The disciples have gnarled hands, rough faces with the grime and sweat of an arduous day at their fishing nets. |
And since this group of malignancies primarily affects elderly patients, such a procedure is particularly arduous and sometimes impossible. |
The sheer harshness of the desert environment made onward movement an arduous task. |
At birth, Noah's father, Lamech, prophesies that his son will comfort humanity in its arduous labor. |
The crown's administrative staff and the army's families began arriving in droves, taking the arduous sailing route around the Cape of Good Hope. |
One day she'd like to compete in the Olympics and even the Ironman, the most arduous triathlon in the world. |
Should self-catering become too arduous, however, she is still across the road from her mum and dad and down the street from her grandmother. |
Many pilgrims report seeing the doves-pair when they trek the arduous route to pay obeisance before the ice-lingam. |
He needs to do so to affirm popular and Congressional support for an arduous campaign. |
We are in an arduous process of learning how to live together, and togetherness is our only option. |
Her working hours increase, her pay is cut, and the conditions under which she must toil become increasingly arduous. |
In spite of weeks of arduous campaigning, she is buzzing with energy and raring to get stuck in to her political career. |
If prolonged crouching becomes arduous, a portable stool provides a reasonably comfortable perch amid the stubble. |
It was a totally new experience for all on board and it also proved to be an arduous one. |
Beneath a white tent, men in green forensic suits began the arduous task of exhuming her body. |
The brain associates completing the arduous learning task with the reward of a vigorous hand shandy. |
He highlighted the strong dedication of the ground crews in maintaining the Hornets in arduous conditions, and also thanked the families. |
During 30 weeks of arduous training he learned first aid, survival techniques, physical training and marksmanship. |
The film also doesn't stint on the darker dimension, as evidenced by the company's several long, arduous treks. |
The attack took place along an arduous trek into the wildlife sanctuary on Kapiti Island which is heavily wooded at this time of year. |
While biting off more than one can chew is arduous, the practice concept is necessary. |
Makinen is also a past winner, all of which will make the most arduous rally in the WRC a hot contest. |
This is an arduous task by hand with a series which converges as slowly as this. |
Lincoln shook her head with misplaced appetite for this latest in an intermittently arduous concatenation of sterling scuffles. |
It is slowly raised upright, a careful job made more arduous by high heat and humidity. |
Then, a flight of 24 hours, arduous at the best of times, becomes an unbearable ordeal. |
In many, energy loss is so overwhelming that physical movement is arduous and grinds to a paralyzing halt. |
Requiring your bartenders to cut the lemons and muddle them in front of the customer each time a drink is ordered is too arduous. |
The steps towards tolerance and understanding between the communities will be slow and arduous. |
Although the task was somewhat arduous, everyone pitched in with good humor. |
It was only in 1994, after arduous negotiations, that Bayer reacquired its trademark. |
The tours of duty for high-risk bomb disposal operators are unreasonably long and arduous. |
The road starts to twist and turn and there are a few ups and downs too which make for a more interesting, if more arduous, ride. |
For birds wintering at that northerly location, spring migrations may be less arduous, leading to increased survival and breeding success. |
Our panel of adjudicators now have the arduous task of selecting a winner from the long list of nominations. |
It is easier than the showjumping medal event, but tough on a horse that has completed the arduous cross-country section just the day before. |
She labored under the arduous burden of trying to achieve clarity at a time when the government places an understandably high premium on secrecy. |
The time has come for the American working class to begin the arduous task of constructing an independent political party. |
Will, however, did not succumb to what Maria feared, but actually managed the arduous task of keeping his big gob shut. |
There is a perception that Milan have the least arduous route to the final. |
It is his escape from an arduous and unrewarding job and the home he shares with his mentally-ill mother, troublesome children and stressed wife. |
Before becoming a Mass server one had to learn the Latin responses and this was a long and arduous task. |
Approach difficult people and arduous tasks with a light and positive attitude. |
Armed with machetes they worked with their woodsmen in the arduous task of trail cutting. |
The smile stayed on his face as we drank the tepache, and as we began the arduous task of hacking a path back up the mountain. |
It is now possible to hire out the equipment needed to assist you in this arduous task. |
Morse suggests that young people took turns at stirring the hasty pudding, commentating that it was a long and arduous job that belied its name. |
Her latest solo record bid is probably the most hazardous and arduous challenge that she has faced. |
Artists say that getting their art shown in galleries is an arduous and difficult process. |
This is a long and arduous task, one that the authorities admit has had only very limited success to date. |
