, so that's what we supply. |
I admit that I had plans for Scott, I really thought that he might be the one, because he's such a nice guy and I couldn't ask for anything more. |
He would not ask for, nor accept, anything more than a one-rupee coin, as he did not want big-money interests to monopolize the temple. |
In that case, why were they continuing to ask for lots of money to do the research they've already done? |
Toasting may be light, medium or heavy, certain winemakers ask for the barrelheads only to be charred. |
If you are insulin dependent, ask for special diet and medicative instructions. |
If you're a student that's been asked to run a battery of qualitative organic tests, you should ask for a refund of your tuition. |
I have taken offence to the statement that a lie was told, and I ask for it to be withdrawn and apologised for. |
If you think your bill is inaccurate, read your meter, give the reading to your supplier, and ask for an amended bill. |
Marchers stopped at shopping centers and supermarkets along the route to ask for food donations. |
I've yet to find one customer to ask for anything in metric, and you can ask any customer I serve and I do serve a lot of customers. |
Every time I ask for money social services say we're looking after the money because I spend it like water. |
For example, if you ask for sevens and they have 3 sevens, they only have to give you one, until you ask again for a seven. |
To me, this guy had the best possible situation a highly sexed heterosexual man could ask for, and he screwed up. |
When they come in and ask for moo shoo chicken, I tell them to try one of the other places. |
From time to time, people ask for a version of the transaction API exported to user space. |
I suggest individuals not covered by insurance ask for a quote before allowing their vehicle to be towed. |
I have found that she not only takes time to ask for your opinions, but she actually acts on them. |
They will now have to wait to hear whether solicitors acting on behalf of the accused man ask for a second post-mortem examination. |
You then email the webmaster of the other site and ask for a link in return. |
If these workers were to ask for the same working conditions as workers here they would be out of a job very quickly. |
Sometimes a customer will ask for a maintenance contract when, in actual fact, they need a lot more. |
The temptation to ask for a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Large Fries and a Diet Coke was indeed very great. |
Now, though, she would begin a new journey, a new life, if one as old as she could ask for such a thing. |
Perhaps, Rebekah mused, she could ask for the scraps at the end of fabric bolts and make a rag rug for the cold wooden floor. |
They should also ask for blood work to rule out certain health problems, which might include an overactive thyroid associated with weight loss. |
The 73 year old victim let a man into her home who claimed he needed to read the gas meter but she did not ask for identification at this stage. |
Contact a local breeders club, and ask for a list of reputable kennels or catteries. |
One could hardly ask for a better example of the legal realism he would so soon consider to be a pernicious and dangerous idea. |
I suggest that you ask for more than you expect to receive so that you have wiggle room and can negotiate. |
The finger bowl that we had to ask for was made usable by the addition of a couple of ice cubes from the wine cooler. |
The only thing I can ask for is to receive this type of response and enthusiasm with the next story I have planned. |
And shoppers said today they would continue to ask for produce in pounds and ounces rather than kilos. |
With due respect to your person I kindly wish to ask for your attention and consideration just for a while. |
When customers began to ask for assembled radios, employees took the kits home and assembled them for extra money. |
Powder hounds won't be disappointed either as there are excellent off-piste skiing and mogul runs, but it's wise to ask for a guide if you take the uncharted option. |
Alternatively, ask for meze which gives you a taste of all those dishes with a smattering of fried squid and fasolia, cooked beans with tomato and herbs. |
Another annoying trend is to ask for an exorbitant amount in the hope that a small amount will be offer as a means of appeasing the aggrieved person. |
If it goes against their religion, all they have to do is ask for forgiveness. |
If we want a megaphone to the rest of the world, we must explicitly ask for it by changing that setting ourselves. |
For the inside story about Club conservation campaigns and how you can get more involved, ask for a free subscription to the bimonthly print news-letter the Planet. |
A year previously, Gandhi had launched the Salt Satyagraha, which mobilised hundreds of thousands of Indians to defy colonial laws and ask for an end to colonial rule. |
When little Shona Ritchie plucked up the courage to ask for a peck from Prince William, the future king was happy to oblige. |
Most of those who write to the stars, ask for an autograph, a photograph, or an autographed photograph, so it is quite easy to fulfil the requests. |
There is a visual banquet of samples and swatches available for the asking, so if you like something ask for a little taster to slip into your bag. |
He told cir that she did not ask for samples of screws or talk about implants. |
Maguire reveals she had a blazing row with a priest who heard her confession in prison, because she would not ask for forgiveness for the offences for which she was convicted. |
I am writing to you to ask for your help in turning the tide. |
I don't think i could ask for a better brother or best mate tbh. |
Definitely, these washerfolk-dependent commercial launderers, including those who extend their service to a handful of hotels, cannot ask for more. |
But in the here and now of it, I ask for your patience, and forbearance, while I give it a shot. |
A recent medical journal suggests doctors regularly cave when patients ask for meds, even controlled substances like Oxycodone. |
