The Cabinet opponents seem to amount to little more than a clutch of powerless bleaters. |
Sales of orchids and other tropical plants amount to a huge export industry. |
A substantial curtailment of the growth of ice would amount to a substantial reduction of the absolute size of the ice crystallites. |
The act of siting a caravan, in the open or within a building, does not, in itself, amount to operational development. |
It may be paying a hefty amount to the people who actually steal these prints and copy them, but even that amount would not be too substantial. |
An undisclosed sum that could amount to millions of pounds has been found missing in the accounts of the stately home. |
Although they have been portrayed as opposites, in reality they amount to the same thing. |
It does not amount to a licence to cross-question and monitor every single pregnant woman in the country. |
His proposed 30 cent per share bid would amount to only 40 per cent of the book value per share. |
Procrastinating and prevaricating in the matter would amount to sanctioning an open season on minorities. |
Our studies show it's only necessary to reduce traffic load a tiny amount to make it free-flowing again. |
I mean, what program do we expect to rescue us post-crash when we keep what amount to 40 or 50 unsaved documents open? |
In our submission, that does not amount to drawing, accepting and negotiating a bill of exchange. |
There's a tremendous amount to be learned about socially grounded engineering, design, and evaluation. |
She defended her decision to ask the students for the amount to cover the cost of repair. |
Traffic flows around this island in a counter-clockwise direction, entering and leaving on what amount to off-ramps and on-ramps. |
Then, it either deducts the money from your cashcard, or it charges the amount to your credit card. |
But in a statement today the Basingstoke telco said that while it's had a nibble, it's unlikely to amount to much. |
Mont Source's pomade is very easy to apply, and another great advantage is that it takes a very small amount to get the desired style. |
An enthusiast since joining the Brownies aged seven, she believes the movement has a huge amount to offer. |
Instead of giving presents to friends, donate the same amount to individual charities and give people a vibe of the Christmas spirit. |
If community standards of good taste are substituted for principles of free speech, does that amount to censorship violative of academic freedom? |
The earls and viscounts had claimed their expulsion would amount to a severance from the English past. |
To recognize such an action would amount to judicial interference with nonjudicial functions, such as the conduct of foreign relations. |
Your meeting will typically include visual aids that illustrate the appropriate amount to eat. |
His English vocabulary as yet does not amount to much more than pitch, ball, and goal. |
They claim that state regulatory actions amount to expropriation of their assets. |
The Clippers never will amount to more than playoff wannabes until they plug the gaping holes in their interior defense. |
Steel is made from a non-renewable resource so we only have a limited amount to export. |
The acceptance of this privately drafted law by the Oireachtas would amount to a wholesale abdication of its legislative function. |
We pointed out that this did not amount to hard evidence and that there could be other explanations for what we saw. |
Removal of a child from a parent without lawful authority may amount to the criminal offence of child abduction. |
Since they were not privileged, it is not apparent how their disclosure could amount to waiver. |
The additions of Edgardo Alfonzo, Ray Durham, Jose Cruz Jr. and Marquis Grissom likely will amount to a wash. |
Trade and earnings on international investments now amount to one-third of our nation's output. |
The number of the injured in the explosion amount to more than 1,300, excluding over 160 deaths that have been reported. |
Behind the scenes, the tacitly understood tradeoffs amount to quid pro quos. |
The cost of simply getting a quote or estimate for its repair will likely amount to a fair percentage of the replacement cost. |
I don't want to weigh him down with personal worries that probably won't amount to much anyways. |
Accordingly, the court finds that the defendant owes the full amount to the plaintiff. |
Showing dissent at umpiring decisions can amount to violation of the conduct code for players. |
If so, he also may be liable for state and local income taxes, which combined amount to a rate of 10.44 per cent. |
The displacements of the cytoplasmic moieties of these helices amount to 0.1-0.2 nm. |
The judge has already said that, although there are similarities between book and film, they do not appear to amount to plagiarism. |
It is not surprising that Europeans are prepared to pay a considerable amount to reduce the risk of such a change. |
The bill certainly wasn't cheap even bearing in mind we were comping the Birthday girl, although amongst 15 that didn't amount to too much. |
This will amount to an average of 50 korunas a month per patient, according to health ministry estimates. |
The holder of the wraparound mortgage then forwards the appropriate amount to the holder of the first mortgage. |
