The Annamese mandarin must be acquainted with Chinese, since he writes in Chinese characters. |
For thousands of years Egypt used ingots, not real money, but it was acquainted with fiduciary money. |
When, at last, they had reached randys home, both Prue and Randy had become quite well acquainted with their new friend. |
Columbus is acknowledged to have been acquainted with the pulmonary circulation. |
She had just taken the class, and was so unfortunate as not to be acquainted with their names. |
But we forget that the reader has not yet been made acquainted with the guest. |
I class it with the Gypsy, because all who speak it are also acquainted with Romany. |
If human society was better acquainted with psychopathology a great deal of conjugal misunderstanding and misery would be avoided. |
I became acquainted with callithump when I straightened out the asparagus-bed. |
With this she hies away to Alischar to make him acquainted with her success. |
And when you have become acquainted with Mr. hodden, I want you to introduce him to me. |
Let me make you acquainted with my friend, Mr. Smith, and my friend, Mr. homer. |
Is Mr. Rossetti acquainted with the proleptic use of adjectives and participles? |
He is intimately acquainted with every gopher hole, hoofprint and drain cover on the club property. |
It happened, consequently, that he was well acquainted with the carburation. |
Travelling, no less than adversity, makes us acquainted with strange bedfellows. |
If you are acquainted with his brother, desire him to give you the anno Domini. |
He was a man of the world, and well acquainted with the goings-on of society. |
It was whilst his mind was in this situation that he became acquainted with Belinda. |
You are perhaps acquainted with the ivories which have been recently purchased there? |
Waldie, acquainted with the chemical composition of chloric ether, suggested that chloroform be prepared from it and used. |
But I can tell you, we feel a little better acquainted with you orthopterous fellows than we did. |
Your reading makes you a stranger to nothing but what you should be most acquainted with. |
The Atharva-Veda, on the other hand, contains some passages showing that its composers were acquainted with the ocean. |
I believe I am not mistaken in supposing that I am acquainted with those features? |
He had become acquainted with him on his return from the nunciature at Vienna, when he had already resolved to win the tiara. |
The reader is probably acquainted with the Fescue Grass, with its awned flowers arranged in one-sided panicles. |
Mrs. ballard, allow me to make you acquainted with my friend Colonel Ruggles! |
Guess you're better acquainted with her than any body else, without it's viny Apple. |
I am not acquainted with the vari Lectiones of Victorius except through my authorities. |
To anyone not acquainted with Welsh the declarator appeared to be a blackmail sheet. |
We will do what we can, though, to become acquainted with the rock maple, that we may be able to recognize it when we see it. |
When he first became acquainted with his wife, he was a millhand in the neighbourhood of Sagunto. |
The force of the reproval cannot be properly understood unless we are acquainted with the customs of the East. |
The scribes, being acquainted with the graph st for t, HT, mechanically substituted the latter here. |
The rise has now begun, but it is perceivable only to those who are acquainted with the river. |
Now, of the minutiae of grammar, scarcely any man ever attained a just knowledge, who was acquainted with only one language. |
The bear garden, always her favourite resort, had made her acquainted with all the divers and rumpads of the town. |
The gait of the man would have proclaimed him a sea-dog, to any one acquainted with that animal, as far as he could be seen. |
Aminah made the nurse acquainted with the marvellous events that had happened during her pregnancy and lying-in. |
One successful poultryman I am acquainted with gives, as the first feed, dog biscuit crushed. |
By the king's command, he also was made acquainted with the magian learning. |
The maharani was not well acquainted with that language and so was forced to appeal to me to interpret for her several times. |
Paugus had often been to Dunstable, and was well acquainted with John Chamberlain. |
He was a great scholar, and had become acquainted with Gnostic and manichaean doctrines. |
The inhabitants of tramontane Virginia are very imperfectly acquainted with its history. |
Edison was acquainted with two experimental facts on which to base the invention. |
He was well acquainted with the Tripitaka and especially versed in the Vinaya or rules of discipline. |
But I want to see the school, and meet your pals, and get acquainted with the benjamins. |
He was acquainted with the women of society, and with the women who only wished to be in society. |
Mr. Erving delivered me your favor of January the 31st, and I thank you for making me acquainted with him. |
Zach, make you acquainted with Mr. Bangs, the one I was tellin' you about. |
When I become acquainted with merk, we shall be able to manage a trio. |
The Arians in Iran also are acquainted with the slaying of Vritra. |
I have been acquainted with her character and actions for several years. |
I wanted to get acquainted with you, so I might ask you things about her. |
It will certainly be too late to-night to try to get acquainted with her. |
By the way, you are not acquainted with the pink room, I think? |
First, he must be acquainted with the most important anarchistic writings. |
He seemed to himself to have met and been acquainted with him somewhere, but he could not recollect. |
Fine thing to be minutely acquainted with ecclesiastical history! |
We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors. |
And that will make him acquainted with thirty or forty beaux. |
The author of the bestiary was acquainted with one or both of these. |
I am well acquainted with Lieutenant breen, and you are certainly not he. |
At this time Frederick Steiner became acquainted with Mr. Bromley. |
It was this spring, too, that he became acquainted with the catbird. |
She is acquainted with Augustus Fink-Nottle, the dogs' chiropodist. |
Perhaps you would like to become acquainted with some clauses in it. |
He was acquainted with nearly every principal Arab within a radius of several hundred miles. |
In the first place I am not acquainted with this cross-eyed being. |
