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How to use arduous in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word arduous? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The disciples have gnarled hands, rough faces with the grime and sweat of an arduous day at their fishing nets.
And since this group of malignancies primarily affects elderly patients, such a procedure is particularly arduous and sometimes impossible.
The sheer harshness of the desert environment made onward movement an arduous task.
At birth, Noah's father, Lamech, prophesies that his son will comfort humanity in its arduous labor.
The crown's administrative staff and the army's families began arriving in droves, taking the arduous sailing route around the Cape of Good Hope.
One day she'd like to compete in the Olympics and even the Ironman, the most arduous triathlon in the world.
Should self-catering become too arduous, however, she is still across the road from her mum and dad and down the street from her grandmother.
Many pilgrims report seeing the doves-pair when they trek the arduous route to pay obeisance before the ice-lingam.
He needs to do so to affirm popular and Congressional support for an arduous campaign.
We are in an arduous process of learning how to live together, and togetherness is our only option.
Her working hours increase, her pay is cut, and the conditions under which she must toil become increasingly arduous.
In spite of weeks of arduous campaigning, she is buzzing with energy and raring to get stuck in to her political career.
If prolonged crouching becomes arduous, a portable stool provides a reasonably comfortable perch amid the stubble.
It was a totally new experience for all on board and it also proved to be an arduous one.
Beneath a white tent, men in green forensic suits began the arduous task of exhuming her body.
The brain associates completing the arduous learning task with the reward of a vigorous hand shandy.
He highlighted the strong dedication of the ground crews in maintaining the Hornets in arduous conditions, and also thanked the families.
During 30 weeks of arduous training he learned first aid, survival techniques, physical training and marksmanship.
The film also doesn't stint on the darker dimension, as evidenced by the company's several long, arduous treks.
The attack took place along an arduous trek into the wildlife sanctuary on Kapiti Island which is heavily wooded at this time of year.
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Examples from Classical Literature
No conceivable advantage to the lemming is known to have ever resulted from these long and arduous marches.
The linesman is closely connected with the referee in every way, although his duties are not really arduous.
This, he said, was due to him after his arduous time in the Macedonian mountains.
In the evening she relieved Nadine Holt from her arduous duties in the sick-room.
The Sheriff was away, down at Fredericton for a holiday from his arduous duties.
The Cameroons, larger than the Fatherland, took much longer to subdue, and the operations were of a more arduous nature.
The assent had been arduous for a gentleman inclined to portliness and with wind impaired by tobacco.
For example, had he been bigger and older, or had he not been a gentleman, my task had been considerably more arduous, not to say dangerous.
The rise of the caddie from clubhouse outcast to supping champagne in the team room at Gleneagles was a long and arduous process.
The task was an arduous one and required the better part of a month, though he built but one small room.
From the cursory view here taken, it must clearly appear to have been an arduous part.
A local velocipede club sprang up in March, 1869, and two members completed an arduous 200-mile ride to London.
He had proved it already by two years of unremitting and arduous care.
Dr. Ryle's work as our first Bishop was a difficult and arduous one.
Every thought was bent to attain the end, no labour was deemed to arduous.
How arduous and delicate they were may be readily understood.
It is I, not she, at this rate, that must fail in the arduous trial.
Engage not in so arduous and important an enterprise immaturely.
The Balinese dances require many years of arduous and constant training.
She puts into her pocket more than a third of the profits, in defiance of my most arduous exertions to prevent her.
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