I can't say that it's wrong to ask for an experience of bliss, I mean much of my meditation was in pursuit of the ananda, the bliss, you know, truth, light, bliss. |
It is your money, so never be backward in coming forward to ask for it. |
Next, our decision to ask for separate use data on 10 broad classes of drugs raises the possibility that respondents might misclassify the details of their drug use. |
Thieves imitate well-known Web sites or send email with fake letterheads and ask for personal information, collect the replies and abuse what they learn. |
Now, unsatisfied customers simply have to ask for a refund, and many do, though they are banned from RSD afterward. |
And finally, when you ask for your car, your dress, whatever it is you want, stroke his hand. |
It is not exactly a usual thing for a six-foot-five inch white man with a shock of white hair, a man of distinguished bearing to ask for a job as a hotwalker at a racetrack. |
The alternative synod representatives said they would ask for the summoning of a church-people's council to elect a legitimate patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. |
So she called another really famous pop star to commiserate and ask for advice. |
A loan shark may ask for 20 percent interest for 12 weeks or 60 days. |
The clay sculpture, however, has gone down like a lead balloon with some worshippers who are to ask for it to be removed or covered up during services. |
So Moron gets the bright idea that instead of taking out a loan from Venezuela, we will pay cash on the barrel but ask for a reduction in the price. |
She was so famous that people would accost her on the street and ask for an autograph. |
It's nothing for someone to walk up to me in the store or at a restaurant and ask for an autograph or speak to me. |
The Greenbergians used to ask for at-a-glance legibility, and you could say that Boone delivers on that promise, and defeats it. |
Passengers can ask for a transfer ticket when they board the bus. |
Pakistan needs to revisit, revise and improve its foreign relations to ask for support if needed. |
Tim Bennett, deputy president of the National Farmers' Union was in high level talks at MAFF yesterday to ask for restrictions on lambing ewes to be lifted. |
When Smith phoned the American Embassy in Rome to ask for assistance, he says the couple was treated like second-rate citizens. |
This left her boss, the commander in chief, to hand his nine-iron to the caddy and grimly ask for broom and dustpan. |
And did they really ask for compensation from Katrina victims more than five years after their checks were cashed? |
I eventually settled for a bean curd skin and soba soup at a little Japanese place, which was ok except for the fact that I had meant to ask for Udon. |
For them, it is a day to celebrate, to rejoice and to ask for basic rights of inclusion into the mainstream society as any other respectable citizen of the country. |
But the Bedouins are not rich enough to afford the prices they ask for. |
Swindon police are appealing for witnesses and have advised the public that when they are approached by officers they are entitled to ask for a warrant card. |
If you ask for wine at one of my locals, you are offered a choice between a lukewarm Liebfraumilch or an oxidised Moroccan red that tastes like creosote. |
Yes, the employer has the right to ask for duly notarised documents that proves your qualifications. |
We will ask for directions to the restaurant at the front desk. |
If you'd like a fresh towel at any point during your stay, just ask for it. |
True, you need some form of checkback, which is an artificial two-club or two-diamond rebid by the responder to ask for more information. |
Third, when you go to lunch today, instead of ordering a steak, ask for a grilled cheese. |
Despite mediocre generalship, they managed to capture the Russian port of Sevastopol, compelling Tsar Nicholas I to ask for peace. |
The hall rang with the hosannas of the faithful, while the women knelt at his feet to ask for salvation. |
Cartimandua was forced to ask for Roman aid following a rebellion by her husband Venutius. |
The colonists persuaded Governor White to return to England to explain the colony's desperate situation and ask for help. |
After she won the lottery, Marge had long-lost relatives she didn't know from a bar of soap come up to her to ask for money. |
If a written application is refused, the applicant may ask for an oral hearing to discuss the refusal. |
Often these learners do not start classroom tasks immediately, do not ask for help, and often assume the novice role when working with peers. |
Despite mediocre generalship, they managed to capture the Russian port of Sevastopol, compelling Tsar Alexander II to ask for peace. |
In 1967 the Deputy Master of the Royal Mint approached the Decimal Currency Board to ask for their advice on the introduction of a new coin. |
It is possible that Derby was covering Haig's back, advising him to ask for Herbert Lawrence as the new CGS, not General Butler. |
Matholwch has come to ask for the hand of Bendigeidfran's sister Branwen in marriage. |
No appeal is possible, but any party may ask for the court to clarify if there is a dispute as to the meaning or scope of the court's judgment. |
In 1292, The Mongols sent envoys to Singhasari Kingdom in Java to ask for submission to Mongol rule. |
Alternatively motorist should be allowed to mail in their old coupons and ask for a refund or exchange for new parking coupons. |
They either benefit from legal sojourn in France, which, after a residency of ten years, makes it possible to ask for naturalisation. |
The Greek government does not keep statistics on religious groups and censuses do not ask for religious affiliation. |
If they ask for something we didn't prepare, we will have to play it by ear. |
Eventually, locals began to ask for tips for those coming to see the men dive. |
After the recall of Granvelle, Orange persuaded Margaret and the Council to ask for a moderation of the placards against heresy. |
These ghosts appeared to the living to ask for prayers to end their suffering. |
We didn't ask for rent, but we assumed they'd help around the house. But they don't do squat. |
