Today I mostly hate people who over-analyse things that don't need analysing. |
The expected value of analysing a single plant specimen, is the expected revenue less the costs. |
It is impossible to capture the magic of Galway and most folk are well past analysing it all. |
Directly above the table is a weblink to the DWP website, analysing Households with Below Average income. |
And the system will not just be analysing deprived areas but also anti-social behaviour in affluent areas as well. |
This is definitely not video, we are using computers to manipulate images in real time by analysing audio input. |
This is achieved by feedback control systems that can learn by capturing, storing, recalling, and analysing information. |
German investigators were to begin analysing information from the planes' flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders yesterday. |
However, such a complex formula would hardly be of practical use for analysing measured pressure relaxation curves. |
Jasmine's head swivelled slowly and located the person that was analysing her. |
Gazza was fed up with people analysing him and wanted to tell his own story. |
In America, Hollerith, working on census returns, developed a machine using electric current and capable of analysing returns at speed. |
Experts analysing the anthrax used in the US attacks are comparing its DNA with a library of strains collected worldwide. |
Allow yourself to feel the concepts in it without continually analysing the argument for consistency and logical structure. |
There is the prospect of analysing the data both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. |
However Dalton did make some contributions on microcosmic salt and on a new method of analysing sugar. |
It's the sort of story which a humanitarian journalist would cover, instead of, say, microscopically analysing one remark by a candidate's wife. |
Businesses will harness on-demand supercomputers for analysing growing volumes of big data. |
When analysing this aspect of the portraits, one historian questioned why the Spanish monarchy tolerated him. |
I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of these psychologists analysing my responses. |
The final sorry part of this sordid tale is the way in which the media and their expert pundits were so uncritical in analysing the information. |
Workers have unearthed buried bombs they say are loaded with anthrax, aflatoxin and botulin toxin, and inspectors are analysing the contents. |
A degree of caution in analysing the figures is certainly justified, but the government's record is not to be sniffed at. |
I have been conducting an experiment aimed at analysing the intensifying silliness, stupidity and vacuousness of the world. |
We are collecting the water samples and analysing it with the atomic spectrometer. |
He explained that the software agents act as virtual astronomers, collecting, analysing and interpreting data continually. |
When analysing survival data, the survival curves should always be plotted. |
By analysing the sources we can see the development of Dutch, via Cape Dutch, into Afrikaans. |
The real proof, pointing directly to particular suspects, is far more likely to come from analysing the paperchase of official records. |
In fact, impartiality is far less important in analysing data than parsimony and rigorous self discipline. |
Two laboratories collaborated in this project, one analysing bone marrow cells and the other analysing gut cells from the same animals. |
Tigress Petrophysics allows petrophysicists to characterise reservoirs by analysing log and core data. |
Once you start analysing your own music or judging it through the eyes of others your bound to get yourself in a pickle. |
Why am I more concerned with analysing and understanding human complexes and the way things are than simpler matters? |
If psychologists had a field day with the managers' pre-match mind games, sociologists can claim an interest in analysing the action itself. |
Economists are not used to analysing the process of European monetary integration in political terms. |
Then I had to go back to school where everyone was analysing and intellectualising everything. |
Gaddis had been working for years on a history of the player-piano, as a means of analysing technology and entertainment. |
In the last five years, I have been spending time thinking, introspecting and analysing life. |
The players huddled together here after a match for a post-mortem of the game, analysing and discussing, striving to iron out the flaws. |
However, most of the people in this industry have been analysing games and gameplay for tens of years. |
An enormous effort will be put into analysing and debating the detail of who precisely said what to whom, and when they did so. |
Even with complete information and investment pros analysing it, returns are no better than if you buy stocks randomly. |
To get a favourable rating, employees may endorse every action of their superiors without analysing its merits and demerits. |
But by analysing the changes made in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, we can see what Jesus did not say. |
Second, Zeno imagines that by writing his memoirs he has been detachedly analysing, and thereby curing, himself. |
At least five sets of exercises are given to students after analysing their hand writing based on the techniques of graphology. |
All assays were made in triplicate and possible interference with cross-reactive substances was checked by analysing a range of dilutions. |
No doubt the Labor Party will be spending a lot of time, money and energy analysing how it so disastrously lost the election. |
He admits that he enjoys analysing India's cricket performance with regular guests on the programme. |
It works non-invasively, by analysing how the mix of gases in the breath of its test subjects alter between inhalation and exhalation. |
At the institute, we study the atomic Fermi gas by analysing absorption images of the expanded gas. |
This may provide a way beyond the generalised extremes of homogeneity and heterogeneity in analysing the necessity and contingency in organisational forms of capital. |
A PhD student will be analysing mosquito fish as part of that project. |
Sophisticated and accurate methods of analysing respiratory gases were developed in the twentieth century, and the mechanisms of external respiration are now well defined. |
Rather than waste precious airtime analysing the motivations of the perpetrators, the series concentrates on poring over the gory details of their foul deeds. |
We are now analysing that expenditure with the aim of realigning it with the research, so that it reinforces what we now know makes a real difference for students. |
Brackett unpacks the idea of a stable racial essence by analysing Brown's music in terms of a black discursive world set in a particular historical context. |
