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How to use analyze in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word analyze? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It is possible to analyze the kinetics of a reaction using a very small amount of material.
Today, investigators are combing the crash sites and preparing to analyze flight data and cockpit voice recorders for vital clues.
To study a distribution, take random samples from a population and analyze them.
Here's a critique of a recent Web 2.0 mash-up for those who like to analyze tech from a social-consequences perspective.
Having the ability to analyze X-rays and scans digitally from a remote location can be extremely valuable.
For cooperative, conscious patients it may be possible to collect and then analyze expired air.
And while my dreams are never easy to analyze, I'm going to go out on a limb here and analyze what that dog represented.
The final phase is to analyze the strength of the brand to figure out how risky those future brand earnings are.
We analyze the applicative pattern as an argument-structure construction, in terms of this study.
I will analyze the transformation geometry behind the symmetries transformation and tessellations apparent in Escher's drawings.
We're trying to tell them it's the same principle as sending out soil samples to analyze, but we are still running into roadblocks.
Ba-Gua is one of the main tools used to analyze the feng shui of any given space.
The sequencer can automatically analyze multiple runs of 96 DNA samples, making unattended 24-hour operation possible.
In this lesson, you will analyze cultural change as a result of cultural diffusion in various regions.
In print we should analyze the charges in detail and keep an accurate, truthful record of the entire episode.
We analyze the macroeconomy by primarily looking at national output, unemployment and inflation.
I seem to be insinuating the possibility and attractiveness of an ideology that will analyze social ills on a transcendental plane.
It seems appropriate in this connection to analyze selectivity as a characteristic of weapon systems.
Obviously the authors had a unique opportunity to examine the surfaces of large rock slabs to analyze in detail trace-fossil taphonomy.
To analyze the data we employed a combination of qualitative and simple quantitative techniques.
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Examples from Classical Literature
But really, if I tried to analyze why I shanked the ball, I'd drive myself crazy.
It may therefore be satisfactory to analyze the arguments with which they combat it.
A long-drawn inspiration at length relieved him from this enthralment of the mind, and he began to analyze the parts of this vast panorama.
D'Artagnan observed this habit with a pleasure which we shall analyze presently.
In fact this book is a work of genius and, as always with works of genius, it is difficult to analyze the elements that have gone to make it.
I have spent hours in trying to analyze it, to find what it smelled like.
Resurrecting these long extinct genes gives us the opportunity to analyze and dissect the ancient surroundings that have been recorded in the gene sequence.
She could not analyze her feelings, nor did she wish to attempt it.
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