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How to use apportioned in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word apportioned? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
After all, if there was incompetance, then it deserves to be equally apportioned to all governments and intelligence agencies.
The deal merely apportioned the cabinet posts among power contenders without dissolving the factional militias.
In these cases, the companies' revenues were divided in half and apportioned between the two countries.
If the company's accounting period straddles two financial years, the profit is apportioned and charged at the appropriate rates.
The professional team comprises of the following consultancies and their anticipated professional fees are apportioned thus.
If blame were to be justly apportioned, it would have to extend into the distant past of American foreign policy formation.
Medium-sized terrapins still relied on small snails but apportioned more of their diet among large snails, blue crabs, and fiddler crabs.
Fixed charges usually known as shop expenditure and establishment expenses or shop oncost and office oncost, are apportioned to the various jobs.
Indeed, if blame had to be apportioned for the tedious first half offering then the finger need only be pointed then prodded at Exeter.
They complain that the best walkie-talkies are apportioned to the staff who come more in contact with the officers than those always on the move.
According to the proposals, employers could only be apportioned cash from the surplus on liquidation of the fund or to avoid possible job losses.
Half of the seats are apportioned to winning parties and half to candidates elected from so-called single-mandate constituencies.
Even the finding that had been available to the town had been apportioned to arrive over a two year period.
The interim constitution had specified that at least 25 percent of seats be apportioned to women.
Most of that, we think, is apportioned to assaults, particularly linked to alcohol.
Once approved, the budget should be prorated and apportioned among the MEAs according to their programme expenditures.
We shouldn't be surprised that our industry will be in the front line when blame is being apportioned.
In case of partial dismissal of a case, legal cost shall be apportioned amongst the parties taking into account of their rightfulness.
Storage overheads were apportioned to materials, in proportion to their value, then the workshop overheads were applied to the work accounts according to an hourly rate.
If, however, the 60 deputies had been apportioned to the various constituencies on the basis of ordinary mathematical equality, the results would have been as follows.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Representatives are apportioned among the towns according to ratable male polls, state residence, two years.
No fascicle of five leaves, that I have examined, is equally apportioned among its five members.
Where was that apportioned two dollars which he was to earn by the end of the week?
It was unfortunate for Irene and Lorna that Mabel had been apportioned to them as a roommate.
The net profit is then apportioned according to agreement, the share of each partner being credited to his capital account.
So Talalafai was apportioned iva on the one side, and Muliangalafai on the other.
According to the report, when a couple gets divorced in a community property state, the assets are apportioned based on very specific rules.
He organised his followers into bands and apportioned to each its task.
One was apportioned to her, and the woman stood by while she undressed.
The bridegrooms and brides were apportioned in the following order.
Of this preparation a tolerably abundant plateful was apportioned to each pupil.
God is just, and whatever was apportioned, it was good and right.
Our lots in life are apportioned by the Almighty according to our human deserts.
On this calculation the allowance is apportioned to the tonnage.
The book was done in a quarter of the time he had apportioned to it.
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