Wary of the way Hollywood might handle the story, he set out to create his own version and set the record straight. |
Wary of ideas, thirsty for direct experience of God, people are drawn to the movement's certainty, its irrepressible spirit, its joy. |
Wary of being kettled, we chose to stay mobile, causing disruption on Oxford St and the surrounding area. |
Wary of reinflating the stock market and property bubbles in Japan, the country's central bank held back for a time from aggressively pumping money into the economy. |
The C grade winner was Peter Swan beating Cyril Wary also on a countback. |
Wary men took the alarm, and began to realize, a word now first brought into use to express the conversion of ideal property into something real. |
Wary of hunters, the fleeing deer kept well out of the open, dodging instead from thicket to thicket. |
Wary of the numbers and bravery of the Belgae, he initially avoided a pitched battle, resorting mainly to cavalry skirmishes to probe their strengths and weaknesses. |
But the new parent grew wary of its subsidiary's risky hazardous waste work and sought to spin it off five years later. |
Aglibot says that bodybuilders may want to be wary of a type of sushi called toro. |
I was especially wary of them this time, now that I knew their swords were poisoned, and dodged them as they attempted to advance on me. |
At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary and reserved. |
There was something about his eyes that made Robin feel wary of him, the eyes of someone deceitful and traitorous. |
Would-be pickers should be wary of traditional rules for separating edible fungi from poisonous varieties. |
It would be wise to be wary of predictions and to beware of generalisations. |
Some religious leaders were wary of his travels, viewing his trips abroad as a way to expand the influence of Catholicsm. |
Police are warning the public to be wary of travelling salesmen, in particular those selling generators and tools. |
Dog owners should be extremely vigilant and wary of anyone showing an unusual interest in their pet. |
We were warned to be vigilant and wary of those who continue to seek dominance over others. |
He advised consumers to get introduction agency agreements in writing and to be wary of additional costs and ongoing requests for money. |
It was a disaster of the first order, but Daun was still wary of the ever-aggressive Frederick, with reason. |
Administrators and public health academics are wary and mistrustful of physicians in the field. |
Some customers said they're wary of buying anything before Black Friday, when they usually kick off the holidays. |
O'Harra blew into his great, silver monitory horn, and it was a sound of relatively high pitch that all those in Stanton knew well to be wary of. |
After a week like no other, people turned a sad, wary eye skyward on their way to work. |
When buying goods, be wary of interest-free deals, because the cost of the credit is built into the price of the item. |
Be wary of anything he says, because a good portion of it has an ulterior motive behind it that will not lead to marriage. |
He was political to his fingertips, but immensely wary of political jargon. |
While he was fond of the theatre, he was wary of music as bordering on the sissyish. |
In other words, unions and their members need to continue to be wary and vigilant. |
We kept a wary eye out for the giant who could squash all of our cream puffs with one blunt-fingered poke. |
Lee has 9-9 making top trips but he has to be wary of players staying with four-flushes and four-straights hoping to fill their hands. |
Nutritionists are surprisingly uniform in identifying the ingredients we should be wary of. |
There are leopard, buffalo, elephants and wild dogs, however, so one needs to be wary. |
The relatives of the dead had fought to get a tribunal, but were also wary about it because of attacks on it by Conservatives and Unionists. |
I am wary of unneeded redistribution programs, or a central wage setting, but market forces aren't even the best system around. |
The staff's reaction made me suspicious in turn, since I have more than once found a wary attitude masking pious fraud. |
By nature, alligators are shy and reclusive, and are typically wary of humans. |
I've been told to just be wary when asking advice on horses for sale over the net in case someone else likes the horse and just snavels it up. |
We stand and muse, a little wary of nature in such an untamed and powerful form. |
She could fool the other two bozos anytime, anywhere, but it was this guy who made her wary. |
Other distinctions to be wary of include whether the tax is on the estate of the deceased or on what an inheritor actually receives. |
