Sometimes ad hoc schematizations work best, to avoid showing unnecessary detail. |
We can't deal on an ad hoc basis with every individual who expresses a point of view. |
The interface can be used for anything from ad hoc reporting to a reusable data bridge. |
The suburb is more of an ad hoc social development, a forerunner of the gated community, built around the principle of exclusion. |
They can do so by ad hoc international agreements, involving two or more parties. |
Sanjay, who had been endowed ad hoc with televisionary ability, narrated the day's events to the blind man. |
As long as the evidence is not absolutely inescapable, we humans will invent ad hoc and gradualistic explanations to explain away these changes. |
They could be distinguished from more ad hoc mobs, including lynch mobs, by their structured nature and their semipermanence. |
Businesses may choose other collaborative software, or groupware that covers more informal, or ad hoc, processes that this cannot cover. |
The Court instituted a constitutional rule that is party-blind and that disfavors systems with ad hoc recount standards. |
So maybe the problem is thinking sins are relative to some arbitrary and ad hoc rulebook, rather than to our very nature and being. |
These ad hoc units were locally raised and led, but funded by the federal government and under the overall command of U.S. Army generals. |
The posturing calls in Congress for rollbacks in federal fuel taxes will die out, as will the ad hoc consumer protests. |
A contract of marriage may be made through agents acting ad hoc on behalf of the bride and bridegroom themselves, or of their guardians. |
I also will try to contribute an article now and then myself, on an ad hoc basis. |
I was one of two writers invited by the commission on culture and sport to help an ad hoc committee put into words a new code of practice. |
Being the managing partner means that all the unsolved and ad hoc problems land on my desk. |
Being able to redeploy analysts and form ad hoc teams quickly and effectively is a basic requirement for intelligence organizations today. |
Wireless ad hoc networks are formed by a set of hosts that communicate with each other over a wireless channel. |
He is part of an ad hoc committee struck by city hall to develop regulations governing raves and all-night dance parties. |
What this paradox reveals is that Hegel's position on women is neither a product of contingency nor an effect of ad hoc prejudice. |
It received the report of an ad hoc inter-agency task force on tobacco control, which consisted of 19 international organisations. |
We each became ad hoc Hobbesians, accepting that force and fear adequately established the other power's right to rule. |
Young girls and boys were being interviewed in a police station with ad hoc interpreters. |
My hypothesis that the watch is in your pocket because you stole it, is not an ad hoc hypothesis. |
On this webpage we provide a selection of web links that are all related in some way to wireless ad hoc networking. |
No ad hoc studies on the incidence of mesothelioma in areas of Italy characterized by the presence of tremolite in soil are available. |
Not just another ad hoc addition to the company of quarks, the charm quark did so many things in a simple, economical package. |
By the early 1590s it was accepted that a full hierarchy was impossible and a more ad hoc system of vicars apostolic adopted. |
The ad hoc nature and the low cost of this forum make the unconference accessible to many. |
A far cry from when groups of undergraduates set up ad hoc courses any which way they could. |
It is expected that these ad hoc surveys will be a good instrument to throw light on a phenomenon about which very little is known. |
Coherence occurs when we are able to extend our hypothesis to colligate a new class of phenomena without ad hoc modification of the hypothesis. |
It provides access to Communication Manager features including softphone capabilities and ad hoc audio and video conferencing. |
The ad hoc committee received disturbing information about the negative campaigning by some candidates. |
The lack of clarity on these and other issues has contributed to an ad hoc approach. |
In view of the importance of data collected in ad hoc modules, this information should be combinable with any other variable from the survey. |
An ad hoc committee is putting the final touches on a strategic action plan for professional development. |
This is the worst kind of an ad hoc emergency, short term, evasive, unprincipled way to approach this issue. |
Thus, from an ad hoc analysis of the mtDNA of mammalian representatives, we cannot gain conclusive evidence for a sister group relationship of dermopterans and primates. |
Current practitioners make largely ad hoc use of statistics, probability, decision theory, graph theory, and tools from artificial intelligence and expert systems design. |
For quite some time, unsatisfactory ad hoc arrangements in the form of special tribunals have been the only device to bring to book those guilty of genocide or war crimes. |
Not beatifying or canonizing John Paul would be hugely symbolic, a message far more powerful than the ad hoc apologies and payoffs to victims. |
The measures to be adopted for the safeguarding and destruction of enciphering equipment in an emergency shall be covered by ad hoc instructions. |
Many programs are used on an ad hoc basis and continue to be perceived as an alternative to the official sanction of incarceration. |
