Away from the administrative side, Logan feels everything is in perfect order. |
The report shows that assistant and associate professors spent less time doing administrative work than professors. |
The Dzong was built in 1659 and commands a spectacular view over the valley for which it is the administrative center. |
All they have is administrative fiat which fails any of the canons of the rule of law. |
Failure to respect the administrative facets of the game usually results in technical fouls. |
This study breaks down this monolithic characterization of the administrative apparatus by moving officials from all levels to the forefront. |
As a result the common law courts still remain more distant from the merits than the administrative law courts of continental jurisdictions. |
Then the next day I went to Vitoria, administrative capital of the Basque region. |
Just because they inherited a political and administrative tangle, it shouldn't inevitably follow that they bequeath an environmental disaster. |
Also, road traffic police, low-level administrative servicemen, and healthcare staff have been the most frequent targets of bribery. |
So conceived, a municipality is not a local administrative agency of the state, or even the state in its local guise. |
The district has had to grade its roads in its quest to open up isolated villages to its administrative centre, Munyumbwe. |
She applied her administrative skill and her agile mind to the problem of pensions, now so topical. |
It was owned by the shareholders of its 11 funds and provided the administrative services to them at cost. |
Three red-brick buildings, which house classrooms and administrative offices, cluster around a courtyard that's ringed with conifers. |
The foundations of the present administrative law jurisdiction of common law courts is found in this process. |
Generally speaking, the Constitution and basic laws have greater validity than administrative laws and regulations. |
Financial institutions are expected to impose some restrictions on this for administrative purposes. |
Then, in October 1905, it was transformed into the supreme legislative and administrative body. |
This person assisted the college presidents in alliance administrative matters. |
Small market towns serviced the rural hinterland with a range of commercial and administrative services. |
Advantages to DOD include reduced administrative overhead and reduced costs plus improved assurance of availability. |
Kirill has also established a theological seminary for catechists, nurses and choir trainers in part of the administrative complex. |
The bastide, or castle town, although not large, is still significant to political and administrative life. |
Although relatively few Bolivians immigrate to the United States, those who do are often clerical and administrative workers. |
He believes the sum required for this could be provided by economising on administrative expenses. |
It should certainly have administrative headquarters worthy of the sobriquet. |
The new year is barely four days old, and two distributors have already gone into administrative receivership. |
The final part of the administrative organization is the Head of Division or Unit. |
Inquires made by the administrative officer on my behalf have drawn a blank. |
The University of Cambridge has appointed a new Registrary, its senior administrative officer, and only the 26th in its 800 year history. |
The action will involve curators, conservators, technical staff, warders, security and administrative workers and managers. |
The State Department says clerical and administrative errors led to the mistake. |
And we question the justness of tenuring him, certainly of the size of his salary and administrative reach. |
Bad governance and instability can also decapacitate potentially efficient administrative machinery. |
But prosecutors usually let administrative laws do their work, in the form of fines. |
In fact there is little evidence that the political and administrative class was much better prepared. |
He increased the university's endowment and, at the same time, enormously expanded administrative costs and perquisites. |
States created complex administrative procedures to block access to non-segregated education. |
We find people are increasingly pressurised in their jobs and we can remove the administrative heartache for many of them. |
Among other things, we will challenge the primary focus of much of the study of administrative ethics in public administration. |
The ministry of defense provides administrative and operational control over the three services through their respective chiefs of staff. |
I am trying to separate living and working and I found this room high up in a parsonage, in an administrative building attached to a church. |
She will, however, hold the additional charge of departments of fisheries, floriculture, administrative reforms and inspections. |
You pay for administrative costs, for your board and lodging, and your air fare. |
Lets try to remove barriers to care, focus on cost effective primary care delivery, and cut down on administrative overhead costs. |
Those not considering a CMS still manage to maintain their homegrown sites through other administrative means. |
