Dan's pale green eyes locked on his as soon as he had fully turned, the man's mouth quirking in amusement. |
It is safest to prune, when needed, as soon as flowers fade because buds are set almost immediately for the next season. |
He was useless with a sword, missed his targets in archery, fell off his horse as soon as he got on, and in general hated fighting. |
I never sweat and my body temperature drops as soon as I strip down to a leotard and tights after my warm up. |
Well, you know, as soon as I didn't know the answer, the phone in my mom's house behind me started ringing off the hook. |
A nice dark roast, I could tell the beans were fresh as soon as I opened the package. |
We designed and distributed a warning poster as soon as we knew that operating theatres had been issued with that particular kind of lignocaine. |
As soon as you attack one thing he retreats and agrees with you, and as soon as you agree with him he disagrees again. |
Each charge was fast and quick, with the Indians retreating almost as soon as the gunfire erupted from the rocks. |
Lodging doubles the rate of decline in digestibility so lodged crops should be harvested as soon as possible. |
You cannot help but notice the lightness of the box as soon as you pick it up. |
I'm also going to be seeing a psychologist when I get back from my trip, as soon as I make an appt. |
A played card cannot be retracted and as soon as it is played the opponent is entitled to play on it. |
Again retiring to the bathroom to shower, I was faced by the mirror as soon as I closed the door behind me. |
The development of the remaining seven acres will commence as soon as planning approvals are received. |
I do have a tremendous correspondence, and I answer all the letters as soon as I can. |
He was to marry Yolanda in 1225, as soon as she reached the legal age of fourteen. |
If anyone remembers him or knew him, I would be very glad to hear from you as soon as possible. |
Harry Cat was all set for a long sleep in, but Dolly was determined to rouse me as soon as the light filtered through the blind. |
One of the unique properties of positrons is that as soon as they make contact with electrons they annihilate to produce gamma rays. |
When the circumstances giving rise to the duress subside, they must return to law abidance as soon as reasonably practicable. |
Our visit was complicated by the alert staff having clocked me as soon as I walked through the door. |
Officials from the town hall were called in to investigate and promised that the clock would be keeping good time again as soon as possible. |
It went okay but as soon as I said I had to go he began hurling abuse at me. |
Almost as soon as work began above ground, work also began on driving a tunnel northwards towards the sandstone face of Worsley Delph. |
It was sad to see her go, but as soon as she pulled out of the drive, I'd walk back inside and go up to my room and lay down on my bed. |
But as soon as he did so, the world turned and he was swimming downwards, down, down into the deep, dark abyss. |
I think doctors should wear a T-shirt, and as soon as it's dirty put it in the wash and put a new one on. |
He got hold of the property by the merest accident, and as soon as he did he began his work by attacking three unfortunate orphans on the estate. |
I will buy the robot floor washer when it comes out, and the automatic lawnmower as soon as I can afford one. |
A woman called Lola arrived at HQ with some denunciations which went into the wastepaper basket as soon as her back was turned. |
Ask your accountant to inform your tax office as soon as possible that he or she is dealing with your case. |
They set out as soon as they had finished their breakfast, a quick meal of porridge and plain bread with a scraping of butter. |
He had anticipated this move though for as soon as she broke the surface a wave of water hit her. |
No wonder many Labour strategists want the election safely out of the way as soon as possible. |
The flight across the Channel was uneventful, but as soon as the formation crossed into German territory, ack-ack started opening up. |
The judge held that the trust ended as soon as the money was paid into court. |
I promise to respond to some of the Comments as soon as my jet lag recedes. |
And so we yielded, acquiesced to that, and we hope that it's going to be done as soon as possible. |
Judith couldn't resist the gibe and regretted it as soon as Emma rounded on her. |
They built their two-roomed stone or weatherboard cottages and with great hopes put in a wheat crop as soon as possible. |
The decision to resume both live racing and simulcasting will be made as soon as power is restored to the Miami track. |
The American media is rife with rumours that the King of Pop will skip the country as soon as he is free. |
The patients were rehabilitated in a boot with a heel lift and were permitted full weightbearing as soon as tolerated. |
The shoots will be well away as soon as they are under the ground, giving the plant a head start and guaranteeing lots of delicious spuds. |
We now have to put lights on almost as soon as we get home from work as dusk descends. |
