In many areas of the world, dowsing as a means of locating water, for instance, is an accepted and respected skill. |
Politicians proposed popular sovereignty as a means of entrusting the issue to citizens of new territories. |
That's merely a convention I decided upon as a means of differentiating humans from other races. |
For one thing, a judge of the Allahabad High Court wanted to use archaeology as a means to adjudicate upon a dispute concerning property rights. |
From the late 15 th century etching came into widespread use as a means of adornment, mainly on pieces of armour. |
This opened up the opportunity to talk about enriched communications as a means of addressing issues of reachability. |
Complementary therapies are being investigated, such as training in martial arts as a means of reducing aggressiveness in youth. |
So I got my feet wet there and through high school, so I was very fascinated with acting as a means of expression. |
Those, Stauffenberg among them, who saw the plot as a means of redeeming the Army's reputation, accordingly found themselves in a fix. |
We've been worm-charming in Blackawton since 1984, when two locals decided to try it as a means of banishing the winter blues! |
Drug use becomes more attractive as an alleviator of stress and strain and as a means of escape from a harsh reality. |
As an all-star softball player, Brittany sees the game as a means to a safe, fun summer. |
Kelly, the US officials said, rejected the threat as unacceptable as a means to resolve the nuclear crisis. |
All seek a modus vivendi as a means of diluting extremist attitudes on both sides and isolating the rejectionists in their own communities. |
Maintain contact with one's Alma Mater as a means of extending one's business and engineering network. |
And yes, I do understand that marriage may have begun as a means of social control by the church. |
He also sought to encourage a local art based in regional landscape and paintings from Hamburg as a means to educate the middle class. |
For a reader from another ethnic group, texts often encourage cross-cultural amity and understanding as a means to dispel prejudice. |
In other words, Star Trek is using retcons as a means to construct the future history that both fascinates and compels the more serious fans. |
Ba'athism was developed in 1932 by Michel Aflaq and Salah-al-Din Bitaar as a means of divorcing religion from Arabism. |
To introduce students to tephrochronology as a means of correlating marine, ice and terrestrial proxy records of palaeoenvironmental change. |
In our everyday lives, we treat animals as a means to our ends, but we increasingly lack moral justifications for doing so. |
Maybe we will become adept at switching from left brain to right brain as a means of following our spiritual path. |
He was at best merely an aphorist, and at worst an opportunist who used selective silence as a means of self-promotion. |
The words work best as a means to an end, leaving the melodies and lilting harmonies for your foremost enjoyment. |
The soldiers first used rogaining as a means of training when they were both part of the now defunct Land Rescue Team at RAAF Base Richmond. |
Grass buffer zones or vegetative filter strips have been investigated as a means of reducing nutrient loads in streams. |
Some of the early privateers settled in these waterlogged plains, cutting and selling logwood as a means to generating wealth. |
Caloric reduction has been under scrutiny for some time as a means to better health and extended longevity. |
This problem led the British to introduce the tank in 1916 as a means of rupturing the enemy's defense for exploitation by reserve forces. |
Speakers use their local accents as a means of affirming identity and loyalty to local groups. |
Local taxes and surcharges on luxuries like theatre tickets were also reintroduced as a means of subsidizing hospitals. |
Meanwhile health clubs and beauty salons are marketing t'ai chi, saunas, mini-facials and flotation tanks as a means of surviving the pressure. |
It is often associated with the act of boiling people as a means of torture. |
But what if the car was used not for pleasure but purely as a means of transport, like the taxicab? |
Since ancient times, mandalas were used as a means of deepening and enhancing the meditative experience. |
It grew out of the relativism that was originally promoted as a means in the search for a many-sided truth. |
Called also thorough bass and basso continuo, it arose in the early 17th cent. in Italy as a means of notating an accompaniment. |
It is a testament to the importance of varied personal experiences as a means of finding meaning in life. |
He is guilty of committing various immoral acts as a means of achieving power and importance. |
We view our technology as a means to an end, and the end is always to deliver business value. |
It was often burned with juniper and thyme as a means of cleansing a room of witches and bad spirits. |
In these essays, the globalized economy appears principally as a means of melioration for the gutsy women who exploit its singular opportunities. |
Hence killing is portrayed as a means of survival, making the hunter the biggest beast of prey in the forest. |
I was drawn to throwing as a means of expressing the sensuality of the material. |
At first a strong advocate of Black separatism, he was prepared to condone violence as a means of self-defence. |