In American Samoa, an unincorporated territory only 76.1 square miles in area, the largest island is Tutuila, the administrative center. |
The draft laws also impose stricter legal and administrative requirements for new parties to be eligible for the elections. |
On 1 February 1927 the town of Stuart was proclaimed the administrative capital of Central Australia. |
The state government had decided to hand over the laboratory to the Centre in 1995, but administrative bottlenecks caused the seven-year delay. |
In ministerial posts under Aberdeen and Palmerston, including colonial secretary, he stood out as an administrative reformer and economizer. |
To insure anonymity, the handwritten comments were typed and all numerical scores were compiled by an administrative assistant. |
Their administrative overhaul and strong recruiting lent an air of excitement to the holiday sunshine. |
She was transferred to the personnel and administrative department but given no work. |
This includes moral support, as well as, financial and administrative backing. |
He emphasized that the political and administrative leaderships would be clearly distinguished. |
The diffuse character of the shire made it difficult to agree on a suitable administrative headquarters. |
Still others take on administrative roles as chairs, deans, or perhaps even university presidents. |
It will only be an administrative headquarters so how it will bring theatre to the heart of disadvantaged areas, is none too clear. |
He described the key to initial success as being the existence of a good working relationship between the respective administrative leaderships. |
The situation is grave because the political and administrative machinery colludes with private companies to mint money from mines. |
Originally given an administrative appointment, he used his new position at the heart of the party to build up speedily a personal power base. |
All administrative talent is killed, and the masses have to be satisfied with petty village offices and clerkships. |
One administrative feature which distinguishes participation rates at different employers is auto-enrollment. |
They say that only a strong political will and harsh administrative steps can save the situation from deteriorating further. |
His role as adjutant was to act as Gibson's right-hand man for all the administrative and organisational aspects of the new squadron. |
Deacons following their gifts are involved in liturgical, catechetical, pastoral, and administrative duties. |
In Wales, administrative and clerical support is provided by the National Assembly. |
His tactical skill was matched by administrative and organizational ability. |
The company wants to cut the pay of 36,000 workers, including flight crew, cabin crew, engineers, administrative staff and ground staff. |
The argument could not prevail because, whether or not the section was applicable, the decision to resile was not an administrative act. |
The Prime Minister, therefore, was the apex of centralized, powerful, political and administrative machines. |
Between those positions, he was in private practice, specializing in appellate litigation and constitutional and administrative law. |
Other team members include dealer Muriel Kale and three administrative and support staff. |
The spokesman said the bureau had made arrangements to provide secretariat and administrative support to the panel. |
Before we go any further, some administrative housekeeping demands immediate attention. |
The council has now promised to withdraw the advert, blaming an administrative error for the blunder. |
This pressure prompted King Alexander I to split the traditional regions into nine administrative provinces. |
Both developments will bring an influx of hundreds of office workers and administrative staff. |
He praised Trotsky for his outstanding abilities, yet chided him for his excessive self-assurance and preoccupation with administrative matters. |
From the Greco-Roman town there are many public buildings, including seven gymnasia, administrative buildings, baths, and the agora. |
Many former samurai, displaced by history from their traditional military role, had moved into administrative positions. |
A local administrative layer of stakeholders includes prefects, village chiefs, clan chiefs, and land chiefs. |
Courts sit in chambers or in open court generally merely as a matter of administrative convenience. |
Much-ballyhooed social programs have sunk in a mire of administrative muddling. |
The sources do not distinguish between administrative and political corruption or between petty and grand corruption. |
Apart from administrative staff he will ultimately need about six researchers. |
We are very enthused by the fact that we have received 1,000 applications for broadcasting and administrative posts. |
Roles include trying to subdue psychotic children, breaking up fights in the school yard and general administrative duties. |
Applicants must appear before an administrative body to motivate their application for the license. |
Six months after its launch the fund has no administrative structures and has disbursed no money. |
Dealing with overcharges and processing refunds is time consuming and places undue administrative costs on the program. |