I constantly work on internal ad hoc projects which make my day even more interesting and challenging. |
That's what piers are for, too: idle chat with strangers, where an ad hoc bond forms under the semblance of being at sea. |
That would be a failure, which we could not countenance, given the hopes placed in and the efforts made by the ad hoc Tribunals. |
A plan to make sure our environment is not a hazard to our health is ad hoc and unpersuasive. |
Changes in the market value of the portfolio are all included in the profit and loss account under a section entitled ad hoc. |
We can't come at it with piecemeal, ad hoc, quick-and-dirty types of amendments, which this committee is being asked to sanction. |
But they are about more than just slapping a grand title on companies' hotch-potch of ad hoc training courses. |
In 2004, the DG Enterprise envisages to earmark a portion of the budget for ad hoc proposals. |
The exchange rate thus operates under a clear regime, depreciating in line with announced policy, with few ad hoc adjustments. |
In fact, their vertically oriented organizational structures, retrofitted with ad hoc and matrix overlays, nearly always make professional work more complex and inefficient. |
Chile and the European Community took advantage of the ad hoc system in the Swordfish case, which is still on the docket. |
We know from a lot of ad hoc evidence that there are a lot of people who are very interested in being new entrants. |
This was in practice a movement to formalise and regularise the ad hoc process adopted for discussing such issues in some previous meetings. |
Setting fiscal policy in accordance with rules is generally preferable to an ad hoc approach. |
This work will provide a cross-cutting input to the ad hoc working groups and to the policy positions of the Political Bureau. |
India attaches the highest importance to the establishment of an ad hoc committee on nuclear disarmament. |
With a view to promoting the principle of equal treatment, Member States shall organise ad hoc information and awareness campaigns and training. |
The immediacy required by this type of representation makes it difficult to respond to such a request on an ad hoc basis. |
The Oversight Committee shall be assisted in its work by an ad hoc committee of experts from States Parties. |
The ad hoc committee regretted that, in general, this campaign was not competitive given that one front-runner dominated the political scene. |
As for release after one-sixth of a sentence has been served, we will not propose an ad hoc, ill-considered reform. |
Four judges dissented: the ad hoc judge from Yugoslavia, as well as the judges from China, Russia, and Sri Lanka. |
Such bodies can be standing or ad hoc, part of or attached to the legislative or executive branch or independent therefrom. |
Much of what is undertaken is improvised and ad hoc, and does not result from the efforts of large self-interested lobbies or conspiracies. |
That is consistent with the sort of elusive and ad hoc, unprincipled approach that the department was taking as to how it conducted business. |
They were developed on an ad hoc basis, without reference to other existing agreements and in an uncoordinated manner. |
Lack of transparency and accountability by various ad hoc control regimes are a perpetual thorn in the side of many states parties. |
In addition, the Section provides advice on a number of ad hoc matters which require, on average, one working day. |
Is there mere toleration of ad hoc NGO activities or is there closer coordination of public and private responses? |
Certain pension payments are indexed either on an ad hoc basis or a guaranteed basis. |
Non-euro area member states can be involved if they wish, and may participate in operations conducted under the mechanism on an ad hoc basis. |
The ad hoc committee might also recommend new guidelines for all those working in pastoral ministry in the dioceses. |
They were also advised that any calculation of commuted value did not include the value of any ad hoc increases. |
National data on innovation activities are generally collected by means of surveys addressed to industrial firms on an ad hoc basis. |
Often times the issue of medical discharge is ignored or dealt with in an ad hoc fashion after an actual problem is identified. |
Again, this seems reasonable and not unduly ad hoc, inasmuch as it incorporates the strong pre-theoretical intuition that substances are continuants rather than events. |
Dr Fundanga said all that was needed was a comprehensive framework for enforcement rather than on an ad hoc basis because this would end up punishing some members unfairly. |
He advocated the immediate establishment of an ad hoc reform committee. |
The ad hoc granular alliances described in Unstoppable promise less but may achieve more. |
During the dozen years or so since the R2P concept was formulated, its application has been complicated and ad hoc. |
Loubani and Greyson found themselves inside the Fateh Mosque, which had become an ad hoc sanctuary, field hospital and morgue. |
The outside comes in, in ad hoc bunches of alchemilla and marguerites, new potatoes, dill, basil, and bunches of mint, we wander out with cups of tea and notebooks. |
No one site among the seven that we reviewed is likely to replace the ad hoc collection of travel-related bookmarks that many weary road warriors have already flagged. |
Haitian neighbors helping one another carried out the vast majority of rescues, ad hoc. |
But under the ad hoc rules of crony capitalism, the law counts for little and political hardball is the modus operandi. |
