Other arguments against same-sex marriage were similarly lanced by the judge. |
I have no doubt this court has not heard the last of the arguments that began in this case. |
You were making some pretty good arguments, until you totally blew up your credibility and made yourself look like just another whackadoodle. |
Indeed, one of the major arguments against abolishing the monarchy is the desire to preserve tradition. |
In some situations, the declines are so gentle that arguments abound as to whether a bear market really existed at all. |
They are anguished arguments and they take place in all classes and walks of life. |
Again, absent the use of a gun, knife or poison, jurors rarely accepted arguments for murderous intent. |
Insiders are bracing for some walloping arguments over the company's direction in the coming months. |
I'm not sure that my knowledge of economic theories qualifies me to judge his arguments, but it does make for some food for thought. |
Pam's recipe for a long and happy marriage is a lot of give and take, and always making up any arguments or quarrels before going to bed. |
The growing acceptability of economic arguments over human values are making female children a 'bad investment' in patriarchal societies. |
I found their arguments reasonable and a moderately acceptable update on the original book. |
The secession of the southern states of America in the spring of 1861 did not reinforce the arguments of the federalists. |
The crowd jeered when the trustees refused to hear arguments about Hall's exclusion. |
Merton's arguments are often hypothetical, but the logic is always watertight on closer scrutiny. |
I've no doubt there all kinds of holes in this logic, and many examples that could suggest these arguments are less than watertight. |
Of course, sometimes we have arguments about things, but we're always on the same wavelength. |
The arguments have already been well rehearsed against the SPL teams jetting off to sunny climes. |
As well as affecting the way we judge other people, moods also influence our susceptibility to weak arguments. |
The news channel had the story, albeit with a few inaccuracies and weak sauce arguments, but still. |
Having spent a year immersed in the event, Sloan is wearying of the same old arguments, revisiting debates she thought were closed years ago. |
Nursery nurses claim the council has provoked the action by ignoring their arguments for an increase in their hourly rate. |
One theorizes that perhaps Darger was replaying arguments he was too meek to engage in during the day. |
Are the arguments of those who predict a radical change in the nature of 21st century wars that groundless after all? |
His arguments are lifted straight from standard young earth creationist sources, as are his methods. |
Really, given the spurious arguments these jokers advance for and against the cross, this is as good a compromise as we can possibly get. |
Your Lordship has well in mind the degree to which the arguments found favour and to which they did not. |
The conversation was taking on the kind of circularity I've experienced in arguments with religious zealots. |
Mother-daughter arguments are normal at this stage, but it's definitely worth putting some effort into improving the relationship. |
Sometimes arguments are put up which courts do not deal with because they do not have to deal with it. |
I've never been convinced by such arguments, although in this case it was put very adeptly. |
For more than a decade, we knew only one thing, to settle arguments through the barrels of our guns. |
No doubt there are some very good arguments to be had about the need to reform the exam system, and the process of university admission. |
I've done jury service twice and both times there were one or two people on the jury that couldn't follow relatively simple arguments. |
By whatever arguments killers attempt to make in justification of their acts, they must be punished in accordance to the law. |
Race arguments were dismissed and problems were believed to be attributed to the juveniles ' family situations. |
In an adversarial system of justice, however, judges are expected to crib from the arguments, ideas, and research of the adversaries. |
It is the classic adversary system which overlaps with a two-party system, and the arguments and votes are often predictable. |
He was a prime advocate of arguments supporting the holding of terrorism suspects without access to courts. |
That does not mean they have not availed themselves of legal arguments where it was advantageous to do so. |
An account of knowledge should illuminate sceptical arguments and show wherein lies their force. |
There are a handful of rapid-fire arguments worthy of Aaron Sorkin or David Mamet. |
And what is there to life if a man cannot hear the lonely cry of the whippoorwill or the arguments of the frogs around a pond at night? |