He spoke soft words and the girls seemed to relax, giving Abe's men wary glances. |
Although fresh water is ample, guests are reminded to be wary of their water usage. |
The women look not just somber but grim, their mouths taut, their eyes wary. |
It soon became apparent that sites would be selected by government officials wary of infiltration by Western spies. |
And in summer noisy miners, opportunistic and wary as sneak-thieves, beat a hasty retreat from the raspberries as we approach. |
So, I'm trying to learn to be wary of verbal overshadowing, and focus as squarely as possible on the actual mental experience. |
Riddle was famous for the work he did with Frank Sinatra, but was wary of getting too close to him. |
Unfortunately this will make people wary about donating to genuine charities which use doorstep collections as a way of raising money. |
He cautioned people, particularly those from outside Hyderabad, to be wary of fake doctors claiming to administer the fish medicine. |
Many South Africans are apparently wary of what they see as ignoble intentions by profit-hungry American drug companies. |
As pensioners on fixed incomes, we were amazed at the sum involved and would like to warn others to be wary. |
Some pedestrians walked past for a second time, and like the woman they gave you wary looks. |
He was a narrow, stumbling man, a clothes merchant by trade, whose clerkish character leaned towards the fastidious and wary. |
And it's up to each of us to protect our own little corner of cyberspace, by patching our software and being wary of unsolicited e-mail. |
I wondered what had passed between them to make them so wary of one another. |
Friends say he reacted badly to being doorstepped amid the hubbub of arrival because he is always wary of the Scottish media. |
Please publish this letter as a retraction, and in the future be wary of those who might try to sully my good name. |
Of course, after all the reports of financial hocus-pocus, investors are understandably wary of earnings figures being put out by corporations. |
When acquiring what is essentially a working tool, you should be wary of overembellishment. |
Police are warning the public and high-profile figures to be wary of suspicious mail. |
He was eight years older and wary of entanglement after a painful affair with Barbara Stanwyck. |
Yet, at the same time, those who seek to disembarrass a country of its entanglements should be very slow and wary. |
Naming experts are also wary of eponyms because they stake the company's reputation on the founder's personal reputation. |
I was going to give her a few dog biscuits and water I had in the back of my car, but she was too wary. |
It was as if he was always wary of getting above himself, of giving himself airs and graces, a peculiarly Scottish trait. |
Be wary, as a 120,000-mile example would be showing just 20,000 on the clock. |
Be wary of downloading executables or documents from the internet, as these can often harbour computer viruses. |
She had learned too early in life to be wary and watchful, to worry and to expect the worst. |
Perhaps he is wary of appearing to be an apologist in the eyes of his western readers. |
A panic alarm had been installed at his home by police and he was still wary about going out. |
Mr Fisher says that with the advent of new technology teachers need to be wary. |
Shrewd and wary was Leofric, careful and measured in all things, nothing beyond him. |
Yet he was once a quarter-finalist at junior Wimbledon and has no need to be wary. |
Some taxpayers might be wary of online filing because of earlier problems with the system. |
I was wary of him at first and he had to ask my permission to give me a kiss. |
I was always a bit wary of its claim to being the chosen resting place of Pocahontas. |
Keays said she was now wary about her daughter's desire to meet with her father. |
How often have those five simple words struck terror into the heart of the wary viewer? |
It is important to be wary of the way in which words are used to influence our thinking. |
So just as much as the text in an article, be wary of the message presented in any image. |
We should be wary of dangers to our liberty and privacy with the excuse of security. |
It does make you feel wary of other people in that profession, which is a shame. |
He also taught me that you should be most wary when politicians are trying to get something. |
We understand some people may be wary of changing the NHS that we all grew up with. |
It is no wonder that the bosses of small companies are wary of treading the stock market path. |
She still has problems with her knee and says she is wary about going into town with her handbag. |