Local governments throughout China have increasingly been using tolls on roads and bridges as a means of supplementing their income. |
As the fund manager, MDL engaged in such transactions as a means of capitalizing on shifting market conditions. |
It is conditional on a recommendation from the existing board, which is viewed as a means to keep the bid price down. |
Shapiro bills the series as an unglamorous look at life in the clink and the power of music as a means of rehabilitation. |
This site is intended as a service to researchers using biotelemetry as a means for collecting data. |
The police, however, assure us that the mobile cameras are only used at accident black spots and not as a means of raising money. |
The effect of the drug is to summon up people's happiest memories as a means of keeping them in a blissful state. |
Many farmers also undersowed with annual rye-grasses as a means of boosting winter and early spring feed. |
The division began operating on May 31 last year to act as a means of organising unrated sailors who are not on course. |
The individuals who first developed meditation and relaxation as a means of calming the turmoil of their spirits were acting naturopathically. |
To endorse sortition as a means of representing the people does not require believing that the people are perfect. |
The social value of research tools as a means of making future discoveries is greatest when they are widely distributed on a nonexclusive basis. |
Freire viewed literacy and continuing education as a means for democratization of culture among the rural and urban non-literate people. |
Thus, physical possessions were seen as a means of attaining nonmaterial desires. |
Known as the physician of the soul, he used astrology primarily as a means of helping to heal the soul rather than as a tool of prediction. |
Cartman uses caca as a means of getting even with parents who can't talk to their kids about drugs. |
Information on the calling cards for clients is designed as a means to identify some positive aspects of the recovering women. |
This willingness to see formally accomplished prose as a means to camouflage empty thought is disconcerting. |
Originally developed in Brazil by African slaves as a means of defence, the graceful movements of capoeira will get you fighting fit. |
The law began to emphasize social harmoniousness as a goal rather than use repression as a means to satisfy God's vengeance. |
The Ramblers' Association supports car sharing as a means of reducing the environmental impact of driving to walks. |
On the other hand, the war opened up new possibilities for using military channels as a means to organize resistance. |
We have domesticated dogs, cats, and birds, and have used horses as a means of transportation. |
It is said to have developed originally as a means of writing with a stylus on palm leaves, which would split if incised with a straight line. |
Yoga as a means to mental and physical discipline and well being is also taught. |
It also reveals a preference for debt over equity as a means of providing external funding. |
Has anyone ever planted sudan grass as a cover crop as a means of adding nitrogen to the soil while having something green in the process? |
Communication is heavily overrated as a means of resolving issues and accomplishing things. |
But he did not use hypnosis solely as a means of implanting suggestions of positive health. |
Smith started the brigade as a means of controlling the boys who attended his Scottish free church Sunday school. |
It started out as a means of giving ex-servicemen and women a market place for their surplus home-made and home-grown produce. |
About the same time I was told that the paper tape as a means of computer input was dead. |
Even in the twentieth century entering your son for the Church was still regarded as a means of ensuring that he received a good education. |
Some cigarette smokers, particularly men, switch to smoking cigars or pipes as a means of giving up cigarettes. |
They embrace and create change not as a means of survival but as a pathway to growth. |
This can be used as a means of determining the relative ages of pavements within an area. |
In most varieties of clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy, induction is seen as a means towards the establishment of a trance. |
In modern times, cotton cloth has come to replace cowskins as a means of draping the body. |
Labor unions supported the exchange-rate peg as a means to control prices and the inflationary pressure on salaries. |
They also see prompts as a means for new users to teach themselves to use a device in a fail-safe manner. |
Radial immunodiffusion may be used as a means of demonstrating measurement of immunoglobulin levels. |
Almost immediately, the emergence of the Cold War undercut hopes that the United Nations could serve as a means of collective security. |
Sometimes his fist is raised in anger, always as a means to convey male frustration and inarticulacy. |
Hence the legislature determined to prevent the enactment, if not used by the prisoner, from being employed as a means of inculpation. |
On the scale of favourite things to do as a means of wasting time, online personality tests come out very near the top. |
As the protest movement waned, the military deliberately fomented communal conflict as a means of reasserting its authority. |
Round the generous trench is a border of sheet steel piling which acts both as a means of defining the excavation and a railing. |