If the Court refuses that, there are some interesting arguments about how one determines ratio decidendi. |
Purely rational arguments often fail to capture potential political audiences, so appeals to emotion are extremely useful. |
In arguments of this form, all three propositions are universal, affirmative, and assertoric. |
The audiotapes will be released shortly after the conclusion of each of the arguments. |
It is well worth a read and many of the arguments here will be relevant to the Japanese situation too. |
Most readers of this magazine have a biblical worldview and are inclined to accept your arguments. |
All that liberal democracy requires is a rational attitude, that is, a readiness to listen to critical arguments and to learn from experience. |
But one of the strongest arguments on behalf of sports agents is that they can help athletes preserve and grow their wealth. |
You know the arguments over the superscript, the kerning, the proportional spacing. |
We will come to that in the later arguments but this is all in the realm of the unwritten law. |
The purpose of a debate within the party is to get the facts out and educate those who are less well informed with reasoned arguments. |
This is a time for cool heads and reasoned arguments, not for bluster and provocation. |
I totally repudiate all of my ignorant, racist, unfactual and ahistorical arguments above. |
Opponents of the ban have mobilized several arguments, each of which warrants attention, discussion, and effective rebuttal. |
But their decision to rest their case without presenting a defence rebuttal allows closing arguments to begin as early as Wednesday next week. |
Dalyell's arguments for immediate recall of parliament seem to me to be unanswerable. |
They are not sincere, he says, and he does not even bother to recapitulate their arguments or try to refute them. |
Participants recapitulated their major arguments and group discussions highlighted recurring themes and issues. |
Debate recommenced in the Commons, with tempers starting to fray, and fewer and fewer MPs following the detailed arguments. |
Many of those who voted in favour did so with a reluctance somewhat aside from the military arguments. |
Accounting records and practice have also been presented as evidence to support arguments relating to major social and historical issues. |
Opening arguments are expected tomorrow in the trial of a former Klansman in the 1963 bombing of a black church. |
Having wonky analytical arguments may be good for policy but politically it's disastrous. |
We wanted to teach kids English, too, but we had to use years of educational research and wonkish arguments to make our case. |
Two goals, defensive mistakes, arguments, shots cannoning off the woodwork, it had it all. |
There are no knock-down arguments and there is legitimate disagreement even amongst like-minded experts. |
To me, at least, the arguments have always seemed too woolly to be entirely convincing. |
Many of them had a hard time developing clear arguments, explaining themselves fully, and understanding their own situation. |
There have been countless arguments over the years about the worth of level wind mechanisms on boat fishing reels. |
Lawyers can read such things and see what hasn't been said and pose necessary questions and reframe arguments and so forth. |
The documentary's portrayal of the gigs, rehearsals, arguments and partying is refreshingly honest. |
He left no writings, but his arguments were recorded in many volumes by his pupil Clitomachus. |
This is an enormous leap, for the bulk of Prof. Budziszewski's arguments aim to refute opponents of capital punishment. |
Both traditionalist and progressive arguments were mobilized in those parts of France where regionalism was strong. |
On Africa, for example, world leaders must not stumble over labyrinthine arguments concerning trade versus aid or governance and conditionality. |
Critics have poked holes in her arguments, alleging that her renowned depth of knowledge is shockingly shallow. |
The arguments have already been well rehearsed against the teams jetting off to sunny climes. |
In a long judgment the judge carefully rehearsed the arguments on each side before dismissing the application. |
But it's a thought provoking, perfectly-timed September 11th yahrzeit piece, that had me rethinking its arguments this morning. |
One of the most persuasive arguments against reintroducing the classical gold standard is the fact that we are now no longer on it. |
Several arguments are made for the laicizing of abusive clerics, even first-time offenders. |
The arguments that many have made, relative to the so-called failure to connect the dots, appear to be specious, at best. |
The arguments did not go down all that well in a nation whose people are still profoundly convinced that America remains the land of the free. |
It is written in a smooth and engaging style using accessible language without simplifying the arguments. |