He was truly despairing, but the muted female voice was firm, but understandably wary. |
Getting back to the task at hand, he scooped visible wreckage away, wary of the glass shards and smiled in triumph as he spotted his quarry. |
The world first became wary of them during the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City when they made the terrorist watch list. |
Australians are quick to spot the bull and wary of gush, and this is reflected in the way they speak. |
The government, wary of being so outspoken, is nevertheless hurling brains and billions at the problem. |
I wanted to check out the play but was wary because there's a lot of exoticisation of Africa. |
The next time you decide to jump a red light, the prying eyes of the law may not be the only ones to be wary of. |
Away from the soccer field, European smokers are eyeballing Norway with a wary eye. |
Yes, there are more cashpoints, but elderly people are understandably wary of using credit cards and cash machines in the open street. |
I would suggest that readers are wary of flights that involve a stop-off in Europe. |
While I'm wary of children snitching on their parents, in some cases one has to applaud such actions. |
Nowadays, many couples are wary of marriage, seeing it as a constrictive arrangement. |
Hundreds of wary eyes view me with suspicion as I begin taking pictures, kiting back and forth in the tide. |
I really want to believe that she's legit, but I'm feeling kind of wary now. |
He was trying to tell us that this was for our own safety and that he had orders but I think he was also wary of enraging the crowd. |
The king's prestige was diminished, and European powers became wary of intervening on his behalf. |
Hoffman lays the main responsibility on historians who, as I mentioned, are so wary of economics. |
Although they yard together in spring, during most of the year, moose are solitary secretive animals and very wary of mankind. |
I'm a little wary of hopping in my car and trying to drive long distances because then you do run the risk of meeting up with them. |
Also, be wary of the fish thrashing in the landing net, causing the loose hook to snag the mesh. |
Professionals like to play against amateurs, but are wary of facing too many at once. |
These it gave a wide berth, wary of any head-on confrontation with the regime. |
Without a guarantee from a multilateral agency, commercial banks are wary of taking a punt on a mega-project in communist Laos. |
We're always wary of giving this mutant form of hate-mongering any more publicity. |
The union, although wary at first, accepted our honesty and sincerity in recognizing good performance, ingenuity, productivity and savings. |
To be frank, his bat was held too straight, his careful answers the product of wary years of dealing with the media. |
The prime minister has warned other Arab nations to be wary of who they let in. |
Media outlets who want to dig up dirt in this area need to be wary that there are hordes of lawyers waiting to sue on this. |
Even under the Stuarts, when scholars were becoming wary of it, it was still celebrated by poets and playwrights. |
She had started out wary, in no way wishing to harm the prince, but after he attempted to grapple her, she had released all fury within her. |
The emotional life sentence now facing Cable is one that may convince other witnesses to be wary of taking on known, hardened criminals. |
Unlike the blackbird, the ring ouzel is usually wary and wild, shunning the neighbourhood of human habitation. |
He rushed forth with a steady gate, fast but still wary to keep his balance while he negotiated the uncertain terrain beneath his feet. |
Shivering in the cold and drawing on a cigarette, she keeps a wary eye on any passers by. |
But be wary, the quality, while satisfactory on a 3.5in screen, will look very ropey on a 32 in widescreen job. |
Still, there remained enough trolls to make a person wary when traveling on a lone country road at night. |
Clustered on the ocean floor, they seemed to watch me with an infinite and wary gaze. |
Most analysts were wary of these projections and some believe his luck will run out next year. |
So, she made her way to it and slowly nudged it forward, keeping a wary eye on him. |
It's easy to see why MacLeod has to remain guarded and wary of all those he encounters. |
She quickly hid it back again, however, her eyes becoming guarded and wary yet again. |
Benoit, president of a machine shop in St. Johnsbury, has been watching the wages at the local McDonald's with a wary eye. |
Instead, a poker-faced Willis wanders around the camp like a wary housebuyer uncertain as to whether he should declare his interest. |