The crime prevention message is put out as soon as the students set foot on campus as part of the induction process. |
To build up a fund large enough to buy an adequate pension, it is important to start saving as soon as possible. |
Like too many of this government's initiatives, as soon as you start to examine the details gaping holes emerge. |
Buy the fruit as soon as it is in season in the fall, then juice it in a fruit juicer. |
Shy, charming and adorable, she bounded over to hug Nandita Das as soon as the actor walked in. |
I really can't wait to get working on this one and I plan to start as soon as I finish these ramen noodles. |
All the faults of the Italian people are whelmed in forgiveness as soon as their music sounds under the Italian sky. |
We don't know when the pub will reopen, although we hope it will be as soon as possible. |
For example, a normal experience of illness is something that one suffers and seeks to be rid of as soon as possible. |
Yet as soon as the young are hatched out, the bird loses its beautiful voice and schools its young with a harsh, raucous call. |
Our initial, favourable impressions were confirmed as soon as the bread arrived. |
And he simply can't resist giving my muffin a playful lick as soon as my back is turned. |
Work started as soon as the school broke up for the summer and was ready for the pupils' return. |
Rick readied his weapon and prepared to jump out as soon as the barrage of bullets had stopped. |
Scotland's fate was made official with the events in Oslo but, really, they were done as soon as the final whistle went at Hampden hours earlier. |
However, It's a commonly known fact that as soon as one area of your life improves, another goes terribly wrong. |
Secondly, everybody agrees there needs to be a transfer of power as soon as is practical. |
Your Honour, I think we are in agreement that the matter should be heard as soon as possible. |
Why is it, as soon as I show even the faintest sign of optimism, something happens to really kick me in the teeth? |
A private guarantor would do this by identifying and forcing the recapitalization of troubled institutions as soon as they weaken. |
The realities of everyday life were left behind as soon as one entered the meeting. |
But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him. |
Should your stencil sheet be too thin, lumpy or uneven it is a good idea to kiss it off as soon as you notice. |
And of course Galbraith was moved as soon as Henry McLeish got his feet under the table. |
The ideal is for a lamb to have milk from its mother as soon as possible after birth. |
I'll be taking down my site later today and redesigning it as soon as I can. |
My fork clattered as soon as it hit the wooden, glossed floor, the sound echoing throughout the room. |
I've been doing some bits of knitting and sewing, and I'll post some pictures just as soon as I get my act together. |
He said they should be removed from their respective positions as soon as possible. |
Being a nice guy and a man of his word, Darren sent the information she'd requested as soon as he got a spare moment. |
For most of the United States, plant strawberries in spring as soon as the soil can be worked. |
What looks like a pleasant set-up quickly takes a turn for the worse as soon as you make your player selections. |
He may wish to refix his ship elsewhere as soon as possible, to take advantage of a favourable market. |
It's still pretty high, but even if it does, we can be on alert to get out of here as soon as possible. |
I will do my level best to conclude this inquest as soon as I possibly can. |
Lay out your plan of action so that you go to the grocery store last so that you can take your refrigerated ingredients home as soon as possible. |
And as soon as it's dumped, it's usually set alight, sending smoke into their houses. |
We are all dressed up and ready to go, prepared to jump in as soon as the current drops to a diveable speed. |
Yellow allamanda has a white milky sap in all parts, which oozes out as soon as it is broken. |
When she expressed her regret to me later, I told her that had she married him he would have abandoned her as soon as he became a star. |
The consulate also hopes to regularize the position of Filipino servants working in Shanghai as soon as possible. |
To introduce green lacewings into a garden start early in the season as soon as pest insects are detected. |
A spokesman for the company said it is looking to hold an open public meeting as soon as possible. |
You can tell almost as soon as you go into the school whether it has the x factor or not! |
Bob McGonagle, the lad, appeared to be fighting him as soon as he left the saddling area for the parade ring. |
A player respawns as soon as all the enemies are cleared so long as one ally survives. |
But as soon as he went away, Ravana appeared in the form of a monk begging for alms. |
But as soon as consumers demand the repeal or relaxation of these restrictions, the farmers rise in their defense. |
As per my request, Matt also gave Eddie a call to inform him of my state and Eddie said he'd be along as soon as he could. |