Its contents consist largely of warnings, remonstrances, assertions, arguments in favor of certain doctrines, narratives for enforcing morals. |
Is there a relatively large group of people or an area that could be swayed by such arguments? |
Both load up their arguments with gobs of personal invective, which also makes me suspicious of their arguments. |
This consists of a laundry list of arguments that anyone who has followed this dispute for any period of time has heard over and over again. |
In it, she examined the kinds of arguments heard to support and attack feminist positions. |
Such views do not differ essentially from the arguments used by anarchists during the time of Marx and Engels. |
The zombie intuitions on which such arguments rely are controversial and their soundness remains in dispute. |
On their own, these arguments contribute to the anatomy of urban tribes begun in the first section of the book. |
But there are arguments and arguments, and it may be said that I have fastened on the wrong one. |
Just learn to defend your ridiculous arguments instead of simply resorting to name-calling. |
You're obviously going to leave it at that as you fail to find any more solid arguments to my replies. |
Many right-wing posters make the accusation that left-wingers fabricate their arguments. |
It is inconceivable to pay legal eagles to go over the same arguments again and again. |
The book broke apart the puzzle pieces which he had spent decades clamping together into airtight legalistic arguments against God. |
Many of the arguments made thus far sound like excuses rather than legitimate reasons. |
After three days of courtroom arguments, the 12 men of the jury retire to decide if the boy is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. |
If nothing else, it triggered a series of spats and arguments that continue to reverberate. |
There were territorial conflicts, wars, civil disputes, arguments and resentment. |
Basic assumptions are having to be revisited, old arguments dredged up, canonical material critically scoured. |
More generally, antilogy names the basic rhetorical theory that two contrary arguments may be given about everything. |
The article is almost purely rhetorical, with virtually nothing of substance offered in terms of legal arguments. |
Many of these arguments from the early 1980s now appear rhetorically overextended, with too many unsubstantiated leaps across discursive spans. |
Hence the rhetorician who wants to persuade by arguments or proofs can adapt most of the dialectical equipment. |
It goes beyond this of course, and makes arguments and is at home in liberal democratic politics. |
For liberals to make such arguments effectively, they must first take back their movement from the softs. |
Liberalism, not conservatism, was the default ideology because Roosevelt made his arguments in stark and clear ideological terms. |
Even if one forgives his poetic license with the facts, the book fails on the grounds that its arguments are incoherent. |
I am sick of hearing the ridiculous arguments about civil liberties and tradition. |
Then, by weighing arguments and applying rules of logic, the thesis and antithesis are united into a synthesis. |
Here we take a look at the history of antitrust laws and examine some of the arguments against them. |
When we follow our conscience, we weigh the arguments and do what we recognise to be right. |
The light-hearted banter often gives way to arguments before someone intervenes with a joke to lighten the mood. |
Those arguments proceed to the rigidity and arbitrariness of imposed standards. |
Such arguments simply portray investors as a mob that reacts to events for no apparent reason. |
The time is ripe for arguments such as those presented in this book to be taken and discussed seriously. |
Consistent findings across two very different industries would show that our arguments have general application. |
One of your arguments is that a relevant matter in approaching our constitutional problem is that the respondent is resident in South Australia. |
He was at the University of Chicago yesterday to road-test some of his book's arguments. |
I always enjoy the arguments presented in favor of liquidating our business. |
But the rest of you, listen up, because I've got compelling arguments with which to convince you, or your friends, if you're already a believer. |
He supported his genetic arguments with inferences from anthropology, archeology, geography, and linguistics. |
That was the end of any correspondence with the Law Society or any further arguments about whether he would be struck off the roll. |
It is exactly like the arguments your parents gave you when you were little. |
I've heard all the standard arguments about how romaji themselves are fashionable here in Japan, it doesn't necessarily matter what they say. |
These arguments have now been tested in a political arena for the first time. |