Women do not in general share sport as a common language or as a means of bonding in the same way. |
He was a fine musician, playing the lyre, and he used music as a means to help those who were ill. |
She experimented with photography as a means for transforming the immediacy of experience into something visually and intellectually abstract. |
An examination structure, intelligible to pupils, parents and employers, must be a priority as a means of getting these proposals off the ground. |
Such dynamic conditions require plasticity in behavior as a means of tracking environmental change. |
Genres are often seen prescriptively as a means of interpellating the subject into existing norms and hierarchies. |
Gaddis had been working for years on a history of the player-piano, as a means of analysing technology and entertainment. |
In a certain way, the desire to persuade can also be interpreted as a means of commanding others. |
Methods of contraception are promoted specifically as a means to reduce the problem of abortion. |
War is further seen as a means of diverting the attention of working people from the intractable social and economic crisis at home. |
Art teachers can think of this activity as a means to circumvent fixed attitudes about drawing in a naturalistic mode. |
Is it possible to take a position on violence as a means towards an end, regardless of the nature of that end? |
It is used to foment fear and political disorientation as a means of pushing through policies that were previously politically unthinkable. |
The competition was originally conceived in 1961 as a means to generate cash for football pools companies during the close season. |
Another trick is to use a diving crankbait as both an attractor and as a means of getting the flies down deeper than a spoon would get them. |
By Article Nine of its constitution, Japan is forbidden to posses military forces, and forever forswore war as a means to achieve anything. |
The best one-day batsmen have a remarkable ability to use the crease as a means of creating space for themselves. |
He saw the Commonwealth Games as a means to an end, but admits even making it to New Zealand in 1974 caused friction between him and his coach. |
So the obvious interpretation of his comments is that he used the suggestion of one association for Britain as a means of fudging the issue. |
First, Eurysaces' declaration may have functioned as a means of protecting his funerary monument. |
Rampant futurism used to be an integral feature of theme parks, often sponsored by industry giants as a means of promoting their products. |
It seems to me that we are using our military power as a means to avoid suffering the judgment of the world. |
Rapoport presents this method as a means to help one to prevail over an opponent in an argument. |
We are entering a new era in preventive medicine, which focuses on diet as a means to health. |
After a decent interval, laughter became acceptable as a means of relieving the tension. |
The poor areas in any country or ethnic group traditionally use sport as a means of getting together and socialising. |
This prohibited overwriting and deletion in accounting books as a means of correcting recorded transactions. |
The French and Dutch left see today's EU project as a means used by their governments to privatise and delocalise the economy. |
Groups used violence for political or ideological ends, as a means of demoralising their opponents, winning concessions or taking over territory. |
Some women use drugs as a means of self-medication to cope with their own devaluation and low self-esteem. |
Others who tried to use that as a means to gain electoral votes failed miserably. |
Any rational nation will treat the U.N. as a means to pursue its ends, not as an end in itself. |
I see any business or charity that needs to use unsolicited bulk emails as a means of marketing itself, tends to be a disreputable organisation. |
It is thought only the dugout canoe predates the coracle as a means of water travel. |
Right ascension makes it easy to use the apparent diurnal rotation of the celestial sphere as a means to telling time. |
The truth is people choose alcohol and drugs as a means of escape because their reality is too painful to deal with. |
Its expounders view the market-led development strategy as a means of achieving prosperity. |
Government should therefore re-look at using sport as a means to remoulding the national image for not only developmental purposes but also discipline. |
Possible applications are envisaged as a means to return equipment and experiments from the International Space Station, or to accommodate probes on spacecraft to Mars. |
He uses these two opposing genres not only for stylistic purposes, but also as a means to explore human dynamism, and the reality that identity is multifarious. |
For those who are genuinely interested in politics as a means of service for betterment of society, it is still one of the best methods to opt for. |
He plans to make Desdemona slowly abhor Othello and to use Cassio as a means of cuckolding him, bringing nothing but hatred and dishonor to Othello's world. |
On the one hand, it suggests that the administration has overemphasized the importance of demonstrating resolve as a means of advancing its interests. |
He later abandoned his collegial pursuits and set out to forge a career as a full-time artist, as a means of providing for his, then unborn, child. |