That leaves homeowners to cover what could amount to billions in repair costs over the next years. |
Such a position does indeed amount to a form of epistemological relativism. |
A declaration of personal belief can amount to a disloyal statement if it disavows allegiance owed to the United States by the declarant. |
Anything less will amount to a pay cut and that is morally and economically indefensible. |
Please remit the relevant amount to the office at your earliest convenience. |
The point is that there will be all sorts of lapses on the part of solicitors which amount to professional misconduct. |
Does that not amount to the Minister making a conclusive and incontestable decision about a matter of law? |
Their different notions of exactly what that dream was amount to a kind of cosmic disjunction. |
It will be rare for conduct subsequent to a settlement agreement to amount to repudiation. |
I understand that for those of you who are most concerned with the political aspects of this story, this may not amount to burying the lede. |
Still, it's too indebted to its antecedents to amount to any more than a promising footnote. |
If substituting lemons for limes, you need to double the amount to reach the required strength of flavour. |
Counsel was instructed and advised that a single change of user from military to civilian would not amount to a material change of use. |
After all, in their case, the plate on their car could amount to no less than one third of the price of the car. |
Extras for this DVD amount to an illustration gallery, previews, a mini poster insert, and a reversible cover. |
The finding of the tribunal that this did not amount to persecution was upheld. |
Did the normal business competition and healthy professional rivalry they cultivated really amount to a war? |
The barrister also says that his actions could amount to conspiracy to commit criminal damage. |
George's final chapters amount to an eloquent but protracted peroration, liberally laced with philosophical speculation. |
The numbers may well amount to little more than guestimates, however, because the government isn't yet collecting data. |
The structure has eight cylindrical tubes that store the equivalent amount to that of moneybags. |
Of course, in that event, the broker would be unlikely to have paid the equivalent amount to the customer either. |
They just wanted me to donate, monthly, the equivalent amount to half a bag of tea-bags. |
As the region matures, they face the law of diminishing returns where it costs an increasing amount to get less out of the ground. |
For instance, coral polyps amount to natural assemblers as they build their reefs. |
Women have contributed an immense amount to church and mission, and PNG still needs godly women. |
To use, apply a small amount to your wood furniture with a soft cotton cloth and rub it in gently. |
These corruption charges amount to an amount of money that's peanuts compared to the corruption that went on before him. |
However, despite a glowing surveyor's report, there are still leaks, draughty windows, and an incredible amount to do to my little valley abode. |
Considered in the context of the national economy, the policies being pursued amount to fairly systematic deindustrialization. |
To my parents, a couple of cups of sugar seemed a scandalous amount to waste on such an uncertain experiment. |
When someone offered him a paltry amount to take the business off his hands, however, Hughes realised he was not about to give up that easily. |
Effectively, this would amount to a deduction from the total contribution sought. |
It still represents a paltry amount to live on, but is nevertheless something which should have been done a long time ago. |
We dreamed of doing something that would amount to more than a bank balance. |
Many argue that they could amount to an invasion of personal privacy and free choice. |
The particular acts or conduct that amount to a criminal offence or attempt thereat may take many different forms. |
This thing is worth a huge amount to the city of Edinburgh and it would be an obscenity, an act of barbarism, if there was any threat. |
Since those temperatures generally amount to a few million degrees, fusion reactions are also known as thermonuclear reactions. |
Simply to deny P the use of his property, for example, by placing a wheel clamp on his car, does not amount to damage. |
Does not such a claim amount to essentializing the future, a move which is overly captive to the thought patterns of modernity? |
Accordingly, if we did retain conviction, our belief would no longer amount to knowledge. |
Our current fines, applied after many warnings, are so small they amount to a traffic ticket. |
It serves them right for charging a ridiculous amount to park and for not ensuring the safety of our cars. |
Plus, the money I don't spend on meat will amount to a tidy sum as the years pass. |
There really isn't much to recycle in the ordinary light bulb, even the combination of glass and metal doesn't amount to beans. |
Unlawful attempts to unseat him amount to treason and carry the death penalty. |
While there is appeal in the spontaneity and serendipity of these events, they do not amount to community. |
