As we departed, the family's teenage son rode up on a reindeer, its fuzzy rack of antlers almost bigger than he. |
A bull moose, with small, velveted antlers in spring, could do little more to defend a calf from a grizzly than could a cow. |
A yearling will have velveted antlers 10-18 inches and the neck mane will be very short. |
I had been in place no more than 15 minutes when I saw the antlers coming through the brush. |
The reindeer are always depicted as having antlers, so Santa's outriders must all be females. |
It moved again, and with a start of surprise I realized it was the antlers of a nice mule deer, bedded in the brush. |
Female reindeer retain their antlers until after they give birth in the spring. |
They resemble in these respects similar grooves on the antlers of moose and elk and the frill and horns of Triceratops. |
The next reason is for commercially valuable by-products like horns, antlers, pelt, bones, feathers and casques. |
One is covered with fur, adorned with antlers, and mounted like a hunting trophy. |
Out of its hole it resembles a tompot blenny in shape, but without the antlers and the smile. |
It is a mouse deer of the genius Tragulus, but mouse deer don't have antlers. |
Some of what we call horns and antlers are made of keratin, and some are made of calcium. |
Ammonium carbonate is a byproduct of hartshorn, a substance extracted from deer antlers. |
Since then the head has been examined by experts and is found to have antlers with 16 points. |
Look out for deer, particularly stags, which in late March shed their antlers. |
They made fanciful designs with dots, lines and geometric patterns on walls, antlers and other things. |
To confirm his thoughts, a stag passed by the clearing in which the pine stood, and was caught by its antlers in thick brambles. |
It was part of Ben's family coat of arms, the Great Ash surrounded by four elk with formidable antlers. |
For the next month male deer will be irritably scratching and shaking their heads until their majestic antlers fall off. |
After the fuzzy velvet is stripped off, the antlers of both males and females become a pure, shining white. |
The older members of the herd have full sets of antlers and prominent wooly humps, but they only walk. |
Solid horns, called antlers, distinguish most species in the deer family from the other hoofed mammals. |
One summer morning a rack of antlers was visible in the distant meadow where the night before a pack of 14 wolves had taken down a bull elk. |
Such skulls, with their enormous racks of antlers, adorn the walls of castles and hunting lodges throughout Ireland. |
Growth of an organ, such as a buck's antlers, requires additional nourishment and that means additional blood flow. |
Megaloceros had large palmate antlers with a span up to 3.7 m and a weight around 45 kg. |
From several metres, the youths take turns lassoing the antlers with rope, like cowboys rustling cattle. |
Stags can defend themselves with their antlers but the hinds have no defence and are often attacked by the hounds. |
Female reindeer are the only deer species to grow antlers as well as the male, but they only sprout in winter. |
Naked bone, such as antlers become after velvet is shed, cannot function in heat transmission because their blood supply is lost. |
Reindeer, both wild and semi-domesticated, are the only members of the deer family in which both sexes grow antlers. |
The ditch around Stonehenge would have been dug using animal bones and deer antlers to loosen the underlying chalk. |
The antlers of the giant deer, or Irish elk, grew as large as 10 feet across. |
Except for female caribou, only male deer grow antlers, which they shed each year. |
The principal season for deer harvest was August to January, based on patterns of mandibular tooth eruption and antlers attached to male crania. |
The two branch fork antlers are yellowish-red in the surface and have sparse, rough hair. |
They grow from pedicles that form at puberty and which, in time, become permanent protuberances from where antlers bud and are cast seasonally. |
And he had the bishop's apron framed, and hung it in the parsonage hail, from a red-deer's antlers, with the name and date below. |
The young bucks in the herd had been rubbing their velvety antlers clean on the blueberry canes. |
Older bulls lose their antlers in December, following the rut, while the younger males may keep theirs as late as February. |
Male reindeer, known as bulls, shed their antlers after the autumn rut and they are no longer dominant. |
Atop the squared hilltop we spy the silhouetted form of a stag with magnificent antlers. |
This is thought to explain the enormous antlers in species such as the Irish elk. |
Unfortunately his antlers and part of his back have been erased by dripping water but otherwise he is still strong and clear. |
With its curved and branched antlers, the Kanha barasingha is often considered the most handsome deer. |
A motley collection of bones and antlers is nailed to the woodshed. |
When you observe the ruminants, he went on, you see that they all lack upper incisors, and they all possess horns or antlers, a four-chambered stomach, and cloven hooves. |
Along the street, a gift shop, with its huge taxidermically stuffed moose head with a full rack of antlers that sits in the window, beckoned us to enter. |
A famous case was his study of the Irish elk, a very large extinct deer with enormous antlers, much greater in proportion to the animal's size than is seen in modern deer. |
The wind sighs in the antlers of a few static deer, a coyote howls. |
They had red skin, and small horns like a buck's newly sprouting antlers. |
The Irish elk finally went extinct when the antlers became so large that the animals could no longer hold up their heads, or got entangled in the trees. |
Excavations of the ditch have recovered antlers that were left behind and after their age was tested it was revealed that the first henge was built over 50 centuries ago. |