Almost as soon as she closed her eyes she was asleep, but Angel kept beside her, not moving, not releasing her hand. |
We'll bring you the live pictures as soon as the pilot gets ready to land that aircraft. |
The patient is transferred to the high-risk obstetric department as soon as she has stabilized, and she remains on bed rest for four hours. |
We would appreciate if those who have not paid their contribution yet would do so as soon as possible. |
A reminder to all players who have not yet paid their membership to please do so as soon as possible. |
The pity and gratitude disappeared as soon as I came to know he was just using me. |
What I can never understand is why enjoying oneself has to imply getting legless as soon as possible. |
A few latecomers arrived in a hurry and took their seats as soon as possible, relieved that they had not missed anything. |
He said as soon as the go-ahead was given after the meeting, the council would proceed to repossess the idle plots. |
If gold blocking or blind embossing is required, the binder will need to artwork as soon as possible to make binders zincos. |
Did you regret lavishing such care on my education when I used it to sever all dependency as soon as I could? |
Sow annual flowers such as asters, cosmos, zinnias and marigolds as soon as the frost has passed and the air begins to warm up. |
So we should welcome and push for a leadership election campaign as soon as it's feasible. |
We know anecdotally and through research that some women will return to work as soon as their maternity income stops. |
The best way to prevent head lice spreading is to check your whole family's scalps regularly and treat them as soon as live lice are found. |
However Amy had no time to ponder over this, for as soon as the doors closed, she felt her stomach suddenly rise as the elevator zoomed upwards. |
The carriage awaited him, and as soon as he was aboard, he continued his route to his destination of the estate. |
People seem to have such enthusiasm for the event, but as soon as it comes to a bit of hard graft, the very same people disappear. |
Workers were considering a new offer this week which appeared as soon as the strike began. |
Wanting to leave as soon as possible, she emptied her wine into the sink, and rinsed it with the water from the faucet. |
Kew Green, the well-backed 7-2 favourite fades as soon as the runners came out of Tattenham Corner and trails in down the field. |
Although Parliament alone could change this order, Mary's Romanist supporters began to celebrate mass as soon as she arrived in the capital. |
Please hold and your call will be answered as soon as possible. |
In a scene repeated in shops all over Hampshire youngsters who had managed to get hold of the book were desperate to start reading it as soon as it was in their hands. |
After assessing individual plants throughout the field, if you're questioning the viability of the crop and continued development, consider replanting as soon as possible. |
Cunningly, the machine buffers everything, allowing you to capture a complete song or show, even if you don't press 'record' as soon as it starts. |
Other tricks include the ability to automatically lock a connected smartphone or tablet as soon as the user moves 3 feet away with the wristwatch on. |
To combat Ebola, we need to make sure we reopen safe schools as soon as possible. |
It is also a central location, and the venue is such that as soon as three of us are gathered there, we will stick out like something that sticks out a lot. |
They wanted to sound the death knell for the campaign, file their stories, and get out of Memphis as soon as possible. |
But the hunt stank of a wild goose chase as soon as it began. |
Many of these symptoms may be due to another condition, such as piles or even rectal or bowel cancer, so it is important to see your GP as soon as possible. |
For anyone wanting to add asparagus or rhubarb plants to the garden, these should also be planted in early spring as soon as they become available. |
But as soon as the declassified version is circulating around Washington, it is sure to leak out. |
Alison told him that her husband was a jealous man, but that she would meet him as soon as she could without worry or fear that he would find them. |
She boarded the aircraft as soon as the boarding announcement was made. |
Decide things early, and put deposits down on things as soon as you can. |
He is a little more than a year older than me, and as soon as he could write legibly, around age seven, my father actually let him fill out the order blank. |
On the way, they'd been attacked by brigands again, but they'd scarpered as soon as they realised the team was capable of offering armed resistance. |
We'll get a pic up of this fabulously somber piece of weaponry as soon as they drop. |
Hanson argues that as soon as Europe was rebuilt America suffered, but this is demonstrably inaccurate. |
He fertilizes with fish emulsion as much as possible without burning, and sets out plants as soon as they're gaining momentum, before they get root-bound. |
