The friendly service, the superb food and the stunning location all add up to money well spent. |
The ambassador's postings all over the world add up to 25 years away from home. |
Yes, one microaggression alone is a small event, but they don't wash away after they occur, they add up. |
But Garner's story doesn't entirely add up on the page, and it doesn't on stage either. |
Like so many loosely bound thrillers, the denouement doesn't add up and the final shoot-out is farcical. |
And so the court's costs have continued to add up, day after mind-numbing day. |
You are so busy enjoying them because they are brisk and witty that you fail to notice until much later that the whole thing doesn't add up. |
The cold and bleak winter weather all add up to us feeling grumpy and miserable. |
And while the occasional privacy violation seems trivial, perhaps even silly to some readers, these abuses really do add up over time. |
It's not uncommon for some to add up to 20 pounds right after a contest, giving them a bloated appearance. |
He has an eye for niggling little details that add up to an air of unease and the sense that you are never too sure what might happen next. |
You add up all the household incomes and you divide in by the number of households. |
A vignette is a sketch or a little moment, but something that doesn't add up to a story. |
But on further prodding he realises there's more to this than meets the eye, as their story doesn't quite add up. |
When you add up the rest of the bits, an average bald, plucked, neckless, gutless chicken weighs about 4 pounds. |
If the data has been modified without updating the checksums, then the checksums will fail to add up. |
Enigma is well acted and is certainly based on a nifty concept, but does not add up to the sum of its parts. |
The economy, usually the most important issue, is so-so, which may not add up to big gains for either party. |
Once you start to apply this guiding principle, then a lot of Peel's seemingly baffling eclecticism begins to add up and make sense. |
Excellent build quality, attractive lines and some clever features add up to luxury housing for your PC bits. |
Part scavenger hunt, part day hiking, and part map reading add up to a pretty good description of geocaching. |
The other week she tried to add up what she has spent on drink, fancy shoes, CDs and other non-essentials in the past five years. |
Taken together, these elements add up to a beautiful visual blend of the old and the new. |
In columns like this one he has mastered the art of simultaneously talking out of both sides of his mouth in words that add up to a nullity. |
Many companies offer generous benefits to your spouse, too which can all add up to a substantial amount of cover. |
The more he investigates, the more things don't add up and soon he is embroiled in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the real killer. |
This modest little announcement promises to add up to more than the sum of its parts. |
If this project is carried out on a large scale, it will add up to a massive amount of human alteration of the course of nature. |
They charge a premium amount in the UK for their printing services and the sums simply don't add up. |
If you add up the charges in the proton and neutron, you will find they are the observed values. |
A wired world with roots in the air instead of the soil does not in and of itself add up to a cosmopolitan culture. |
Pre-roll adverts are expected to add up to a total of 120 million streams over the course of the collaboration. |
These are excellent accessories that could add up to your Jeep's sporty and adventurous qualities. |
The result could add up to a big bore, especially as director James Ivory refused to move things along at anything other than a funereal pace. |
So the basis for calling the memos forgeries seems to rest on points that don't add up. |
His dignity and refinement and focus and calm manner add up to a state of grace worthy of a man. |
The look of Wrought Iron and the quality and durability of heavy duty steel add up to years of enjoyment of our Home Accessories. |
Her track list doesn't add up to anything more than a desire, however noble, to cover folk songs. |
White porcelain dishes with your own butter knife, small touches, but they all add up in fine dining experiences. |
It is a good idea to add up the total number of boards, being careful to make sure you group short pieces in with long pieces to minimize waste. |
Whether it's tailgaters or cell phone talkers, life is filled with little annoyances which can add up to big headaches. |
Half of 14-year-olds can't write or add up properly and the schools inspectorate said failing schools were letting down children of the poor. |
Evidently the facts do not add up and so the likelihood is that someone is distorting the truth. |
That's just a few cookies or 2 tablespoons of salad dressing, but it can add up to losing 20 pounds in one year. |
Unfortunately, all of the melodrama and intentional plot convolutions don't add up to much. |
It is true precisely when the values for the three switches add up to an even number. |
Then, as cheques are received, they can deduct these amounts and then add up what is owed to produce a statement at the end of the month. |
Another problem is that the convoluted narrative constantly conflicts with itself and could never actually add up in real life. |
It was an interesting insight into the debate as to why Kiwi teams are able to make the whole add up to more than the sum of its parts. |
The question over whether McCabe's sums will indeed add up will only be answered once his report is published in full tomorrow. |
When buying a home, you need to add up the property cost and stamp duty, plus fees for your estate agent, lawyer and removal men. |
The film is nice in parts, but they don't add up to either leave a lump in the throat or cause an abiding smile on your face. |
These charges are posted automatically to your shipboard account, and like bar tabs, can add up quickly. |
They all add up, and insurers have a sneaky way of increasing renewal premiums each year, banking on your apathy not to move provider. |
Some prolific authors write the same book over and over, and others write books so different that their work fails to add up to a single whole. |
Although the money from the Government is not a substantial amount, if everyone chips in the total can add up very nicely. |
The changes and embellishments to Poe's story don't really add up to enough to fill the running time. |
The amount of caffeine in these tea extracts can add up quickly, and is often not listed on the label. |
As I was watching the money add up I realised I was having to invoke some serious self control. |
In the course of the evening, you get a thriller, a comedy, a drama, and a farce, which, together, add up to a feast of first-class theatre. |
We kept the rifle shooting and the amount of rounds through it started to add up. |
One could dwell on the fact that it contains several inherent contradictions and that the numbers implicit in the proposals don't add up. |