This would need an ad hoc survey to each one of the 11 agencies. |
If there is no strategy, then tactics will beget a strategy, which means that ad hoc political action will disregard the basic, intrinsic principles of human rights and the rule of law. |
In practice, however, the plans were highly aggregated and provisional, subject to ad hoc intervention by superiors. |
Besides the permanent three fleets, the Navy continues to organize the ad hoc India armadas, dispatched to India on an annual basis. |
One recent approach has been to earmark specialized funds for specific purposes, usually health, and to use the money to finance ad hoc programs on these issues designed by recipient governments. |
Postulating that too large an amount of management costs was assigned to the IARD sector and not enough to other sectors, Arthur Andersen next proposed correcting this over-representation with an ad hoc measure. |
In the longer term, it is to be hoped that the informal, ad hoc House of Commons Panel will become a formalized joint committee of the House and Senate. |
Initially, the Centre and the Ministry of the Interior were not in favour of convening a formal meeting of the panel of advisers in April 2005, since the panel had been established to assist the Centre on an ad hoc basis. |
The visa public policy structure should not treat a vital industrial sector as an ad hoc troublesome interloper requiring political manoeuvring in order to obtain access. |
With the aim of expediting traffic, controllers are permitted to depart from established and procedurally safe separation criteria and to use ad hoc procedures. |
We believe that if vision is well assimilated, it serves as a means of guiding behaviour, providing that it is reinforced by ad hoc interventions by deputy ministers when things go awry. |
The jagged bumps atop it, representing brokenness, feel ad hoc. |
On the topic of quota and voice reform, discussions focused on a new quota formula, a second round of ad hoc increases in quotas for a broader range of countries, and an increase in basic votes. |
In international relations, a coalition can be an ad hoc grouping of nations united for specific purposes. |
In 2006, the spadework laid by ad hoc project-staff started to bear fruit. |
This choice may be exercised in a declaration when signing, ratifying or acceding to the Convention or at any time thereafter, even on an ad hoc basis for a particular case. |
His judges would resolve disputes on an ad hoc basis according to what they interpreted the customs to be. |
Originally appointed ad hoc, a reform in 802 led to the office of missus dominicus becoming a permanent one. |
During the 1920s and '30s, private or local community interests protected many coastal areas using these techniques on an ad hoc basis. |
Hence, they fall to be assessed as ad hoc aid. |
It will also make the report of an ad hoc group set up within its financial units network available when it sends its definitive opinion to the Ombudsman. |
In 1868, the California Legislature authorized the first of many ad hoc Code Commissions to begin the process of codifying California law. |
In 2006, an interview phase by an ad hoc committee of members of parliament was added. |
A judge ad hoc who becomes unable to sit may be replaced. |
Each member and ad hoc judge shall be entitled to one vote. |
Common examples are ad hoc organizations, committees, and commissions created at the national or international level for a specific task. |
What we should do is to, and it would be a wise decision, a face-saving decision for us all, is to suspend this ad hoc practice immediately, pending further review. |
This may be a frustratingly ad hoc approach for those who yearn for the certainty and authority offered by the grand inquisitors of high finance. |
The new paragraph 6 was added on the proposal of Egypt during the round table and drafted by a small ad hoc working group established by the Chairperson. |
Making this procedure more formal, however, may cause the employer to lose some flexibility to make ad hoc changes to the plan in the future. |
It is nevertheless to be regretted that these consultations continue to be carried out in an ad hoc manner with no hard and fast rules, and according to procedures that vary from one Directorate-General to another. |
Session musicians, i.e., musicians that are hired on an ad hoc basis to play for a recording 'session', cannot negotiate at all, they have to transfer their copyrights 'in perpetuity' against a one off payment. |
As with most, if not all, ad hoc procedures, this one lacked defences, particularly against normally expected levels of human error, such as forgetfulness and loss of situational awareness. |
Sybase provides the only solution that combines the components that can identify market opportunities in real time with the depth of historical data to make better, more informed decisions on an ad hoc basis. |
Evergreen operates a fleet of Boeing 747 freighter aircraft on an ACMI wet lease, common carriage, and ad hoc basis worldwide. |
Should the REB decide that additional expertise is required for the ethics review of a specific proposal, ad hoc members may be nominated for the duration of the review. |
Every country should have a basic set of foreign assistance laws allowing international cooperation whenever it serves the national interest, whether based upon reciprocity, comity, ad hoc agreement or conventional treaty. |
This multi-country initiative will be jointly managed by country offices and the regional office, through ad hoc coordination mechanism for each of sociocultural environments. |