Ensure that they know who's who and can identify company structure, individual roles and the existing communicative systems in use as soon as possible. |
Once in his stall, as soon as Adam had removed his saddle, he sank carefully to his knees and levered his body down into the straw, grunting bravely. |
The dependable Air Service Act now moves to the House of Representatives, where it is expected to be taken up as soon as Friday. |
The trouble with such documents, as the many amendments to the US and other constitutions testify, is that they are obsolete as soon as the ink is dry. |
I suspect that the rewrite will be quite different from the original, so I will post the rewritten chapters as soon as they are all finished, which could be quite a while. |
It's best to plant bulbs as soon as possible after bringing them home. |
If the government is really determined to quickly close the rolls, it may be forced to issue writs for a House election as soon as it announces the poll. |
We really have no idea where our ancestors first walked on land because, as soon as that lineage became successful, its members are found all over the world. |
Most importantly, have a bowl of cold water to refresh them as soon as they're lifted from the pan because they'll go soggy if left to cook longer. |
It is understood that the two young people are to marry as soon as Edwin comes of age, although this very understanding has been fatal to love between them. |
Congress might vote on the authorization of force measure as soon as December. |
As an annuitant who cannot leave Equitable, I demand that the Penrose report be published in its entirety as soon as possible and that open hearings be granted now. |
To enable A Dab Hand to apply for funding, groups and individuals are invited to register their interest in taking part in Eden's Big Draw event as soon as possible. |
In 1879, President Hayes signed a bill to award qualifying soldiers and survivors payments in arrears, if they had not applied as soon as they qualified. |
Perversely, as soon as they take delivery, most owners are expected to ignore these rules anyway and replace the expensive silencer with the original rorty exhaust system. |
The little hardback books will be in the post as soon as possible, folks. |
He urged all businesses to reapply for a licence as soon as possible. |
He took me to lunch at the Garrick Club, and he was in his element as soon as he walked through the door. |
The camera circled, showing a cluster of spectators who had been roped off as soon as the police and firefighters arrived, probably with the media at their heels. |
I want that schooner mast patched and sail rigged as soon as possible. |
What's very annoying is that as soon as the meals are brought in the rest of the family become like a pack of ravening wolves and will promptly start begging for them. |
Instead of watching Rage, the Simpsons and Neighbours, I find myself waiting up for the end of Law and Order then crashing as soon as it finishes. |
I was able to begin some benchmarking at 222FSB, but as soon as SiSoft started up, we had a system crash serious enough to force a reinstall of Windows. |
The feeling of suspicion faded as soon as she breathed the cool air of the night, the cigar smoke fading into a memory as she moved forward, raising her hood over her curls. |
In homes where involvement with and supervision of children is poor, children are left to their own resources as soon as they are physically able. |
He quickly set her down as soon as she was done rejoicing at his presence. |
So I knew that there was no need to go on the lam, and things will be a lot less tense at the next neighborhood block party if I do the right thing as soon as I return home. |
When the ball is dead he shall inform the other umpire, the batsmen at the wicket and, as soon as practicable, the captain of the batting side of what has occurred. |
So as soon as the tiny rambunctious Bastian came I was kicked out. |
I'll have your pink leotard ready for you as soon as you come home, dear. |
The left hander is taken in 3rd gear at around 160 kph, and we will then be back on the power as soon as possible as we take 2, lifting only briefly to apex at around 220 kph. |
The England team were jinxed as soon as I paid any attention to them. |
Almost as soon as Romney ended his day-to-day role at Bain, the dot-com boom crashed and the economy went into recession. |
Finally the bell went for lunch and the two friends rushed into the hall with their lunch boxes and gulped their lunches down so they could get outside as soon as possible. |
Unfortunately, a lot of the details dissolved from my memory as soon as I got up, and I've been wracking my brain trying to remember exactly what was going on. |
Staff at Cusworth are concerned that warning notices alerting park users to the dangers of bathing in the deep lakes have been torn down as soon as they have been put up. |
We should both call on all our supporters to prepare themselves to close ranks as Americans and unite the country behind the winner as soon as this process is complete. |
The first challenge from Yorkist irreconcilables came as soon as April 1486, was headed by Lord Lovel and the Hastings brothers, and was put down without difficulty. |