Following the accident, heated arguments were exchanged between the two parties which later resulted in a scuffle. |
Section 3 shows that the operation ARG allows a satisfying analysis of prefixes and particles that introduce new arguments to the verb. |
This paper focuses on the semantics of implicit arguments and compares it with that of explicit indefinites. |
Is The New Rhetoric about the arguments people make, or about the process of argumentation? |
In addition, some of the economic arguments proposing financial Armageddon if we vote no are unfounded. |
He said that in any home, rows and arguments were commonplace but there was a line that should not be crossed. |
The logic of certain arguments requires that we entertain them up to a certain point. |
With opinions and arguments completely lacking in evidence, logic or relevance, this stuff is irresistible. |
What scientists frown upon is levelling arguments based on rank ignorance and logical fallacies. |
Some have even taken these arguments to their logical conclusions and have called for the end of the capital gains tax. |
Euclid made repeated use of axioms that he had not stated, without which his arguments are not logically valid. |
As he pointed out in the late 19th century, many of those arguments are logically incorrect. |
Along with Ruskin, Pater is the late-nineteenth-century English art historian whose writing and arguments remain of living interest. |
Loud arguments and minor scuffles are a common sight, as the long wait wears down patience. |
The arguments over how London's underground Tube network should be run continue to rumble on. |
He has read the runes of the times better than many of his critics, even if there can be arguments about his tactics and strategy. |
It is the low-mindedness of this poem that carries its most urgent arguments. |
Irrespective of differences and arguments his loyalty to socialism never wavered. |
I note the council's arguments about the value of the surplus in assuring a choice and range of sites. |
The gut reaction was based on three arguments whose wisdom had been proved by long experience. |
There are a number of solid arguments that plants too are responsive organisms, that they too react to pain. |
Gender complementarity is meant as a meaningful alternative to arguments about gender difference versus sameness. |
How many times do we need to see the same old arguments made and the same sources quoted? |
Fortunately, these un-American arguments are destined to fail with the American public as the issue ripens. |
They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it. |
But, it remains, at root, a critique of imperialism and, as such, is not so different from the arguments hurled by Leninist regimes and militants during the cold war. |
Saar remains unmoved by the arguments that such ads will simply migrate further underground. |
I have attended a few of his talks, which are blessed with cogency, wit, and deeply researched and clearly presented arguments. |
She operated at a time when eugenic arguments were very much in vogue, harnessed by both sides of the birth-control debate. |
The Daily Beast picks the most cogent takes on the arguments in the two marriage cases before the Supreme Court this week. |
While all of these arguments contain a kernel of truth, close analysis shows that they are disingenuous at best and downright misleading at worst. |
Glitches provide a grace period for you to strengthen statements, missions, arguments and other words-worthy endeavors. |
She will tack toward narrow and safe decisions, forgoing grand, sweeping arguments when simple ones will suffice. |
Previously campaigners have put forward worthy-but-dull arguments about decentralising democracy and developing regionalism along the European model. |
The commission was supposed to be examining the arguments for tightening up the use of the death penalty. |
His argument on poverty relies on questionable assumptions, and he conflates arguments against corporate globalization with antiglobalization in general. |
His arguments were well grounded, and his beliefs gradually gained supporters inside the army and in Congress, but his untimely death in 1881 stalled modernization progress. |
After stating that it fully concurred in the holding and reasoning of the district court, the Supreme Court proceeded to develop arguments in different directions. |
They are easily led astray by persuasive talkers, advertisers, and politicians because they have not developed the skills necessary to analyse and judge their arguments. |
Recently there has been discussion about the metabolic state of the ocean, with arguments questioning whether the open ocean is net autotrophic or net heterotrophic. |
I don't believe that you can build a conclusive argument either for or against a ban, as there are inevitably going to be serious holes in both arguments. |