If you're going to generalize about doctors, maybe you should be a little bit more wary about your sources. |
Hole-in-the-wall users in the area should be wary after a town centre cash machine was tampered with. |
Be wary of the 1.25-liter Darwin stubby, though it's really only bought as a novelty souvenir these days. |
Relaxing his taut muscles and his wary expression, Sean sighed and gave her what he hoped to be a somewhat friendly look. |
You don't need much here, but it is a documentary, so I was wary of background noise or dirty sound. |
Many larger operators, struggling in an out of favour telecoms market are now wary of the costs. |
Clark darts a wary look at the detective, perhaps noticing the sarcasm, and Mike privately reminds himself to hold back a little. |
That made NBA teams a little wary of him, especially teams that want to scout in China. |
She's very wary of him, George, this interview is a whole new ball game from the one with Podge earlier on. |
We would urge anyone seeking a loan to be wary of any business which requires an advance fee to be paid by money transfer to secure a loan. |
On the hillside below them half a dozen sheep cropped the sunlit grass and kept a wary eye. |
As the chairman of the National Radiological Protection Board, he is in a sense a professional fusspot, paid to be wary. |
Capital punishment for such crimes might make criminals more wary of carrying guns and knives. |
His knees still on the ground, he crawled towards the bench, wary of his surroundings. |
Be especially wary of those craggy alpine roofscapes favored by current architectural fashion. |
Dougie's always been a bit wary of sailin' in the dark since thon time he ran aground. |
He seemed a little bit wary of the three-ring circus he had unknowingly walked into. |
Although the Giant Schnauzer has a happy nature, this dog is devoted and loyal and may be wary of strangers. |
Anyone who has been hit by a computer virus will be doubly wary of unexpected emails in the future that may contain viruses. |
Many Exodusters faced their new lives with admirable determination, but these and earlier migrants also encountered racial discrimination and wary western residents. |
There might be a third reason, namely, that this reticent, withdrawn man felt wary of immersing himself for too long in the elemental passions of the ordinary West Indian. |
Voters appreciate some interest from candidates on environmental issues, but they are wary of candidates who are perceived as being too narrowly focused on environmentalism. |
The transition is expected to be gradual, with some fund managers still extremely wary of technology firms for fear of the domino effect of further profits warnings. |
Both the Republican and Democratic camps are becoming wary of a backlash. |
Moran does so with fearless honesty and bravura, but admits she was wary about oversharing when she wrote How to Be a Woman. |
Both sides are wary of yet another round of brinkmanship and Galston puts the odds of another shutdown at zero. |
Too carefree with that red Solo cup, or wary of a handsome stranger buying the next round? |
The central government has since been wary of groups that could manipulate the beliefs of the general populace. |
However, she warned diabetics to be wary of fruits with moderate calorific values such as mango, pomegranate and jackfruit, and high calorie fruits such as dates and grapes. |
Besides contending with occasional fruit shortages, the waxwing must also be wary of an excess of fermented fruit, as alcohol poisoning is a real threat. |
But Tarver, even though he packs a punch, was wary of trading with Jones. |
Although kingfishers, bee eaters, storks, dragonflies, mosquitoes and ants are all part of his photographic repertoire, the wary hoopoe has been dodging his lens for years. |
Always check the seller's identity by asking for proof of name and address and be wary of sellers who want to meet you anywhere other than their home. |
Perhaps they were wary of each other, or too desensitized to connect on any level. |
But there are also reasons to be wary of forcing out-of-state companies to collect your sales tax. |
A female kudu bounds across our path, tail curled up tight like a powder puff and a family of giraffe edges closer, adults wary, youngsters consumed with curiosity. |
Consumers have been schooled to be wary of companies that offer them valuable products for free along with substantial rebates. |
So, yes, be wary of Greek dominos falling, but remember the domino theory was wrong during the Cold War yet it sowed fear. |
We needed him to be wary, absorbed, and a little bit gruff, and he gamely complied, thereby furthering his own self-made legend. |