Remedies to right the imbalance include snake gallbladder, powdered deer antlers, and rhinoceros horn, as well as hundreds of different combinations of herbs. |
At one point Rachel and Aiden have a freakish incident with a herd of malicious deer, and later there is reference to antlers that didn't seem to have any explanation. |
In the mirror above his bed, a long, reptilian face with a set of branching antlers and short, scruffy whiskers cackled demonically, eyes glowing like twin red suns. |
Bulls and cows in the Tsaatan herd grow velvety racks of antlers. |
A Venetian-style chandelier cast from deer antlers was suspended above. |
Most all investigators accept these radiocarbon dates on the elk antlers as rock solid. |
The mammalian liver can regenerate if a part of it is removed, the antlers of male deer regenerate each year, and fractured bones can mend by a regenerative process. |
Palmated antlers of moose may serve as a parabolic reflector of sounds. |
Other times and places he wore elk antlers instead, or the fibrous horns of a rhino, dancing about the walls of torch-lit caverns with feather and paw, fin and claw. |
Female reindeer rule over males during the short season when males have shed their antlers prior to growing new ones and the females have not yet shed theirs. |
An arrow passes close to the artist's head, which is adorned with antlers, and birds attack, having broken a decorative border of colored paper chains. |
With the grapnel and rope attached to its antlers the animal struggles to get loose and breaks the rope, but not before it pulls the hydrofloat over to a wooden dock. |
During the course of the season the antlers are given to long standing friends of the hunt and the meat carcasses are distributed amongst the hunting landowners. |
The antlers are placed together, held by sandbags and glued with epoxy. |
We organise evening visits to the animal reserve on these two special weekends to listen to the stag's bell and the clashing of the antlers as the animals fight. |
But there is something absurd about the way they circle this territory like two ancient stags, their antlers locked in some primeval combat, whose origins is long forgotten. |
Forty, and I find him, red-spittled, glass-eyed, his front legs folded under him, neck bent, antlers pitched in a bitterbrush. |
He is said to wear antlers upon his head, ride a horse, torment cattle, and rattle chains. |
Frank compare the situation to that of male elks who use their antlers to spar with other males for mating rights. |
The burgh arms of the Canongate display the head of the stag with the cross framed by its antlers. |
Females generally lack antlers, though female reindeer bear antlers smaller and less branched than those of the males. |
This process of losing a set of antlers to develop a larger and more branched set continues for the rest of the life. |
Eventually, with the development of antlers, the tusks as well as the upper incisors disappeared. |
Large deer with impressive antlers evolved during the early Pleistocene, probably as a result of abundant resources to drive evolution. |
Only the stags have antlers, which start growing in the spring and are shed each year, usually at the end of winter. |
A soft covering known as velvet helps to protect newly forming antlers in the spring. |
New Zealand red deer produce very large antlers and are regarded as amongst the best in the world by hunters. |
This allows combatants to assess each other's antlers, body size and fighting prowess. |
If neither stag backs down, a clash of antlers can occur, and stags sometimes sustain serious injuries. |
Once the antlers are shed, stags tend to form bachelor groups which allow them to cooperatively work together. |
Deer antlers are also used for decorative purposes and have been used for artwork, furniture and other novelty items. |
Unlike most cervids, roe deer begin regrowing antlers almost immediately after they are shed. |
Males may also use their antlers to shovel around fallen foliage and soil as a way of attracting a mate. |
Sika stags have stout, upright antlers with an extra buttress up from the brow tine and a very thick wall. |
Japan is the only country in eastern Asia where sika deer were not farmed for velvet antlers. |
Bones can serve a number of uses such as projectile points or artistic pigments, and can also be made from external bones such as antlers. |
A deer's antlers are composed of bone which is an unusual example of bone being outside the skin of the animal once the velvet is shed. |
In most cases, the bone at the base is destroyed by osteoclasts and the antlers fall off at some point. |
Males shed their antlers prior to winter, while female antlers are retained throughout winter. |
Deer bred for hunting on farms are selected based on the size of the antlers. |
In Yorkshire in the United Kingdom roe deer hunting is especially popular due to the large antlers produced there. |
The chalk is high in calcium which is ingested by the deer and helps growth in the antlers. |
A matched pair from the same animal is a very desirable find but often antlers are shed separately and may be separated by several miles. |
Elk, deer, and moose antlers have also become popular forms of dog chews that owners purchase for their pet canines. |
They have the largest antlers relative to body size among living deer species. |
Male reindeer used their antlers to compete with other males during the mating season. |
Calves whose mothers do not have antlers are more prone to disease and have significantly higher mortality. |
They start to work with their antlers just as soon as the velvet starts to fall off. |
Currently, the larger racks of antlers are used by Inuit as materials for carving. |
They have been known to eat their own fallen antlers, probably for calcium. |