Storage consolidation offers a number of benefits, including ease of deployment and reduced administrative overhead. |
From the Council of State is chosen the Council of Ministers, who have direct administrative responsibility for the executive departments. |
Students learn about quality control, dress designing, pattern making, merchandising and administrative work in a garment factory. |
Plaintiffs sometimes prefer Title IX because it does not have any administrative prerequisites and damages are uncapped. |
During the period of Spanish colonization, Basques from Spain had often taken administrative posts overseas. |
The estimate is too often viewed as a necessary administrative step to get sales. |
It is in the nature of an administrative process and not a judicial process. |
Most stockbrokers put private clients' shares in nominee accounts for administrative convenience. |
As former administrative vice finance minister, Lin was the executive secretary of the stabilization fund until Wednesday. |
Yet all will come to naught without international political, administrative and financial support on an unprecedented scale. |
About 95 per cent of the activity in headquarters is administrative so the new site is going to be of great value. |
You must check your pigeonhole regularly to collect any mail, or messages left there by tutors, lecturers or administrative staff. |
This base will also serve as administrative headquarters and contain warehouses to store munitions. |
The code of conduct threatens penalties ranging from administrative sanctions and temporary suspension of duty, to rank downgrades and dismissal. |
The ability to centrally administer a broad expanse of storage with the same tools and procedures can reduce administrative costs. |
That arrangement completed the administrative structure of the Coast Guard as it exists today. |
But modern life has moved beyond such administrative units as boroughs and as a result, the need for wardens has diminished. |
Several non-entities and lightweights lacking administrative acumen and political standing were pitchforked into the office of Chief Minister. |
The organization's lawyers are generally not allowed to influence rulemaking by administrative agencies or lawmaking by legislatures. |
State policy for ensuring information security during military conflicts has a prognostic, organizational and administrative function. |
In the cases of overpayment, the council can impose an administrative penalty, up to 30 per cent of the value of the overpayment. |
The law not only requires large-scale administrative and territorial changes, but also reduces local governments' independence. |
Secretarial or low-level administrative jobs are so overwhelmingly female that they have been termed pink-collar jobs. |
For years, the health care industry had calculated that transaction networks were the best way to trim spiraling administrative costs. |
Further, we demand a repeal of all previous executive orders and administrative mandates. |
Judicial review of administrative action usually examines the lawfulness, procedural fairness and rationality of a decision. |
The legislative capital will be Hopedale, while the administrative capital will be Nain. |
Symptomatic, some would say, of the nebulous world of the continent's football, where administrative chaos and indiscipline are rife. |
Now she works at an administrative job by day but is a filmmaker at night and on the weekends. |
It also developed a coherent body of theological and administrative opinion. |
Local authorities, health boards and quangos will also be expected to merge their administrative wings, to reduce duplication. |
Today, Canmore is the administrative centre for government services in the Bow Corridor. |
All the territory of an administrative chiefdom is technically held by the paramount chief. |
Daunton argues that both public trust in and the administrative competence of the state both took a nosedive in the same period. |
The legal implications of all these matters have been the concern of administrative law. |
The concept of procedural fairness has long been considered a requirement in matters of administrative law. |
If the administrative team isn't properly trained, technologies may be incorrectly deployed, nullifying their effectiveness. |
The HHC provides administrative and logistics support to the regimental headquarters. |
Senegal is divided into 11 administrative regions, each headed by a governor appointed by and responsible to the president. |
It also has lists government offices and administrative bodies and is a useful supplement to the Blue Book. |
The Fifth Avenue building houses galleries, administrative offices and the museum's school. |
The scope and impact of extensive administrative change over more than a decade cannot be chronicled in detail in a short article. |
The administrative assistant to the president handled human resource functions. |
The work tasks varied from foundry work and heavy engineering to precision engineering and clerical and administrative work. |
It also undertakes various administrative duties associated with the area of the historical County Palatine of Lancaster. |
The mayor must present to the council his administrative actions based on the council's decisions. |
