This is an approximation, the original was even more toe-curling, if you can believe it. |
In that year Briggs gave a numerical approximation to the base 10 logarithm of e but did not mention e itself in his work. |
We may perceive effects as real but they are in no way approaching even a rough approximation of reality and probably never will. |
In a rough approximation, it works the same way as lint, and lint's users will need very little time to understand how to use it. |
A similar algorithm was later developed which allowed rational approximation of continuous functions defined on an interval. |
He gave a wonderful series of lectures on special functions, asymptotic analysis, and approximation theory. |
Thus, model fluorescence data was blurred by convolving it with the triple Gaussian approximation of the PSF of the objective. |
We've got computer projections of drift according to the weather and charts which give us an approximation of survival times. |
At this level, many learners achieve a close approximation to the skills of the native speaker of the target language. |
It was also introduced to Europe and the famous Aylesbury duck of England is, if not exactly the same variety, a very close approximation. |
The continental slope would therefore give, apart from rare exceptions, a good approximation of the precise extent of the continent domain. |
The surgeon also strives for a functional repair of the muscles and an aesthetically pleasing approximation of the skin edges. |
It is possible to include a first-order approximation of mass transport influence in the distribution analysis, based on compartment models. |
He returned to problems that had interested him earlier in his career, such as problems concerning approximation and interpolation. |
Later in his career, he taught courses on differential geometry, interpolation and approximation, and probability theory. |
His main work was on the constructive theory of functions and approximation theory. |
The approximation of the integral is most accurate if the lattice points lie in the high-density region of the integrand. |
In 1802, he wrote a paper on the approximation of decimal fractions by common fractions. |
The effects of bending are neglected to first approximation, and the dominant resistance to indentation is taken as the isotropic tension. |
Techniques for circumcision vary from excision without suturing to wound approximation with sutures and the use of tissue glue. |
The result is a near approximation to the original, and the English version is a treat on its own merit. |
I had made my escape from Alcatraz, survived the storm-tossed Irish sea, and was back in civilisation, or a decent approximation thereof. |
He also stomped and slapped his bare feet with a wicked approximation of a flamenco performance. |
This approximation was adopted in the model because of the mathematical difficulties in solving non-linear systems of equations. |
The only approximation of the classification which could have been created would not have been fit for purpose. |
To a good approximation, the geoid is an oblate spheroid whose major axis is about 0.3 per cent longer than the minor one. |
McAlmont is capable of real emotion, not Armstrong's ersatz approximation of feeling. |
He found a divergent series, the first few terms of which gave a good approximation to the integral. |
He has made a fairly close, but not exact, approximation of page breaks, and preserved the numbering system fairly well. |
Of course multivariate approximation includes methods other than radial basis functions. |
Here, I supplement that approximation by a two time scale analysis allowing for modeling a system including slow buffers. |
A method to obtain a good approximation to the trisector of an angle by Euclidean construction is also given. |
These are not his actual words but they are a pretty close approximation from memory. |
Omar Khayyam combined the use of trigonometry and approximation theory to provide methods of solving algebraic equations by geometrical means. |
As the titles suggest, the two workshops focus on approximation algorithms and randomization. |
It can be seen that the approximation does not have a large effect on the results. |
The electrostatic interaction energies between the different sheets may be recalculated in the dipole approximation from simulation data. |
I was on my knees as I said these things, kneeling near the end of my bed with my hands joined in a vague approximation of a person praying. |
The red ink can also be read as a rough approximation of America's indebtedness to the rest of the world. |
Omar Khayyam, known chiefly in Europe as a poet, combined trigonometry and approximation theory to solve algebraic equations using geometry. |
Now Stirling's formula is a classical approximation for the factorial function, and factorials are one way to evaluate binomial coefficients. |
Using this approximation in Maxwell's equations we see that light travels along null geodesics. |
You're trying your best to create, in front of the camera, some approximation of the real world. |
Although a crude approximation, this also suggests that roughly 3000 caribou perished during this event. |
As a first-order approximation, spin densities and covalencies can be considered as complementary data to each other. |
Archimedes also gave an accurate approximation to p and showed that he could approximate square roots accurately. |
As a first approximation of winter range, I plotted museum specimen records by month on maps of the Western Hemisphere. |
The potential of mean force can also be derived from Eq. 18 based on the harmonic approximation. |
The main question is how close this approximation is to the actual quasistationary distribution. |
People in an approximation of street dress meet on the run and couple up for fleeting moments. |