Willard and the WCTU also embraced the women's suffrage movement, advocating votes for women as a means of protecting the home and strengthening family values. |
Reducing access to credit as a means of preventing overextension, of course, risks reorienting policy towards the paternalistic practices of the past. |
Several of the authors advocate the use of narrative elements normally associated with novel writing and playwriting as a means of engaging readers in a story. |
Furthermore, bilinguals may develop a more analytic orientation toward language than do monolinguals as a means of overcoming interference between languages. |
A fairly unanimous consensus focusing on money as a means of exchange based on a monometallic standard and leading to a narrow definition of money is developed. |
He concludes by recommending the establishment of federal or confederal representative governments as a means of maintaining some degree of democracy. |
Instead of using technology to improve our lives and as a means to disseminate public information, it will be used to restrict our freedoms, and peer into our private lives. |
And images of copies of statues gave photography's inventors an undeniable case for the usefulness of the medium as a means of reproducing the appearance of existing artworks. |
The invention was presented as a means of avoiding piles, pox and plague. |
On the other hand, the Court ought to be very careful not to allow an action for the protection of ancient lights to be used as a means of extorting money. |
Todd Rundgren, a 1970s progressive rock musician with a loyal fan base, has become one of the first musicians to master the Internet as a means of fostering sales. |
Myra had taken in lodgers as a means of increasing her income and had started taking in laundry to make a few more coppers to help feed her growing family. |
Albert Camus used violence as a means of exploring meaning, or lack thereof, in his existential novels. |
The dot scot campaign has received broad support from industry, and is seen as a means towards advancing Scotland's image as a cutting-edge country to do business with. |
Perhaps communities share supplies in the coldest months as a means of surviving the winter and perpetuating the species. |
Although Hairston, Young, Becker and Pike take for granted that Rogers' theories are appropriate for use by rhetoricians as a means to persuade, this is not the case. |
Few seem comfortable with their own statehood except as a means of casting a veil of international legitimacy over their own version of power politics. |
Sport has always been used as a means of enforcing a political viewpoint, whether it is to boycott a country or whether it is to establish diplomatic relations. |
For example, as a result of their lower overall economic status, many addicted women turn to prostitution as a means of supporting their drug habit. |
Alternatively, share existing debt obligations as a means of addressing the economic repercussions of the referenda results. |
To Bentham, who willed his own body to the University of London, it was perfectly just to put the bodies of paupers to scientific use as a means of repaying their public debt. |
Another annoying trend is to ask for an exorbitant amount in the hope that a small amount will be offer as a means of appeasing the aggrieved person. |
A wielding of language that speaks as a means to recapture and reanimate male power, it suggests a masculinity reasserting itself at the expense of women. |
The science of archaeomagnetism has been developed throughout this century as a means of applying paleomagnetic methods and theory to archaeological problems. |
In other words, it must be shown that the object or purpose of the defendant is to inflict harm on the claimant, either as an end in itself, or as a means to another end. |
Recently, snakeheads have not used large fishing vessels as a means of transporting their cargo, favoring instead small containers that can hold less than 10 people. |
To stop the rot, gambling was legalized in 1976 as a means of attracting new visitors and providing resources for urban renewal and associated uplift. |
There was a lot of suspicion that the Department of Justice was going to perform massive psychosurgical procedures on violent prisoners as a means of social control. |
They trekked to primary states, not as camp followers of a particular political candidate, but seeking to use the electoral process as a means to bring an end to the war. |
As a teenager growing up in New York, he had become involved with street gangs and used drug dealing as a means of funding his own heroin addiction. |
Yet even when, as here, he captures the light with such sensitivity, Cameron does not use paint for its vivid colour, but as a means of expressing tonal change. |
Promote efforts to increase the diversity of faculty members and students at colleges and universities as a means to improve and enrich the experience of higher education. |
His recommendation that riders use a chain lube which does not attract or hold dirt as a means of keeping the cassette clean certainly hits close to home for me. |
The mobile internet, touted as a means of always being in touch and thus of overcoming social alienation, will be likely to help atomise society even faster. |
It is increasing its military presence in some of the former nations of the old Soviet Union as a means of safeguarding potential future oil pipeline routes. |