Many teams may be wary of the publicity that would come with drafting the first openly gay player in NFL history. |
Children should be advised to be wary of young ladies bearing this book! |
His relationship with the Labour party was an uneasy one, with the political party wary of angering the man who owned newspapers sympathetic to Labour principles. |
This explanation sounds plausible, but we need to be wary of assuming that the Danes and East Angles still thought of themselves as fundamentally different from one another. |
I was a little bit wary or a little bit leery because he had to pick the gun up and put it in the bag, so of course I was watching what he was doing. |
By contrast with the medieval monarch, relatively secure in his rank and his religious status as the anointed of God, the signore had to be suspicious and wary. |
Not even the moon shone on the black, starless night and the woman picked her way carefully across the city, keeping a wary eye out for cutpurses and nocturnal pickpockets. |
Some critics, meanwhile, are still wary of openly criticizing a favorite son, though now at least willing to say I told you so. |
The framers in 1787 were wary of sovereignty, and tried to divide, distance, check and balance its exercise. |
But readers should be wary of drawing too many political conclusions based on associations with either Hayek or Keynes. |
Democrats are also wary of opening up the HIPAA law, fearing unintended negative consequences. |
The West Highland Terrier is a friendly, happy dog, and its personality is unlike the rather wary Scottie which can sometimes appear to be leery of strangers. |
That incompatibility begins in an education system that is wary of encouraging original thinking and potentially disobedience. |
But their record shows that travelers to Indonesia need to be very wary of any flight connections they make. |
Ferguson, Mo., had returned to a state of wary unease but early morning looting is likely to inflame things. |
Speaking as a theologian, Karen Kilby is wary of philosophers building theodicies, or solutions to the problem of evil that are necessarily abstract. |
As the band lets the dueling guitars heat up, Johnson barks like a flea market pitchman, bargaining with wary shoppers for humanism and attention. |
Her hand strayed to the hilt of the small dagger that hung from a black leather belt about her waist at all times, and she took three wary paces forward. |
Asked to look to the future Adu briefly hesitates, perhaps wary of relighting the promotional touchpaper, yet can't resist touching on the 2006 World Cup in Germany. |
To pacify the ulema, always wary of any rival forum, this initial gathering consisted entirely of men who were clerics. |
They are wary, mistrustful of institutions that have disappointed us all. |
So instead, I board the train with a pack on my back, a uke in my hand, and a song in my heart, attracting wary glances from everybody else on the platform. |
So we are wary of portraying ourselves unauthentically as well. |
In general, be wary of slickly marketed software programs that make extravagant claims, whether they be to rid your computer of viruses or fix slow performance. |
When members of the International Commission arrived to help, the community was wary. |
But wary travellers should check the small print in their agreements. |
Or rather, not assuming their personas, but only peeking out through their skin, revealing her own wary eyes. |
Experts at Sophos have warned users to be wary of unsolicited emails claiming to contain photographs, after a Trojan horse was spammed to internet users. |
I kept a wary eye on both for fifteen to twenty minutes while climbing in the last couple thermals and observed that the virga never extended its range closer to the ground. |
Motorists should be particularly wary of spray from other vehicles reducing visibility and the possibility of aquaplaning on roads slick with water. |
Others foresaw bloodshed between supporters of rival political parties, and cast a wary eye to a pullback of police. |
Naturally, we will have our differences and our disputes, but we must be especially wary of the tendency to cast them in terms of a fictitious religious strife. |
Don't take kava or California poppy with Parkinson's medication, and be wary of combining them with central nervous system depressants or the drug pentobarbitol. |
Whenever I have been fortunate to watch a party of Breckland hawfinches they were very wary, taking flight at the first alarm and rocketing into the treetops. |
Perhaps that means they should be more wary and cautious in the future. |
The judge should be wary of an over-elaborate and analytical approach. |