It is an arduous journey of spiritual sublimation and distillation to even get to the point where the Oath is even an option. |
The government is grappling with the arduous task of providing relief to distant islands. |
It had been a long and arduous journey from her home in Scotland and she was weary to her bones. |
Despite the arduous task of bringing in money, the Arts Support group had an excellent time. |
Technology has rendered once arduous tasks easy and opened up a world of possibilities for ordinary people. |
It also seemed that the younger and frailer you were, the more arduous were your physical tasks. |
This two and a half day nonstop boat trip is just part of the arduous journey to bring help. |
Michael's task is an arduous one, but critical to the well-being of 2.5m people. |
Following a long and arduous journey which took him through Syria, Cyprus and Turkey, he made it to Britain. |
The Meath man believes his players need to work hard as a team and foresees an arduous training schedule. |
Their habits are such that they can only be caught in special lobster pots, and the fishery for them is relatively expensive and arduous. |
People came from Norway on an arduous, and in some cases terrifying, voyage, vividly described here. |
I don't believe I have ever heard this arduous role sung with such lyrical beauty, tonal suavity. |
I invite the Minister to take a call to confirm whether it is true that the requirement for consultation under this amendment bill will be long and arduous. |
Few whites believed that blacks had the right stuff to tackle tricky and arduous long-distance flights. |
This game was played in horrid conditions and the stiff breeze that blew from one corner flag to the other made point taking arduous even at the best of times. |
In fact, these prehistoric Olmec Indians prized chocolate so much that they buried a pot of it with dead dignitaries, to get them through the arduous journey to the next life. |
On purely practical terms, Edinburgh can be reached from London in less than an hour, while the journey to Halifax is long, arduous and involves changing trains. |
With the election so finely balanced, deceased early voters could yet swing the election, without the arduous duty of having to stick around for the legal disputes. |
The effort of climbing the long, arduous switchbacks to the Keansani Pass was eased by the glorious view back down the valley every time we paused for breath. |
He made the tasting far less arduous than his younger, more dashing, but decidedly less droll counterpart who was running the show this time around. |
At the end of the day which was usually long and arduous she would take dictations from her husband and that is how the Annals came to be first drafted. |
After two strenuous months of hard work, mid-term had finally arrived for the Army Academy High School cadets on Arduous Prime. |
Should that benefactor be reading this column, I should like to point out to them that writing a weekly column for the paper can be an arduous and demanding task at times. |
Zinman did not quite observe Elgar's arduous modulations, some within the span of a mere two-to-three bars, from crescendo and pianissimo to decrescendo and fortissimo. |
It's slow and arduous and takes great concentration under the best of circumstances. |
Even more striking are the courteous and collegial manners displayed, even during the arduous filibuster in the Senate. |
Once the budget has been creatively handled, a director still faces the arduous task of casting. |
Afterward, Cartwright says, he reassured Koh that the process, however arduous, had been valuable. |
Race walking is as, if not even more, arduous than many other categories, yet exponents are seldom acknowledged in the same athletic conversation. |
It can be a long and arduous task and very often ends in failure. |
Thanks to everyone who gave their time and effort to the arduous task. |
All this requires much arduous, painstaking, and sometimes confusing work. |
It's a good time to encounter difficult people or attempt arduous tasks. |
This was a crucial game for Ilkley not least because of the need to show some form as the team prepares for an arduous final few weeks of the season. |
Proposing a hallucinogen as a solution is a real arduous process to get authorized. |
With the Cairngorms next on the list for national park status, this walk provides a flavour of the spectacular northern corries without being too arduous an undertaking. |
The routes are remote and just arduous enough to appreciate the stops when Pedro the muleteer will pull down a freezer bag of home-made lemonade and a bottle of fino. |
The road menders provide an example of how the citizens of Nowhere might come to volunteer for arduous but necessary labour and even find pleasure in it. |
Stage coach travel was rugged and slow, with long distances being an arduous and tiring journey over primitive roads, subject to delay and often impassible in muddy weather. |
Bailey, who is also dating the director, said working on a Leigh production was incredibly arduous. |
She explained that setting the wheels in motion and getting something done about the building was a long and arduous process that would involve many different agencies. |
It is tough on Maloney that the arduous assignment of a UEFA Cup tie at home to VfB Stuttgart is being billed as if it were the equivalent of finishing school for the player. |
Although he has been part of several groups in his various adventures in the past, he has spent a great deal of these arduous treks in the company of Sir Ranulf Ffiennes. |