A previous generation of pluralists in both Britain and the United States had endeavoured to dispense with the idea of the state when analysing politics. |
The academics secretly observed them in bars during evenings out, analysing their behaviour in detail for half an hour, then following their success afterwards. |
Various non-docile members of the community, who Campbell attacks, spend a great amount of time analysing his words and actions for anomalies and wilful elisions. |
Evidence showing an association between funding and research outcomes is drawn largely from analysing studies with single sponsors rather than consortia of multiple sources. |
Its rationale is that analysing patterns of care will help to reduce the variation in performance among doctors and lead to improvements in the quality of health care. |
Since the research was aimed at analysing the changes in the usage of communication services, I chose to do the research on chat as explicitly communicational. |
Using polygraphs, sphygmographs, dromographs and other myographs, he succeeded in analysing diagramatically the walk of man and of horse, the flight of birds and insects. |
The system can tell how tired or stressed the speaker is by detecting irregularities in frequency modulation and analysing other factors, he said. |
Though he's been talking about other people's albums with all the restraint of a runaway train, analysing his own work is a different proposition entirely. |
The Saga poll breaks new ground by analysing the difference in voting intentions and opinions between the baby boomer generation and the over-65s who lived through the war. |
Having had no interest in analysing the economic scenario at the macro or the micro level, Biju is interested in examining the minute components of electronic gadgets. |
He has spent his life analysing and opposing injustice and inhumanity. |
Blinding the research assistant collecting the baseline data and the statistician analysing the data to the group allocation reduced potential bias. |
He continued to work productively, analysing the chemistry of chlorine bleaches and preparing hypochlorous acid and chlorine monoxide for the first time. |
The statistical treatment consisted in analysing the unifactorial variance of each dimension under the factor described above. |
While analysing these documents, Artico came across Guglielmi's autography, till then unknown. |
The plasma thermogram test works by analysing heat profile from a person's blood. |
He developed much of the software for automating observations and for analysing spectral line data. |
The Siemens device is the size of a mobile phone and works by analysing a patient's breath and measuring the amount of nitrogen monoxide. |
The methodology he used for the model development was that of analysing the shape of the s-curve profile. |
There are different ways of analysing equations and I prefer to look at elements involved as often either fixed or control variables. |
On top of that, though, the Irish comedian has been spending a lot of time analysing family dynamics for his new TV show, Father Figure. |
Recent analyses have made significant inroads to understanding the Beaker phenomenon, mostly by analysing each of its components separately. |
Napoleon was, and remains, famous for his battlefield victories, and historians have spent enormous attention in analysing them. |
Eliot attempted to repudiate the charge that Jonson was an arid classicist by analysing the role of imagination in his dialogue. |
He was commissioned as an officer in the Royal Air Force, at first analysing aerial photographs and later as an intelligence officer. |
Computers assist in analysing the tsunami risk of every earthquake that occurs in the Pacific Ocean and the adjoining land masses. |
Current procedure for analysing tides follows the method of harmonic analysis introduced in the 1860s by William Thomson. |
The provenance of ocean sediments can be determined by analysing terrigenous strontium isotope ratios in deep ocean cores. |
So analysing and clarifying the way the world is must be treated as a strictly separate question to normative and evaluative ought questions. |
More recently, I have been working with orthodontists, analysing both cleft lip and palate and also congenital hypodontia. |
The results demonstrated that miRNA biomarkers reliably distinguish between affected and healthy individuals by analysing whole blood samples. |
After measuring hundreds of tipped and untipped plants, Room is analysing the data and preparing to simulate the interactions between pest damage and plant growth. |
There are two chapters analysing comic elements in the Conte du Graal. |
Archaeologists are hoping to reconstruct the environment in which the footprints were made by analysing remains of flora and fauna from the sediments. |
Once Mischel began analysing the results, he noticed that low delayers seemed more likely to have behavioural problems, both in school and at home. |
He explained how progress towards the critical point where a stressed rock mass fractures and causes an earthquake can be monitored by analysing seismic shear, or S-waves. |
Data for analysing the responses of the ACTU and the three unions were obtained through the review of policy papers, union reports, and submissions. |
The cards will replace petty cash and help companies in managing, monitoring and analysing the business or entertainment travel expenses of the card holders. |
Replacing petty cash, the cards will help companies in managing, monitoring and analysing the business or entertainment travel expenses of the card holders. |
Importantly, such theorisations are used as the platform for describing and analysing anecdotes and transcripts of teachers' and students' pedagogic acts. |
After analysing genealogy trees constructed using 133 types of mtDNA, researchers concluded that all were descended from a female African progenitor, dubbed Mitochondrial Eve. |
Recent studies have suggested treatment outcome in adolescents with social anxiety disorder can also be assessed by analysing language by means of Corpus Linguistics. |
A Leica DM LS2 trinocular photomicroscope with 100x 10x magnification lens oil immersion was used for taking the photographs and analysing the chromosomes. |
The literature analysing the economics of free trade is extremely rich with extensive work having been done on the theoretical and empirical effects. |
He was something of a disciplinarian, but also impressed his superiors by his skill at sorting out paperwork and analysing recent training exercises. |
This confirmed his suspicions and, along with his experience of analysing historic documents, it enabled him to persuade The Daily Telegraph to pay for forensic analysis. |