The intensive sessions are focused around special themes, including official letters, administrative reports, and professional communications. |
Finally, the site administrator makes the package available by mounting it via the administrative site map. |
He was removed from his teaching position because he refused to agree to an administrative directive not to seek republication of his book. |
The administrative district or commune embodies a sense of community and self-identification for its residents. |
The cuts will affect custodians, residence and dining hall employees, groundskeepers, administrative assistants, extension agents and others. |
Taxes are traditionally collected at the lowest administrative level and each layer in the hierarchy can keep a cut of the taxes. |
The Better Business Bureau, for example, says fund-raisers should keep their administrative expenses to less than 35 percent of total revenue. |
After arriving, we encountered a few administrative snafus, but we quickly surmounted them, and we were set to start carrier ops the next day. |
The State administrative and political machinery needs to be proactive in infrastructure development. |
But political power will help him map out new administrative platforms to secure his business empire. |
Spiritually, Mount Carmel is the administrative and also the spiritual centre of the world for Baha'is. |
On completion of her tertiary education, she found employment in administrative posts and in public relations. |
The crown's administrative staff and the army's families began arriving in droves, taking the arduous sailing route around the Cape of Good Hope. |
I think they should raise their voices against these misuse of administrative powers. |
That soldier had already been busted to El and was on the short list for an administrative discharge. |
Research freedom is also tied to teaching which is also tied to administrative duties. |
We work directly together playing whack-a-mole with their administrative problems. |
The emphasis will be on legislative, adjuratory and general policy-making process of administrative agencies. |
The memorandum repeated and amplified the point about administrative simplification. |
A sophisticated administrative apparatus was in itself no guarantee of successful rule. |
In all four areas, government seemed to consist chiefly of administrative controls. |
There is a very high turnover of administrative staff in the Tribunal office in my region. |
Laws governing medical insurance have also placed added administrative burdens on doctors. |
The report included another case, where an administrative slip led to a man losing his business. |
Further resources may be required, including administrative staff and rooms. |
The nursery is housed in the building where the administrative staff were once based. |
It is as ridiculous as the other opinion that the higher administrative staff must be changed every so often. |
English is the administrative language and the medium of instruction in schools. |
The health boards are being replaced by a single national body, the Health Service Executive, which will have four administrative regions. |
He had intelligence, administrative ability and he was good at planning military campaigns. |
We are dealing here with bureaucracy as a principle of administrative technique and organization. |
First is the issue of the legal and administrative banishment of racial distinctions. |
Other administrative units were devised in due course, such as the shires in England and the themes in Byzantium. |
Therefore when social, legal and administrative systems reach a certain level of complexity they cease functioning. |
The called-for design guidelines have elsewhere increased construction costs and added administrative delays. |
It is divided into ten administrative regions, exclusively staffed from the central government. |
Namibia last week scored an African first with the introduction of video conferencing facilities in all its administrative regions. |
A number of menus are available when you are inside the administrative interface, and some of these menus have submenus as well. |
On his rise through the administrative hierarchy he had acquired the reputation of a slippery time-server with naked ambitions. |
Current practice tends to emphasize only vehicle-type differentiation, primarily for administrative ease in toll collection via tollbooths. |
District administrative officer Henry Mukungula appealed to food handlers to follow laid-down instructions in the distribution of relief stocks. |
I see clerks, posterns, runners, drummers, administrative assistants and plenipotentiaries. |
Bishops, in classical Anglicanism, have often been divines themselves-thoughtful scholars as well as administrative functionaries. |
They also desired fair trials, religious toleration and vast administrative reforms. |
Expanding resources such as later bookstore and administrative office hours may also benefit the community college student population at large. |
That is often a criticism of the way administrative law developed in England and the way its offshoots have developed. |
During his mayorship, he demonstrated great administrative ability but a disastrously ill-tuned political antenna. |