This is especially the case when those words simply amount to belabouring the obvious. |
They often have to be flexible in terms of the compensation packages on offer here, linking a larger amount to the bonus. |
Total investment in the gas pipeline project is expected to amount to 120 billion yuan. |
One of the issues in the case is whether what was described by him was severe enough to amount to persecution or torture. |
It is too early to say whether a fleshed-out proposal and what Congress eventually passes will amount to a game changer. |
Together, they amount to a substantial critique of the history and historiography of witchcraft, sexuality and religion in early modern Europe. |
Also these rules amount to a mild penalty, which induces the players to remain attentive. |
Some of these amount to a biting criticism of our modern healthcare system. |
That, however, is regarded as a radical solution, since it would erode the value of savings and amount to a huge transfer of wealth to borrowers. |
But all this variety and good looks wouldn't amount to a hill of slush without some solid control. |
Currently these businesses contribute a minuscule amount to the total revenues. |
The Vatican's treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. |
The council says the earth moving and other operations carried out on the land already amount to unauthorised development. |
O'Curry's two Irish lecture series amount to an authoritative interpretation of Gaelic society and culture. |
I have an almost infinite amount to say about this subject, but it doesn't look like I'm going to have time to say it for a few days. |
Even the large capital outlays in the area will scarcely amount to the cost of a few regional bypasses. |
If they were applied throughout the UK public sector, he adds, the savings would amount to billions. |
Even divvying up Bill Gates' billions would amount to only a couple of hundred dollars each. |
The numbers amount to a huge under-estimate of the actual rise in state-subsidised helotry. |
The loans, which amount to trillions of yen, are seen as a key hurdle to economic revival. |
On a moderate level of intensity, such feelings would amount to what is usually categorized as cheerfulness. |
The ranks of female players swelled by a similar amount to 132, up from 116 earlier in the decade. |
Capital investment in the energy industry was to amount to 2.7 billion to 2.9 billion tugriks. |
But criminal law experts have cast doubt on whether her actions amount to a crime under English law, and a prosecution seems unlikely. |
This would amount to about three hours per day, with repeats and English language programmes of interest to Gaelic speakers on top of that. |
She had a signed blank cheque of mine and I told her the exact amount to fill in. |
Does that order to cooperate amount to a bar on White House employees taking the fifth with investigators? |
Depending on the facts of the case, a reasonable misconstruction or misunderstanding of such an instrument may not amount to want of due diligence. |
The consequences of a drug conviction amount to the annihilation of citizenship. |
Active-duty personnel alone amount to more than 1.3 million people, augmented by another 800,000 reservists. |
And the costs of litigation amount to chump change for guys who count their net worth in nine and 10 figures. |
The punishments, said to have been carried out after two internal investigations, amount to little more than a rap over the knuckles for the CIA and those singled out. |
The key money and deposit generally amount to two or three months rent. |
And two guests from that weekend getaway later pitched in a small amount to cover costs at the domino exploration. |
Will 3D user interfaces ever amount to anything more than eye-candy? |
Apart from being a tourist attraction, the robot circus at it will amount to the biggest experiment ever in survivalist learning for artificial intelligences. |
This may seem like a good idea in theory, but in practice they amount to glorified extra-credit projects and pointless busywork. |
Yet that still does not amount to full atonement for what he did. |
Giving in, even the slightest amount to international gangsters, will only invite higher prices and worse consequences. |
Some analysts say the charges for oil provision amount to highway robbery. |
But he was never very good at putting things back together so that one of his friends bet another a bag of sweets that Stephen would never amount to anything. |
Does that mean that when the insurance company pays my doctor they also pay the same amount to me? |
He confirmed that failure to do so may amount to a breach of election law. |
That is said to amount to an offer to complete, accepted by Mr Zeffman. |
Yes, I know that it's still hard to know what exactly Bertie says or what he means or what the sum of his winding sentences and tortuous paragraphs amount to. |
It was classic Toryism through and through, including the description of his humble origins combined with the admission that they did not amount to a right to lead his party. |
The question is whether the new policy is adequate to remedy the problems that have mired the space program in confusion and impotence, or whether it will amount to nothing. |
Standing alone, evidence from tree ring research might not amount to much. |