Walking from and to the car parked a block away was an arduous trudge. |
The responsibilities are arduous and trusteeship is a high-risk position which, if not conducted competently, can carry four-figure fines or even a prison sentence. |
The information may also be passed on to divers, who are working in arduous conditions, battling poor weather and visibility as well as up to four metres of silt. |
The months ahead seem rife with arduous ER shifts, lavish vacations with bosom friends and endless opportunities to glam up for nocturnal lounging. |
My father, who awakened my interest in music as an eleven-year-old, was a keen duettist with a good library of such material and the ability to make arduous practice fun. |
The chorus of wails prepared me for the arduous battles which lay ahead. |
The bulky costume, with four-inch platform boots, and the torturously administered make-up, made it an arduous role. |
Survivor reaches as many as 28 million viewers who watch contestants win a new Pontiac or guzzle Mountain Dew after scaling an arduous cliff. |
Mike looked up from the arduous mountain trail. They'd been climbing for five hours and he was beginning to feel irritable. |
Great-heartedness leads us to undertake great and arduous works in every kind of Virtue without taking fright at their magnitude. |
After an arduous traversal of the Chaos outside Hell, he enters God's new material World, and later the Garden of Eden. |
After an arduous march, the Americans attacked Quebec City on December 31, which was decisively defeated. |
Sheep farming in the mountains of Wales is an arduous task, particularly when the traditional techniques of farming are followed. |
Cooper then began two years of arduous performing, including a tour of Europe and a stint in pantomime, playing one of Cinderella's ugly sisters. |
Faith should be a matter of arduous struggle and self-doubt, but the partygoer wants the experience to be easy, immediate and elevating. |
It is autumn and Father John Paul sets out on the arduous annual pilgrimage to Barra's highest point to polish up the island's iconic statue. |
Upon this principle, I give my vote for Mr Johnson to fill that great and arduous post. |
Then followed an arduous process of ratification of the Constitution by specially constituted conventions. |
Traveling through the hilly Ardennes, it is one of the longest and most arduous races of the season. |
The road to the Olympics is already long and arduous enough. |
The synaesthetic frenzy of youthful play is though, again, followed by a narration of the arduous seasonal nurturing of crops. |
Bringing a plasticiser to the market is an arduous and lengthy process for companies who have made significant investments over the years. |
The arduous exercise is the culmination of their fieldcraft and military skills training. |
Dates and fish fed pearl divers during their arduous work at sea gathering the harvest that fuelled the region's economy before the discovery of oil. |
Considered an endangered phenomenon, the monarch butterfly's arduous migration stretches 3,000 miles from the Rocky Mountains to Oyamel fir forests in central Mexico. |
The second farm is called Great Meadowbrook, and the couple undertook the arduous job of digging out large numbers of rocks and converting cornfields to orchardgrass. |
Correct potato husbandry can be an arduous task in some circumstances. |
A change in classrooms, new office, new exhibit, or summer vacation may require the arduous task of disassembling the behemoth of a terrarium so that it can actually be moved. |
The working week can be an arduous affair packed with tough challenges and choices, but deciding where to grab a business lunch needn't be one of them. |
Then we began the arduous task of recreating the oak scrubforest, pine-oak forest, and ericaceous, or acid-loving, shrubland that existed before the landfill. |
There is a comfortable inn at this picturesque spot, where those who purpose speeling the lofty Ben generally prepare for their arduous undertaking. |
However, wanting to have Snoo Snoo and getting there can be an arduous journey with many pitfalls so I think it would be best for some people to be aware of these obstacles. |
Accustomed to more arduous tasks, the Montubios dance without the wild display seen in the salsatheques, with their heads held high, some without shoes. |
To be sure, that makes our efforts more arduous than in the past, since we are expected to create our ideals from within our breast in the very age of subjectivist culture. |
Although establishing the effectiveness of juries is an arduous task, contemporary research has provided partial support for the proficiency of juries as decision makers. |
Today, this provision is sometimes taken for granted, but in the days of the Articles of Confederation, crossing state lines was often arduous and costly. |
Gordon Moore reported, Fisher was a very exacting master and I had at times long and arduous duties, long hours at the engine room telegraphs in cold fog, etc. |
After an arduous conquest, the peninsula came fully under Roman Rule. |
But communications were arduous, and the power centre was far away. |
When finally, sometimes after a prolonged arduous effort, his answers came forth, his statement stood before us like a newly created piece of art or a divine revelation. |
Sailing around the Horn was an arduous journey for sailing ships. |
It was quite dark when, after an arduous climb, the sheriff made his tortuous way through the chaparral to the point where Anthony Garland should be stationed. |
Beyond the river, an arduous slope rises 3286 feet in 13 miles. |