The State's anti-corruption law, which has proved ineffective in dealing with the cases of administrative corruption, has yet be reoriented. |
Finally the administrative controllers were to be charged with the annual audit of each set of plant accounts. |
Pakistan troops train by bivouacking at high altitudes and conducting routine administrative activities and route marches. |
She had no administrative power and was added as an administrative appendage to the college's organizational chart. |
His security clearance was immediately withdrawn and he was moved to a low-grade administrative job. |
Let's face it, managing a staff of fitness instructors is not a typical administrative job. |
The trend is explicable in terms of a set of often unrelated and often seemingly innocuous market decisions and administrative policies. |
An administrative decision to deport will be rigorously examined and subjected to the most anxious scrutiny. |
The townland is the smallest, officially recognised administrative unit in Ireland, and there are around 54,000 in the country. |
They goofed, nothing more, and should hold their hands up in guilt and not court sympathy from administrative level. |
The army always had lots of technical and administrative jobs for educated draftees. |
It is now an open secret that a senior police official in this region and the administrative head of the district are not on the same wavelength. |
Running a loyalty card program is big business, and often incurs heavy administrative costs. |
From this religious and administrative center, the Tarascans waged war against their neighbors. |
You can also demand administrative adjudgment when your rights and interests are infringed upon, as stipulated in the law of administrative adjudgment. |
The business centre has full secretarial and administrative services Internet access, photocopying, full colour laser printing, a facsimile service and couriers. |
The agency has four full-time administrative staff members and a team of over 100 freelance, native-speaker professional translators who are based both in Ireland and abroad. |
The uniformity of administrative structures was reflected, later, in the imposition of a national, decimal system of weights, measures, and currency. |
The book also emphasizes administrative security duties with discussions of system accounts, logging, superuser safety and secure network services. |
The third principle is to audit and review all the administrative and student services systems in order to look for those activities that are essential and those that are not. |
A large truck loaded with tons of trinitrotoluene and masked with sacks of cement approached a group of administrative buildings in the regional center of Znamenskoie. |
But the problem with micropayments is the administrative overhead. |
They can be obtained to show that administrative orders and notices are invalid, or exempt from taxation, or for confirming matters of marital status and nationality. |
A council has been forced to reprint 16,000 postal voting packs after the first batch was declared null and void due to an administrative error, it emerged today. |
There are also accounts and explanations of the Ark's construction and its place in the tabernacle, and the administrative details for its transportation. |
It did not bring the oversampling issue before the board, thus depriving them the chance to explore the issue in a zoetic context informed by both case-specific facts and administrative precedents. |
However I submit that it is, fundamentally, a composite of moral, intellectual, and administrative capabilities, combined with seriousness of purpose. |
However, where an administrative body originally exercised the power to deprive people of their liberty, they must have the right to have their case reviewed by a court. |
It was placed into administrative receivership earlier this week. |
Nicholson dives into the project with gusto, marshaling the administrative savoir faire that he and his men have amassed through years of maintaining the British Empire. |
Slough is set to remain the administrative headquarters of Mars Europe. |
Overlooking the halls is a multi-storey building where all administrative business is done and where those short of money can access bank services. |
The draft of the Executive Yuan Organization Act would downsize the Cabinet from the current 35 administrative entities to 23, plus four independent institutions. |
As a result, we have agreed that the farm will pay the land taxes and all insurance and other local fees, but only pay a small administrative fee to the land trust. |
McManus also raised eyebrows with a number of administrative shuffles that promoted some cops and transferred others who had been high up in his predecessor's administration. |
With party members dominating administrative bodies, which included the people's commissariats at the top, those bodies functioned as executors of party policy. |
Cryptically, he added that he would like women to have more leadership roles in administrative and pastoral activities. |
Here, as elsewhere in the east, armed separatists are occupying administrative buildings near parks and playgrounds. |