A running toilet can be a simple thing to fix, and water savings add up quickly. |
Yet this girl, with a meticulously tidy mother and accountant father, was a walking bomb site who couldn't add up. |
Three-quarters of the way down the list and it starts to add up to physical and sensory overload. |
Simple actions like turning off the light when we leave a room or boiling only the correct amount of water for a cup of tea all add up. |
And then you go beyond the giddiness and step back and try and look at things and see, do they all add up, does it all work? |
Variables like weather, azimuth, elevation, crude launchers, and rocket viability quickly add up. |
For a borrower, these notes add up to a loan, which they then have to pay back over the term. |
It takes so long and with so many short stories the cost can add up. |
But this story did not add up and the friend became the chief suspect. |
We simply do not believe the story, because the story does not add up. |
Most authors are paid an advance on royalties, but never make much, if anything, on actual royalties because the sales of the book never add up that far. |
Anyone who's genuinely confused as to how a pro-Social Security administration might make the numbers add up can look at any number of plans liberal wonks have put together. |
Depending on whether you use a Greek, Hebrew, or English number scheme, a lot of different names add up to the devilish number. |
Her transactions and interactions with clients add up to a lacerating portrait of contemporary mores among the wealthy and the legions of us who depend on their largesse. |
Director David Bintley has brought north three works of contrasting light and shade, style and vintage that add up to a superbly balanced programme. |
Corruption, suspicion, and a lack of doctors all add up to a growing calamity in Freetown. |
So, like I said, something does not add up about the nandrolone story. |
All of these differences add up to make each planet unique, a product of happenstance and history. |
The bar magnet gets its overall magnetization because all of these little component magnets are pointing in the same direction, and add up for an overall effect. |
A hodge-podge like this may not add up to a potent message in the face of higher health costs and GOP attacks. |
For visitors from the south, battered by the stresses of city living, this seems to add up to an idea of holiday paradise, even if it is just a way of life for the Balinese. |
The stop-motion animation took about 18 months, but with pre-production, where you storyboarded every single shot, it did add up. |
Genuinely funny and intelligent and navel-gazing and strange, these parts might eventually add up to something truly big. |
Things like ketchup have about 16 calories of added sugar per tablespoon, and it can add up. |
But all of them add up to a coiled-up rage, ready to lash out at the nearest target. |
Now add up all your debts and total the minimum payments due on each. |
The numbers might not add up because some chemicals fit into more than one category, for example, they might be carcinogenic and be suspected respiratory toxicants. |
Sorry, but the endless apologies from hapless celebrities and witless pundits add up to a big zero. |
But the brittle strums of acoustic and Nick Kenyon's powerful voice add up to a heady concoction of protest song and a truly unplugged, but no less energetic workout. |
His marimba and vibes contribute further percussive accents, and the intricate multiple meters and contrapuntal figures add up to a rhythmic feast for the listener. |
How do clothes, hairstyles, jewelry, and make-up add up to our preconceptions of beauty? |
How can the story of a mentally defective kleptomaniac, a bookish nympho, a crippled FBI agent and a suicidal millionaire's son add up to anything but trouble? |
All I have done in this piece is, while cataloguing some of the achievements, point out that in total they do not add up to what was promised in the original prospectus. |
This is called Zeckendorf's theorem, and the subsequence of Fibonacci numbers which add up to a given integer is called its Zeckendorf representation. |
But it does not add up to deliberate ill-treatment or abuse such as would expose either of the children to a grave risk of physical or even psychological harm. |
We knew about him, liked him, and accepted he was good at what he did, but did not consider the relentless immortalisation of horses to add up to enough. |
The lyrics are tightly coiled tongue twisters, sprung with internal rhymes, questions and answers, parallels and comparisons that all add up, and rhyme. |
And you don't have to be a genius to add up the pros and cons of that one. |
Suppose he told you that the cost of the accumulator would add up to an estimated half of next year's profits, but would be expensed over the 30 years in question. |
That can add up to hundreds or thousands of additional gigabytes of disk storage. |
All of my handbags added together and timesed by a hundred don't add up to a quarter of that. |
At 30mph a worn shock absorber can add up to two metres on to a car's braking distance. |
But the sums do not quite add up for the Standard Model to be true if these particles are considered alone. |
Even at a relatively low speed such as 30mph, a worn shock absorber can add up to two metres to a car's braking distance. |
Repurposing the trimmings for brown-bag lunches, creative dinners and on-the-go snacks can add up to big savings on the weekly grocery bill. |
He speculates that the SRY protein might suppress genes required for female development, or activate genes whose products add up to maleness. |
The newspaper said BATA officials hope to add up to nine more hybrid electric buses to the authority's fleet in the future. |
Das Taschentuch's combination of kaffeeklatsch, blaming, and mucus do not add up to redeeming literary value. |
Look, the vast majority of F1 viewers don't have HD TV. There for the numbers don't add up. When they do, you will have your HD TV. Simples. |
A few billion years of local perturbations add up to a shitton more effect than can be mounted against the overall galaxy. |
If we imagined a person capable of comprehending infinity, we should merely think that he was able infinitely to add up finities. |
Even when the damage isn't that clear cut, the intangible burdens of a bad image can add up. Just ask Dow Chemical. |
Increasing prices and frozen wages add up to hardship for the poorer families. |
Both forces add up and the person on the trampoline seems to become heavier. |
They all have their hairdriers, music centres and computers, so it must all add up. |
Gore-Tex and 400 grams of Thinsulate add up to make it ideal for chilly, damp weather. |
His story just doesn't add up. Why would he have been at the restaurant the day before the event? |
If you can save even a couple of dollars per day, it will add up to a lot over a year. |
In some cases, such can add up to a change in horsepower ratings. |
Small decisions add up SOMETHING as simple as choosing a square-cut work surface over a bullnose one can make a huge difference to how modern and luxurious your kitchen feels. |