Like the cinematic equivalent of a TV dinner, this movie offers conveniently prepared, familiar ingredients that amount to something less than filling or satisfying. |
The breaches of the Rules in respect of which the Tribunal had found the Respondent's explanations unsatisfactory, did amount to conduct unbefitting a solicitor. |
The music apart, his astonishingly comprehensive sleeve notes must amount to one of the most important additions to Schubert studies for many years. |
Some officials appear multiple times a day during a crisis, which would amount to overexposure for a president. |
The defendant has further submitted that the claimant cannot recover for upset, nightmares or flashbacks as these do not amount to psychological injury. |
Changes made by the committees really amount to nibbling at the margins. |
The taxes amount to no less than a nineteenth of the property. |
Mahesh Bhatt, an Indian director, warned that the disappearance could amount to a publicity stunt. |
Does a religious objection to duty amount to a belief, and does an unwillingness by a volunteer to respond to recall amount to a manifestation of that belief? |
Capital expenditure on modernisation over the next three years will amount to 125 million, according to figures provided by the chief executive in an internal newsletter. |
The Labour backbenches are now stuffed with the disappointed, the thwarted, the fired, the has-beens and those that were never likely to amount to anything in the first place. |
John is deciding whether to deposit the amount to a certificate of deposit with post-tax assets or to make a pre-tax salary deferral contribution to his 401 account. |
Does not the abrogation amount to subverting the justice system? |
He explains why million-dollar grants often amount to little more than chump change given what they need to cover and how disparate groups nevertheless fight over them. |
So penalising the captain again would amount to double punishment. |
The text ends on page 710, the rest consisting of notes and index, and while the notes are sharp and illuminating, some of them amount to mini-essays. |
The mere meeting of competitors to exchange information, without this producing any cognizable impact on the market, would not amount to a concerted practice. |
It said that, under a consortium name of Tirta Ciparen Permai, its total investment during the 25 year concession would amount to over 250 million euros. |
Where the conduct of management personnel is calculated to cause an employee to withdraw from the employment, it may, in my judgment, amount to constructive dismissal. |
This case is not however authority for the proposition that the exercise of a lien against the would-be seller would amount to conversion against the true owner. |
Thus his doubts are unreal, not simply because they are logically irresoluble doubts, but because they amount to the rejection of the whole conceptual scheme. |
Pompholyx is a form of acute dermatitis localised to the palms and soles, presenting as an itchy eruption with vesicles that can amount to bullae if severe. |
Nor do expense allowances that are generous to a fault amount to proof positive that every backbench MP would, given the chance, rob the poor box in the local parish church. |
Private agencies or NGOs carrying out development projects for the Government shall also be directed to pay compensation amount to the landowners. |
Each should contribute an agreed amount to the joint account to meet all the monthly direct debits, and what's left is their own to spend as they wish. |
For them, a few idle asides excepted, America and its works amount to nothing but unbridled wickedness, a brief for gunplay, willful stupidity, and closed-mindedness. |
Police conduct would not amount to improper entrapment where it did no more than present the defendant with an unexceptional opportunity to commit a crime. |
The erection of a farm building on the isolated land north of the motorway to accommodate the turf cutting machinery would not amount to a satisfactory alternative. |
We pay an extraordinary amount to keep the Art Centre, particularly the Playhouse and this theatre alive and as the spot in Melbourne to go and see good theatre. |
It doesn't amount to a hill of beans for the buying public whether you call yourself the Grand Gorilla or Mighty Mouse. |
Since they've changed the standards again, our previous efforts now just amount to a fire drill. |
What acts shall amount to such an acceptance is often a question of great nicety and difficulty. |
Some definitions amount to neutralization, preparing people to engage in deviance. |
Organisers of the event, Blue Nose Promotions, made a donation of that amount to the club's registered charity, the Blueblood Foundation. |
And since light rail costs so much more than buses, devoting money to rail will improve mobility far less than devoting the same amount to buses. |
The downsizing will amount to 10,000 Interior ministry officials. |
For a killing to amount to murder, the actus reus and mens rea must coincide in point of time. |
More commonly, salvage awards amount to 10 percent to 25 percent of the value of the property. |
The idea raised objections on civil and human rights grounds that it would amount to mass surveillance. |