Sometimes that means having company desktops locked down and administrative rights to laptops restricted so people cannot install unapproved software on the network. |
They say there appears to have been collusion internally between him and the administrative back office responsible for reconciling his transactions. |
The committees are assisted by between three and ten administrative staff. |
It was the council administrative headquarters and the police station. |
The broadly uniform system of parliamentary representation belied the administrative complexities inherited by the Hanoverian monarchy from its predecessors. |
The whole concept revolves around a moneyless society, with administrative decisions made based on scientific fact rather than lobbyists and special interest groups. |
The loss of 550 jobs in the down-at-heel Kent seaside town, reducing Hornby to a suite of administrative offices and an echoingly empty factory shed, was a bitter blow. |
Sometimes some of these administrative duties were hived off to others. |
What, indeed, would be the point of establishing elaborately protective rules of criminal procedure if they could be evaded by simply relying on administrative detention? |
Many of the groups are bilingual, and because of the legacy of Ethiopian domination over Eritrea, many Eritreans also speak Amharic, the Ethiopian administrative language. |
Like presidents, they return less often to the faculty after their decanal service ends, instead using their deanships as a step upward in an administrative career. |
The vast population of the DRC is divided into ten administrative regions. |
Many states have statutes or administrative rules about some specific content to be required in medical records, and these can and must be tailored into any CBE system. |
Apart from royal edicts on certain general issues, the king's domains were subject to no law and no administrative practice common to them all without exception. |
Delays and adjournments dog the work of the courts, and the consequent administrative inertia can sap the energy and enthusiasm of even the most committed researcher. |
The zones will feature tax-exemption, free flow of products, processing for re-export, one-stop administrative processing and easy access for foreign businesspeople. |
The First Sergeant and Sergeant Major are administrative and command track, while the Master Sergeant and Master Gunnery Sergeant are on the technical experts command track. |
It is routine administrative traffic full of alphanumeric designators that mean little without a cue sheet, a recitation of mileages, case numbers and criminal histories. |
She was ticking us off for a number of administrative errors but I think she has every confidence in the leadership we give to the appointments commission. |
I'm interning over at the Van Doren Theater in the administrative offices. |
Relaunching South Africa's mining industry and postwar administrative reform turned largely on the continued expansion of markets for food and commericial staples. |
Secretaries perform a gamut of administrative responsibilities ranging from handling daily schedules and travel itineraries to processing paperwork. |
With office staff dropping like ninepins, it was at least some consolation that enough administrative staff were still standing in order to get the game called off in time. |
The rest of the site is taken up by an administrative building for the symphony and a public plaza, covered with local dark-gray stone, with parking below. |
She said her new role would be a more managerial and administrative one. |
The building has an original design, with a central administrative section, and radiating out from this, the elementary school building, the high-school building and the gym. |
The seven-member board of commissioners oversees the operation of county courts, the transportation system and a number of other administrative functions. |
The education system remained functioning but without the assistance of school secretaries, janitors, laboratory workers and other administrative employees. |
In peacetime, the navy's warships are deployed in groups of the same class ship at one base or patrol area, which is called administrative grouping. |
If laboratory cross-contamination or administrative errors occur, this would lead to an overestimate of the proportion of recurrences attributed to reinfection. |
Until the Netherlands transferred sovereignty to an independent Indonesia in December 1949, West Papua remained an economic and administrative backwater. |
Maybe that's okay, but it sure isn't the same as a day to day tax payer paid administration organizing stakeholder input on administrative issues. |
He said Hindus had been looking for a temple site for more than 20 years and a spot on the town's main business and administrative artery road fitted the bill perfectly. |
The scheme also led to administrative headaches, with painstaking and tortuous trawls through paper-based employment records, some extending back over 50 years. |
Elections are subject to administrative pressure, some electors are directly leaned on, and counts are manipulated and turnout unconvincingly fixed. |
Our trip took us to Castle Rushen, one of the Europe's best preserved medieval castles, which later served as a mint, a law court, and administrative centre. |