Some offer respite care and ad hoc assistance, supplement the healthcare system by loaning equipment, provide transportation, make friendly visits, as well as run errands and deliver meals. |
A person with a Bluetooth-equipped PDA could walk through Grand Central Station and unknowingly join and quit dozens of ad hoc networks between street and platform. |
In its decision of 21 April 1999 to initiate the procedure, the Commission based its assessment on the assumption that the aid had been granted on an individual ad hoc basis. |
Health services and policy researchers may often find themselves wishing there was a better way than ad hoc brainstorming to determine where and how their findings will help improve health system decision-making. |
If any member region were prepared to take charge of it, there would be room here for the setting up of an ad hoc group to study and make proposals on the specific topic of transport services. |
Up until now, however, advisers have been working on a rather reactive or ad hoc basis and they do not meet the growing requirements of clients in philanthropical matters. |
The Information Commissioner ad hoc, who investigates complaints about how we handle access requests, found the complaint to be unsubstantiated and it was closed in a week. |
On the other hand, I'll be darned if I want to see a Canadian firm hamstrung by another nation's dreaming up an ad hoc and unjustifiable environmental regulation as a ruse to block legitimate trade. |
It is further questionable whether in some instances such standards will not be produced in an ad hoc manner and crafted by expert witnesses in retrospect. |
It encouraged member states to continue work within the Council's ad hoc working group, with a view to enabling the Council to reach agreement on the proposals as rapidly as possible. |
Many providers of financial education programs view evaluation as an afterthought and, hence, tend to take an ad hoc and imprecise approach to it. |
In English, dummy object pronouns tend to serve an ad hoc function, applying with less regularity than they do as subjects. |
It also has 6 permanent standing committees and can establish temporary ad hoc committees. |
Never in our worst nightmares could we have envisioned the steady stream of ad hoc multi-billion dollar spending announcements of these past days. |
Thus, such contingent rights as early retirement rights, bridging benefits, and ad hoc inflation adjustments are property to be considered in a valuation for marriage breakdown purposes. |
The concept of the unofficial title has been utilised ad hoc and relied on sufficient interest being shown. |
The political dialogue can only be continued on an ad hoc basis and, in this connection, the regime has to be put under great pressure to hold fair elections soon. |
We see governments going along the road, doing a little bit here and a little bit there in an ad hoc manner, while literally hundreds of thousands of people starve and die on a regular basis. |
Members of the Executive Board of the ECB attend Council meetings on an ad hoc basis in order to participate in exchanges of views on general economic matters in a broader sense. |
It is vital to introduce an ad hoc structure for this purpose. |
Yet, Hund contends that the fact that rules might sometimes be arrived at in the more ad hoc way, does not mean that this defines the system. |
The ISB shall examine the allegations of any petition for expulsion and may elect an ad hoc sub-committee from among the ISB members to oversee the examination. |
Moreover, the ad hoc committee meeting on the basis of such a mandate would face the same opposing views or lose the participation of many delegations. |
The term ad hoc networking typically refers to a system of network elements that combine to form a network requiring little or no planning. |
Sopra Group does not, directly or indirectly, control any ad hoc company. |
Although the ad hoc Committee did not observe the out-of-country vote, it would regret if this would have disfranchised a number of Moldovan citizens from exercising their democratic rights. |
An ad hoc discussion group on drought was also established. |
Despite good-faith efforts and the best of intentions, such ad hoc support has proven to be unsatisfactory from the perspectives of both management and those whom the Organization seeks to assist. |
Borrowing and lending between various types of libraries are easily managed, but communication among producers of alternate format materials is often ad hoc and uneven. |
They need neither jittery markets nor ad hoc protectionism, which has exacerbated past food crises, Torero adds. |
In science and philosophy, ad hoc means the addition of extraneous hypotheses to a theory to save it from being falsified. |
With the interest that would have accrued on that we would have a good sum of money in place right now which would have been available for farmers to compensate them not just in an ad hoc way. |
The unplanned and ad hoc siting of residences, because of excessive clearing and particularly on the crests and breaks in the slope, may cause the loss of those aspects which gave special charm to these landscapes. |
These techniques originally developed for military purposes were taught by heteroclites, requested ad hoc by the emperors since Kung Fu schools did not yet exist. |
It is difficult to see how, without preparation in committees, ad hoc conferences of members of 25 or more parliaments will be able to come to meaningful pronouncements. |