The drunkenness, heated arguments and ribaldry of The County Election return in The Verdict of the People, which focuses on the counting of votes. |
Yet in 2010 liquidationist arguments no different from those of Schumpeter suddenly regained prominence. |
This, in fact, is one of their big arguments and it works well to confuse base lines. |
We judge our seriousness not only by the quality of our prose and lucidness of our arguments but by the caliber and seriousness of the enemies we choose to take on. |
Like most arguments about realism in politics, this is a dubious one. |
My Lord, I do not propose to rehearse the arguments that were put forward by Mr Kovats and, indeed, that your Lordship has considered in the judgment. |
Many have provided scriptural justification to support their arguments. |
In other words, the arguments used to justify the ban have proven false. |
Your Ladyship's judgment is clear, and what I do not propose to do is to run through the arguments already heard in front of you, which are recorded clearly in the judgment. |
The arguments for genetically modified organisms that have been dinned into us for 15 years are based on an almost sublime misreading of the world's food problems. |
There have always been arguments amongst anglers whether or not multi-coloured beads and various flashy attractors really enhance your catch rate. |
In fact, opposing sides of the issue are still clinging to the same flawed arguments as they were when Crawford was adjudicated. |
Of course, there are lots of other minor arguments on the issue, but when all is said and done, it all comes back to the issue of progressive cultures vs. primitive cultures. |
They're smart enough to think about and articulate arguments coherently. |
On the surface, the scuffle merely reflected differing opinions about the arguments deployed last week at the Supreme Court. |
Attestations of his uncanny powers as well as arguments that question them are found in a report of a narrative related by a man named Bartley Coen. |
The logic of their own arguments will lead the Green leaders to call for the police truncheon and harsher punishment against anti-nuclear activists. |
Still, Cuffee had reached a large audience with his procolonization arguments. |
Sometimes they find themselves in agreement with conservative arguments and say so aloud. |
Pragmatic social science is concerned not merely with elaborating an ideal in convincing normative arguments, but also with its realizability and its feasibility. |
His Honour accepted the arguments of the Repatriation Commission that the remunerative work a veteran was undertaking was the last work done by the veteran. |
Open-carry activists are known for baiting cops into on-camera arguments about the Second amendment and state laws. |
Some critics have made the same sorts of arguments about the remote and effete president. |
Fearey told him he needed to balance his anti-nuclear views with pro-nuclear arguments, Doyle recalls. |
Early advocates of the free market, like Adam Smith, made two distinct arguments for capitalism. |
This readability allows readers less familiar with the arguments to rapidly acquaint themselves with the usual analysis of capitalism's post-war golden era. |
This is why arguments for little to no federal oversight of education are so disturbing. |
Overall, the weight of the empirical evidence supports these essentially conservative arguments for the minimum wage. |
Constitutional arguments aside, there do seem to be some better ways to create conditions for upward mobility among newcomers. |
And he did it with arguments that many civil libertarians found disingenuous, at best. |
It is why I am equally antipathetic to fundamentalism of a non-religious kind, where people just keep parroting a view regardless of the evidence or the arguments. |
There have been long-running arguments across the UK about repatriation. |
The House of Lords in reasoned judgments rejected those arguments. |
As happens with arguments that start in bars, the men hauled their ducks to a farm pond and raced. |
What would the legal arguments be on either side if a Committee member wanted to challenge the legality of the use of the rattan on a 17 year old? |
He's shown them his graphs and charts, made his reasoned arguments. |
Still, it was just a run-of-the-mill rhubarb, barely worth comment, which is true of most such arguments between arbiters and managers or players. |
Are you suggesting that rational arguments are not very important? |
Strong arguments were made for reasons why there should not be an amusement arcade in Kildare Street, including that it is proposed within a designated conservation zone. |
The weakness of any case becomes clear when the logic used to make the arguments is strained, selective and irrelevant. |
Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments, or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived. |
From the arguments, you can see there unfolds a contradictive rule book. |