Sometimes they would stop and ask for baksheesh and we would give them small sums of money, sweets and fruit. |
A IF the scratches aren't too deep, go to a good jewellery shop and ask for jeweller's rouge and a salvyt cloth. |
If you are contemplating making a resolution this year, resolve to ask for help jump-starting your career or business. |
Instead, ask for a platter of poached cod and roast pork with crackling skin and pair it with a shot of neat aquavit. |
Bruce, London AREAD the meter, tell them the figure and ask for a new bill. |
The delegation will present their findings and ask for public feedback on the possibility of further research, reburial and commemoration. |
Alternatively, phone 0118 930 3132 and ask for details of local landscapers. |
A friend of mine was eating at Sizzle Pie when beggers approached her table while she was eating to ask for her food. |
It is neither the time nor the place to ask for elaboration. |
Men generally ask for longer financial lines and women request improvements to their marriage lines. |
The first hour was full of hit and miss new material and fans were so frustrated, they sent their kids down with notes to ask for the biggies. |
Order lean cuts of meat and ask for them to be prepared broiled, grilled or roasted, rather than sauteed or fried. |
If you ask for it sheepishly, you might as well not ask at all. |
What in tarnation do we think we're doing when we bless or ask for a blessing? |
On the phone, you might ask for a six-pack of coke to initiate a purchase. |
May I ask for your thoughts on the Fifty Shades of Grey hoo-ha? |
Pork Chops With Apples and Garlic Smashed Potatoes is a tasty tribute to the season and a hearty meal that your family will ask for again. |
We won't ask for any inches or quarters, we're prepared to go toe-to-toe with anybody in this division. |
The council will also approach South Wales Police to ask for PoliceCommunity Support Officers to take action against spitters. |
People who are more knowledgeable will ask for a split ticket but most of my constituents are not railway buffs. |
Participants should ask for the Tri-S Security Q3 Financial Results conference call. |
Participants should ask for the Tri-S Security Q2 Financial Results conference call. |
If after this you still feel he has a problem go to your health visitor or GP and ask for him to have colour blindness tests. |
They again demonstrate their lack of philosophical astuteness when they combatively ask for details about institutions in Socrates' ideal city. |
When a terrible drought threatens the land of Eretz Yisroel, two messengers come to the great tzadik to ask for his help in prayer to bring rain. |
Before I go out on tour, I ask for prayer and to help my family. |
Only recently, for instance, did the college stop offering unsubsidized loans to students who did not ask for them. |
Here if you ask for peas you'll get Crowder peas, or maybe black-eyed peas. |
Remember, in business followthrough is critical so after that networking event, be persistent, keep on calling, ask for that interview, be a noodge. |
I sat watching the clock tick past my own office time, dreading the possibility that I might have to call work and ask for a day off for the second time in a fortnight. |
When I try to stop someone to ask for directions, he shrugs me off and walks quickly in the other direction, a coldness rare in normally friendly Thailand. |
Next time you visit your beauty salon you might want to ask for a Brazilian bikini wax because apparently they are causing pubic lice to become endangered. |
If you have just missed out on a grade, or you feel strongly that your grade doesn't reflect your ability, you can ask for your paper to be re-marked. |
The California Supreme Court has ruled that California merchants can no longer ask for the zip codes of customers who make purchases with credit cards. |
We just use a rift saw so we do not have to ask for permission. |
Feeling hungry, she wanted to ask for food and so knocked on the door, but when nobody answered she entered the house and saw a bearded man sitting in the single room. |
There is a convention that the Prime Minister of New Zealand should not ask for an early election unless he or she is unable to maintain confidence and supply. |
If you ask for help when you need it, you will soon find your feet. |
With the paiza, there came authority that the envoy can ask for food, transport, place to stay from any city, village, or clan within the empire with no difficulties. |
You may gasp, you may gawp, you may ask for the bedroom light to be left on but if you're a brave child over the age of nine then you're guaranteed a ghoulishly great time. |
The United States government, when asked by a Canadian reporter, indicated that they did not ask for permission as they were not legally required to. |
Knox knew that the Queen Regent would ask for help from France. |
It is not compulsory to carry the card itself, as the authorities only have the right to ask for the identity of a person, not for a specific document. |
Bunten wrote in her Life of Alice Barnham that, upon their descent into debt, she went on trips to ask for financial favours and assistance from their circle of friends. |
Instead, Henry would be required to ask for the lands from Richard. |
This was love that I really didn't ask for but was drawn into. |
The fellows then agreed to the Bishop of Oxford as their president but James required that they admit they had been in the wrong and ask for his pardon. |
Don't ask for a new globe just because the old one needs dusting. The old-style carbon lamps wasted electricity when they began to fade and it was economy to replace them. |
I got so lost on my way downtown I had to ask for directions. |
If you ask for it back Sunday he might return it along about Wednesday. |
When you ask for a queen-size bed they don't look at you funny anymore. |
During foot-and-mouth restrictions, when everyone was suffering hardship, it was not so difficult to swallow one's pride and ask for help,'' Mr Wallis said. |
I feel we're overexerting our people to ask for those funds. |