We can make this reasoning more precise with the Markov chain approximation. |
First, the asymptotic results provide a very reasonable approximation for the velocity even for a much lower level of cooperativity. |
Therefore, as a first approximation, we considered all ionizable residues in their neutral forms. |
If we chop off an infinite cfe after a finite number of steps then we will create a rational approximation to the original irrational. |
The translog form provides a second-order approximation of the true cost function at a point. |
Here's a nice little political survey which gives you an approximation of where you are on the political spectrum. |
The current difficulties of the Ukrainian government in achieving approximation of the Law of Ukraine with the Law of the European Union. |
This approximation was justified by the argument that the relative lengths of any two segments are only very weakly correlated. |
The story, which is performed in an approximation of a Beijing Opera style, is simple. |
For participants in the glue group, similar approximation was achieved with single circumferential application of tissue glue. |
I could find the words that would get my message through with some approximation of what I actually mean. |
For him, translation requires an act of engagement that goes much deeper than a word-for-word approximation. |
Once Fido performs even a close approximation of the trick a reward follows. |
Rhuddlan was the closest approximation to a town in pre-Norman Wales during its brief periods under Welsh rule. |
Thus, the classic Kok model is just convenient first-order approximation to the real case. |
Without a fully linear structure to the economy, at best an inflation index is an approximation. |
The Montessori environment, though wonderful in many ways, often is just an approximation of what we already have in our homes. |
Consisting of basic shapes and pieces lifted from existing ships, it's a very loose approximation of what the final ship mesh will look like. |
While the conditional distributions are not computationally tractable for models of interest, they are amenable to approximation, as we describe below. |
To the second point, Reinhart and Rogoff had, to a first approximation, zero actual effect on policy. |
There are, to a first approximation, zero healthy adoptable babies in the US foster care system. |
He knew that when some irrational number produced a very large quotient then it could be rationalised to produce an extremely accurate approximation to some irrational. |
That there is only one of Him is not just a first approximation, it is also the last word on the subject, and it makes the concept of Godhead a notably tense one. |
Using this approximation ansatz, several problems concerning planar rods reduce to elementary geometry, as seen from the following simple but illustrative examples. |
This volume presents the most up-to-date information available on a posteriori error estimation for finite element approximation in mechanics and mathematics. |
What he is talking about is not an approximation to the Golden Mean. |
Most of the work in quantum mechanics was in the Galilean approximation. |
The hallucination is visually incoherent, either a rough approximation of text or a random assemblage of letters. |
Rotational contributions were estimated in the semiclassical approximation for the free rotor considering both monomers and dimers as rigid molecules. |
Such a charge is based on a vessel's gross registered tonnage as a practical approximation to recover the costs associated with delivered benefits. |
This is the closet Bordo comes to a phenomenological approximation of what it was like to be Anne Boleyn. |
In a perfect vigesimal system of numeration, the third term should be 400 but the Maya took 18 X 20 because 360 was a closer approximation to the length of the solar calendar. |
Using their method requires the ability to draw samples from an approximation to the joint distribution of the test statistics when all null hypotheses are true. |
His results concern the approximation theory of almost periodic functions. |
There still remain unproven conjectures such as the finiteness and consistency of any superstring theory, past the first three terms of a certain approximation scheme. |
And all people groups can freely intermarry, resulting in a closer approximation to the genetic richness that would have characterized Noah's family. |
Give them the information they need and then play them off against each other until the sum you're being offered is a fair approximation of what you want to receive. |
It was found that an interwound configuration describes the data well, provided interactions among supercoils are accounted for in the second virial approximation. |
Einstein resolved this paradox by recognizing that Galilean invariance is just an approximation, valid for speeds much smaller than the speed of light. |
In the first major step, the input models are preprocessed to build a hierarchical data structure which is as an approximation to the input models. |
Molecular mobility within preserved biological materials provides a first approximation of the rate of deteriorative reactions that ultimately affect shelf-life. |
At the time Corps engineers called their approximation a standard project hurricane, equivalent to what today would be called a fast-moving category 3 storm. |
It may also be used as a typographic approximation for the multiplication sign. |
The ray approximation of classical mechanics breaks down when the de Broglie wavelength is not much smaller than other dimensions of the system. |
A metric ounce is an approximation of the imperial ounce, US dry ounce, or US fluid ounce. |
While Britain certainly was Romanized, its approximation to the Roman culture seems to have been smaller than that of Gaul. |
