It is the excelsior from the tea set that Kenneth mails to Rhoda that she sets afire to murder Leroy. |
Finally, on the day of Pentecost, it was a gaze afire with the outpouring of the Spirit. |
So, every night, they collected a pile of dry wood, ready to be set afire as soon as the morning star appeared. |
My favorite Olympic torch lighting ceremony was in Barcelona, 1992, when an archer shot a flaming arrow over the altar to set it afire. |
Crooked fingers of lightning nearly lit the sky afire, and the thunder crackled like shots from a cannon. |
His bellowed anti-Europe diatribes breathe the monomania that still sets the conference afire. |
Crime is on the increase and the recent setting afire of a police vehicle has raised the level of crime to new heights. |
Cheeks empurpled, spit launching in all directions, eyes afire with outraged vanity, the Colonel will have none of your treachery. |
Several involve body-shaped depressions in the earth that are filled with fabric or other combustibles, set afire and left as an imprint of ash. |
Makeshift devices to take the place of teachers, such as films and television, cannot strike sparks to set students' minds afire. |
Earlier today a large number of protesters broke into our headquarters in Beirut and briefly set it afire. |
It was in these roast yards that the mined ore would be piled and set afire for two or three months to burn off the sulphur in the ore. |
We must set them afire with a charity that comes from God and the love of Christ. |
Children have been shot to death, cars have been set afire and bombs have gone off. |
After the success of Costa Rica, Land of Wonders, the temporary exhibition Pirates, Privateers and Freebooters set our clients' hearts afire. |
The disturbances that erupted on February 10 to overthrow president Aristide left behind them death, looted public offices and stores set afire. |
All day tepee poles, lodge skins, dried meat, cooking utensils, and other paraphernalia from the abandoned Sioux village were stacked in huge piles and set afire. |
The bodies had been piled onto dry branches and logs, doused in gasoline, and set afire. |
Most were put in a pile, doused with gas and fuel oil, and set afire. |
After it had been set afire it was rebuilt in 1577 by the master builder of the Málaga Cathedral, Diego de Vergara. |
White fumes rose from tear gas fired by the French, and black smoke billowed from a roadblock of burning metal drums set afire at the base gates by the loyalists. |
And in the end, the gambling theater is exploded and set afire. |
Herold gave himself up before the barn was set afire, but Booth refused to surrender. |
Intensive-type incendiaries are designed to set buildings afire by their intense heat. |
What had happened was a body had been placed in a dumpster, gasoline was poured into it, and it was set afire. |
Between the reprisals and counter-reprisals, the whole country was soon afire. |
Twitter is afire with thoughts on the Woodward-Politico-Gene Sperling imbroglio. |
The blogosphere was also afire with Palinmania, from Andrew Sullivan to Talking Points Memo to this very site. |
There had been a riot over in C Block at breakfast time, and one of the trusties, suspected of grassing, had been doused in hot fat, and set afire. |
The action began with the shooting of a young man, whose ghost rose from his body and watched the killers pour gasoline over the corpse and set it afire. |
With their backs turned, the soldiers barely heard the slight clicking of teeth, causing a little spark, which immediately set the liquid napalm afire. |
The Worms Cathedral was among the buildings set afire in the resulting conflagration. |
But it had been on Bea's mind ever since she'd nannied for a family that lost everything in afire. |
I know that my family and I are personally greatly indebted to the Toronto firefighters who stepped in to save our home when it was set afire in May of this year. |
But above all, for the stories and legends concerning the Cathars and their heritage, somewhere in the Sabarthes, which impressed him deeply and set his imagination afire. |
Around 600 of their crews were killed and the cargoes confiscated before the merchantmen were set afire. |
The region is afire and oil prices are plummeting. |
Until July 10, the greatest tap dancer of this generation sets the stage afire with his mesmerizing, syncopated rhythms. |
Protesters were also clashing with police in Tuzla and Mostar, and have stormed government buildings and set them afire. |
Crimson-faced but happy, their lungs afire, they step ashore for the ritual ouzo with other seamen from distant shores who share their passion for adventure. |
Alvarado's company made it there first, and Gutierrez de Badajoz advanced to the top of the Huichilcbos cue, setting it afire and planting their Spanish banners. |