Moreover, he felt that one of the traditional arguments for God's existence, the argument from design, contains a vital clue to the nature of creation. |
The administration's arguments justifying the wholesale abrogation of civil liberties are by no means limited to an emergency response to an immediate threat. |
With Davenport he showed that any real indefinite diagonal quadratic form, in 5 or more variables, takes arbitrarily small values for nonzero integral arguments. |
When dealing with people who seem to have basic socialist principles but are dead-set against immigration, what arguments can convincingly win them over? |
Plus, our cheat sheet of the arguments for and against U.S. intervention in Libya. |
You may think it is a mere talkfest, but there are actually complex arguments around ownership of property and the ability to make money from farming. |
He seemed happy to dismiss these arguments with a conspiratorial smile. |
Tensions were also high between soldiers from Italian 1st Regiment and those from France, with arguments and quarrels among the soldiers leading to duels. |
The whole treatise represents the arguments of an Apollinarian. |
But isn't an apologist for racism who uses racist arguments a racist? |
As long as the United States was the economic primus inter pares, those arguments were hard to gainsay. |
The Sixth circuit offered not one but eight arguments to allow states to ban gay marriage in its deeply weird ruling. |
These criticisms are not quibbles over details, for these texts are among the Arthurian documents cited and used as sources for the arguments put forward. |
Yes we still had arguments, sometimes blazing rows but knowing we were in this for the long haul we sat down and talked about it and I mean really talked. |
Why, he asks, cannot the protagonists accept that their opponents' arguments, even if not entirely watertight, may nevertheless be partly correct? |
His penchant for big questions, his lucid and often limpid prose, and his willingness to pose unconventional and unpopular arguments have combined to make him a must-read. |
I was so stunned by the shabbiness of their arguments that it made me wonder how powerful this multitrillion-dollar industry is. |
He was rude and antagonistic to my friends, kept picking arguments and was often deliberately provocative, manipulating people into tense arguments. |
To understand this, we have to retrace some of the arguments. |
Belief in mercantilism began to fade in the late 18th century, as the arguments of Adam Smith and the other classical economists won out. |
Language syntax treats adpositional phrases as units that act as arguments or adjuncts. |
Luther rejected Karlstadt's arguments and considered Zwingli primarily to be a partisan of Karlstadt. |
Bishops Tunstall, Stokesley and others were not won over by these Protestant arguments and did everything they could to avoid agreement. |
The petitioner gives the first presentation, and may reserve some time to rebut the respondent's arguments after the respondent has concluded. |
Logicians analyze how analogical reasoning is used in arguments from analogy. |
These arguments, which are presented in written form and can range in length from dozens to hundreds of pages, are known as briefs. |
Sometimes lawyers are permitted to add to their written briefs with oral arguments before the appeals judges. |
Unlike the modern jury, these men were charged with uncovering the facts of the case on their own rather than listening to arguments in court. |
The court accepted the arguments, dismissed the jury's verdict and the case was freshly heard in the high court. |
Bishops were in agreement over the articles until the Pope disapproved and then Becket repudiated his arguments. |
An axiom or postulate is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments. |
It also provides for sanctions against the attorney or client for harassment, frivolous arguments, or a lack of factual investigation. |
The lack of a uniform language has been a cause of concern, with arguments in favor of both English and Bengali. |
The Court then hears oral arguments and, immediately afterwards, meet alone to vote. |
When a principle becomes customary law is not clear cut and many arguments are put forward by states not wishing to be bound. |
Although the relationship between intellectual property and human rights is a complex one, there are moral arguments for intellectual property. |
The arguments that justify intellectual property fall into three major categories. |
The Rules grant trial judges broad discretion to admit evidence in the face of competing arguments from the parties. |
The Leveller Thomas Rainborough responded, relying on Overton's arguments, that the Levellers required respect for others' natural rights. |
Locke's arguments on property and the separation of power greatly influenced the American Revolution and the French Revolution. |