The modern cognates of original words have been used whenever practical to give a close approximation of the feel of the original poem. |
These three laws hold to a good approximation for macroscopic objects under everyday conditions. |
The approximation actually ignores events such as coarticulatory effects across word boundaries. |
In practice, it is usually only possible to find the slip direction of faults, and an approximation of the heave and throw vector. |
Then, using minorization maximization algorithm based on an affine approximation, we obtain a solution for the reformulated problem. |
For these materials a proportional limit stress is defined, below which the errors associated with the linear approximation are negligible. |
Treating fructose as a stand-in for HFCS might not be a bad approximation. |
Separate feed and wash lines allow approximation of production scale centrifugation process. |
Trench, Inverse eigenproblems and associated approximation problems for matrices with generalized symmetry or skew symmetry, Linear Algebra Appl. |
On the other hand, Hooke's law is an accurate approximation for most solid bodies, as long as the forces and deformations are small enough. |
There is a possibility of using neural networks, because of their ability of approximation of any nonlinear mathematic function. |
Examples are methods such as Newton's method, fixed point iteration, and linear approximation. |
Mr. Johnston gives the total number of active volcanos as 270, which is probably the best approximation. |
There are also thousands of preexisting part programs that use a short line segment approximation of a NURBS surface. |
It is proven that the Pade approximation is the best approximation of a rational function. |
The book can be used for a graduate course on Diophantine approximation, or as an introduction for non-experts. |
TissuGlu is indicated for the approximation of tissue layers where subcutaneous dead space exists between tissue planes in abdominoplasty. |
The authors use the Born-Oppenheimer adiabatic approximation and show the parametric method for calculations for polyenes and acenes. |
For still water the velocity head is zero, and to a good approximation it is negligible for slowly moving water, and can be ignored. |
However, a Riemann sum only gives an approximation of the distance traveled. |
Over the past few decades, computer scientists have designed computer algorithms that produce a good approximation of true randomness. |
Wright's solution was a numerical approximation and it was another 70 years before the projection formula was derived analytically. |
Rational approximation to holomorphic functions on compact subsets of their domain of holomorphy is a most classical aspect of function theory. |
Classical mechanics is the same extreme high frequency approximation as geometric optics. |
In slow-roll approximation and in longitudinal gauge, we find the primoradial perturbation spectrums for this scenario. |
This process can be easily observed in experiments and used as a good approximation to many real data. |
Now, it can be shown that if we make the assumption of radial locality, we will get 'correct' wavefunctions and energies in the linear approximation. |
In the closest approximation the meeting had to the Champion Chase he headed Grakle, the 1931 Grand National winner, approaching the last and beat him by a length. |
It is shown that the spherical approximation is not suitable for describing passivants and that, instead, they have to be regarded as complex quantities in reciprocal space. |
To describe the time dependence of the winding angle we must look for a periodic function, because motion of the point is periodic to a good approximation. |
In this talk, I will discuss the Dyer-Roeder approximation, phenomenologically characterized by the smoothness parameter, from an observational viewpoint. |
For the propagative modes, the problem is reduced to a rational approximation on an interval of the negative real semiaxis, similarly to in the isotropic case. |
The sum of all such rectangles gives an approximation of the area between the axis and the curve, which is an approximation of the total distance traveled. |
He continues with approximation methods, perturbation theory, quanta in crystalline materials, various matrices, harmonic oscillators and photons, and fermions. |
They cover polynomials, Bezier curves, rational Bezier curves B-splines, approximation, spline curves, multivariate splines, surfaces and solids, and finite elements. |
The repeated measurings of one monument result in a mean approximation to something actually existing, and this is an excellent definition of an average. |
Within the literature on polynomial approximation, until recently the case of the real semiaxis was not as complete as, for example, the finite interval case. |
An elevation matrix approximation provides us with very small, regularly placed units which can overcome many of the problems of choropleth representation. |
Finally, a zeroth order approximation of the diffusion rates necessary to sustain corrosion suggests that the reaction should not be diffusion controlled even in solid wood. |
Mallat, Bandelet image approximation and compression, Multiscale Model. |
The combined setup gave a fair approximation of the ideal events, at the expense of increased friction and wear, and the mechanism tended to be complicated. |
Newtonian mechanics has been superseded by special relativity, but it is still useful as an approximation when the speeds involved are much slower than the speed of light. |
To minimize error in the approximation, the custom software uses the deviation of the guiding center derived from the magnetic field line pertubatively. |
If classical thermodynamic equilibrium conditions for matter are fulfilled to good approximation in such a 'cell', then it is homogeneous and a temperature exists for it. |