They even believe in co-determination, where unions and managers talk about strategy, as a means of enlisting their workers' engagement and loyalty. |
Both Indonesia and Malaysia also saw it as a means to protect themselves from gunboat diplomacy and foreign intervention in the affairs of their fledgling nations. |
One of the realities of these worlds is the strategic exploitation of these essentialist identities as a means of personal leverage, power, and careerist gain. |
Done in moderation it was apparently an indulgence, like chewing gum or tobacco and had possibly developed as a means of allaying hunger in times of famine. |
Isabelle started to starve herself as a means of rebellion, wresting a measure of control from her domineering mother. |
While this style can exhort some blacks to great sacrifice against entrenched white supremacy, it often comes up short as a means of conveying the complexities of the world. |
It is the artist who uses technique not as an end but as a means to the end of communicating an idea, challenging paradigms, stirring emotions or inspiring the spirit. |
Location information will provide dispatch offices with information of where assets are, as well as a means by which drivers can be rerouted around traffic bottlenecks. |
In the early decades of the last century birth control was seen as a means of population control essential for limiting the fecundity of the poor. |
This movie doesn't begin to understand what movies are all about, and uses race and race baiting as a means of telling an overly tepid tale about street justice. |
Is it ethical to step outside the law for the greater good, or to infringe civil liberties as a means to an end? |
In Ozzieland, they conduct a 'bangtail muster' by the doing the same thing to cattle as a means of identifying them when taking a census of the herd. |
Some modern thinkers call for recognition of the ties binding the People of the Book together as a means of promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation. |
Like many rulers, she used marriage as a means to create and cement alliances, uniting her daughter Henrietta Maria and Charles I of England, for example. |
They present philosophy as the practice of visiting a museum of ideas and feeling a sense of awe, or alternatively using philosophy as a means of personal therapy. |
The United States has opted to rely more heavily on schooling as a means for promoting individual fulfillment, enhancing social justice, and countering unearned privilege. |
Decentralization has long been advocated by the political and economic elite in the West as a means of wrenching power from the more populous Eastern provinces. |
But prayer as a means to effect a private end is meanness and theft. |
Moreover, the Bolsheviks, in continuing to see law principally as a means of defending the state, unconsciously served as perpetuators of Russian tradition. |
It was used by my grandmother and her mother before her as a means of chalking decorative patterns and designs upon the slate hearthstone and doorstep. |
He took up the bass as a means of channeling his madcap intensity. |
Coinage in both England and Francia was used as a means of affirming royal authority, though the volume of production of early medieval coinage is still in question. |
However, it must be used as a means to an end and not the end itself. |
The Evangelical calculus attempts to console and convert grieving relatives and witnesses by redefining such loss as a means to the measureless prize of eternal life. |
Provisions in the Protection of Wild Mammals Act 2002 allowed for the use of dogs to flush foxes from cover for marksmen to shoot as a means of pest control. |
In addition, courts in other countries have begun to entertain private law causes of action as a means for seeking redress for human rights violations. |
Nevertheless, they bought and installed the equipment in their studios, merely as a means of time-shifting programmes or items without recourse to using discs. |
Though I am not proposing the actual use of Tarot cards as a means of divining past or future events, what, exactly, would the limits be for non-natural explanations? |
This workshop will explore gender theory, grounded in a social constructivism paradigm, as a means of challenging heteronormative culture in the workplace. |
Over the past few years the public sector has walked away with benchmarking deals conceived as a means of getting round restrictive pay ceilings set by the talks. |
Whilst Nuffield wanted a rigorously scientific, fact-based collation of the contemporary situation, Longford saw the report as a means of provoking social reform. |
We report here on the use of whole animal respirometry as a means of monitoring changes in metabolism in response to Hg exposure. |
Electrospinning has seen increased interest over the last decade as a means of generating nanoscale fibers of a variety of polymers. |
Navigational supports such as site overviews and hierarchical structures were promoted as a means by which to improve usability. |
Stephens joined URMIA in the mid-1980s as a means to add to his risk management knowledge base. |
Pressurizing hollow square pipes has never been examined as a means of increasing the buckling capacity. |
In 1973, the Supreme Court produced the three-prong Miller test as a means of determining whether something was obscene. |