Scottish companies will continue to be wary of flotation, while some technology firms may fancy their chances after the success of Wolfson Microelectronics. |
Although none of this indicates any form of impropriety, it does illustrate the scale of the market and why many international investors are wary of it. |
Somehow that was considerate of them, but they still were wary. |
They said that when dealing with the post people should be particularly wary of any unexpected packages with unusual postmarks or unusual packaging. |
While composing the Constitution of the United States of America the Founding Fathers had examples to hand that may have made them wary of the actions of crowds. |
England have to be wary of getting themselves in an uncontrollable frenzy. |
Be even more wary if you are given a treatment plan that recommends daily visits that are gradually reduced in frequency over a period of several months. |
They will have to keep a wary eye on the changing business and legal climate, in order to spot danger areas that might tempt an unscrupulous executive to step outside the law. |
All those I spoke to are more than happy to scoop other people's children on to their grandparental laps, but most are wary of becoming too involved too soon. |
As I have grayed, however, I am much more wary of this approach. |
The familiar tone of wary bewilderment made me flinch a little. |
I'd been wary of asking about blood feuds, fearing they were Albania's dirty secret. |
But odds-compilers are wary of the County Durham track, which will be represented by Sedge The Fieldmouse, Ramside Ram and Freddie The Fox. |
They may be wary of job-hoppers, so if you're worried about your erratic employment history, try to give it a positive spin. |
A further watchpoint for employers is the need to be wary of any errors on returns. |
Agoraphobics should be wary, with the rear like a leather-clad warehouse and the car taking up as much road as two conventional hatchbacks. |
But after a troubled history with alcohol, some tribes are wary. |
How wary, stale, flat, and vnprofitable Seeme to me all the vses of this world? |
Following contact with the Portuguese on Tanegashima in 1542, the Japanese were at first rather wary of the newly arrived foreigners. |
Yermak, wary of Karacha but nonetheless disposed to help, deployed Kolzo with a force of 40 Cossacks. |
But the tribes were wary as their only experience of outsiders was of slave traders. |
Chief Kwamin Ansah, while accepting Azambuja, as he had any other Portuguese trader who arrived on his coast, was wary of a permanent settlement. |
For the average gym rat, Anthony recommends being wary of longer-than-necessary rest periods. |
They are the ghost kings of the high country, more cautious and wary than deer, and more difficult to track. |
In general, these opponents are wary of the concentration of power or wealth that such governance might represent. |
Similarly the British were wary of Denmark joining the war against them, but Copenhagen followed a policy of strict neutrality. |
In high-altitude baking, you don't want as tender a cake because it will overrise, so be wary of cakes with a lot of added sugar and oil. |
Spain was wary of provoking war with Britain before she was ready, so she covertly supplied the Patriots via her colonies in New Spain. |
Mergers, acquisitions and IPOs are no longer a reliable exit strategy with capital markets tanking and buyers wary. |
Going forward, Czechs have become more wary and pessimistic of religion overall. |
Jack and Rose develop a tentative friendship, despite Cal and Ruth being wary of him. |
This generally made financiers wary of lending to the king and the finances of countries that were often at war remained extremely volatile. |
With foreigners already wary of investing in Thailand, the last thing the country needed, analysts say, was a new law perceived as antiforeign. |
Meanwhile, the chancellor remained wary of any foreign policy developments that looked even remotely warlike. |
Men, look out for symptoms of venustraphobia, the fear of beautiful women, and women should be wary of peladophobia, fear of bald people. |
He said, 'I would be very wary of unpicking a consensus that has been arrived at. |
At the same time, the officers of the New Model Army became increasingly wary about the government's commitment to the military cause. |
The sound post of the instrument may shift or even fall, a danger of which performers will be wary. |
She still bore the scars of a very conflictive divorce, which made her wary of making any new commitment. |
Investors are increasingly wary about putting money into stocks. |
Those who did respond seemed wary of getting stuck with the label of biocentrism or being perceived as naively enthusiastic. |