Each valuation shall be obtained as soon as reasonably practicable and shall be accompanied by an actuarial statement pursuant to the regulations. |
Considering that these devices and all their ilk are tossed as soon as the next shiny thing comes along, what incentive is there to engineer with repairability in mind? |
Armstrong notes that Wise washed his clothes as soon as he got home that night. |
Before then, as soon as a positively charged nucleus tried to latch on to a negatively charged electron, the electron would have been knocked away by an energetic photon. |
If you do happen to get burnt, apply some good aftersun cream onto the area as soon as possible and seek medical advice if the burnt area blisters or becomes painful. |
The Indian Embassy has asked citizens living in the Kingdom to have machine-readable passports issued as soon as possible. |
The chemical reaction begins as soon as the powder is moistened. |
Once you receive the assignment in the post, be sure to sign it and send it back as soon as possible. |
The blackout curtains make a super 'bommie', which is lit as soon as it's dark enough on this wonderful day. |
The entire convalescent home came to life as soon as the candy striper Cindy arrived. |
The root canal will be done again as soon as I've recovered from my Worldcon dose of con crud. |
I went crook at them for not telling me and as soon as she was well enough I took her home to the camping area and she soon picked up. |
They know it's wrong but as soon as they have an opportunity to view these images or chat with their cyberlover again, they grab it. |
For maximum effectiveness, ECP treatment should be started as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, and within 120 hours. |
This blow should be given fore-handed, as soon as the colt has quitted the wall. |
It must have been a while since I've attended a fancy, glitzy event, because as soon as I got to the GQ awards I felt like something was up. |
The college graduated him as soon as he was no longer eligible to play under NCAA rules. |
Microsoft may go hostile in its bid for Yahoo as soon as Friday, according to a published report. |
The bottom automatically returns to normal plowing position as soon as the obstruction is passed, without any interruption of forward motion. |
It was rebuilt with six wheels and hailed as a great improvement, Hackworth being told to convert the remaining locomotives as soon as possible. |
Well, as soon as Alice finished singing, land sakes! goodness, gracious me! if a big fox didn't pop out from behind a tree. |
Therefore, society forces them to improve their communication skills as soon as possible. |
Each child, including the girls, was taught to read as soon as they could walk and talk. |
George's father had been an officer in the Roman army, so George joined the Roman army as soon as he could. |
No doubt a mampus of volk of our own rank will be down here in their carriages as soon as 'tis known. |
The small craft was quickly spotted by Adventure and fired at as soon as it was within range of her guns. |
Chesterton, like Belloc, openly expressed his abhorrence of Hitler's rule almost as soon as it started. |
Pratchett started to use computers for writing as soon as they were available to him. |
Then something snagged her gaze and she turned her eyes to the far side of the pool. A mermaidish tail submerged as soon as she had seen it. |
But letters of marque were given out much more sparingly by governments and were terminated as soon as conflicts ended. |
Majorities in 7 out of 12 NATO member countries said troops should be withdrawn as soon as possible. |
They were told that they had to get their men off ship and onto the beach as soon as possible as the ships were vulnerable to enemy aircraft. |
If you don't want a mutual admiration society, which dies as soon as you've all discovered each other's faults, you must nobble the Press. |
The construction of a new stone Caernarfon Castle seems to have started as soon as the campaign had finished. |
Unlike other gull chicks which wander around as soon as they can walk, kittiwake chicks instinctively sit still in the nest to avoid falling off. |
The band expected to reconvene as soon as the members have finished with the various projects they were working on. |
Unable to speak, Tuck wrote that as soon as doctors cleared him he would be in the studio working on the band's next album. |
While on camera, Bruce behaves famously, but as soon as they stop rolling he turns into a scoundrel. |
This was done to assure that all ferry traffic is directed to the motorway system as soon as possible. |
Doubts about interpreting the Treaty began almost as soon as it was signed. |
Chinmoy taught that meditation on the heart brings the light of the soul forward to reach the highest reality as soon as possible. |
The female nests in a depression on the surface of the ground rather than in a burrow, and the young are active as soon as they are born. |
Even so, professional medical help should always be sought as soon as possible after any bite. |