Simultaneously Digvijay started on the twin tracks of populism on the one hand and administrative change on the other which kept the opposition on the hop. |
He would be relieved of all secretarial and routine administrative duties. |
My objection would be more to huge schools and school districts where rules for the district are decided impersonally at some big administrative building. |
This prerequisite applies to everyone, including the receptionist, paralegals, administrative assistants and file clerks. |
And in the same vein there is a need to do away with corruption, a public disease, nepotism, favouritism, racism and other administrative deterring activities. |
Most of our administrative structures have been framed to take account of brokerage and clientelism, posh terms for getting the man you know to fix things. |
Hence there is a focus on the need to re-engineer administrative and business operations to offer better services, not only to students but parents, faculty and staff. |
A UN administrative force however would have the additional benefit of shifting the perception of the international force from that of occupier to stabiliser. |
Today, the information is available in Kannada, the local language, through 200 government-owned computer kiosks in administrative offices across the state. |
Uday is a screaming crazy who lacks his father's deft administrative touch, incisive analytical skills, brimming compassion, and sense of restraint. |
As a consequence, there was a revival of the Sumerian language, but only in religious and literary areas, as the language remained unimportant for administrative purposes. |
After bullying and pilfering his way through childhood, he signed up as a soldier and took full advantage of the administrative mayhem of Revolutionary France. |
There are much tighter restrictions on the administrative capacity of prison authorities to grant either some remission of the length of a sentence or to provide release. |
They include administrative and support staff, instructional officers responsible for teaching inmates and even some cleaners and auxiliary staff. |
Where is the dignity of the legal jurisdiction of administrative agencies? |
The relics and ex voto gifts accumulated since the ninth century when the relics were translated from the administrative town of Agen are now stored in a nearby building. |
The administrative reorganization of France into departments, sweeping away the jurisdictional jungle grown up over a millennium, survives not much altered to this day. |
Among the President's powers which relate not so much to the personnel of the service as to the actual conduct of the administrative business of the government may be mentioned the ordinance power. |
They even posted mundane administrative materials, including expense accounts and personnel memos. |
Or they can rewrite administrative laws on workplace regulation, establishing bodies of precedent that require enormous political power to overturn. |
The second sanctioning method is found in administrative law. |
They also refuse to carry out clerical, administrative and porter duties. |
In addition to remarkable administrative and strategic abilities, Middleton was also instrumental in getting the Royal Navy to adopt carronades and coppered hulls. |
Their synthesis is thoughtful and worthy of study by anyone with administrative responsibility for helpers vulnerable to secondary PTSD and compassion fatigue. |
These are deducted from the exteriorisation of the administrative phenomenon in time and space. |
There are numerous administrative positions among the clergy that carry additional titles. |
How do you make it happen in the light of the severe oversaturation in jobs in the state's administrative body? |
Its Mayor, and his or her powers, are contained within useful administrative boundaries that are coterminous with each other. |
The existing administrative system worked mostly complimentarily with KURA to support the research faculty. |
Gaelic has long suffered from its lack of use in educational and administrative contexts and was long suppressed. |
Majlis A'Shura, based in Muscat, enjoys juristic entity, as well as financial and administrative independence. |
The Congress tried to handle administrative affairs through legislative committees, which proved inefficient. |
The state governments were themselves brand new and officials had no administrative experience. |
However, administrative assistants can also do their part by seeking out opportunities to excel beyond the boundaries of their job descriptions. |
He served in an administrative capacity as the Director of the Pre-Med Unit of the Opportunity Program at New York University. |
Protesters continued to close off traffic to the square as well as the Mogamaa building, a government administrative complex. |
Guideline for administrative publishment and fines on violation of population and children policies. |
Construction of Health Station in Irafaile administrative area, Foro sub-zone, at a total expenditure of 9-million Nakfa. |
There is no consistent system of administrative or geographic demarcation across the United Kingdom. |
Among other administrative sanctions are penalties against game forfeiture. |