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan seems to be wary of donning negative roles, unlike rival Aamir Khan. |
Veteran lock Matfield admitted boss Heyneke Meyer's side must be wary of Ireland's lineout and driving maul in Saturday's autumn Test in Dublin. |
His view is one that the frozen food industry wants the public to hear as it keeps a wary eye on the growing refrigerated dish sector. |
Be wary of using nasal aspirators, they can cause damage if not used very carefully. |
Weed control Be wary of good weather in late autumn as it provides the ideal conditions for perennial weeds such as chickweed, groundsel and bittercress to take hold. |
The clerk pauses to greet two bulkily clad, dot-faced women wary of crossing the slippery road, but ungallantly fails to raise his regulation top-hat. |
The neighborhood was wary of the project and understandably concerned it would not fit in with the scale and mood of this lower-scale residential area. |
Immediately before the Battle of Bosworth, being wary of Stanley, Richard took his son, Lord Strange, as hostage to discourage him from joining Henry. |
Some people, however, have become so wary of this construction that they have extended the stigma to any use of Jew as a noun, a practice that carries risks of its own. |
For two days, eiders ghosted in and out of our dekes, close enough to bust a couple of the big ducks here and there, but it was clear these common eiders were uncommonly wary. |
While few historians argue that all Irish law comes from church influence, they are today much more wary as to what material is a survival and what has changed. |
The cybersafety course taught children to be wary of strangers online. |
The first round I fought well, but the second round, I think I was too wary of her fireman's carry technique and my legs didn't move as well,'' Yoshida said. |
Tropics did beat Nocturn in the Hopeful Stakes at Newmarket on good to soft, but I would be wary of accepting either of them will be suited by today's surface. |
So far, New Jerseyites have created more than 90,000 casino accounts, even though many banks and credit card companies are wary of getting involved. |
However, it struggled to get much business support as they were wary of opposing a project that had such support from the new government which had a large majority. |
Nevertheless, Rangers, hitherto wary of compromising any Champions League involvement, have now performed a handbrake turn and come out in support of such an arrangement. |
Power struggles within the Brigantes made the Romans wary, and they were conquered in a war beginning in the 70s under the governorship of Quintus Petillius Cerialis. |
Bourgeois existence was a world of interior space, heavily curtained off and wary of intrusion, and opened only by invitation for viewing on occasions such as parties or teas. |
In such a situation, one should be wary of labelling these patients as functional or psychoneurotic, especially if they may be showing early signs of anxiety or depression. |
The Familists were extremely secretive and wary of outsiders. |
The smith's apprentice was still wary of manipulating the red-hot metal. |
Yet their franchise player seems more vulnerable than ever, hyperconscious of his debilitated state, wary of perceptions that he's not giving a complete effort. |
Some precisionist English Protestants were wary of set prayers and liturgies of any kind, believing that they inevitably produced rote religiosity. |
Even that will require wary monitoring, particularly of a provision that would allow members preapproved day trips for speeches, with travel paid by non-lobbying groups. |
Isabella, however, was wary of the marriage and refused to consent. |
The director, who came from a broken home and has confessed he is wary of long-term commitment, split up with The Mummy actress Rachel Weisz in March. |
The king would have been wary of allowing the Frankish bishop Liudhard to convert him, as that might open Kent up to Frankish claims of overlordship. |
The Hongwu Emperor was wary of the political and social consequences that the maritime commerce could bring, so he sought to restrain it by outlawing private maritime trade. |
Spanish authorities were wary of Magellan, so that they almost prevented him from sailing, switching his mostly Portuguese crew to mostly men of Spain. |
And the simple fact of the matter is, in today's world of declining habitat and land access, you do need an advantage to draw wary migrators away from your neighbor's spread. |
Although Cryptosporidium and Giardia are freshwater inhabitants well-known to wary hikers, these microbes are now popping up in the marine environment, Gast said. |