Early action by hand pulling with a gloved hand and digging young seedlings as soon as they are seen will save a lot of hard work later. |
The biography claims that George Carew noted that the Mary Rose showed signs of instability as soon as her sails were raised. |
I feel that the military service will benefit if he is discharged as soon as possible. |
They start to work with their antlers just as soon as the velvet starts to fall off. |
The endowment effect was found to occur as soon as the item is acquired but also to increase over time. |
Federations such as Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia collapsed as soon as it was possible to put the model to the test. |
Despite repeated setbacks, the Saxons resisted steadfastly, returning to raid Charlemagne's domains as soon as he turned his attention elsewhere. |
Those who believe the theory was simply an error hold that its replacement was inevitable as soon as Smith's more accurate ideas were unveiled. |
On his return, however, Pedrarias wrote warm letters urging Balboa to meet him as soon as possible. |
So Columbus realized the Spanish court needed to be informed of the results of his voyage as soon as possible. |
A Vermont lawyer intent upon making his fortune and returning home as soon as possible, he left his family to journey to booming San Francisco. |
Thijssen's observations were included as soon as 1628 by the VOC cartographer Hessel Gerritsz in a chart of the Indies and New Holland. |
Johnson, who wanted the bill passed as soon as possible, ensured that the bill would be quickly considered by the Senate. |
The court normally requests that an objection be taken as soon as the prejudiced party has knowledge of the bias. |
However, Murray ceased to use this type of motion as soon as Pickard's patent expired. |
The summit level and a branch to Cirencester were completed in 1787, and became operational as soon as the tunnel opened. |
Effective disease surveillance can ensure that cholera outbreaks are recognized as soon as possible and dealt with appropriately. |
Children often begin to actively participate in activities such as child rearing, hunting and farming as soon as they are competent. |
It had been agreed that they should all meet in the big barn as soon as Mr. Jones was safely out of the way. |
With their carapace they survive the ordeal of the nets, frisking into scrabbly action as soon as they can. |
Cows addicted to the habit of sucking themselves should be taken in hand as soon as they are known to be self-suckers. |
She plainly said that men seemed to take leave of their senses as soon as women were concerned. |
But I felt unguilted as soon as I did it. It made the whole incident feel normal, run-of-the-mill. |
In autumn the asparagus ferns are cut to ground level as soon as they turn yellow but not until the second year after planting. |
He went for a stone to kill the fish but as soon as his back was turned, it began to wamble towards the water. |
City Attorney Marc Winberry said the city could take possession of the property as soon as July. |
Just as soon as the world is full of twisty stiff pseudo-nature, the Casa del Fascio will appear and dazzle us like we are apemen. |
DeadheadingAuPruning blooms or entire flowering stems as soon as a flower fades, helping the plant to rebloom or produce more foliage. |
West Lothian Council said they hoped to rebury former miner John's remains as soon as possible. |
According to a police source, as soon as the basic information was received, a police team was formed and the suspect was arrested red-handedly. |
It rested the Dodgers' bullpen and enabled Tracy to turn to his relief pitchers as soon as Jackson began faltering. |
I had aviated, I had navigated, I had communicated, and I had landed as soon as possible. |
This set of recommendations does not preclude the district needing to rezone in its entirety as soon as 2006-07,'' the report said. |
So, regardless of your blood type or rhesus factor, as soon as you donate your kidney you will receive the money from the association treasury. |
Suspected CSF rhinorrhea needs to be reported to the neurosurgeon immediately and treated as soon as possible to prevent meningitis. |
I was in one car recently and, as soon as you turned on the engine, off went this beeper. |
Jeremy Fenton recommends showering as soon as you can after you're done dancing, using an anti-acne body wash containing salicylic acid. |
Probably people should go Sannyasa as soon as they retire, and become wanderers, contemplatives, ones who act charitably all the day long. |
Perfectly timed, one would sashay by, and as soon as it was out of our peripheral vision, another would stroll into view. |
Biscotti are perfect for eating as soon as they are out of the oven but also stay edible for ages. |
We'll correct the problem with the circuit as soon as possible. |
Now I'm deep into Zen meditation and macrobiotics and, as soon as I can, I intend to get into narcotics. |
He and members of his anti-Semitic Blackshirt group were punched to the ground as soon as the meeting began. |
Discuss the necessity of performing the cell counts and slide preparation on body fluids as soon as possible after collection. |
