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How to use angular in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word angular? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Wide angular shoulders filled out his suit jacket, but it hung loosely to a narrow waist.
It was a compact, efficient two-seater with high ground clearance, sharp angular lines, and impressive torque running off a fission reactor.
Everything about the tower was sharp, angular, like the harsh contortions of a concentrated face lined with spite and malice.
In plan, the fort was of angular shape defined by five straight stretches of boundary.
They were of a copper color that was almost metallic, with black angular markings down the legs and around the waist.
The cover with mock latchet and ring finial and the two-stepped, angular handles on the body are popular features on pieces from 1800 onwards.
First of all, his lank, angular appearance combined with his monotone voice and gloomy disposition aren't very soothing and reassuring.
Like relics from an earlier age, they appeared gaunt, angular, rugged and unshaven!
Many planets of one person's chart fall into the angular houses of the other's natal chart.
When a planet is placed in an angular house, it is performing more powerfully.
Use your angular brush on woodwork and window frames, your trim brush on corners and edges.
Her black hair was tied back very loosely, which made several tendrils escape and hang wispily around her angular face.
On camera she seems angular and frosty, a wintry weather vane, but in real life much softer.
This script is characterised by elegant angular forms that were to vary widely.
His style became less angular, and he used subtle muted colours, sometimes mixing sand with his paint to produce a textured effect.
His style is stark and angular, relying heavily on the use of flat colour and silhouettes.
Of the three Triassic and Jurassic fossiliferous formations, no angular fragments were found from the shell beds.
Continue until the seabed drops, and when you reach the boulder-strewn sea floor, follow your compass bearing until you reach some angular rocks.
Both the anterior and posterior rims of the pleurocoel are rounded rather than angular or acuminate.
He was supping a half of Guinness while looking oddly like a Guinness himself in his black polo neck and angular shock of white hair.
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Examples from Classical Literature
In the phrase angulus primi motus, angulus must be taken to mean angular motion.
Of unusual shape, both round and flat, so a cross-section looks like a dumbbell with angular ends.
When it came around again, he would be able to compute the angular momentum of the gigantic rock.
A breccia is a rock made up of angular pebbles or fragments of other rocks.
Similarly, if a body is rotated round a vertical axis, we perceive only angular acceleration and not angular velocity.
I writhed and squirmed and made every use of the law of conservation of angular momentum until I had my back to Nelly.
The angular velocity is regulated by a Watt's governor, which secures an isochronism of the motion independently of the charge.
The angular velocity of the axle corresponding to a speed of seven miles an hour, is 84 revolutions per minute.
In contrast to Osteocephalus, the dentigerous processes of the prevomers are curved, rather than angular in Phrynohyas.
Thus, the perfect insects have only four walking legs, the caterpillars are all spiny, and the chrysalides are angular.
Raw-boned, angular, cloddish but as strong as a mule, he towered over her in a maddening atmosphere of proprietorship.
Then E1 is proportional to the product of the angular velocity, and a certain function of the current.
The pores or alveoli are angular elongated, white at first, then straw-color.
The dentary lies external to the angular and extends from the mentomecklian to approximately the mid-length of the angular.
The angular and dentary of the lower jaw appear concurrently with the dentigerous bones.
The dentigerous processes are characteristically large and angular and bear numerous teeth.
Either the orbit could not be circular, or else the angular velocity could not be constant about any point whatever.
This angular velocity cannot be any portion of the medium of sensible dimensions rotating as a whole.
Its angular velocity will, therefore, decrease until the highest altitude E is attained.
There is no appreciable radial component in the intermediate layer of fluid which rotates with about half the angular velocity of the disk.
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