Each Member State and Associate Member of UNESCO shall bear the expense of participation of its representatives in sessions of the Committee and of subsidiary organs, its Bureau and its ad hoc subcommittees. |
This probouleutic format worked alongside Elizabeth's informal and ad hoc consultations with individuals. |
The Inner London Education Authority continued to exist as an ad hoc authority. |
According to rule 23 of the rules of procedure, the Conference may establish subsidiary bodies, such as ad hoc subcommittees, working groups, technical groups or groups of governmental experts. |
The ad hoc committee recommends tightening up the existing rules on financial disclosure in the electoral context, in particular, by introducing effective enforcement mechanisms. |
To gain respect for the specific character of French-language education, and take full advantage of what a pluralist school has to offer, FOETC set up an ad hoc committee to examine the framework. |
Canadians interested in investing money each year, but reluctant to lock away assets long term for fear of unpredictable ad hoc expenses such as car repairs, home renovations or emergencies. |
Control of oil spills is difficult, requires ad hoc methods, and often a large amount of manpower. |
As a result, nonviolent resistance has been evolving from an ad hoc strategy associated with religious or ethical principles into a reflective, even institutionalized, method of struggle. |
When the public statement is in response to a call for comments on technical matters relating to a particular practice area, it may not be necessary to have members on the ad hoc committee representing other practice areas. |
The inclusion of pre-sessions with the ad hoc working groups meeting face to face the day before the session opens to sort out remaining issues has helped to ease the work load during the meeting but not eliminated it. |
At the same time, since peacekeeping situations are by definition ad hoc, experience on the ground will often inevitably be ahead of policy instruments. |
Article 31 of the statute sets out a procedure whereby ad hoc judges sit on contentious cases before the Court. |
The Office of Internal Oversight Services conducts ad hoc detailed audits of output delivery and results achieved as reported by each programme manager. |
Note that whilst one numbering scheme is used for Great Britain, roads in Northern Ireland are allocated their own numbers on an ad hoc basis. |
Certain ad hoc official bodies successively acted as constructing and repairing authorities. |
The group could forswear ad hoc, opaque decrees applied retroactively. |
Does everybody rush off to the plane ad hoc on Monday night? |
Some have suggested that it would be inexpedient to appoint Community representatives, while others have proposed appointing a Commission member and a judge ad hoc, that is sitting only for cases which involve the Community. |
The tribunal is an ad hoc court which is located in The Hague, the Netherlands. |
The club's own teams are essentially ad hoc because they have never taken part in any formal competition. |
A ruling which has resulted in ad hoc amendments to the constitution to permit the state to ratify treaties that might otherwise have been contrary to the constitution. |
Council President John Ferraro, who heads the ad hoc committee weighing the issue, blamed the Federal Emergency Management Agency for delays in finalizing the federal grant. |
Then came the Rickies, followed by the Lucies, the Harlequins, and other ad hoc groups who marched in the parade to prove who could waste time in the zaniest way. |
Additional features for the PSP system include wireless ad hoc multiplayer for up to four players, widescreen graphics, new treasure hunts and more. |
Local education authorities are not usually ad hoc or standalone authorities, although the former Inner London Education Authority was one example of this. |
Troops for foreign expeditions were raised upon an ad hoc basis. |
Some ad hoc letters have appeared in the literature for the retroflex lateral flap, the voiceless lateral fricatives, the epiglottal trill, and the labiodental plosives. |
This contrasts with settlements that evolve in a more ad hoc fashion. |
The first local ginger group came into existence in 1796, when typhus among cotton-mill employees led public-spirited Manchester physicians to organise an ad hoc health board. |
Constituency boundaries have changed on various occasions, and are now subject to both periodical and ad hoc reviews of the Boundary Commission for Scotland. |
In the military, ad hoc units are created during unpredictable situations, when the cooperation between different units is suddenly needed for fast action. |
The beauty of Noetix is that a person can run an ad hoc query and then convert it over to an Excel spreadsheet and still have it be complete with drill down information. |
During the 15th century, orders of chivalry, or dynastic orders of knighthood, began to be created in a more courtly fashion that could be created ad hoc. |
Prior to 1994, although various central government departments had different regional offices, the regions they used tended to be different and ad hoc. |
Council President John Ferraro, who heads the ad hoc committee, blamed the Federal Emergency Management Agency for delays in finalizing the federal grant. |
All the Chairmen and Managing Directors of the institutions should not be on ad hoc basis as the organizations with impermanent heads could not be put on the way to progress. |