Two males will lock each other's antlers together and try to push each other away. |
They are raised for their meat, hides, and antlers and, to a lesser extent, for milk and transportation. |
Reacting to painkillers when velveted, Sovereign II was too sick to grow antlers last year, but has since recovered. |
Off they go to the Jingly Bell Forest where Magnus shows them how he digs with his feet and shovels snow with his antlers. |
Through the patches of lespedeza and partridge pea lining the old fire lane, the hunter could hear antlers crashing together. |
For velvet-buck hunters, the Beaver State offers the opportunity to head afield when a buck's antlers are still covered with fuzz. |
I would recommend looking for a darker set of antlers, possibly a good set of blacktail horns or even a nice Texas whiteail rack. |
Some youngsters came dressed as Santa, while other young carollers donned light-up Christmas tree hats and even Rudolph antlers. |
The deer may have snagged a hold of the net while trying to scratch its itchy antlers. |
Significantly, lifelong growth in the antlers of cervids had been observed in biblical times. |
Changes in the relationship between palmate and cervine antlers in moose in southeastern Norway. |
I saw a deer coming down a tree line headed toward me and immediately saw antlers. |
She also makes a plywood coat rack in the shape of reindeer antlers, the ''Not Rudolf. |
Changes in the relationship between palmate and corvine antlers in moose in southeastern Norway. |
There's a Sunderland-branded dog lead, Leicester City flashing antlers and West Ham United oven gloves to name but a few. |
After antlers are cast, the tissue around the pedicel begins to grow and heal over the wound left by losing the antler. |
Flynn's cabin in the north Georgia mountains is currently decorated in pea green and accented with heavy, masculine fabrics, Western hats and antlers. |
People are also advised to not set their dogs on the muntjacs in a bid to frighten them away as the family pet could come off worse if it corners a buck with 5in antlers. |
The cow is much smaller and has shorter and spindlier antlers. |
As a sub-plot, we have the confrontation between Coolmore and Godolphin, like two great bull moose clashing antlers at the rut to establish supremacy. |
Deer bred for hunting are selected based on the size of the antlers. |
Artisans fashion Powell's antlers into all sorts of products, everything from lavish chandeliers and coffee tables to simple backscratchers and toilet paper holders. |
The set of antlers which hung on the wall was his prized trophy. |
Females in good nutritional condition, for example, during a mild winter with good winter range quality, may grow new antlers earlier as antler growth requires high intake. |
In the Scandinavian populations, old males' antlers fall off in December, young males' fall off in the early spring, and females' fall off in the summer. |
In late autumn or early winter after the rut, male reindeer lose their antlers, growing a new pair the next summer with a larger rack than the previous year. |
The velvet that covers growing antlers is a highly vascularised skin. |
Male and female reindeer can grow antlers annually, although the proportion of females that grow antlers varies greatly between population and season. |
In the velvet antler stage, antlers of elk and deer have been used in Asia as a dietary supplement or alternative medicinal substance for more than 2,000 years. |
The most desirable antlers have been found soon after being shed. |
Discarded antlers represent a source of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals and are often gnawed upon by small animals, including squirrels, porcupines, rabbits and mice. |
Male and female reindeer antlers differ in several respects. |
This is one possible reason that females of this species evolved antlers. |
Although the antlers are regrown each year, their size varies with the age of the animal in many species, increasing annually over several years before reaching maximum size. |
Nevertheless, fertile does from other species of deer have the capacity to produce antlers on occasion, usually due to increased testosterone levels. |
Red ochre and deer antlers were placed in some graves, but not others. |
Numbers of bones, reindeer antlers, and animal teeth were found, with rude pictures carved or etched on them of seals, fishes, reindeer, mammoths, and other creatures. |
The ears are short and very rounded, and both sexes lack antlers. |
Males may speed up the process by rubbing their antlers on trees, so that their antlers are hard and stiff for the duels during the mating season. |
In the 19th century the European nobility discovered among others the red deer antlers as perfect object for fashioning their manors and hunting castles. |
Deer antlers were and still are the source material for horn furniture. |
Male red deer retain their antlers for more than half the year, and are less gregarious and less likely to group with other males when they have antlers. |
Any tines in excess of the fourth and fifth tine will grow radially from the cup, which are generally absent in the antlers of smaller red deer, such as Corsican red deer. |
In muntjac and tufted deer, the antlers as well as the canines are small. |
Though of a similar build, deer are strongly distinguished from antelopes by their antlers, which are temporary and regularly regrown unlike the permanent horns of bovids. |
Their economic importance includes the use of their meat as venison, their skins as soft, strong buckskin, and their antlers as handles for knives. |
The microvilli are in turn covered with a velvety meshwork made of countless sugar-based structures that look a little bit like antlers. These are called the glycocalyxes. |
He was leaning forward, head down, taking one deliberate step after another, both arms behind, dragging his gutted buck by its barely forked antlers. |