Doctor, are you acquainted with the poison known as curari or curarine? |
The Spaniards became acquainted with the word in Santo Domingo. |
It was in my diplomatic capacity that I first became acquainted with him. |
They were to be composed only of those acquainted with seamanship. |
But what an embarrassing job it is to get acquainted with one's father. |
Heathcliff lifted his hand, and the speaker sprang to a safer distance, obviously acquainted with its weight. |
He was intimately acquainted with the details of the Fenian movement. |
We got acquainted with the garageman's family, for one thing. |
Becoming acquainted with a Mrs. hern, he presently married her. |
But, if these censurers were better acquainted with the noble and courteous disposition of the HOUYHNHNMS, they would soon change their opinion. |
I know you're acquainted with the others, Mr. Struve is from Yuma. |
We are all well acquainted with the notion of Contingency Specifying Stimuli. |
Two resolute men, well acquainted with these northern wilds, and skilful in tracking the tread of man and horse. |
The proposal was seductive, but La Ramee was an old stager, acquainted with all the traps a prisoner was likely to set. |
Evidently he is not acquainted with the peculiar smell of a joss stick. |
Have you become acquainted with any of the village people, sylva? |
Bonacieux was acquainted with all the turnings and windings of this part of the Louvre, appropriated for the people of the household. |
Having lived at Tarbes he was already acquainted with Gerard. |
In writing the libretto I had become acquainted with the actresses. |
Like poverty, hydropathy makes us acquainted with strange associates. |
He was personally acquainted with most of the literati of that age. |
You can have been personally acquainted with very few of a set of men you condemn so conclusively. |
Lusatia has a literature of her own, and no one is acquainted with it. |
The Bituriges worked in iron, and were acquainted with the art of tinning. |
I speak understandingly on this subject, for I have made myself acquainted with it both theoretically and practically. |
The Frenchman supposes it the voice of a Spaniard, and 'might have distinguished some words had he been acquainted with the Spanish. |
I was acquainted with several persons who had been in Mahometan captivity. |
But Mayhew was acquainted with all these methods of concealing a trail. |
When I was in Turkestan I became acquainted with one of these men. |
I'm afraid you are not well acquainted with my brother, Mr. Necker. |
As he was perfectly acquainted with the details of gastronomy, D'Artagnan and Aramis made no objection to abandoning this important care to him. |
Such being my conjectures, any one acquainted with the appearance of New Bedford may very readily infer how palpably I must have seen my mistake. |
You know how I detest it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner. |
You have informed me, Sir Patrick, that you were already acquainted with the Diagnosis. |
I am acquainted with the director of a large establishment who is in want of a professor of English and Latin. |
You will also become acquainted with Jim the Cab-Horse, the Nine Tiny Piglets, and Eureka, the Kitten. |
You should be pretty well acquainted with the personnel of the army? |
He was acquainted with that more or less literary form of pessimism. |
No man, sir, acquainted with the facts established by Harvey relating to the circulation of the blood, can doubt that I have a heart. |
How many of you are acquainted with his lordship, the praying mantis? |
You have been the embodiment of every graceful fancy that my mind has ever become acquainted with. |
I shall never forget how I first became acquainted with rectus. |
All who are acquainted with resonating tubes understand this. |
Kirsch was not acquainted with a single one, and spoke all with indifferent volubility and incorrectness. |
Willoughby at Cleveland, and whether they were intimately acquainted with him. |
I am not acquainted with the process which is in use, but believe that fumigation is the principal agency employed. |
The only persons at all acquainted with warlike business were a few elderly men, who had hunted Indians through the underbrush of the forest in old Governor Dummer's War. |
The general who does not understand these, may be well acquainted with the configuration of the country, yet he will not be able to turn his knowledge to practical account. |
Astor became acquainted with a countryman of his, a furrier by trade. |
When she was dead, I apprehend he first told his daughter what he had done, and then the son became a part of the family, residing in the house you are acquainted with. |
Pontellier was too well acquainted with fever symptoms to be mistaken. |
Our commanding officer had said all in his power to encourage and promote this good disposition, from the first moment he had been acquainted with it. |
I know no one but myself who is acquainted with the noble art of venery. |
Happily, D'Artagnan was not yet acquainted with such niceties. |
Her mother, while Pearl was yet an infant, grew acquainted with a certain peculiar look, that warned her when it would be labour thrown away to insist, persuade or plead. |
Their mode of approach, to one not acquainted with the tactics and ceremonies of this rude chivalry of the wilderness, had an air of direct hostility. |
Most ordinary items are never going to be a problem, and as you get acquainted with radio trading posts, you'll get used to knowing what could be a problem. |
His forlorn travels of the preceding winter had made him acquainted with the topography of the country, and he reached Snake River without any material difficulty. |
I have been thinking some of taking a teacher, but I am well acquainted with the grammar already, and teachers always keep you bothering over the verbs. |
To form a safe and satisfactory judgment of the proper remedy, it is absolutely necessary that we should be well acquainted with the extent and malignity of the disease. |
This public making of him over into an iniquitous monster had pretty well crushed any lingering hope he had of getting acquainted with Dede Mason. |
Although Oliver had been brought up by philosophers, he was not theoretically acquainted with the beautiful axiom that self-preservation is the first law of nature. |
Before I had done I was more the friend than the foe of the pine tree, though I had cut down some of them, having become better acquainted with it. |