Discussion of abortion as a means of preventing the births of FAS babies extended well beyond the medical literature. |
My aim is to use film as a means of political action, without it becoming a sloganizing cinema. |
Relative clauses are used as a means of topicalization of a possessor of a genitive construction, as nominalization of a clause and in questions. |
The City Council said the company had failed to risk assess the fire exit as a means of ejection and failed to train door staff. |
Furthermore, matrix methods and phase-space dynamics are introduced as a means of modelling the quadrupole ion trap. |
Many of today's superathletes are turning to bovine colostrum as a means to that coveted edge. |
Leveraging analytics as a means to improve cross-sell and upsell effectiveness is emerging as a substantial competitive advantage. |
Most boring gaging systems rely on the use of ring gages or masters as a means of setting. |
They used votives as a means to interest the state deities in their personal problems. |
Wage ratio legislation has also been proposed as a means of reducing income inequality. |
They are maintained operational as a means of preserving railway heritage and as a tourist attraction. |
During his Volta Laboratory period, Bell and his associates considered impressing a magnetic field on a record as a means of reproducing sound. |
This book entails the basis of the Scientific Method as a means of observation and induction. |
The holder of a debt could use it as a means of payment by transferring it to another party, without cash changing hands. |
From the middle of the 18th century, some discussed ice as a means of transport. |
English, Welsh and Irish banking companies circulated freely as a means of payment. |
Geologists still use the following principles today as a means to provide information about geologic history and the timing of geologic events. |
Furthermore, as a means to conserve traditional livestock, cryoconservation of animal genetic resources have been put into action. |
Some of these designs incorporate parabolic reflectors as a means of increasing the wave energy at the point of capture. |
Merchants also started to value public office as a means to greater economic power and prestige. |
A number of fast spreading plants such as kudzu have been introduced as a means of erosion control. |
The above examples highlight the intent of humans to introduce species as a means of incurring some benefit. |
For this reason, community funds have been made available to fishing as a means of encouraging regional development. |
Hitler recognised the breakthrough at Sedan only in tactical terms, whereas Manstein saw it as a means to an end. |
In his Genealogy of Morals, he argues that human rights exist as a means for the weak to collectively constrain the strong. |
Lifting bodies were a major area of research in the 1960s and 1970s as a means to build a small and lightweight manned spacecraft. |
His grandmother was a member of the Caribou Clan, who travelled with the reindeer as a means to survive. |
Revenue Cutter Service, with assistance from Sheldon Jackson, as a means of providing a livelihood for Native peoples there. |
Perhaps he simply ran for local office as a means of gaining support back home, and lost to some other local worthy. |
The term Windische was applied to the latter group as a means of distinction. |
Caesar provides his account of the Druids as a means of sharing his knowledge and educating the Roman people on the foreign conquests. |
These baths were later expanded by the third century emperor Decius as a means of stressing his link to Trajan. |
The early journals were similar to those for the physical sciences, and were seen as a means for history to become more professional. |
Unlike Roman law, Germanic law mentions cruentation as a means to prove guilt or innocence. |
In addition to economic trade, the Silk Road served as a means of carrying out cultural trade among the civilizations along its network. |
Eukaryotic parasites may also be grown in culture as a means of identifying a particular agent. |
In many archaic dwellings the central pillar does in fact serve as a means of communication with the heavens, with the sky. |
Common ostriches have evolved a 'selective brain cooling' mechanism as a means of thermoregulation. |
When the camel exhales, water vapor becomes trapped in their nostrils and is reabsorbed into the body as a means to conserve water. |
Persian Sassanid coins emerged as a means of currency, just as valuable as silk yarn and textiles. |
This led to the practice of penance and pilgrimage as a means of curing illness. |
Economic diplomacy is the use of foreign aid or other types of economic policy as a means to achieve a diplomatic agenda. |
Gunboat diplomacy is the use of conspicuous displays of military strength as a means of intimidation in order to influence others. |
This method drastically reduced the importance of lunars as a means of verifying chronometers. |
Statehood might be useful as a means of dealing with the financial crisis, since it would allow for bankruptcy and the relevant protection. |
The females are usually only seen spitting as a means of controlling other herd members. |
In 1593, Admiral Sir Richard Hawkins advocated drinking orange and lemon juice as a means of preventing scurvy. |
This movement advocated rationality as a means to establish an authoritative system of aesthetics, ethics, and logic. |