The amount to be withheld is a fixed percentage where the tax itself is at a fixed rate. |
Becoming up in arms against the ACLU and others who are PCing Christmas really will amount to nothing in the end. |
Any such massive capitalization would amount to an investment in America's economic infrastructure as well as its physical infrastructure. |
If a bearer cheque is lost or destroyed the owner shall be entitled to submit an objection to payment of its amount to the drawee. |
Mr Justice Briggs said the trust did not have a right to demote Mr Smith as his Facebook postings did not amount to misconduct. |
It's also possible that the loan holder may adjust the garnishment amount to help make the voluntary payments manageable, she said. |
Based on both experts' testimony, the Court of First Instance decided on the final amount to be paid by the rental company. |
A notary officer added that notarising such messages would amount to violation of the man's privacy, and his right to free communication. |
The receipts soon became a written order to pay the amount to whoever had possession of the note. |
Then Fitzgerald loses the reader with passages that amount to inscrutability or even non-sense. |
All she needs to show is that if moral facts are causally inert, then noncausal moral knowledge would not amount to a massive coincidence. |
The smartest, snappiest, best bred and most highly trained hunting dog on earth won't amount to a hill of beans if he hunts only twice a season. |
In the beginning these were personally registered, but they soon became a written order to pay the amount to whoever had it in their possession. |
When determining the amount to capitalize, guidelines similar to those applied during the acquisition or construction stage are followed. |
Now some of them have set up what amount to internal miniagencies that work with clients to design campaigns for their own pages. |
This would further deepen the divisions in our society and amount to a repartitioning of the North. |
AaAaAa The dam, whose storage capacity will amount to 14 million m3, will rev up arboriculture, greenhouse cultivation and fodder. |
The state estimates the one-day-a-month furlough spread over the 18 months of the plan would amount to a 5 percent cut in pay. |
The thickness could, therefore, amount to several thousand feet of sediment. |
They are a band that in the end does not amount to more than 15 or 20 at the most. |
In Hart's analysis, then, social rules amount to custom that has legal force. |
Such a pronouncement will not amount to a binding precedent, but is instead called an obiter dictum. |
In In re Estate of Joffe, the decedent left her residuary estate to her surviving child and left only a nominal amount to the children of her predeceased child. |
Beatty, in particular, was convinced that Jellicoe had missed a tremendous opportunity to annihilate the High Seas Fleet and win what would amount to another Trafalgar. |
The departure terms for senior workers amount to a form of early retirement, funded by restructuring charges rather than payroll, until the employees reach pensionable age. |
To appeal against an MOT pass is free of charge, but appeals against a failure incur a fee whose value would amount to the normal maximum price of an MOT for that vehicle. |
Thus, after a seller anticipatorily repudiated a contract, we would give the buyer the option of offering the seller an additional amount to perform. |
Here they placed the forefix dia to enarmosis and called this condition a di-enarmosis, This projection of the upper jaw might amount to a few millimetres or more. |
The firm is said to take a company's waste product, said to cost an exorbitant amount to dispose of, and recycles it into a brand new product to sell within the same industry. |
It is not in any way an ex cathedra decision, nor does it even amount to a declaration that no error is to be found in the teaching of the Doctor. |
Levying bodies are similar to precepting authorities, but instead of imposing a charge on billing authorities, the amount to be deducted is decided by negotiation. |
The dividend on the preferred stock shall be payable in equal amount to the dividend on the common stock when, as, and if the Company declares a dividend on the common stock. |
Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. |
Yesterday Mr Justice Birss ruled that the sale of a T-shirt with a picture of a celebrity is not enough to amount to passing off, but said Topshop had overstepped the mark. |
Alternatively, the amount to be withheld may be determined by the tax administration of the country or by the payer using formulas provided by the tax administration. |
Typically, the similar rules amount to a unique set of affixes. |
Although the Advocate General in handing down his decision said obesity does not of itself automatically amount to a disability, it could if the individual was morbidly obese. |
Although crimes may be torts, the cause of legal action is not necessarily a crime, as the harm may be due to negligence which does not amount to criminal negligence. |
It occurred to us to make an experiment to see what degree the tension of the carbonic acid given off by natrium-bicarbonate would amount to, when heated in a closed space. |