After a public enquiry was held in 1980 arguments continued for over five years with Sayer vigorously opposing the route through the moor. |
Allen met every one of his arguments with a forceful counterargument. |
It's too bad his interesting arguments and observations are wedged into such an uningratiating book. |
The belief in heterogeneous or ability grouping has often been accompanied by ethical and moral arguments. |
Will embroider your initials on shirts and buttons, to save any arguments over which shirt belong to who on family washdays. |
Those are serious arguments, befitting a serious antagonist. |
The usual weak arguments from adulating monarchists from their position of on their knees with eyes to the floor, is, she has to be impartial. |
Ghaemi's arguments lies in emerging evidence that amphetamines might actually worsen ADHD and bipolar disorder. |
However, any excessive scholarliness that does not advance the arguments in the paper is also a result of satisfying his comments. |
The petitioner-lawyer said that the bench had no jurisdiction to seek arguments on the maintainability point. |
The Brain Trust made some arguments for regulations then that they are now still trying to get into the law, Heuschel says. |
She did not want her newly discovered sense of oneness to be overrun by left-brain judgments, arguments, and fears. |
On the one hand, an amicus should not reargue the arguments made by the parties to a case. |
In the end Plantinga sees design arguments to fail as proofs of a designer, but then distinguishes design argument from design discourse. |
If you are cajoled by the cunning arguments of a trumpeter of heresy, or the praises of a puritanic old woman, is not that womanish? |
Pro-circumcisionists have marshalled as many arguments in its favour as anti-circumcisionists have marshalled against it. |
In contrast, his essay on coffee offered no more than a rambling and trite presentation of the arguments against anticoffee legislation. |
These are only some of the fundamentally fraudulent antistimulus arguments out there. |
Atheological arguments are arguments for the conclusion that God does not exist. |
In predicate logic, an atomic formula consists of a predicate together with its arguments, its arguments being terms. |
Their favorite method was bludgeoning us with the same old arguments in favor of their opinions. |
Government MPs sympathetic to the opposition's arguments are starting to break cover. |
I found Tonya's speech heavy in Coulterisms but lacking in substantive arguments. |
If those arguments must be rejected, then it seems that the advocates of enduring color should favor a dispositionalist theory. |
Neighbours would strain to hear if the fast passionate arguments were being conducted in Italian or high-speed Dublinese. |
Subordinate clauses may function as arguments of the verb in the main clause. |
In spite of Barnes' work, arguments over the strength and depth of Constantine's religious conversion continue. |
This essay is a good one in that it comprehensively outlines all the major arguments on this issue. |
Hobbes advances detailed critical arguments why the Vulgate rendering is to be preferred. |
During 2004, a select committee of the House of Lords scrutinised the arguments for and against setting up a new court. |
Darwin scorned its amateurish geology and zoology, but carefully reviewed his own arguments. |
This proposal was thwarted by arguments over property rights, as property owners were surreptitiously shifting their boundaries. |
Now there may have been a series of arguments, which led them to reject Francis. |
Those who logicize in favour of belief, state their arguments very briefly. |
It grew out of his dissatisfaction with the Monologion's interlinking and contingent arguments. |
Following the arguments of David Dumville, Alcock felt the site was too late and too uncertain to be a tenable Camelot. |
They also function as arguments in such constructs as participial phrases and prepositional phrases. |
Michael of Cesena had asked Ockham to review arguments surrounding Apostolic poverty. |
Burke imitated Bolingbroke's style and ideas in a reductio ad absurdum of his arguments for atheistic rationalism, demonstrating their absurdity. |
Burke claimed that Bolingbroke's arguments against revealed religion could apply to all social and civil institutions as well. |
Chesterton and Shaw were famous friends and enjoyed their arguments and discussions. |
But, the way to express those arguments should be a public speech or writing, not in a way that causes actual harm to others. |
Orwell liked to provoke arguments by challenging the status quo, but he was also a traditionalist with a love of old English values. |
When his father was home, the Dwights would have terrible arguments that greatly distressed their son. |
Although moral arguments did play a secondary role, they usually had major resonance when used as a strategy to undercut competitors' profits. |