The hymn functioned both as a liturgical setting of the Lord's Prayer and as a means of examining candidates on specific catechism questions. |
The Church does not approve of the use of abortion as a means of birth control or family planning, but recognizes a woman's right to receive one. |
The burying of wood in water, which dissolves out or alters its putrescible constituents, has long been practised as a means of seasoning. |
Birth control is also being considered as an alternative to hunting as a means of controlling overpopulation in wild animals. |
Also, modern military organisations employed capital punishment as a means of maintaining military discipline. |
Thomas Aquinas, a Doctor of the Church, accepted the death penalty as a deterrent and prevention method but not as a means of vengeance. |
Abolished era names may be reused, for example as a means of claiming or denying political legitimacy. |
Such laws may be enacted entirely to protect biodiversity, or as a means for protecting species deemed important for other reasons. |
At the top of the stroke the steam valve was closed, and cold water was briefly injected into the cylinder as a means of cooling the steam. |
The national government encouraged the mine safety movement as a means of limiting strife in the sometimes turbulent coal fields. |
The 6th Airborne Division was called in to provide security as a means of ending the strike. |
The technique may find modern application, both to improve soils and as a means of carbon sequestration. |
Many ammosexuals practice the religion of gundamentalism or demand the invasion of weaker countries as a means of reaching wargasm. |
Chinese scientists have also investigated MW as a means of reducing antineoplastic drugs' toxic effects. |
Reduplication as a means of expressing perfectivity has been employed in various Indo-European languages. |
Fistfighting has been superseded by gunfighting, and violence has been displayed as a means of settling disputes and grievances. |
Digital camera usage increases analytical skills and can be used as a means of assessing student performance. |
Thus all readings, like all autographings, should be gladly accepted as a means of spreading your name around. |
Birds initially developed wings and feathers as a means of heat regulation. The use of wings for flight is an example of exaptation. |
The fact that dogs have a well developed sense of smell suggests that they might be able to use the odour of faeces as a means of communicating. |
So the only thing left would be using fremium as a means of gaining trial, with the potential to up-sell to a paid subscription. |
Roaming tribes of Germanic people then began staking out permanent homes as a means of protection. |
Later medieval castles at Helmsley, Middleham and Scarborough were built as a means of defence against the invading Scots. |
Drinking the water as a means of survival would actually hydrate the body instead of dehydrating, as is the case with ocean water. |
Drainage systems evolved slowly, and began primarily as a means to drain marshes and storm runoff. |
In response to the Militia Ordinance, Charles revived the Commissions of Array as a means of summoning an army instead. |
Some Highland chieftains therefore viewed Jacobitism as a means of resisting hostile government intrusion into their territories. |
A cant, called Shelta, is spoken by Irish Travellers, often as a means to conceal meaning from those outside the group. |
In the radicalised times at the end of World War I, democratic reforms were often seen as a means to counter popular revolutionary currents. |
It was initially formed as a means for the trade union movement to establish political representation for itself at Westminster. |
The army is viewed not only as a social leveler but also as a means of unifying a country with three cultures and four languages. |
He was the first Roman statesman to put his political speeches in writing as a means of influencing public opinion. |
He focused on monetary expansion as a means of helping to create full employment. |
It also established the Nansen passport as a means of identification for stateless people. |
Territorial reform is sometimes propagated by the richer states as a means to avoid or reduce fiscal transfers. |
In 1946, the government set up a National Institute of Houseworkers as a means of providing a socially democratic variety of domestic service. |
John Napier introduced logarithm in the early 17th century as a means to simplify calculations. |
Loeb and Angelo Mozilo as a means of collateralizing Countrywide Financial loans too big to be sold to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. |
The British undertook a series of military operations as a means of recapturing the Falklands from Argentine occupation. |
Library consortia are basically formed to use resource sharing as a means of dealing with increased demand for materials and increased cost for information products. |
A SUCCESSFUL photographer resorts to murder as a means of solving his marital difficulties, unaware that retribution is at hand in the shape of astute cop Columbo. |
The use of muscle, myocutaneous, fasciocutaneous, or bowel free flaps is well established as a means for reconstructing tissue defects over nearly any part of the body. |
More reductive than most of his California contemporaries, Piazzoni used Tonalism as a means towards modernism, reducing his compositions to the essentials. |