The market wants to make this information available as soon as possible, Seddon said. |
But were it not better that God Almighty should annihilate the Individuals of this middle vertible Order, as you call it, as soon as they lapse into Sin? |
Shanmugavadivu continued to earn her income through her veena performances, and by introducing her daughters to the stage as soon as they were able. |
Given the connection between increasing entropy and the arrow of time, does the Big Crunch mean that time would run backwards as soon as collapse began? |
The handy learn to master each moder machine as soon as it hits the market. The thumby never graduate beyond the self-service island at the gas station. |
John called. He asked for you to ring him back as soon as you arrived. |
At first larger motors were added to line shafts, but as soon as small horsepower motors became widely available, factories switched to unit drive. |
Considering these costs, it seems likely that mechanisms may exist to stop frameshifted translation as soon as possible, depending on the frequency of occurrence. |
He kept his head down to allow the explosion to pass over him, but as soon as the explosion had occurred stood upright as much as possible to avoid the afterdamp. |
The condition was at first thought more serious than it turned out to be, and he announced that he would resign as Prime Minister as soon as a successor was appointed. |
A new idea of arrangement struck him while at breakfast, which quite altered his fore-constructed plan, and he began to act upon it as soon as conceived. |
Because a court can post a decision on a Web site as soon as it is rendered, the need for a quickly printed case in an unofficial, commercial report becomes less crucial. |
The 1552 book, however, was used only for a short period, as Edward VI had died in the summer of 1553 and, as soon as she could do so, Mary I, restored union with Rome. |
He vowed that he would punish Balboa as soon as he gained control of the city, since he regarded his actions as a challenge to his authority in Veragua. |
They yanked the product as soon as they learned it was unsafe. |
Fermentation begins as soon as yeast is added to the cooled wort. |
I'll execute your orders as soon as this meeting is adjourned. |
Ever the gentleman, he takes her to bed, then asks if she needs a taxi. Like, as soon as the act is complete. His douchery really does know no bounds. |
Almost as soon as war had been declared with Spain, orders had been despatched for a British force at Madras to proceed to the Philippines and invade Manila. |
I think they'll change their tune as soon as they try it the other way. |
Ally, the alpha cat in my household, has a severe case of catitude. She demands to sit on my lap and leaves as soon as she has altered whatever I was doing. |
Clarkson bought a 1991 Mitsubishi Starion, Hammond purchased a 1983 BMW 635 CSi, and May bought a 1982 Jaguar XJS, which was leaking oil as soon as it arrived. |
The blockading nation typically establishes a blockaded area of water, but any ship can be inspected as soon as it is established that it is attempting to break the blockade. |
Assembly staff have worked hard to ensure that, as soon as the scaleback rate of the National Reserve was confirmed, we were able to start making balance payments. |
I got up for lunch as soon as the wall clock began chiming noon. |
Hitler noted that the ships at Brest had diverted British bombing from Germany but that the advantage would end as soon as the ships were sufficiently damaged. |
The females begin ovulating as soon as four to six years old. |
Vikings would plant crops after the winter and go raiding as soon as the ice melted on the sea, then return home with their loot in time to harvest the crops. |
I took my sign out of the boot and put it up that morning, then arranged the advertising and open house viewings as soon as I returned to my office. |
He managed to keep the whole team united, and any quarrels or arguments quietened down as soon as he appeared on the pitch or in the dressing room. |
Sir Emyr stated on 22 November 2007 that he would like to begin to work as soon as possible and hoped to have the report ready by 2009 at the latest. |
A driver becomes the World Champion each season as soon as it is no longer mathematically possible for another to beat him whatever the outcome of the remaining races. |
The minimum canonical age for receiving holy orders is 25 and it is generally assumed that he would have been ordained as soon as it was permitted. |
In 32 out of 47, clear majorities wanted war over as soon as possible. |
In 41, pluralities wanted NATO troops out as soon as possible. |
Chief Justice Rehnquist was famous for cutting off lawyers in midsentence, even midsyllable, as soon as the red light on the lectern came on to signal that time was up. |
The bell sounded to end the round as soon as Watson was up from the count. |
The name of the winning team is engraved on the silver band around the base as soon as the final has finished, in order to be ready in time for the presentation ceremony. |